Living alone after stepping back from BKWSU life

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Re: Living alone after stepping back from BKWSU life

Post26 Mar 2010

ex-l wrote:To be honest, I cannot argue against what you say because I know where you are coming from as well ... just please don't destroy the rest of the world and nuke 6,000,000,000 as you leave the room! :shock:

If the world truly bad enough, or hopeless enough, to want to annihilate?

Dear Ex-I,

And neither will I argue about your point of view and hard stance on the Destruction and organizational flaws. Yes I, infact, agree Destruction should not be used as encouragement for anyone to take on that path or make intense effort! I, personally, do not want Destruction to happen as life is so beautiful! And be assured - I am not invoking Destruction in any ways in the meditation hour as its out of picture in my journey :-).

For any spiritual path demanding surrender, it must be taken out of love and deep relationship with God (again I would prefer to call it the "source"). In fact, you are spot on. I know of many loyal and completely dedicated (in your terms addicted?) BKs (not from leadership - here I refer to the guys I know who are working, well educated and not living in centres) who will stay on even if BapDada comes and says one day Destruction is 50 years away. As nobody knows really what the real truth is till the time its revealed, we obviously can only debate and share views based on experiences.

I was contemplating another perspective today that in a way this path has an in-built filter through repeatedly making Destruction appear closer (like 1976) wherein people who had based their faith based on Destruction get out of it (on failed predictions as you say ...). Yagya has examples of hundreds of BKs leaving on each of these times when Destruction did not happen.

In today's internet world, I am sure many many of BKs are looking at this site and are now aware of these things and yet they continue with the path. There will certainly be some who will leave as well but I think it depends where has one based his faith and their individual experiences with the overall system.

But one thing I will certainly argue, and may be we open another thread, is on what is real spirituality? I do not think that the experiences are of lower order- a lot of the experiences are very positive and divine. A lot of meditation experience is about experiencing your inner self like a mirror, removing your flaws through a structured process, being loveful, having a positive attitude, being light, feeling empowered, feeling secure, changing yourself, looking at positive virtues in others, not hating anyone, having good wishes for others in your heart ... and so on ...

For me, these aspects are true spirituality and are experienced in the meditation and BK lifestyle. This is what gives the addiction not the failures of the system in certain aspects. These experiences can come from other paths as well, as they are universally what real spirituality is - aint it! None of these experiences correlate in anyway to Destruction or flaws in leaders/organization - when I am having any of the above experiences, they are not coming because of a certain Destruction date or that the SS in the centre is failing to practice what she is preaching.

And, lastly, on the hopelessness in the world - you and I are privilged and must thank God for where we are in lives but dear friend this is a very small fraction of the world. There are enough statistics to show the state of the world in general and for the majority of the world's population, especially in developing countries, the situation is very bad. One person dies every 3-4 seconds in the world due to hunger. Almost half the world, over three billion people, live on less than $3 a day. And what is the state of the mind of people in developed nations?

Funny part is that in lot of surveys done recently, US and UK have ranked very low compared to countries like Iceland and Costa Rica on "Happiness index", so we cannot say people are getting happier with economic growth either. A lot of this you can analyze yourself and judge the state of the world.

To me, If there is a God, then for him the state of his children in the world is pathetic..


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Re: Living alone after stepping back from BKWSU life

Post27 Mar 2010

One person dies every 3-4 seconds in the world due to hunger. Almost half the world, over three billion people, live on less than $3 a day. And what is the state of the mind of people in developed nations?

I wonder why this is then used to propagate their GOD and its system of utilizing your mind, body and everything for the cause. OK, I will donate for the cause, but then they are not using it for stopping the people dieing because of hunger, as it will create their karmic account.

They are not using my money to remove poverty, slavery, hunger. Instead they are using it for building sophisticated complexes.
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Re: Living alone after stepping back from BKWSU life

Post06 Jul 2010

nischaybuddi wrote:Congratulations enlightened for using your brain... People like ex-i will surely wish socieity to drag to the hell....

I am sure... he will remove my post...

nischaybuddi :D

I rescued this post out of the recycle bin where it was put because it was an silly attack on me. Not for the "drag to hell" quote but accusing me of removing posts, which I don't.

So, how are you feeling about the BKWSU now, nischaybuddi?

Please, speak to me honestly like a human being and not some robot programmed by the BKs. 40 years is a long time ... longer than most marriages.

Do you ever wish you had chosen another life ... did the Yugya turn out the way you thought it would?

