Loved by a BK???

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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post16 Oct 2010


Remember the old saying, "if you love something, set it free, if it comes back to you, it is yours, if it doesn't... it never was?"

I was in a similar situation once with a BK man, and told the person of my affections that I really liked him but that I did not like the BK any longer. It was sort of an ultimatum: me or them. He was then free to choose on his own and he chose the BK. This freed me up as well and I was able to go on with my life. I am really really much happier now with a man who never knew the BK and has no interest in knowing about them either.
kate wrote:If I may recall, he mentioned that according to their cult leaders, the members here (exiting-BKs) tried to get higher positions, or to get closer to their gods. This very rare opportunity was given only to loyal servants. It was such a big gem to be closely associated with Dadi Janki, Gulzar & Jayanti. Due to their frustations, they decided to set up this site and defame BK which was used to be their chosen faith. In short, members here simply attacking BK as a revenge.

I really cannot add to what Mr. Green said because it's all too accurate, but I would like to also say that I had no interest in getting close to any of the Dadis although some kind of freak destiny placed me next to them without me asking or even wanting to be. It was all the BKs buzzing around me with a crazy look in their eyes asking me if I recognised my fortune that made me think twice about my personal meetings.

All that buzzing around was nothing less than the desire to be near them too. I was probably given this opportunity because, frankly, I was completely unimpressed by the whole circus. The meetings were absolutely nothing special. In fact, the worst day in my entire BK participation was my first and last private meeting with Jayanti and Dadi Gulzar. I was fool enough to speak to them honestly and innocently about my spiritual experiences only to be laughed at and treated like one of many of the queen's unenlightened little servants. Looking back though, that day saved me. When I saw the amount of ego and lack of spirituality these so-called leaders exhibited in private, I knew it was all a sham.

Kate, think about it clearly. The man you are considering to be with will continue to have problems if you choose to be with him while he is still in the BK mix. Let him get out and heal first and if you are meant to be together, he will come back to you. The BK influence is very deep and affects one's perception of love and tenderness. His affection is sincere, but that's because he is supposed to love all of humanity as his Brothers and Sisters. Romantic love is a different kind of affection. We love one person differently than we love our friends and family mainly because we feel a sexual attraction towards them. Without that, we are all Brothers and Sisters.

It would also be very helpful if you sought help for yourself as well. Letting go of a BK is not easy. But first you have to realise that you cannot save him. He needs to want to save himself first. There is often advice on this website suggesting you point out the facts without attacking the BKWSO which might get him thinking on his own. It's a good way to get his wheels turning. You need to be strong with yourself and with him. Get the facts from the forum, be clear about what and who you are dealing with and then make your decision. BKs can behave like immature adolescents when it comes to these situations. Run and hide, push and pull. Is this what you really want?
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post17 Oct 2010

rayoflight wrote:Remember the old saying, "if you love something, set it free, if it comes back to you, it is yours, if it doesn't... it never was?"

Yes, it is one choice. My feeling is that advice is more for the sake of an individual who is addicted to/dependent etc on another. There could be other possibilities, like this individual feels or 'has been chosen' to save this other individual ... their love is actually a higher instinct to save someone. Perhaps someone who needs genuine help.

In this case, the BKWSU does seem to be going the point of reasonable. A gang of white clad Sisters turning up at your house to tell you are evil and lay off their man is beyond a joke. I would like to know more about that meeting. Did he ask them to do so? Is he out of control of his life? What does his family think and do?
kate wrote:He then started acting very strange as if he was under the spell of demons ... Strangely, my inner voice has been telling me to save this poor soul from the devils. But I have already exhausted my patience & our situation is killing me. Is there still a way to save our relationship or shall I just let him be buried alive in their cult? Is it still worth fighting for what we had delightfully shared in the past?

The BKWSU uses the terms devils and demons in a number of ways and its leaders most certainly believe in their existence. Other women who had had problems with BK men has documented what they believe to be strange and negative psychic influences from the Brahma Kumaris. Brahma Kumaris have not only believe in the existence of ghosts and spirits since the beginning of the movement but they believe, and "treat" what they believe are cases of possession. They never stop to think that their "god spirit" is just another kind of possessing spirit.

They use the terms allegorically to mean "the vices", e.g. anger, hatred, lust and they use the terms to mean non-BKs who do not agree with or oppose them but they also believe in ghosts or "bad spirits". I am not discussing here what they may or may not be, I am only discussing how they see them. In India especially, there is often examples of BKs "being possessed by evil spirits" and Seniors "exorcising" them.

