Loved by a BK???

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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post14 Oct 2010

hi ex-l , thanks once again for your time.

If I may recall, he mentioned that according to their cult leaders, the members here (exiting-BKs) tried to get higher positions, or to get closer to their gods. This very rare opportunity was given only to loyal servants. It was such a big gem to be closely associated with Dadi Janki, Gulzar & Jayanti. Due to their frustations, they decided to set up this site and defame BK which was used to be their chosen faith. In short, members here simply attacking BK as a revenge.

Personally, I find this site very very helpful especially for a troubled individual like me who is having problems with the corrupted ways of BK members. I don't see anything wrong with what is being discussed here. You are providing a substantial awareness and real facts to so many confused individuals.

They question what are you getting out of it??? Nothing! You are simply serving the humanity by giving valuable concern, support and assistance to troubled people that will help them ease the pain & anguish they are experiencing.

Some religions attack other sect to gain members for their church. But the members here are not promoting any particular religion. I know and I understand the objective of the initiators. Well done for all your efforts!. Surely, a lot of people has benefitted and will benefit from the knowldge & concern they can get from this forum.

I appreciate all your comments regarding my current situation.
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post14 Oct 2010

Dear Kate and tpd,

It has been less than two years that I decided to make the BKWSO a thing of the past. It took a lot of healing and determination, but it was possible only because I did it of my own volition.

To leave the organization one has to want it for himself and not for anyone else. They also would require some professional therapy to undo all the brainwashing. That said, as much as we may love our BK Brothers and Sisters, we cannot save them.

Whether you are a BK or a non-BK in love with a BK, the best thing to do is to save your own self. Relationships break up all the time. The only difference here is that he is a BK which makes the non-BK feel guilty about abandoning him to the worst case scenario: suicide (a little like abandoning an addict). He had a chance to be with you, Kate, and made another choice. His acts of desperation are the voice of the trapped man inside the BK. And the ex-BK's on this forum know this voice all too well but made a choice to live life instead of dieing alive.

I have a secret hope in my heart that someday my old BK friends will get out on their own and perhaps we will be friends again. But until then, I have chosen to stay very far away from anyone associated with this cult - there is no compromise.

I wish you strength and clarity and congratulate you on finding this site that will help you find both.

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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post15 Oct 2010

kate wrote:he mentioned that according to their cult leaders, the members here (exiting-BKs) tried to get higher positions, or to get closer to their gods. This very rare opportunity was given only to loyal servants. It was such a big gem to be closely associated with Dadi Janki, Gulzar & Jayanti. Due to their frustrations, they decided to set up this site and defame BK which was used to be their chosen faith. In short, members here simply attacking BK as a revenge.

It is incredible. Never mind their ability to delude others, these people are complete and utter fantasists. But we knew that already ... fantasists deluding their followers to hand over money, properties and free labor.

Stop giving money, properties or free labor, and see how interested the senior Sisters are ... you wont even be able to speak to them. Have money, fame, properties or free laborers, and see how interested the senior Sisters are in you! They have been like that for at least 30 years. The money goes to chasing after VIPs to make the BKs more famous, to bring in more money. Their Baba is obsessed with IPs and VIPs.

The other story they tell is that we were not good enough, not tough enough, to be able to follow their disciplines and so are therefore we are "failures" for leaving. This is the language of their god spirit too. The religion has a feel of a primary school where all the emphasis is on "passing" or "failing" where the failure is for eternity, to be repeated every 5,000 years identically for all time.

What makes it even more absurd and repelling is how they use the situation to confirm their devotion to their leaders, portraying Janki, Gulzar & Jayanti as saint-like and that followers should to aspire to 'slave' for them ... I cannot call it "servants", they are mental slaves. The funny thing is the teachings do not actually tell you to be "servants" or slaves to the leaders, the leaders have just develop a system within a system that they benefit from.

I wonder who is putting this message out? I know the story behind the establishment of this website, and a little about the ex-BK forum which existed before it. I would love for Jayanti Kripalani to put in writing exactly how the individuals who started this forum tried to get a high position or tried to get closer to them. I know for a fact she could not.

