Good quotes

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Re: Good quotes

Post13 May 2010

Wilson Mizener wrote:
I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.
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Re: Good quotes

Post23 Sep 2010

Idol worship is closely related to the absence of freedom.


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Re: Good quotes

Post27 Oct 2010

Martin Luther King Jr wrote:
Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.
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Re: Good quotes

Post10 Dec 2010

William Shakespeare wrote:
A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.
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Re: Good quotes

Post03 Jan 2011

Buddha wrote:
He who for the sake of happiness hurts others who also want happiness, shall not hereafter find happiness.
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Re: Good quotes

Post07 Jan 2011

Professor Ralph Hood, (Psychology of Religion) wrote:
The main difference between a prophet and a psychopath, is whether or not they can get followers.
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Re: Good quotes

Post30 Aug 2011

Osho wrote:
Obedience needs no intelligence. All machines are obedient. Nobody has ever heard of a disobedient machine.

Obedience is simple, too. It takes the burden off you of any responsibility. There is no need to react, you have simply to do what is being said. The responsibility rests with the source from where the order comes. In a certain way you are very free: you cannot be condemned for your act.



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Re: Good quotes

Post30 Aug 2011

From John Bradshaw's book Toxic Shame
John Bradshaw wrote:
My transformation cannot be gained without cost. They require my learning to live the rest of my days in the ambiguity of knowing that all that I am, I am also the opposite. I cannot rid myself of my demons without risking that my angels will fly along with them.
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Re: Good quotes

Post04 Sep 2011

If you go to the site below and enter a name, it will calculate the hidden meaning behind the words that add up to a zodiac sign and a position.

The letters in Brahma Kumaris sum up to 54. The Sabian Symbol associated with this number is: = Sabian Symbol for 24º Taurus

The words are :
"An Indian warrior riding fiercely, human scalps hanging at his belt."
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Re: Good quotes

Post04 Sep 2011

"An Indian warrior riding fiercely, human scalps hanging at his belt."

Ha! Well, more than a few human beings have certainly been "scalped" by these Indians. (In English-English "scalped" can mean totally ripped off financially).

If you play around at an anagram website, Brahma Kumaris equals "I rub sham karma" or "I am a brash murk".

Madhuban equals "bad human", "a damn hub" or "adman hub".
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Re: Good quotes

Post16 Sep 2011

good fun those anagrams!
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Re: Good quotes

Post12 Oct 2011

Two apt quotes from Mencken, who has many that might apply to the Brahma Kumaris.
H. L. Mencken wrote:
Doing good has come to be, like patriotism, a favorite device of persons with something to sell.

The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines they know to be untrue to people they knows to be idiots.
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Re: Good quotes

Post12 Oct 2011

fantastic quotes and very appropriate!
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Mr Green


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Re: Good quotes

Post12 Oct 2011

Steve Wright wrote:Atheism is a non-prophet organisation



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Re: Good quotes

Post12 Oct 2011

Je, je ... very good, Mr Green ...

From the film, 'The Name of the Rose'
Laughter kills fear,
without fear, there it is not faith,
without faith, what the need of God for?

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