How knows if it is real, mental illness or otherwise. Mental illness is a big taboo in India, as I am sure you know. On one level, you would have be mentally ill, or maladapted, to believe in and surrender to the Brahma Kumaris ... but that is not quite fair because they are manipulating people slowly into believing and their techniques are very close to hypnosis.

The Brahma Kumaris' primary cure for all social, personal or mental health problem is "more meditation on their god spirits BapDada" and more physical service. "Keeping busy on service" is the cure to all evils. It is all very rudimentary and, of course, the cult benefits. I have seen men "serving" to the point of exhaustion in the hope of overcoming their vices and know of at least two centers-in-charge that had nervous breakdowns. There is no slacking off. No holidays. Of course, it is just suppressing the causes which may well be personal intuitions screaming out to run away!!! "Giving their bones in service" is what aspire to.

What is also sure is that if a BK is "threatened" considering leaving, they will often hold special meditations for them. In a way, you could consider this to be a kind of "occult magic" (... if you accept occult magic works). The power of suggestion probably works more than the actual sending of thoughts does.

I do think, however, that those women who came to see you were completely out of line. It was more like a little Mafia coming to protect their property.

    Can you document the meeting, what they said, what they did, how they acted?
Usually, there will be more than one to increase their "Yoga power". One will talk the others sit and meditate AT you, "sending vibrations" at you. Then they will use any guilt trip, shame, manipulation that they think might work. They are pretty shameless when it comes down to it. They had no right to butt in.
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post17 Oct 2010

Hi Kate. I don't want to say too much or anything out of place, since for a while I have not been following what's happening on this Forum from which in the past I benefitted a lot, BTW.

I just read a cpl of posts from this topic and I totally agree and confirm what ex-l wrote before me. Let me just send you a big hug from now, as well as my best wishes and good vibes, and pls look after yourself, do not get to the "point of exhaustion"!

There are good teachings mixed in all the bad things the BKs represent and preach, and one is that looking after one's self well being is of vital importance, the first and foremost duty we have towards ourselves, something that no one can do in our place.

I have battled all my life against the tendency to play the role of caretaker
in the lives of unhappy/difficult/addict partners. It is a habit and it is exciting , sometimes, to thing that you have to or you are "saving" someone. But there are many reasons to why we persist, losing sight of the toll we are paying for that involvement in someone elses' drama. One thing I learnt, though, this year, is that I had to let go, let my beloved bang his nose, fully, stop being his parachute if he wanted to fall as down as he wished to.

I somehow see the BKWSO as a drug, and members ( or the majority of them) as addicts. If you deal with the situation following some guidelines given to friends and relatives of addicts, you may have more success or at least avoid harming yourself too much. Often the case is that the " dependent" person, has to be allowed to reach the bottom, in order to re emerge and start a new healthier life!

I am speaking " in general", mind that I haven't read the details of your story yet, and it could be that you are and will be the only person in the position of helping and the situation is very critical. Also, the multi-faceted brain wash of members, occurring in the BKWSO, and well documented on this Forum, can either lead to a saturation point where one breaks off the shackles, or it might become increasingly overpowering and an external input and intervention could be the only solution.

I gradually taught myself to give, for a change, some support seasoned with less expectations and emotions. The main thing I realized, is that we cannot fight people's battles in their place, each one has to realize what's going on , what uplifts them or destroys them, and the best exorcism, in my case, has been focussing more on my self and avoid becoming spiritually depleted by the nonsense my partner was accustomed to and even fond of.

Women, for sure, find it extra difficult to extricate themselves from situations where others are suffering or drowning and want to save them at all cost! We are trained for thousands of years, to be strong, stable, wise and balanced, the incognito backbone that gets little recognition and often receives the label of "balls breaker" or jailer when intervening in situations where the guy shows weakness, self destructiveness or immaturity ...

Bye for now, and hi to all, new and old members!
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post18 Oct 2010


there are two other topics, related to this one, that you might like to read:


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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post19 Oct 2010

Thank you for all comments, links & suggestions. You are all very helpful especially to a confused human being like me.

Currently, I have been relocated and my job workplace is a bit for from him & I changed my cell phone numbers. Though, he still managed to get my numbers from his contacts. As mentioned from my previous posts, I have been trying to avoid him completely. I just need some space for myself.

