What is Shrimat and What is Murli ??

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Why the need for the Avyakt Vani's?

Post10 May 2006

Why is there a need for the Avyakt Vani's?

If the Murlis contain all The Knowledge from the Supreme then why would anyone want or need to give high regard to Avyakt Vanis instead of Murlis?

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Post12 May 2006

Dear Atma,

Omshanti. Avyakt Vanis started in 1969 soon after the demise of Brahma Baba because there was no other soul on the stage to give sustenance to the Brahmin world. So the soul of Brahma Baba started giving knowledge related to dharana (inculcation of virtues) in the form of Avyakt Vanis.

Although the new physical medium of Father Shiv started to become revealed in the world of Brahmins, the Avyakt Vanis continued to be narrated by the soul of Brahma.

But since the soul of Brahma also narrates the Avyakt Vanis in the rememberance of, and with an inspiration from the Father Shiv and the Father of humanity, it is to be accorded equal importance/regard as Murlis. But Avyakt Vanis cannot be called Murlis because they do not have the magic of transformation as the Murlis have.

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Post12 May 2006

Are there any new Murlis after Dadi Lekkrahj left his body in 1969?

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Post13 May 2006

Dear Atma,
Omshanti. Murlis are being narrated by Father Shiv through the body of another oruinary human Chariot, named as Shankar, based on his actions since 1976.
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What is Shrimat and What is Murli ??

Post08 Oct 2006

Dear BK and PBK Brothers.

I have been thinking very deeply about the basic points of Gyan (which up until now have been taken for granted) and i am surprised to find out that we PBKs have never given a thought to these basic fundamental points. I have been asking many PBKs the same things and i have been getting different answers from each PBK. Do think about these and please share your views.
What is ''Shrimat"? Does Shrimat = the Murlis?
    Is Shrimat is hidden in the Murlis or is Shrimat hidden in the cassettes or cds?
    If Shrimat is hidden in the Murlis, then what is Shrimat?
    Is Shrimat the same for all souls, or is it different for different group of souls??
    If Shrimat is same for all, then how and why are two malas (rudramala and vijaymala) being created?
    Also, how and why are two rajdhanis (Krishna ki rajdhani and radhe ki rajdhani) are being established with one single Shrimat???
    If Shrimat is different for different group of souls; then what is Shrimat for rudramala and what is Shrimat for vijaymala?
These are what i have not understood clearly.
What is "Murli"?
    The words of Supreme Soul Shiva (which were spoken through' Lekhraj Kirpalani from 1947 to 1969), can we call that Murli?
    Did this Murli transform the world and the souls who listened to it?
    Can this paper Murli be called "Gita Gyan"?
    If not then what do we call it?
    Did this Murli (words of God Shiva) establish paradise?
    If not, then why not??
Advanced Knowledge (clarification of the paper Murlis) which is being given by the body of Virendra Dev Dixit, can this be called Murli? Can the cassettes or cds which we listen to, can they be called Murlis since they are spoken from the mouth of the Chariot?

Unfortunately these cassettes and cds have also failed to bring about the tranformation in the PBKs. Instead of bringing unity and establishing heaven on earth, we see that the PBK family is going the same way as did the BKs; breaking up into fragments. So the query remains, as to what is the real Murli which will bring transformation and unity of souls and will establish heaven??

I have been thinking about this and i am really confused as to what is the real Murli? When is it going to be narrated and when are we going to be transformed into Deities? These are all the queries going on in my mind. Can my PBK Brothers express their thoughts about the same?

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Post08 Oct 2006

Dear Brother,

Shrimat are the directions of the one Supreme Soul Shiva through His one permanent Chariot (see Trimurti course) in the form of Murli, personal conversation, phone call, e-mail. There is no failure in Shrimat. There is failure in those who fail to follow. It should become well established in our intellect that heaven on earth will certainly become established in a practical form. If we doubt in this, will we be able to perform the practical work? First one soul becomes a deity, others follow numberwise.

When the Supreme Soul Shiva comes He does not transform us, but shows the path to follow, the effort to make. The more we follow, the more effort we make, the more we transform. By making Amrit Vela strong and being busy in Godly service our stage will be OK.