When I attended the BKWSU, the whole of the class could fit into the living room of a house. To "get close" to Janki and Jayanti etc, all you had to do was sit at the front of the class. Some did, some did not. I, personally, never had any position with the BKWSU nor aspired to.

Actually, the two things the BKWSU has cured me of is, a) religion and b) EVER wanting to be a guru!!!
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post15 Oct 2010

kate wrote:If I may recall, he mentioned that according to their cult leaders, the members here (exiting-BKs) tried to get higher positions, or to get closer to their gods. This very rare opportunity was given only to loyal servants. It was such a big gem to be closely associated with Dadi Janki, Gulzar & Jayanti. Due to their frustations, they decided to set up this site and defame BK which was used to be their chosen faith. In short, members here simply attacking BK as a revenge.

Hi Kate

I had to answer to this, ah name and fame at last hehehehe ...

I never, ever tried to get close to these people, for what? ... Once I had accepted in my heart they knew nothing and had nothing to offer but delusion I actively avoided them.

I refused a personal meeting with Dadi Kumarka in Madubhan because I wanted to remember Baba and not her, she wasn't particularly intelligent or interesting, just a sweet old lady.

Dadi Janki was rude, uneducated and ignorant.

Jayanti bhen was educated and ignorant (worse in my opinion), but she was a bit foxy and cute, and very fond of handsome young princes.

The only advice I can give is .... save others from the BKWSU if you can, but make sure you save yourself. They are a cult and are ruthless, they take no prisoners, they are extremist spiritual terrorists.

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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post15 Oct 2010

The biggest weapon for them is the power of purity. Yes, they can control. At least in India, one can make others guilty by imbibing into their minds that they are having dirty thoughts (though they are natural) in mind, and we are following the purity, and so we are above you.

Kate, your boyfriend is trying to sail on two boats. Help him in stopping doing so. Just leave him (for his sanity) or ask him to leave BKWSU, and undergo deep healing process and TOTALLY stop the BKWSU material (Murli, Meditation, seva every thing). If he continues the way he is doing now, perhaps he is deceiving himself as well as you. Please note that he is dealing with the powerful vibrations, which will not allow him to be in physical love.



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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post15 Oct 2010

Their biggest weapon is purity? You mean purity, as in Catholic church purity? Purity to me is honesty.

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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post15 Oct 2010

BK's definition of Purity is Brahmacharya (celibacy), Pure food, Morning class (Satsang), Deity virtues (Fearlessness, Introvertness, Patience, Sweetness, Cheerfulness, Tolerance, Humility). The more you adopt these virtues the more you are in power in the BK bubble.

"Honesty" for them is honesty in following the Shrimat. If they are not honest enough in telling the people about the failed predictions of destructions, revising history ... OR if they are keeping the newcomers confused about the history of Yagya etc ... OR if they are not honestly telling the newcomers the rules (Shrimat) they have to follow in the Yagya ... OR if they are not honestly telling the newcomers that the hell they are going to experience after spending good time in the Yagya ... then knowing the truth of the Yagya and then leaving, it is all YUKTI or DRAMA, which is Kalyankari (beneficial).

They have nothing to do with the career, marriages, family relations as they all are meant to be destroyed in 2-3 years.


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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post15 Oct 2010

Well, BK does not make you a better person, it makes you a better follower.
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post16 Oct 2010

kumar28061972 wrote:BK's definition of Purity is ...

Like so many things in Brahma Kumarism, the celibacy is for show ... because they and their intentions are anything but pure.

Like so many things in Brahma Kumarism, the word purity has been corrupted ... it has become a code word for something else, usually based around submission and conformity to them.

Celibacy was and is just a means to an end ... passing themselves off as "religious" or fake "Brahmins" in Indian society. It is also an excellent controlling device. If you can control someone else so much so as to be able to control their sexual and emotional impulses ... thereby separating them from all other influences ... you control them completely. They are yours. The celibacy and "no attachments to other human beings" which they use, is stop individuals being influenced by outside sources, sources which might be rational, reasonable and right.

Sources of influence which they cannot control and which might question them. Which might make them have to think.