Probably, when the right time comes then we can still talk sensibly but for now I just want to concentrate with my new employer/job and still in the process of getting over the pains he caused.

I am not really sure if there is still a chance to save him from the vampires. As mentioned from our friends here, the change & decision has to come from him.

Anyway, as a friend and for humanity sake, in due time, I will speak to him about their cult & what he really wants to do in his life. I will use all the info here and all your comments.

In the meantime, just send me some links or provide me more information/explanation why the sudden change of his ways, behaviors & thinking. Is it because of the horrible brainwashing of the vampires? Or they are making him feel guilty about us? Why is their power so strong? Is he under the dangerous curse of their cult? I want to know also why he's conveying a negative & off-putting vibrations everytime I talk to him. No matter how he struggled to explain his side, we always end up feeling depressed & downbeat. Why he is so blinded?

I hope I can provide him detailed enlightenment & rationalization that will somehow make him realize about the satanic influence of the vampires. It has to be brief, based on facts & hopefully touch his heart, mind & soul as he is completedly engulfed with false beliefs & promises.

Any thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks again and again.


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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post21 Oct 2010

i was again attacked by the vampires, they want to make sure that there's no more communication between us and we don't see each other anymore. According to them, my enculted friends belongs only to bap Dada their cult god.

I guess there were successful in that aspect as I cut off my ties with him. In due time, probably I will be able to talk to him and lead him to the right path if its not yet too late.


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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post21 Oct 2010

Maybe you should go public and tell the truth about BK. Maybe they kick him out.
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post21 Oct 2010

rayoflight wrote:I was fool enough to speak to them honestly and innocently about my spiritual experiences only to be laughed at and treated like one of many of the queen's unenlightened little servants. Looking back though, that day saved me. When I saw the amount of ego and lack of spirituality these so-called leaders exhibited in private, I knew it was all a sham.


Would you mind sharing what spiritual experiences you had? I am interested. You weren't a BK, right? Many souls have spiritual experiences. It's quite wonderful.
rayoflight wrote:Kate, think about it clearly. The man you are considering to be with will continue to have problems if you choose to be with him while he is still in the BK mix. Let him get out and heal first and if you are meant to be together, he will come back to you. The BK influence is very deep and affects one's perception of love and tenderness. His affection is sincere, but that's because he is supposed to love all of humanity as his Brothers and Sisters. Romantic love is a different kind of affection. We love one person differently than we love our friends and family mainly because we feel a sexual attraction towards them. Without that, we are all Brothers and Sisters.

Yes, this person, this BK man, is very conflicted. So obvious on reading all these posts. Despite becoming busy in service, etc he clearly has not resolved his inner feelings. Poor soul. Swinging one way or the other... his head says one thing... his heart yearns for something else. The desire for human companionship and touch is very deep. You could even say it is a fundamental need. I am not talking about sex, though in a loving human relationship that sexual feeling is very strong and can contain some beautiful things like intimacy and care. There are different kinds of sexual fulfilment too, of course. Some more constructive than others.

I reckon let it go, Kate. You could find another relationship. I agree that if you wish to pursue it that you should be very clear in asking him to leave. I would explain to this person that he could still have a good and decent life, a very happy and virtuous life. He could even still explore spirituality in another form.

The strict words and teachings of BK are meant to sustain the highest level of personal discipline but sadly, they can become extremely destructive. The Seniors are very much in their own world in this arena. I don't think they sometimes comprehend that a soul may not be happy and successful on the BK path. I'll post some of my thoughts on that at some point in the next week or two. Mind you, I also have heard of promising directions from Seniors where they do acknowledge someone should leave or get married. It's a "mixed bag" in my view.
rayoflight wrote:It would also be very helpful if you sought help for yourself as well. Letting go of a BK is not easy. But first you have to realise that you cannot save him. He needs to want to save himself first. There is often advice on this website suggesting you point out the facts without attacking the BKWSO which might get him thinking on his own. It's a good way to get his wheels turning. You need to be strong with yourself and with him. Get the facts from the forum, be clear about what and who you are dealing with and then make your decision. BKs can behave like immature adolescents when it comes to these situations. Run and hide, push and pull. Is this what you really want?

