How come all religions eventually become corrupt?

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How come all religions eventually become corrupt?

Post01 Feb 2011

How come all religions eventually become corrupt??? Some may start out with good intentions but then turn bad, other's were just started out just for financial gain and/or power ...
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Re: How come all religions eventually become corrupt?

Post02 Feb 2011

Sadly, I have come to expect that the "all religions start good and then decline" theory the Brahma Kumaris put out is also false. It does not make sense.

I don't believe it. I don't think there is any stunning evidence to prove it. I think all religions start out human and continue human.

Look at Islam, for example, they start chopping heads off and raping women pretty much from day one, how is that "pure"? I have no idea what age of Judaism was considered "pure and golden" because God apparently did not even know it existed when he "came down" into Lekhraj Kirpalani in the 1930s to 1950s. But if you read the Bible, it was all murder, rape, fratricide, lies, lust and conniving etc.

About the only think I might take on is that few of the major religious founders ever intended to start a religion and that the religion ... the business of it ... was instituted by someone else later. And I include Brahma Kumarism in that.

It seems to be that Lekhraj Kirpalani pretty clearly intended the religion to die with him probably as a failure and it was only the financial guy, Ramesh Shah, Janki Kirpalani and others, who designed to turn it into a business religion.

Let's be honest, without Lekhraj Kirpalani, Janki Kirpalani and all the other fools who had given away their lives on Lekhraj Kirpalani visions were "on the dung heap" if their religion failed ... and they were down to far fewer than 300 followers. They had to reinvent the cult in order to survive. And so Jagdish Chander and others didd just that, cutting huge swathes of the history and religion out and replacing with stories from Hinduism and Hindu saints.

That is a far rougher image than I usually throw out for others to think about but I do not think it is far from the truth. Lekhraj Kirpalani was clear, the money and property - if any was left - should be given to the Indian Government is Destruction failed in 1976. I never read or heard "God BapDada" take that statement back.

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