Meditation and Orgasm

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Meditation and Orgasm

Post31 Jul 2011

Why Meditation and Orgasm Feel the Same to the Brain by Riddhi Shah Source: Huffington Post

Spiritual teachers have been on to this for years, but research is now showing that orgasm and meditation create much the same effect in our brains. According to a recent article in Scientific American, both meditation and orgasm decrease our sense of self-awareness. Bliss, says author Nadia Webb, whether through the experience of meditative contemplation or through the bodily experience of sex, "shares the diminution of self-awareness, alterations in bodily perception and decreased sense of pain." In other words, both experiences lead to a temporary stoppage in the incessant flow of our internal commentary. Even if for only a few minutes, we are able to see ourselves as something other than the ego.

Mystics and gurus have long referred to the similarities between the two activities. Osho, the Indian spiritual teacher formerly known as Rajneesh, was famous for his acknowledgment of the mystical value of an orgasm. "The experience of orgasm itself is always nonsexual. Even though you have achieved it through sex, it itself has no sexuality in it," he once said. "And my own understanding is that meditation has grown out of the experience of orgasm." The French term for orgasm is "la petite mort" or "the little death," in reference to the period of tranquility, crystalline awareness and transcendence experienced shortly after a peak sexual experience.

The esoteric Indian tradition of tantra purports to use sex as a way of eventually achieving enlightenment or total understanding of the universe. Still, orgasm is no replacement for meditation.

Meditation and orgasm light up different parts of the brain. Meditation, various studies have shown, lights up the left prefrontal cortex -- an area associated with joy and happiness. But during an orgasm, the left cortex remains totally silent. Meditation has also been known to create lasting change in the brain through a thickening of the cortex.

What this perhaps means, in terms of strengthening our emotional wellness, is that while orgasm can make us hunger for the experience of sustained transcendence, meditation is the only path to actually achieving it.
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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post31 Jul 2011

Spiritual teachers have been on to this for years, but research is now showing that orgasm and meditation create much the same effect in our brains.

Is that why all the males in the BKWSU fall asleep during and after meditation?

I don't understand. On one hand the article says sex and mediation are the same and then it ends saying they are different. I am sorry but it seems to be a fairly lightweight and confused. I do not think one can use Rajneesh quotes safely to justify an argument either ... because he was a bit of a wind up merchant. More of a cult leader than a real master or guru. Personally, I would say, 99.9% "masters" would advise celibacy and most "tantrics" are fooling themselves and others as an excuse to have more, easy sex.

What do others think?

Meanwhile ... just imagine the pillow talk.

    "How was it for you, baby?"
    "Oh, wow ... but now I am hungry for the experience of sustained transcendence!".
    "So does that mean another shag is out of the question?"
Besides which, most men just nod off or get the munchies.


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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post01 Aug 2011

From my person, as a person who has experienced pre-BK orgasm, BK Meditation and post-BK orgasm/kundalini,
I would rate them as follows in intensity of pleasure and longevity.

On a log scale (base 10):

    Regular Orgasm = 1 on lower side, 2-average, 3- maximum.
    BK Meditation = 4 on bad days, 6 average, 8 on great days (8 in Madhuban).
    Kundalini = 8-9, most of the time.
        10 - exceptional days ... very, very rare (when your brain gets into the state of "I am Shiva", not Shiva's child :).
        Very powerful and probably the most intoxicating state reachable. Hard to remain in this state for more than a couple of hours if lucky).
In terms of difficulty:

    Easiest - regular genital orgasm.
    Very hard - getting 8 on BK meditation.
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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post01 Aug 2011

They couldn't be more different, one is a bodily function that triggers psychological and chemical responses.

The other is a bodily function that triggers psychological and chemical responses.
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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post23 Aug 2011

This is a very amusing post ;-)

I can understand the parallels but must say that for me, the experience is really not similar at all.

The only similarity is the feeling of being in apnea for a short period of time after the orgasm and when kundalini rises in meditation.

BK meditation in Madhuban seemed more like one great big Mind **** or Mind Rape (pardon my language) rather than a spiritual orgasm.

Conscious meditation with a caring and experienced meditation teacher is more likely to lead to a positive experience ... in the same way that a loving partner can help make the sexual orgasm that much more pleasurable.

BK meditation was like a bad sexual partner/romance that leads you on and promises you love, and then does the exact opposite.

p.s. By the way, I found a yogi who treats kundalini awakenings gone wrong for those who may have had problems after meditating with the BK. Here is his website:
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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post23 Aug 2011

When a woman orgasms (correct me if I am wrong ladies), they make a sound like Chewbacca and quiver like it's -30!

Not that similar to sitting down starring at a dot.
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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post23 Aug 2011

Mr Green wrote:When a woman orgasms (correct me if I am wrong ladies), they make a sound like Chewbacca and quiver like it's -30!

I don't know. I have never had sex with Chewbacca.

I think this whole orgasm equals god or meditation is the biggest load of bollocks that the New Age regular brings up. is not it just a cheesy cosmic chat up line?

They are at two different ends of the spectrum.
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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post23 Aug 2011

lol! That is too funny Mr. Green. Don't know personally but perhaps a woman who has been celibate for many years might make unusual Chewbacca sounds and quiver like it's below 30 for lack of practice or more accurately, accumulated energy in the second chakra that has not been released for a very long time!! This could definitely release all kinds of vocal paroxyms, hysterical outbursts and passionate convulsions like cold blood finally heating up after a long winter.

I forgot to mention that when I was 15 my history teacher sneezed in class and told us that sneezing was like having an orgasm. Of course most of us did not know what an orgasm was yet so we did not really get it ... and might I add... even after discovering what it was we still did not get it. But, maybe he forgot to tell us that we need to be meditating while we were sneezing in order to have a mind blowing orgasm.

Let's send that one to Madhuban ...
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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post23 Aug 2011

rayoflight wrote:lol! That is too funny Mr. Green.

I took it to be his way of saying that it is possible to have a satisfactory sex life after leaving the Brahma Kumaris. I take it your history teacher was a male, Ray?

I have heard that the best way for male ex-BKs to prolong having premature orgasms is to visual Dadi Janki naked in front of them whilst making love. Now ... what exactly Mr Green is getting up to for his partner to go all Chewy, god knows.

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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post23 Aug 2011

lol... that is great ... Chewbacca having multiple orgasms.

Yes, my history teacher was male... how did you guess?

I would think that imagining DJ naked would make anyone give up orgasms altogether.
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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post23 Aug 2011

Hahahah that clip is funny.

I would say imagining Dadi Janki naked would have the desired effect of prolonging the experience! My God could you find an uglier woman (physically of course).
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Re: Meditation and Orgasm

Post06 Nov 2011

Meditating started out good but in the end just the thought of it would send me to sleep. These days I am sad to say just the thought of meditating makes me uncomfortable. Orgasms on the other hand are great fun ;).

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