Yes, sound advice. We must be careful of our desire to "save" those who struggle. This can be very co-dependant. I feel that you may need to make a break, Kate. It's a sad thing that you have had some down times. Life does challenge us. Relationships need some maturity and wisdom, while acknowledging our human and very real emotional needs. We all have emotional needs and this is fine. You cannot "save the world" or even an individual. There comes a point where that person has to take responsibility for their own life. So you have to review what you are really doing and what you are gaining or losing. You're not responsible in any way for his choices in life or his destiny or the outcomes he creates for himself. It is perfectly fine to ask that he make a commitment to you if he professes those feelings of wanting to be with you.

Oh, and before I forget, I don't believe it's honest to try and "seduce" him. Please don't do that. You may also stir up a hornet's nest of guilt inside this poor conflicted soul. I suspect he has those sexual desires. Much better if it comes out in a more open and considered manner where he has made the choice to live a more normal life.


P.S. For all this, I personally still am interested in BK Raj Yoga and am pursuing it. Bizarre, right? :) Taken in good balance, I personally believe very strongly that the teachings do not have to lead to what is perhaps rightly criticised on this forum. I also believe that BK is not as "black" as painted on this forum. I have had many wonderful experiences mixing with BKs. I find many are just sincere and decent people.

I will see what I find as I become firmer in my practice of it. It could be that I will encounter a darker side where a BK may judge me and my practice of this path and tell me weird or wrong things. However, I sincerely believe in the constructive and highly spiritual aspects of the teachings and aim to sustain my own practice even in the face of any such challenges. I do not "worship" any Dadi or Didi for example, though I've seen some level of over the top devotion to them.

Anyway, I'll post in a separate thread so this one can stay on topic. Much more to say! :)
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post21 Oct 2010

kate wrote:i was again attacked by the vampires, they want to make sure that there's no more communication between us and we don't see each other anymore.

What happened? Someone came to your house?
swordofjustice wrote:I also believe that BK is not as "black" as painted on this forum. I have had many wonderful experiences mixing with BKs. I find many are just sincere and decent people.

Welcome back Sword, how did you letter writing campaign go? Any response from the leadership? Any change? (If so, answer in another topic please).

I think we have been fairly consistent is saying 'most' BKs are nice people ... the problem is, where is it all headed, what is it all in service of. That is the problem.

There are no prizes for being nice if the be all and end all of "being nice" is the death of 6 Billion people via a Nuclear Holocaust; and underneath that "nice" is an absolute, spiritual elitism which denies logic and rationale. Needy, dumb and gullible might be three other words I might offer for the stage when individuals offer themselves to surrender to the senior Sisters.

I did not get the feeling Kate was out to seduce this guy, although making love or getting laid might just fix him. 'Being held', might just be enough too. Let's face it, Indian men have issue around affection that are not helped by the Brahma Kumaris.

The guy needs out. These centers-in-charge need to be told to back out of other people's lives and taught a lesson. As far as I can concered, even from a BK point of view, they are WAY beyond the line of Shrimat. Especially if this guy has real mental problems. It is hard for us to tell, Kate knows best and should follow her intuitions.

Kate, do you think that underneath the BK Sisters' view of you there is some religious prejudice, e.g. Hindu/BK versus Christian/Moslem?


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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post22 Oct 2010

Hi friends,

about the BK/Hindu vs Christian/Muslim, beliefs are indeed conflicting. Yet one time, I requested my friend to go to the priest and he made a confession and after that we had a novena. In addition, we went to the mosque as well. He was cooperative. But when he is under their control, he simply forgets everything.

As christians, we are pro Creation and we adhere to love marriages unlike the Hindus wherein they follow arrange marriage. He is very much against arrange marriage.

About my friend, well, I am not out there to seduce him although I can really feel his strong desire to be with me. As mentioned from my earlier posts here, he told to forgive him and start our life together in Australia.

He is very vocal in telling me that he wants to hold me close and feel me, yet his BK belief is stronger that his love & desire for me. I remember, there was an incident when we kissed me and after that he felt so guilty . He told me that he truly love me but then he love his BapDada to the highest level.

I was even told by the vampires that he never loved me at all. Yes, they came to my house & shouted at me. They look like good Sisters but in reality they are devils. I am not realy sure if he believed me or not as I did not hear any comment from him when I told him about their attacks to me in the past.

So weird, he was preaching celibacy & detachment, yet he has strong attachment & desire to be with me. Is this a sign of phsychological or mental problem?

He is torn between BK and his true? Love for me!

Are the BKs licensed to carry out their evil undertakings? I understand that Raja Yoga is their front. I want to stop all their evilness if I can do something about it. Pls advise. How many souls are they going to victimize?

