Harassed husbands in India. BK claims Krishna HAS been born!

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Harassed husbands in India. BK claims Krishna HAS been born!

Post17 Jul 2011

Do you see how crazy Brahma Kumaris world is!?! On one face you have elite BKs going off, having relationships and marrying, and still being used and promoted by the BKWSU ... and, on the other, you have families such as these being torn to pieces. It just goes on and on and on.

We read in 1939 of families and relationship being split up (from 100 Girls Refuse to Marry), then again just last year Sister Maureen was telling The Daily Mail that such cases are in a tiny minority ... and yet here we have it again somewhere in India.

Nice touch this though ... "She is telling me to rent a house for her living (with son) and pay maintenance".
Harassed husbands take out ‘victory’ rally after govt relief

InPainEveryMoment - 2010-11-17 at 5:12 pm

Sample this what I am going through every day from last 2 years ... Does the (family) court consider these as atrocities against men?

    * My wife is avid follower of Brahmakumaris. She is almost like surrendered Sister of that Org
    * No love & affection, in fact it should not be there in a person-principle
    * She does not eat the food I touch. She does not eat the food cooked by others
    * I should not touch anything in Kitchen if I had been to rest room. Or she will not eat anything I touch.
    * Every time she goes for toilet she takes bath. Expects the same from me also
    * She wants to be pure (Pavithrate). No room for love & sex. She gives an example of such a surrendered woman, “that woman made her husband sleep beside her without touching her”.
    * Even after all these if I kiss her, she cleans her face & mouth immediately
    * No room for emotion. If I say I will kill myself, she says ‘that’s your Karma, I cant do anything’.
    * She is believing and says that Lord Krishna has already taken birth at some place on earth in India. Satya Yuga has started somewhere in India & Death is imminent anytime now. So she wants to take birth as DEVATHE (godess) in satya yuga and live with Lord Krishna in his Kingdom. To take birth as Devathe in Satya yuga, she has to follow every principle that Brhmakumari says and she will do it at any cost no matter what happens.
    * She is telling me to rent a house for her living (with son) and pay maintenance

    and many more ...

InPainEveryMoment - 2010-11-17 at 5:18 pm

    Moreover, she is Computer Science graduate plus has done Post Graduate Course also.


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Re: Harassed husbands in India. BK claims Krishna HAS been born!

Post18 Jul 2011

So sad.
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Re: Harassed husbands in India. BK claims Krishna HAS been born!

Post18 Jul 2011

One of the thing we can do here is centralise all these genuine reports, genuine incidents, genuine feedback of the effect of the Brahma Kumaris for people to see we are not just making things up.

Without somewhere to do so, the cult has the advantage. The BKWSU is highly centralised. Its leaders know just fine what goes on ... how many generous of adherents have they had now doing these things? 7 decades ... do you think they don't know?

We have had reports from all 5 continents of exactly the same series of events, the same utterly selfish responses from BK adherents ... fed by the same leadership.

I really think they should just plainly keep their hands off other people's husbands and wives.

Their model is basically adapted from a sanyas (renunciation) religious model ... BUT ... hypercharged by an End of the World cult model which say, "do anything, break any rule to take an advantage because the End is coming tomorrow". Their lust for power and to capture more followers, their greed to expand and sustain their expansion has led them to compromise their morality.

Take out the "End of the World" bit and just go back to being a neo-Hindu renunciate order for spinsters, divorcees and single people ... fine, they would do much less harm (as long as they start investing into a pension plan to pay for the keep of all their old and dying).

Given all the failed predictions of "Destruction", when are they going to do so?

They won't because they are doing a rip off of as much and as many as they can. Take without any responsibility to sustain.


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Re: Harassed husbands in India. BK claims Krishna HAS been born!

Post19 Jul 2011

I wrote:Hi BK friend, did you know Krishna was born?

a BK wrote:Answer : "Some BKs are cracked! I told u ... how can baby Krishna be born when that soul is needed to give God Shiva's message. It wont happen now ... only when ALL 900,000 of the 1st division are ready or when at least the 108 are ready. If we are NOT ready to go to Golden Age, what is the use of Lord Krishna being born?

It is obvious she has tipped. she needs to talk to a senior. I am sure she is Indian. I notice they do not have the habit of clarifying matters with Seniors ...".
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Re: Harassed husbands in India. BK claims Krishna HAS been born!

Post19 Jul 2011

a BK wrote:Answer : "Some BKs are cracked! I told u ... how can baby Krishna be born when that soul is needed to give God Shiva's message.

The BK means, of course, that the ghost of Lekhraj Kirpalani is still coming down from the Subtle Regions with Shiva to possess and speak through BK Gulzar.

I don't know ... I have heard other crazy stuff like, "Lekhraj Kirpalani only comes into Gulzar's body when he ... as baby Krishna 'somewhere' in India ... is sleeping". They come up with stories like, "Mama" (Om Radhe who died in 1965) ... and other dead BK Seniors ... have also reincarnated into the family of some India/Nepalese royalty or very religious family, and is preparing to lead an "Advance Party" of BKs and scientists who will rebuild the Golden Age in practical form for them ... before she then does a quick costume change and turns into Radhe to marry Lekhraj Kirpalani as Krishna.

What makes me laugh is friend still feeling like he is being utterly rational about these things when he is still believing in exact numbers such as 108 or 900,000 BKs being "absolutely perfect".

Has anyone seen one perfect BK yet?

For the poor husband above, I am so sorry. The Brahma Kumari leadership are parasites feeding off other people's families knowing this goes on time and time again and encouraging it.
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Re: Harassed husbands in India. BK claims Krishna HAS been born!

Post20 Jul 2011

A perfect BK ... excuse me for a moment whilst i split my sides

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