The whole teaching on Destruction

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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post27 Oct 2010

I found some older style Murlis when I was a BK twenty years ago. An ex BK shared some books which have old classes. Some BKs told me about what they knew of the early history. Some aspects were mentioned in class by the senior practitioners.

More recently, I read a little material on this forum archive about the old teachings and actual history.

That's about it.

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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post27 Oct 2010

Do you think it is ethical that they hide all that from newcomers today and that they are peddling a false history of their god?

I don't need your answer. Religion is an opiate and you enjoy it. But when you first came to this forum, you were all fired up with an enthusiasm to do something about the problem, weren't you?

What happened about that? Answer in your own topic please.
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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post28 Oct 2010

this sword dude is just another BK wannabe

sword, if you want to be a BK then go and be one, don't come on here spouting your spiritual drivel, you should be ashamed of yourself


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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post28 Oct 2010

It must be his Godly SEVA.
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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post29 Oct 2010

I am still compassionate towards Sword because he did come forward with good intentions to clean up the BKWSU. Those appear to have fallen on deaf ears as we suspected they would, or dried up.

Therefore, I know where he is at ... he is still in that phase where he is repeating all the usual mantras and service 'yuktis' (secret methods) to himself in order to indoctrinate himself and sustain the kind of romantic buzz you can get off the meditation.

But ... I am sorry Sword ... I do agree with you both Jann and Green. Yes, he is "doing service" to us (which is part of the buzz) and if he is not following the principles is just bullshitting. Sorry mate ... Amrit Vela ever day for 6 months plus morning class and teaching the 7 Days Course for 6 months or else ... YOU AINT A REAL ENOUGH Brahma Kumari FOR US.

Part of what the BKs give is, the buzz of being an instant Forest Gump-style guru. A spiritual superiority. An ability to spout spiritual bollocks that is seductive to the self and others.

The big problems with the Brahma Kumaris is that ... they are dishonest and they teach others how to be dishonest.

They have mistaken "service" or PR spin a LONG time ago.


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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post29 Oct 2010

I am a non-bk. Now the BKs. I am in contact with are saying it's not Destruction but transformation.

What the hell they are talking about, they only know.

But regarding Destruction. BK is not bad only because it believes in Destruction, but because BK's base (their karma theory, their god theory and their soul theory, their concept of heaven, their concept of nature, their concept of Destruction cycle) is malignant. Most of the concepts are stolen from hinduism, and twisted to their point of view. You have to unravel that malignant part of BKs.

One has to under stand that all the "good" things or "seva " that are performed by a BK is out of fear of not getting in to the heaven. They want to drag non-bk to the BK because that way they perform seva and get's finders fee from their ''Baba''. As I have said before on this site I am telling again.

Benevolence, early rising, meditating, speaking softly, not showing anger (it should be not feeling angry), are not sign of good person. It's sign of a organised and self-controlled person.

And it's not measurement of good and bad. What makes you good is how pure your thoughts are.

Let's check if BK thoughts are pure or not (in context of Destruction).

    -the world is going to end. ((not pure thought))
    -their all mighty god is letting the world to an end. (not pure thought)
    - the only survivors are going to BK adherent. (not pure thought)
    - the BKs who speaks (only speaks) of mercy doesn't think that their god is mercy full enough that it will save all the humanity from destruction (like we want it's mercy) but (this is to show their true colour).
Now the list doesn't end here but i think it's sufficient from the topic's point of view.
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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post29 Oct 2010

tpd wrote:Now the BKs I am in contact with are saying it's not Destruction but Transformation.

What the hell they are talking about, they only know ... Most of the concepts are stolen from hinduism, and twisted to their point of view. You have to unravel that malignant part of BKs.

I had to laugh at your comment, "What the hell they are talking about, they only know". Well, said. This sickly meme, "it is not Destruction but Transformation", is the epitome of the Brahma Kumaris' dishonesty to non-cult adherents. It has obviously spread like a virus from the Western BKs to the Indian BKs now.

It is like the Nazis saying to the Jews, "It is not a Holocaust, it is a little holiday". Nazis 6,000,000 dead, they claim; Brahma Kumaris 6,000,000,000 dead.