Now answer: Who gives the Advanced Knowledge?
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Post14 Oct 2006

Question: What is Murli?The words of Supreme Soul Shiva (which were spoken through' Dada Lekhraj from 1947 to 1969) can we call it Murli? Did this Murli transform the world and the souls who listened to it? Is this the same Murli which attracted the gopis (co-relating with bhakti-marg) can this Murli printed on papers be now called knowledge of Gita? If not then what do we call it?

Answer: Baba has said that whatever emerges from the mouth of Brahma is called Murli. Now, as per Advanced Knowledge Brahma is also chaturmukhi (four-headed). So, whatever was or is being spoken by Baba either through Piu, or titleholder Brahma or the present Sakar Chariot can be called Murli. But whatever has been spoken before 1976 and is available now only in the form of printed Murlis can be considered to be scriptures as per Advanced Knowledge. The narration in which the transformation of zeal and enthusiasm can be seen clearly is called Murli.

Question: The clarification (i.e. Advanced Knowledge) which is being given by the body of Ram's soul---can it be called Murli? Can the cassettes or cds which we listen to--can they be called Murlis since they are spoken from the mouth of the Chariot? But unfortunately these cassettes and cds have also failed to bring about the transformation in the PBKs. So the query remains that what is the real Murli which will bring transformation?

Ans: Baba has said that it takes one second to get transformed from Brahma to Vishnu. That second is when one comes to know about their 84 births' stories and becomes completely nischaybuddhi (confidant or sure) of their role and the role of Baba. Then all these years which have been spent in the spiritual study is for becoming nischaybuddhi. As regards the transformation, as per Advanced Knowledge every soul passes through the sato (completely pure), rajo (partially pure) and tamo (impure) stages in the Confluence Age. The individual shootings keep taking place at various points of time. Any particular point of time in the Sangamyug may be tamo for one and sato for someone else. The wholesale transformation of the world will take place when the role of Vishnu begins, i.e. when the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi-Narayan get revealed in their perfect stage.-OK.

Question: It has been said that refining-changing keeps taking place in the knowledge-which knowledge? Can there be any change in the Sakar Murlis? Or as per time their interpretation(which is given in cds and cassettes) can change--and so it means that whatever explanation is being given in the cassettes and cds can also change as per time and intellect of pbks-which means that whatever is said in cds is not the absolute truth. Which again brings us to a vital question as to what is murli--(the word of God ShivBaba)--and what is true knowledge of Gita which is responsible for bringing the change in souls and will eventually establish Vaikunth on earth?

Ans: It is true that it is written in Murlis that the Gyan will get refined and changed. But in what way and to what extent is a matter to wait and watch. But any change will not be against or opposite to what the Murlis say. As far as possible it will be within the hints given in Murlis. It has been said in the Murlis that ‘that’ Gita has got finished (i.e. completed); but refining and changing will keep taking place in our true Gita till the end. It has been said so in the Murli.



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Post18 Oct 2006

Dear arjun Bhai.

In the Sakar Murlis it is said, "Teri Murli mein hai jadoo." (meaning that "your Murli has the magic") ; now Shivbap is saying these words to whom?? Obviously He is refering to the the future Murli of Ram ShivBaba when Ramshivbaba will be speaking the Murlis directly in future in the 100% nirakari stage; that is when the words spoken by Ramshivbaba will become the true Murli (true Gita Gyan) which will have the power of transformation; at present neither the paper Murlis nor the cassettes or cds have this power to bring about the transformation in BKs or PBKs.

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Post19 Oct 2006

If there would be such a magic that all PBKs will transform will they be able to become numberwise? It is we that we transform ourselves and Murli has magic to some and no magic to others. Should we wait for some miracle to happen or just stand up in efforts. How many years ago it has been said that if we had rememberance for 8 hours we could reach our karmateet stage. It is also said tha BapDada are ready to go, but they just wait for the children.



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Post20 Oct 2006

Andrey wrote: It is we that we transform ourselves and Murli has magic to some and no magic to others.

Dear andrey Bhai.

I have never read this anywhere in Sakar Murlis that Murli has magic to some and no magic to others; can you quote any Murli point or date which says so; Supreme authority ShivBaba's words should have the magic for everybody who listens to it; is it not??

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Post20 Oct 2006

It is not mentioned in any Murli. I have just made it up myself based on practical observation. Some souls would even not listen to the Murli, some souls would listen with one ear and leave from the other, it is said in the Murli, so how will this magic work on them. The words of the Supreme Soul would definetely not work magic on everyone because there are even such souls that nomatter the Supreme Soul is here practically they would not listen to him directly and would prefere listening to some other soul, so what magic is there for them? Also if there were such magic that there is transformation for everyone then everyone would become number one.

