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New to the forum

Post07 Oct 2010

Hi all,

I just got married to a Nepali guy. His Sister, mother and grandmother (basically, everyone from his mother's side) are all in the BKWSU. He, however, is not, which I am very glad for. He is Hindu and still goes to the temple and eats garlic, onion, and meat. Oh yeah, I am Australian and I am 20, he is 25.

His Sister and mother have taken me to the BK centres. And, at first, I did not really know much about the BKWSU until I started researching about it. I, honestly, don't believe what they believe, I have disscussed what the BK believes with his Sister, she seems to be very close minded and only believes what the BK believes.

I glad I found this forum.

I am worried that my husband will get influenced by the BK. He has a piece of property (which is also owned by his mother, Sister and Father), I am worried that they might try and give this property to the BK. What should I do?

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Re: New to the forum

Post08 Oct 2010

Hi. Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your posts.

Well ... be careful, especially over property if that matters to you. Get that cleared up RIGHT NOW ... or accept that it is a write off and will be given to the BKWSU. I would suggest moving away from the family to where they do not have so much contact!

I think you should consider that most BKs are going to see the BKWSU as "their family" first, and not their physical family. Their physical family are called "lokiks" and is used in a derogatory manner as obstacles or burdens. This is very deeply and heavily implanted into their minds. They believe they have spent eternity with other BKs and "lokiks" are ignorant, impure, bad karma etc. Of course, they will have "good wishes" that you will become a BK too and project that you have some kind of karma that will bring you closer to them and the BKWSU.

Yes, BKs can be highly bigoted. At the user level, there is very little to no flexibility to their beliefs, they are "Brahmins" and have God speaking directly to them telling them what is true ... you are an ignorant, "body-conscious" "Shudra" full of your own opinions (manmat) which are worth less then nothing. That is a fact.

They will take you to centers where you will be fed holy sweeties full of "vibrations" to catch you and the senior Sisters will stare at you trying to hypnotise you ... although they will claim it is something else.

The thing to do is read up here on their beliefs, pick up on some of the historical revision stuff that will actually surprise them (we know a lot more than most average BKs and the BKWSU have been changing their history all along). We can decipher their language for you.

In fact, if you recommend this site to them ... you will probably never hear of them again (but they might spend hours telling you how wrong and evil we are)!

Please ask any specific question you might have and see also,

Interesting union to have so young, I hope you have a good life together. Please bear in mind that veganism or vegetarianism, on its own, is not a bad or cultie thing and is good for the environment!
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Re: New to the forum

Post08 Oct 2010

Hi and welcome to the site
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Re: New to the forum

Post11 Oct 2010

Hi, thanks for the welcome and advice. If I have more question I will ask, thanks.


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Re: New to the forum

Post11 Oct 2010

Hi everybody

I have been visiting this site quite for some time. My interest are to rescue some one special from BK. some one who in a fragile mindset due to an acute psychological trauma was drawn to this cult.

There is so much to discuss and so much to learn for me.

Thanks for this effort and so much valuable insight at BK as I am in a psychological war with current BKs surrounding my friend and with my friend herself, and information on this site helping to formulate strategics for further steps to be taken.

So wish me luck.
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Re: New to the forum

Post11 Oct 2010

Goodluck tpd!

I hope you can help your friend:)
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Re: New to the forum

Post07 Jan 2011

Well, I don't know where to start.

All of a sudden not only does my husband want to build a house in Nepal (which I am happy with by the way) but he also wants to build a second house that has a Brahma Kumaris ashram for his mum. I tried to tell him that I am not going to pay for that then he got angry at me, and asked me why. I told him that the Brahma Kumaris leadership is corrupt and that they have been covering up their history (but since English is not that good I am not sure he fully understood me). He just got angry and said not to say bad things about Shiv Baba. I then asked him if he was Hindu or BK, he said he is Hindu. It's like he is partly BK. I have told him that I want our children to be Hindu and he said he wants them to be Hindu too, which is good.

Also he wants me to go with his mother to an ashram when we go for a holiday in Nepal (he is currently in Nepal waiting for his visa, to come here) he says that that will make her happy, though I really don't want to go to ashram and I told him I don't want to be a BK.

Everything is good between me and my husband, I am just worried about the future. There is very little chance that his mum or the rest of his family from his mum's side will ever leave the Brahma Kumaris, and I think if I ever suggested it to them they would get very angry with me. They all seem like very nice people though I am not sure if it is all genuine or some other reason to do with the BK, I assume that some of the BK are kind generous people who are just looking for spirituality but instead get brainwashed.