I think I came into his life to do save him from the vampires as what mentioned here from our friends. I will be waiting for your replies. Thanks
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post22 Oct 2010

ex-l wrote:I did not get the feeling Kate was out to seduce this guy, although making love or getting laid might just fix him. 'Being held', might just be enough too. Let's face it, Indian men have issue around affection that are not helped by the Brahma Kumaris.

Yeah I did not either. Someone else posted that as an idea. Better to be honest about it I think and you don't want to cause guilt for someone who is not ready to get laid.
The guy needs out. These centers-in-charge need to be told to back out of other people's lives and taught a lesson. As far as I can concered, even from a BK point of view, they are WAY beyond the line of Shrimat. Especially if this guy has real mental problems. It is hard for us to tell, Kate knows best and should follow her intuitions.

Wow, we agree again. This guys needs out. Even if he sticks with BK, he is obviously not addressing his fundamental emotional needs. I personally believe that one can do that and be a firmly practicing BK. I personally believe that staying "busy in service" can be rewarding, but I acknowledge it can also simply become a mask to try and hide inner conflict. That can become incredibly destructive.
Kate, do you think that underneath the BK Sisters' view of you there is some religious prejudice, e.g. Hindu/BK versus Christian/Moslem?

You all know by now that I still support the BK path. But this point is actually good to understand. All of us, all the BKs from India and other parts of the world, we all bring with us our cultural biases. We do! Just because someone becomes a BK does not mean that it changes just like that! Seniors in BK path must actually be very careful and watch this area within themselves. Our culture influences us. Sometimes there are prejudices and these can be far from enlightened.


I am surprised people came and shouted at you. These are BKs, right?

It's not "rocket science" to see that these souls are not actually following the teachings in that action. Not a nice thing to do at all.

I have no right to do so, but I apologise on behalf of BK for this display, Kate. I know it will be hard to do, but please don't think this is what BK is about or think that all BKs would do that.

I don't know if you'll believe me after all the material on this site, but that really is not what the teaching is about. I should be shocked but I don't feel shocked. I am not sure why. I'd find it more challenging if it happened to me of course.

Yet I must remember the truth and stay centred and I do try to follow the teachings these days, even if wrong comes from a BK. I do expect better from them. But I have to smile when I say that. I have "expectations" of BKs, do I? And if my "expectations" are not fulfilled then I get disappointed? Hmmm ... obviously an area for me to addres within myself! :) hehehe.

Those who tell you "get lost, leave this BK Brother alone" are acting in that mode of blind religion. Anger wells up inside them and they in effect, act in a very "ordinary way" and express anger at you. I say ordinary because the world is filled with anger these days. It is not what the daily classes talk about - honestly.

It's become clear to me that a large number of BKs have not really absorbed the meaning of the morning classes. They take up the religion of the path, the outward wearing of white clothes, the morning meditation and the very strict rules. However, absorbing the deeper teachings (which are very constructive) has not happened. My pure, good wish for them is that it finally absorbs and they see a more considered truth past the strict religious practice. This is called being coloured by the truth, when it actually reflects in your actions, attitude and character.

To get "pee-ed off" and go to someone's house and shout at them means it hasn't happened yet. God's wish for us is to absorb such constructive attitudes that we no longer have a feeling to do such a thing.

And let me say it cannot happen through repression! You cannot squash feelings or you will turn into a "nutcase". No, you have to peacefully understand and absorb, while nurturing the self. The person without love is desperate and empty inside. Everyone must have love, including BKs.

Kate, haven't you reached the point yet of being sick of this indecision from this person? Why are you clinging to this after what sounds like years?

What drives our need for relationship? Look inside yourself and you will find that we have the hope for love and companionship. We all do. Deep down you would hope for a life of happiness with this man. We want love. But we live in the real world, Kate. This guy is incredibly indecisive! He is not being fair to you nor to himself. He says one thing and then expresses the opposite. He wants his cake and eat it too, to use the expression.

I firmly believe now that the best advice I can give you is to urge you to make a decision for your life. If this has been going on for years, it is just going around in circles and the time has come to be an adult and make that decision. You will never find that companionship you crave if you stay in this situation longing for this man who is apparently unable to resolve his conflicting life desires. How long should you wait? One year, two? Fifteen?