Many times it is said, "OK if you are Supreme Authority, why don't you change our intellect ...". He is not an authority in this way is it not. He gives knowledge whoever likes follows, whoever makes effort changes. Just this is the subtle bakti that we wait for something to fall from the sky. We will receive some boon or some magic will work. How will this magic work on those who don't believe it is the Supreme Soul speaking? There will not be any magic for them Others (who believe) may even have goose-pimples of happiness.

However, because all the souls of the world need to reach the pure soul-concious form. i believe that one, by one, following the number one child other children will also reach this stage numberwise, then they power will unite and become even more powerful. Then these power of mind and vibrations will reach the whole world and transform it, and all souls, either due to their own effort, or due to the influence will reach this stage. The difference comes that kings are not influenced, but they influence. So they'll be the one to reach this stage through their own effort. Otherwise those who reach it due to some externall help will be proven to be weaker.

Where has the term RamShivBaba come from. I have never heard Baba using it. Did you make it up yourself? Can you prove with Murli quotes that it is the Krishna soul giving The Knowledge and there cannot be Shrimat in the shooting period?



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Post20 Oct 2006

Andrey wrote:It is not mentioned in any Murli. I have just made it up myself based on practical observation.

If you have made this yourself then i have nothing further to say.
andrey wrote:Where has the term RamShivBaba come from. I have never heard Baba using it. Did you make it up yourself? Can you prove with Murli quotes that it is the Krishna soul giving The Knowledge and there cannot be Shrimat in the shooting period?

If you can read the Hindi Murlis then these words have been repeated many times that ''Ram is ShivBaba"; ''Ramshivbaba ki mat hai shresht mat, baki sabki hai manushya mat''(meaning that only ''Ramshivbaba gives the Shrimat and the rest including Krishna are manushya mat").

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Post20 Oct 2006

Ram is the Incorporeal Ram that is the incorporeal Father, that is Shiv Bap is it?

I have never seen it like one "Ramshivbaba", because you repeat one soul twice. Like RudraShivBaba. Also i do not know the term RamBaba. Although Ram is Father, but it is not called RamBaba, but ShivBaba. Shiva is a name of only one soul. He also has many other names, is not it so?
If you have made this yourself then I have nothing further to say.

Then if you have made the points that there cannot be Shrimat in the shooting period and thet it is the soul of Krishna that teaches i would also not accept.
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Post21 Oct 2006

Shivsena wrote:If you can read the Hindi Murlis then these words have been repeated many times that ''Ram is ShivBaba"; ''Ramshivbaba ki mat hai shresht mat, baki sabki hai manushya mat''(meaning that only ''Ramshivbaba gives the Shrimat and the rest including Krishna are manushya mat").

ShivsenaBhai, that's very interesting, does the word Ramshivbaba appear in the Hindi Murlis as just one word?



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Post21 Oct 2006

John wrote:ShivsenaBhai, that's very interesting, does the word Ramshivbaba appear in the Hindi Murlis as just one word?

Dear john Bhai.

Yes, it is very interesting to read the Murlis between the lines and not take the literal meaning. There are so many Murlis which state the following;
    'Ram is ShivBaba'; 'ShivBaba is nirakar' (meaning nirakari stagewala)
    'Ram is parampita paramatma'; (meaning that Shiv+Ram)
    'Ram is bhagwan'; 'Bhagwan is nirakar' (meaning nirakari stagewala)
    'Ram is Ishwar'; 'Ishwar is nirakar' (meaning that nirakari stagewala)
    'Ram is Bap'; (meaning nirakari stagewala)
The above mahavakyas of bindi Shivbap are clearly describing Ram in the 100% incorporeal stage (if you take it in subtle sense) but if you take it in literal sense then it means bindi Shivbap. Just like the BKs think in literal sense, most PBKs also do the same and call themselves in advance stage of knowledge. This is what i am not able to understand.

When you are in college, the same thing has to be interpreted differently than what you were taught in school. Most PBKs just want to stick to bindi Shivbap and completely ignore the 100% nirakari stage of Rambap, and this is what i have been trying to stress. If our ultimately aim is to achieve the nirakari stage (100% soul conscious stage) then we have to look at Rambap in the same stage and not Shivbap. This is how i look at the Murli points.


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