I need some advice on how to approach my husband about building a Brahma Kumaris ashram. what do you think of this?
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Re: New to the forum

Post07 Jan 2011

I do not want to ask you personally revealing questions about where you are from, so don't answer if you don't want to ... but, logically, how can you equate all this "anger", upset and an undercurrent of passive aggression ... not to mention the usual highly materialistic BK ambitions for property ... with supposedly spiritual people or spiritual aims? I mean, it does not go together, does it?

So, it is not spiritual. It is not about spirituality ... it has to be about ego and pride. If there was no ego and pride, there would be no angry response, would there?

On the property front ... absolutely no way, never, not all, do not go anywhere near the idea. Is that clear enough? Why empower them to enslave other individuals and break up other families? There are plenty genuine needs for charity in Nepal (young girls being sold into sex slavery etc), save them not the "do nothing but sit on their fat ass" Brahma Kumaris. Sorry cfile6 but I see the think end of a wedge being slipped into your family life.

To be honest, I have heard of lots of African men, Filipino and East European women tricking their so-called lovers into sending back money and buying property in foreign countries only to be dropped, discover they had someone else, lose it due to visa and property ownership laws etc. I am wondering if this is the first case of just such a Brahma Kumari con.

What is going on from the BK point of view? The BKs are led to believe it is the end of the world and now is the time to "earn a multi-million fold inheritance" of a life in the Golden Age and a high status by giving more and more to the BKWSU leadership. Surrendering their minds, wallets and property to the BKWSU. The more they give, the more they will get, their god and the leadership tells them. They are encouraged that surrendering their properties to become "Gita Pathshalas" in order to do so. They also believe that by encouraging you to give to them ... you too are earning your future inheritance!

Frankly, it is all bullsh**. It is all contradictory. In another breath their god says that if you are not following purity, they should not take anything from you and it does not matter if one has nothing to give as it is the sincerity of the surrender that counts. They do not need to give money and property ... although the leadership will be pumping them to do so.

If they take over the house, it will become full of BKs, BK objects, BK rules, business starting from 4 in the morning, people coming and going and, my prediction, slowly you will be frozen out of it if you do not surrender ... oh, and according to other histories we have heard, your children will be brainwashed by them not to follow Hinduism, not to respect other teachers/religion and possible to separate from you. Yes, it has happened MANY times.

ANGER AND GOD DO NOT AND CAN NEVER GO TOGETHER (... not even for the BKs!!!) and forget this "not saying bad things about Shiva Baba" stuff. That is also not BK, its just blind faith superstition.

So what is really going on here? I quote the god of the BKs himself ... they are trying to conquer the world 3 square feet at a time. You property is obviously the next "square feet" they are after. As a non-BK you are a cooperative souls, as in submissive to them, or "devilish" enemy.

My final warning in this matter is you need to keep your children away from them too.
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Re: New to the forum

Post08 Jan 2011

I agree with most of what you said ex-I. My mother in law's husband was very abusive to her so I think this I what lead her to the BKs.

I am australian and I live in Australia.

I agree with you about the ashram, I couldn't live with that on my conscience knowing that I was some what responsible for ruining people's lives. I agree the money is better spent helping people out of poverty not putting people into poverty.

My husband is Hindu, he is not BK, though I think he still has been some what brainwashed by them. He eats meat (not beef), he drinks alcohol (in moderation), he smokes sometimes (which I don't like him doing, I cannot stand the smell and it's bad for his health) and he is not celibate. So I don't think it is a BK con, though I cannot be 100 percent sure. I have heard of such cases of people tricking other people to get their money/visas to first world countries.

I am hoping that when he comes here (he is currently in Nepal waiting for his visa to come here) he will like it here and I can convince him to buy or build a house here, that way at least I can distance him from the BKs. Also this way when my husband and I have kids they will be far away from all that BK madness. Also I don't know how comfortable I feel buying/building a house in Nepal. I think I will suggest that his mum maybe goes and lives with his grandma and aunty after he comes here and his Sister gets married, that way there is no need to build an ashram and she has a place to live and she won't be alone. As that is his uncle's house, (his uncle just bought a house in Australia so he won't be living in Nepal in the future). His uncle is also BK and he is married, though I don't think they follow the BK very strongly, at least not since they came to Australia, which is a good sign (like they eat meat, not that there is anything wrong with vegetarianism, but they are free to eat what they like), they eat onion and garlic, they eat out (rarely but they have), they don't wake up at 4 am, and they don't isolate themselves from non-BKs.

