Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post30 Nov 2010

And here the story ends....????
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadershi

Post17 Jan 2011

Yes, Jann, exactly. Has this one been swept under the carpet now? I feel for those people who wrote this letter. An enormous act of courage if you're still inside looking out. But no understanding of politics. They're not celibate, they're impotent.

Mao once said, "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun". The BKWSU will only change when it feels threatened. And another quote, "It always comes down to the money". Threaten the wealth of the BKs and they'll respond with producing a couple of scapegoats and make a few cosmetic changes, and then continue on. They've been doing this for a long time.

Religious fervour usually means suppression of natural sexual instincts. Suppress those and sexuality becomes deviant. Religious orders become the hunting grounds of sexual predators of all persuasions. BKs are no different to any other religion in this. But celibacy is against the natural order of things. It's a perversion. And presenting sex as the perversion is mind bending. And every cult knows, manipulating sexuality is a powerful tool in mind control.

Sex guarantees the survival of the species. It's as powerful a need as food and water. Forget about cabbage leaves, storks, "pure" conception and other fairy stories - sex drives us. Stuff about with that, repress it, twist it, and you'll create monsters. But don't expect the BK's to make any significant changes - that would require acknowledging they are wrong, and when did the BKs ever admit to being wrong about anything? They're divine, after all.

Just ask Janki.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadershi

Post18 Jan 2011

gotmylifeback wrote:The BKWSU will only change when it feels threatened.

So when is a real case against the BKWSO going to be made?

Where are the intelligent and bold parents who care about their children (even if they are all grown up) going to stand up for them?

What/where is the BKWSO achilles heal?
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadershi

Post18 Jan 2011

rayoflight wrote:Where are the intelligent and bold parents who care about their children (even if they are all grown up) going to stand up for them?

I noticed in the Middle Eastern story published recently, the center-in-charge ... sorry, Executive Director of the center ... said she started doing the meditating at 12 years old.

Sadly, as the great circus leaders said (and no, I do not mean Janki this time but Parnum) there is a sucker born every day. Put more politely, there may always be a percentage of the population who are gullible ... naive ... damaged ... ambitious ... whatever ... enough to get sucked into a cult.

Sitting back a long distance now, I have thought about life and the only thing I can come up with is that Life is all about "Power" ... learning, achieving, maintaining. I don't mean cosmic fairy stuff. I mean politics, money, power over others, survival for your genes.

The BKs have chosen their path of slippery pole climbing. It is no surprise to me that they have come out as teaching and promoting "leadership" skills. A certain number of folks are wide open to the lesson of why not to be a follower until they learn.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadershi

Post18 Jan 2011

wow those photos are so scary, especially Gulzar (how ever you spell her name) her eye make up is very scary :shock:
:D :D
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadershi

Post18 Jan 2011

cfile wrote:wow those photos are so scary, especially Gulzar (how ever you spell her name) her eye make up is very scary

Kohl is apparently used to protect the eye from infection (in India, mothers put it on their babies as well), but I think Gulzar uses it to bring attention to the spooks that make her eyes look so creepy.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadershi

Post18 Jan 2011

rayoflight wrote:Kohl is apparently used to protect the eye from infection (in India, mothers put it on their babies as well), but I think Gulzar uses it to bring attention to the spooks that make her eyes look so creepy.

Oh ya, I have seen that in Nepal but they only put it on babies, on Gulzar it just looks very scary. Ya, I agree it brings attention to the spooks. I mean she uses so much that it looks like she hasn't slept in years, or she is possessed by some evil BK spirit or something ... :shock:
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadershi

Post18 Jan 2011

Well, she is definitely possessed or at least when she goes into trance she is. The rest of the time she is probably inundated by spooks following her everywhere.

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