I have become a more practical, pragmatic person in my middle age. If something aint working with a reasonable effort and attempt, I change my approach. :-)

Perhaps you should finally say "enough is enough" and put this all behind you? There are countless caring men in this world who could give you happy companionship.

I know why you're calling BKs vampires. It's a bit nasty though! Kate, not all BKs would do this.

From the point of view of those people who shouted at you, they are living in a very strict religion. The teaching is that there is long lasting benefit to following the spiritual path of BK. So they think they are doing the right thing and "saving" this soul from losing imperishable fortune.

I simply feel sorry for these BKs that they have not yet stepped beyond blind religious behaviour. The truth in the teachings is far from blind and gives instruction to perform very positive actions.

These BKs are clearly forgetting their Father's instructions on good wishes. Doesn't Murli also say that drama is accurate? It could be that someone's destiny is to leave BK and have a happy normal life! So what need is there for anger? What does Murli actually say about anger and shouting, hmmm?

Sorry, I cannot help being flippant sometimes. The BK path has so much more to it than this wrongful display. There is also genuine peace, genuine spiritual caring and genuine truth.

I also want to express that we are all human beings and we all have these tendencies. This applies to BKs too.

I have attended a number of self development workshops, read books and gone to other spiritual groups and they often speak on this theme of forgiveness. They say it is healing for the self and I can relate to that. There have been times in my life when I was so angry and hateful to people who hurt me. Those feelings only ended up wrecking my own life and started to affect my bodily health too. To forgive is good thing for all of us, believe me.

Can you forgive BKs also?

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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post23 Oct 2010

You have no need to forgive them and no need to accept behavior like that. Again, the Brahma Kumaris prove to the world who they really are. They were absolutely wrong Kate.

This is what they call "Undue Influence" in law. This man is subject to the undue influence of religious exploitation. The BKWSU teachers should be sued.
kate wrote:I was even told by the vampires that he never loved me at all. Yes, they came to my house & shouted at me. They look like good Sisters but in reality they are devils.

They were completely out of order to do that. They had no right. They are acting against the principles of the their own religion.

In short, you are dealing with some crazy, probably uneducated, women who are milking this man for money, free labor and their own egos, and you want to put a stop to it if you can. You want to stop them spread their disease into your community and society. If you can catch them on video getting angry and shouting please do and put it on the internet. Document it all clearly to help others.

These women need to be exposed to the world and either them, or the evil within them, destroyed. They are dangerous idiots who should not be allowed to mess about with other peoples' lives.

If you feel brave, the first thing you could do is write to their "zone-in-charge", their superior, reporting their behaviour to them and tell them to stop it. Tell the zone-in-charge that you have spoken to us here and know all about them, their lies, fake history and fake predictions and how many families their have destroyed etc. We can tell you what you can safely write as 'true' criticisms.

Please contact me off forum and let me know which center and centers-in-charge this is.


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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post23 Oct 2010

Completely agree!
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post23 Oct 2010

I feel that's a harsh response ... so all BKs are damned as charlatans because some BKs got angry and did something wrong?

By all means raise the matter to the Zone in Charge. She will correct those ones who came and shouted at you. A very poor action indeed.

- Peter a.k.a. Sword
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post23 Oct 2010

swordofjustice wrote:I feel that's a harsh response ... so all BKs are damned as charlatans because some BKs got angry and did something wrong?

My response harsh?

These ignorant, ill-tempered, interfering women have taken this man's house from him and years of free labor on the basis of a faked up history, false predictions of the end of the world and bogus claims about their spirit medium being god!!

Sword, I think you have been cooked in the warm, comfortable bath of Brahma Kumarism for too long. Sure, out of the edges, BK life is all lovey-dovey and sweet ... but at it core, those women and this response typifies the reality of the Brahma Kumaris far more than passive New Agey adherents.

We have had too many similar cases before ... like the one in Russia where the BKs fought in court to keep the property, divorces in all over the world where houses have disappeared and families have been split. We had the case in Tampa where the local center-in-charge had some wife demanding cash off her husband and got ****** when the husband gave her a credit card instead, or the case in New York, where the center-in-charge used a follower's home to apply for a fake credit card, the list could go on and on and on ... have you read all the fake history stuff that has gone on yet?

The BKs leaders are stinking charlatans promoting a faked up religion which even they know is a faked up religion. I think the mistake the adherents make is to actually believe that they are "BKs", that they are 'in on the inside'. They are not. They are just consumable and expendable devices the leaders are using to promote their religious business empire.

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