Just a thought/question

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Just a thought/question

Post23 Nov 2010

Just a thought/question

Why are the BKs so obsessd with Destruction of the world?

Instead of being obsessed with the destruction of the current world in order to make room for a new world, why not fix the world we have? And make heaven on earth through people loving and respecting one another?

Let's say hypothetically if the world is destroyed and Dadi Janki is left in charge, I think she might be the cause of the end of the Golden Age.

(BTW I don't believe any of what the BKs teach, I believe people have a right to believe whatever they want to believe as long as they don't force their beliefs on other people).
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Mr Green


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Re: Just a thought/question

Post23 Nov 2010

If they had adopted this belief they probably wouldn't have hurt as many people as they have, with imminent destruction they are able to instill urgency in their followers
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Re: Just a thought/question

Post24 Nov 2010

Fear is the most powerful tool to control people.
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Re: Just a thought/question

Post30 Nov 2010

Yes, I think it is just a very good tool to make people do crazy things and give away all their money, property and time ... which, of course, the business of the BKWSU catches nicely.

They have been telling their followers it is going to be 2 to 3 years since the 1930s. Imagine the stupidity of that ... a group of 300 or 400 mainly uneducated women and children believing that ALL of the rest of the world was going to be destroyed and, somehow, magically they were going to be the Queens and Princess of Heaven ... and this man Lekhraj Kirpalani was God himself. Not an incarnation of God, not God possessed but God.

The spooks on the other side must have been laughing their heads off at the ridiculousness of it.
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Re: Just a thought/question

Post30 Nov 2010

ex-l wrote:Yes, I think it is just a very good tool to make people do crazy things and give away all their money, property and time ... which, of course, the business of the BKWSU catches nicely.

They have been telling their followers it is going to be 2 to 3 years since the 1930s. Imagine the stupidity of that ... a group of 300 or 400 mainly uneducated women and children believing that ALL of the rest of the world was going to be destroyed and, somehow, magically they were going to be the Queens and Princess of Heaven ... and this man Lekhraj Kirpalani was God himself. Not an incarnation of God, not God possessed but God.

Do most BKs/all BKs believe that Lekhraj Kirpalani was God?

Why believe in a God that discriminates? That cannot really be God and if it was then that God wouldn't be worthy of worship?

I guess people have been trying to prove that they are God in some form or another for thousands of years, so the BKs are no different. Though i wonder if anyone of the people in history claiming to be God or some form of God were actually genuine? The story of Jesus has similarites with the story of Krishna and the story of Horus (Egypitan mythology). All the religions have something in common with one another like similar stories and what not.

I think the BKs have some similarities with Scientology. One of the differences is that Scientology has had a lot worse publicity. (I know that is somewhat off this topic)

I agree everyone on the otherside would be laughing their heads off ...
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Re: Just a thought/question

Post30 Nov 2010

If the BKs ever managed to woo true celebrities like Tom Cruise, they too would have as much public controversy.
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Re: Just a thought/question

Post30 Nov 2010

If the BKs ever managed to woo true celebrities like Tom Cruise, they too would have as much public controversy

But he's already taken by another cult ;).
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Re: Just a thought/question

Post30 Nov 2010

cfile6 wrote:Do most BKs/all BKs believe that Lekhraj Kirpalani was God?

I agree everyone on the otherside would be laughing their heads off ...

Strictly speaking, no, the BKs do not teach or believe that Lekhraj Kirpalani is God but for the first 16 to 18 years at least, from about 1932/6 until around 1950, they most certainly did believe Lekhraj Kirpalani was God and Brahma. Only after did they introduce the idea of a God Shiva possessing Lekhraj Kirpalani and speaking through him. Then they buried all their old materials, moved, and re-wrote their history and philosophy. We have never heard the true story from them.

At best, I like to think of their God or spirits as trickster spirits fooling their followers in order to teach them ... and the lesson is not to follow, not to surrender, not to believe in things you cannot see and know. To leave and go back to practical life is to pass. Some people prefer to argue that there are no spirits involved in the BKWSU, that there are no such thing as spirits, but I think it is a useful model by which to understand the BKWSU. The BKWSU is a 'spiritualist' cult, not a 'spiritual' cult. It is based on 'spiritualism' (psychism) and has all the failings and foibles of spiritualism.
Mr Green wrote:If the BKs ever managed to woo true celebrities like Tom Cruise, they too would have as much public controversy.

I reckon that the BKWSU in the West is so badly marked they will never pull any real celebrities. Unfortunately, from a PR point of view, I think they were all rather too keen to jump into bed with and suck up to any B, C, D ... Z list celebrity and now no real one would touch them. Even celebrities went to school and learnt about dinosaurs. May be not in India, but anywhere in the West, yes. Real people have become far too cult savvy these days.

Who did they catch ... ? The wrong BeeGee (an old ex-disco pop star), who backfired on them by fathering a child to his Asian housekeeper while his bi-sexual druid wife recited poetry at their events ... and Lynne Franks.


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Re: Just a thought/question

Post06 Jun 2012

LOL ! :)

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