In one breath the Brahma Kumaris say, "it is all written in the 'Drama" and wash their hands of responsibility for it. In the other, their god says, "you will give courage to the scientists to use the bombs ... the bombs have been made, they will be used ... your efforts will bring about Destruction" etc. Well, which is it? Stop making efforts for Destruction then and start making efforts to fix this world.

The bottomline is, the Brahma Kumaris will say ANYTHING which they think will sell and make them look better than they actually are, and they will chop and change their god spirits words as much as they feel like. Integrity ...? Zero.

You say "stolen from Hinduism". I think a bit of their End of the World stuff comes from Christianity. And it is interesting to read academics who think some of the Hopi Indians' mythology, mentioned by Sword of Justice elsewhere, also comes from early interaction with Christians.


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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post29 Oct 2010

Yes, the bottomline is, the Brahma Kumaris will say ANYTHING.


The other thing they use mostly to drive away people from the real world family is "DRAMA".

WHAT THE ****?

If everything is "DRAMA" and nothing is really important. And you (the BKs) think it's meaning less to indulge in "DRAMA" and inferior to dabble in earthly affair like having relationship, having sex partner, having sex. On the sex part, my theory is that SEX is so powerful electro-chemical thing happening to brain that it jolts the person and it works like antidote to BK poison and they know it so they are banning SEX. This is just my theory.

--now to the topic---

If it's meaning less to sustain their existence in this DRAMA then why the hell they are still living nobody stopped them from removing their soul from this ******* body. Why not commit suicide?


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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post30 Oct 2010

tpd wrote:Why not commit suicide?

Along with saying anything - and practising how to remain calm, controlled and sweet whilst saying the mot outrageous things - there is no point try to make or have a rational discussion with them. They are not rational or logic. They have spent 70 years developing endless illogical responses to defend themselves or slip out from under close scrutiny. These they call 'yuktis', which translates as "methods" but really means "tricks". Mental tricks and all, mostly, at a very simple, child-like level.

Because their biggest one is claiming that the spirit entity which possesses their mediums is God, against all logical expectations of what a god might do, one has to seriously wonder about them.

Elsewhere, SwordofJustice wrote about how he has seen this spirit entity cry tears of love for its adherent. Well, may be ... but who are we to tell what is really going on and what a "possessing spirit" is doing or able to do. More to the point ... so what? What is the aim of it all? Where is it all headed?

Over the last few decades, the date for the creation of a Golden Aged Heaven on Earth filled with golden be-jeweled palaces, nuclear-powered, as fast as the speed of sound, mind-controlled flying machines even children could operate etc ... has been 2036. 26 years away.

Therefore, in 26 years, there has to be the death of 6,000,000,000 plus human beings, the sinking of all the continents except India (and a few islands where there used to be BK centers), all the bodies of human and animal have to disappear, all the junk out of space has to be returned to earth, all the heavenly infrastructure has to be built ... and tell me, who is going to operate the mines and industries necessary to run this high tech heaven on earth? Is there going to be another world just for Golden Age factory workers and smelting foundries? Come one ... think it all through logically.

The BKWS University's answer ... Baba and Drama will take care of it, all we have to do is remember Baba and become "holy swans". It is fairy story for little girls that Lekhraj Kirpalani told them to keep them entertained in Karachi which has been turned into a religion. And, conveniently, the god of the BKs are allowed to be wrong, not know what he is talking about, change its mind ... and still they worship it.

    "Wah, Baba was not wrong, Baba was just testing us. Testing our faith in him!!!"


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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post30 Oct 2010

And Baba will take care of everything. ;)


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Re: The whole teaching on Destruction

Post30 Oct 2010

ex-l wrote:Along with saying anything - and practising how to remain calm, controlled and sweet whilst saying the mot outrageous things - there is no point try to make or have a rational discussion with them. They are not rational or logic. They have spent 70 years developing endless illogical responses to defend themselves or slip out from under close scrutiny. These they call 'yuktis', which translates as "methods" but really means "tricks". Mental tricks and all, mostly, at a very simple, child-like level.

There is the mistake a non-bk makes. They have to confront head on. Tell the BK on the face that they are lying. And that makes them less pure.

If they tell you about Drama and then you put the suicide point, I think it has been a mistake that no one has cornered the BKs.

And it's time now that some one should.

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