The BKs are about stopping thinking. I am thinking about this. It sounds like "purity is conformity" and power is the ability to make others conform. Self-control being the authority to control other. What you say is true. Just like a bunch of celibate old man in the Vatican (... or make that a bunch of gay and child abusing old men in the Vatican) telling young women and families how to behave the senior BKs really have no grounds to be able to give advice to anyone about things they have no knowledge or experience. They pronounce on area of intense personal psychology, sociology, even professional and economic matters ... and what do they really know? Nothing. All they know is how to clamber up society and to grab a throne for themselves, then live off other people's money and free labor.

I think periods of celibacy are actually a good thing. I think it is one big myth to suggest all people are torn apart by lust and desperate to have sex all the time. They are not. Many non-BKs have less sex through choice than some BKs have. I think celibacy is no big thing and their ability to be celibate is no big thing. It just goes back to the unevolved society they came out of.

So what, an Indian woman finds a way out of being married to someone she does not know or does not want to be married to in an arranged married, to not have sex with someone that is basically a stranger and can be violent or mental ill, sex which can basically amount to a 30 second loveless rape ... that was and still is the life of many Indian women. Giving that up to be an untroubled Brahma Kumari is hardly a "sacrifice". Getting out of it in any way possible is probably worth giving up the few hugs and kisses they might ever receive, and some orgasms (which they might not).

But what has that got to do with love, sex and affection between two individuals who are free, attracted to each other and living in a modern society?

Our friend's friend here is being torn in two because of trying to live up to their expectations and keep them happy. This all relates to another question I asked, "What is intuition and what is inhibition?" Is it not his intuitions telling him to run out of the BKWSU and follow his feelings? To experience love and affection?

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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post16 Oct 2010

ex-l wrote:Our friend's friend here is being torn in two because of trying to live up to their expectations and keep them happy. This all relates to another question I asked, "What is intuition and what is inhibition?" Is it not his intuitions telling him to run out of the BKWSU and follow his feelings? To experience love and affection?

The question arises here is, then why he felt attracted towards BKWSU God at the first place ... and then feeling the attraction towards human being also ... that’s why I said that he is trying to sail on the two boats ... Following BKWSU Gyan is not that harmful till you are following the principles, giving your bones and totally blind for the outer world. Remain dead alive and then you are the king in your own thoughts.

Diverting and torning yourself in to two will definately harm everybody ... It applies in human to human relationship too ... no one will like his/her love to be divided in to parts.


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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post16 Oct 2010

He was not! He obviously was attracted by the love-bombing at first seeking love and attention. Learned that love only is for Baba, and than he finds love, care and attention in the real world.

Well, then you got a dilemma. And if you are scared enough, it will get worse. You break and do more meditation because that is what Baba said. He also said that the world would end but that is OK ... ;).

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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post16 Oct 2010

Learned that love only is for Baba, and than he finds love, care and attention in the real world.
Well, then you got a dilemma.

If it is so, then he should come out of dilemma as soon as possible, and be with the true love, care and attention he found, stay with it. It should not be slippery then ... the world will remain, it is not going to end at least during our life time ... ;).
Lokila wrote:
when you are so entangled in the web, when you were a big part of even creating this web of holiness, telling everyone this is enlightenment, it seems really foolish to be caught in an affair.

So I applaud for him showing his humane side, but I keep a doses of skeptic. Unless ... this BK stands up and tells the world the true and honest story of his own experience, post it on his blog AND is brave enough to speak up and protect the lady involved. But I guess this will never happen. It is of course karma, drama and Maya and the only remedy will be a never ending bhatti.


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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post16 Oct 2010

Thanks again my dear friends. All your comments are really helpful to me. I just have one question which has been troubling me a lot. I need concrete answers based on the principles of BK & the physchological impact to my friend.

As mentioned from my earlier postings here. He used to be the most caring, loving, affectionate person. The overwhelming concern which I haven't felt from anyone even from my own family & previous relationships. He made me feel his top priority and had given me his full time just simply doing whatever it takes to make me happy. He was so happy also during those good times we had as we was able to experience a different world.

All I can remember when he lost his job & their leaders came to know about our relationship, he started travelling frequently. One after the other. He was going to India, UK, Ireland and to some other countries. The duration is 2-3 weeks every trip. with those frequent trips there was no communication between us. As explained by ex-l BKs need to submit their mind, body & soul to their gods & be disconnected completely from the outside world.