I agree anger and God do not go together, though we are all human and not perfect and everyone is always going to have anger and ego (some less than others), yet BKs think that they are better than everyone else and that they are so pure? (I am not sure what the right word is to use here) yet they are human like everyone else, and not perfect.
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Re: New to the forum

Post08 Jan 2011

How strict are the mother and Father? The rest are not proper BKs then. At best they would be looked at as marginal supporters adopting Brahma Kumarism as a sort of Hinduism Lite.

Excuse me being skeptical, I have heard too many disgusting stories about the BKs many of which are, as you say, testimony to their humanness rather than religious ideology. Yes, that religious ideology tells them they are pure, all the rest of the world impure; and they are supreme, all the rest of the world untouchables and inferior. Despite any evidence to oppose that. Where goodness, beauty and wonder does exist in this world, the BKs put it down as individuals having their "first or second birth" and experiencing a mini Golden Age at the end of the BKs' hell. Again, they look down upon them.

I might tend to look at who is behind the Sister, mother and grandmother ... is there an ambitious center-in-charge looking to expand their territory? How strict are they?

One other element I would throw in here is that in dealing with the Brahma Kumaris, one is also dealing with Indian women (or in your case Nepalese) and their cultural conditioning does not disappear by donning a white sari. The position of most Indian women is not great and they have to adopt various survival strategies. Rationally, looking at their history, one has to wonder whether the original Brahma Kumaris were not just a group of mainly female individuals with no income, no support, no training or trade who had to re-invent themselves as a religious order in order to survive and play the part of religious leaders in order to gain security and income.

Now they are long established that, they appear to me to "lease" the concept out to other women each of whom then runs their own centers fairly autonomously. Some centers are cooperative, others fairly authoritarian. All are required to pay dues back to the headquarters and respect to the self-adopted leaders.

If you remember Lekhraj Kirpalani was a businessman, and they often refer to their god spirit as the lucky businessman, look and see what they do more as a business empire expanding out and gaining control of territory. Your second house is merely a tiny part of their business empire in waiting. They might offer you a rich inheritance in the future Silver Age, or the promise of a golden palace with many servants in another life, and a bit of respect to your face and Indian sweets in this life, but that is about it. As a business deal, part of which might be "keeping the mother-in-law happy and content", does that appeal to you?

What interests me in your relationship is that normally, the daughter-in-law has the lowest status in the son's family. But here you are turning the tables around on them and they are coming to you as if you should be paying a them dowry to their god or something! One thing for sure, by social connections you are a captive in their web now and they will be persistent as hell unless you draw the line very early on.
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Re: New to the forum

Post08 Jan 2011

Thankyou ex-I for your continued advice.

My husbands Father is not a BK. My husband's mother is a BK, she is vegetarian and doesn't eat onion or garlic, she wakes up at 4 am every morning and goes to her mother's house (with is a house with an ashram) and is a BK teacher there, she reads the Murli everyday, she goes to the ashram in sadobato (in nepal)
and i assume she would know the centre in charge, she also never eats food that was cooked by a non BK. Her mother and Sister are the same.

I agree that normally the daughter in law in Indian/nepali culture is the lowest, however i think in my rare case that is not the case. I think it is partially to do with the fact that my mother-in-law's mother-in-law treated her like crap, maybe this is why she doesn't???

Well the good news is, is that i have told my husband that i want to buy a house in australia not nepal and that i want to live here in australia. My husband says he likes that idea.

What do you mean by "by social connections you are a captive in their web now and they will be persistent as hell unless you draw the line very early on."

what do you mean by soicial connections in what way??
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Re: New to the forum

Post08 Jan 2011

That is kind of typical, what does the Father think of it all?

What I meant is that you would be classified as a "contact soul", someone they have social connections to that does know the whole story but is likely to be of assistance to them in their aims.

The bit about persistence is simple enough. Brahma Kumaris are led to believe that only they and their god spirit can offer salvation and that all of humanity must come to them before Destruction (... which is always just "two to three years away"). You must come to follow them or they must "help you" earn your spiritual inheritance for the next 5,000 Year Cycle by accepting your money, property or charity.

How kind of them ...

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