BK Denise opens her own brand

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BK Denise opens her own brand

Post11 Aug 2011

BK Denise opens her own brand ... bkdclasses.net.

BK Denise is one of the longest established Western BK and despite having to take time out with her physical family for 'health reasons', widely considered stress within the BKWSU machine, she is highly regarded within the Brahma Kumaris. Perhaps not as much as she might have been if she had been Indian.

Does anyone know, is she on the BKWSU's payroll now or is she living off her family's money like other leading Western BKs?

Oooo ... " additional perspectives". Now that would have been called "manmat" in the old days. There is only one perspective (...but no one know what it really is and they keep changing it). Watch this space.
BK Denise wrote:Welcome to all. This blog is specially for BKs and friends. Many have requested access to my classes, writings, etc. This is my way of making these available to my friends and contacts. There are different formats, written texts, images, meditations, and mp3 audio files of lectures and classes delivered in different countries on a wide variety of topics. The aim is to provide additional perspectives to BKs and other interested people who wish to cultivate their spirituality.

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