Thank you.
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Re: Living alone after stepping back from BKWSU life

Post06 Jul 2010

Luigi Pirandello wrote:He who is happy with himself, loves humanity.

Loves the world too. We do not think to destroy a world because it is in trouble, as we would not destroy a human because the person is unwell. Destorying a world, would mean destroying its inhabitants, all of whom are not "bad." You cannot throw the baby out with the bathwater if you know what I mean.

I have been to third world countries and have seen poor but happy people, and it is those people who help the others who are struggling with despair.

This forum is helping many unwell BKs become healthy beings again.

A world in trouble can only be helped by healthy thinking people who LOVE it AS IT IS without wanting to fix it, let alone destroy it, despite all its problems.

Healing only happens when unconditional love is shown.

The BKWSO is full of conditions which is why many people end up suffering from depression. Deep down we all know that God, the real God, loves us as we are and expects nothing from us. We were given the gift of free-will when we were born, therefore, what we choose to do with it is ours to decide. God does not judge us even if we have made a mess of the world with this free-will. He may not co-create with us if our desires are based in negativity, but He will not interfere either. We will be left to clean up our own mess as we are doing right now, including cleaning up the BKWSO.

Clearly, humans have abused this freedom and need to be rehabilitated. Spirituality is a way to rehabilitate, but the BKWSO has taken spirituality and abused their free-will with the help of their religious Indian spirit god (or whoever/whatever it is), taking what is rightfully NOT theirs by shameless acts of greed slyly masquerading as messages from God. Nothing other than the poor stealing from the rich and calling it spiritual.

We only need to pray to the real God for help in cleaning up the mess and work towards healing what we misunderstood and understanding who our real God is in order to successfully co-create with Him and rebuild a better functioning world and healthier human beings.


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Re: Living alone after stepping back from BKWSU life

Post12 Jan 2011

Taking what is rightfully NOT theirs by shameless acts of greed slyly masquerading as messages from God. Nothing other than the poor stealing from the rich and calling it spiritual.
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Re: Living alone after stepping back from BKWSU life

Post17 Jan 2011

Hello. Back again, but a long way from home. Glad to see that the facility of enquiry is not dead in this person even after 40 years of BK life. Destruction? Don't you get sick of it?

The biggest mistake the BKs have made, and one they cannot manipulate their way out of, is putting specific dates on things. 5000 year cycle, 100 years of the Confluence Age, etc, etc. OK, you haven't wasted 40 years, it's been full of life experiences, blah blah blah. But the time has come, the Walrus said. Makes your head hurt, doesn't it? Going round and round, if this, then this, but this, and what about that? Once you've learned to ride a bicycle, you can never unlearn.

Once you start looking at the BKWSU, there's no going back. Welcome to the next few years of your life. At the end of it, clarity will emerge, and with it, true humility, not the crap the BK's serve up. Humility that comes from realising you were sucked in, you were screwed, matey, just like the rest of us. It can make you bitter but it can also be part of the liberating process, of not taking yourself and the world too literally and too seriously. We're all mugs to some degree. Being swallowed up by BKWSU is proof. How utterly stupid to looks once you've shaken off the 100 year sleep, how could you ever have believed that rubbish? Golden beings prancing around, drinking mango nectar and smiling, smiling, smiling! Living for 150 years of total and utter idiocy. Finding babies under cabbage leaves or whatever. Flying magic carpets, sunken continents, not a house fly or a mosquito to be seen. But we did! We embraced it, swallowed it hook, line and sinker, gave up our minds to it.

How and why? Because we wanted to! We wanted the fairy tale to be true, we wanted this dirty world to all be fixed up for us, and we wanted our own dirtiness to be washed away from us. But there's no magic bullet, and even the Pied Piper stole all the children. One day, six months, five years or forty years later, we fall to Earth, like Bowie in the Roeg film, but then we find Earth is not so bad. It is what it is, and it's our projection on it making it seem so bad. And ultimately, we find peace, we find happiness and we find contentment, in real every day things like children, sunny and rainy days, jobs, ordinary people, ordinary things, because we have come to accept that we are ordinary, we are not special, we are not deities-in-waiting, we are not better than everyone else, but we are who we are, good and bad, body and soul combined in one entity.

So, if you're still looking at the posts on your article after a couple of years, that'll mean you're well on your way to becoming a human being again.
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Re: Living alone after stepping back from BKWSU life

Post18 Jan 2011


well said!

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