Our talks & meetings were becoming less and less, gradually, little by little till its almost gone. During these times I had some extreme challenges in my life where I really needed someone who truly cares. I lost again a close relative of mine. It was so sad & feeling so depressed. He was nowhere & did not know where & how to contact me. He would come back only for a few days and again scheduled for another 2-3 weeks trip. I really don't know what he has been doing in those strange disapperance. All I know he was with the cults!


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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post16 Oct 2010

He then started acting very strange as if he was under the spell of demons. We had some time to talk but just for a while as he was so tied up with various cult activities, trainings & events. He was acting as if nothing happened at all & he cannot remember his horrible deeds to me. In short, he was in total amnesia & he did not have any clue about the pains & anguish he has been causing me.

I really got so mad as I felt so fooled and abused. Nevertheless, inspite of all these maltreatments he did to me, he kept on declaring his deepest love for me. he said I am the only person he has ever loved and will love. He was also saying that we will migrate to Australia & start a new life. Honestly, I really did not buy all those weird declaratons as I knew that he was completely under the control of these vampires. He was like a hight tech robot, doing every single thing they want.

the bottom line has been battling with his great love for Baba & his so called love for me. Please let me understand the rational behind the series of event I stated above. He showed me excessive love & after a while he made me feel so unloved & neglected completely. yes, I am still hurting and angry. I really don't know if my anger is directed to this guy or to the vampires.

Ironically, his BK faith is the main barrier & factor that separates us. on the other hand, according to their leaders I am the main trouble & disruption to his loyalty towards their supreme god.

Strangely, my inner voice has been telling me to save this poor soul from the devils. but I have already exhausted my patience & our situation is killing me. Is there still a way to save our relationship or shall I just let him be buried alive in their cult? Is it still worth fighting for what we had delightfully shared in the past? Though his recent actions were contrary to what he has been declaring to me, deep within me I know he still cares about me but his totality has been bordered within the BK world. Whenever he gets a chance to speak to me, he pours his tears, feelings, emotions & the pain of losing me as I have been avoiding him.

Can anyone explain further this very strange behavior & the relevance of BK teachings?

Thanks again friends for your time. It is only through this forum that I can express my thoughts and feelings freely.
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Re: Loved by a BK???

Post16 Oct 2010

kumar28061972 wrote:The question arises here is, then why he felt attracted towards BKWSU God at the first place ...

I agree, that is a very good and important question ... but one might not be able to get to the root cause right away (e.g. lack of love in family, mother relations etc).

But, beyond a certain point, I think people just become trapped. It is the same with gamblers addicted to gambling. Having bet 60% of their wealthy, they have to keep betting an betting and betting until they lose everything.

In the BKWSU, you are gambling your life ... if you believe in it, you are gambling eternity. Having gambled so much money, so many years - and his property (giving it to the Sisters to essentially live off or chase VIPs with) - it will be very hard for him to admit he was wrong. I think he will hang in, and keep hanging in, hoping for Destruction and that he gets some status out of it. It takes a big man to admit he was conned and wrong. How many years will that take?

The problems is, the recent BKs do not know about all the failed predictions of Destruction, all the historical re-writes, they become trapped by the same game they trapped us with 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years ago ... a) "Destruction is two to three years away" and b) some kind of ego trap that made us feel special and important when, in fact, we were just being stupid and becoming dumber.

Kate, he will believe that conforming to the senior Sisters, he might enter the Golden Age (100% heaven on earth) after Destruction and get a high status close to them, a big property etc. But ... he also think that by "failing" he will have lost that now and, perhaps, might only get a first birth in the Silver Age (75% heaven on earth). This is what the BKs teach. First Destruction, then Heaven on Earth.

In the 1980s, "God's Words" said it was 50 years for Destruction and 50 years for Creation". It did not happen (50 years equalled 1986). So what did they do? Rubbed out the wrong bit and changed it. Now they tell all newcomers that God said something, e.g. "God has never said a specific date". They even celebrated their 70 years anniversary which was really a 20 year failure.

The world had not come to an end as "God" planned because they, the BKs, had not made enough efforts. And so they become trapped like hamsters on a wheel "making more efforts".


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