Brahma Kumaris Punishment for Sex, Wet dreams, Relationships

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Brahma Kumaris Punishment for Sex, Wet dreams, Relationships

Post11 Jul 2010

Related to the women's topic on PMT and menopause, is there a punish for (erotic) wet dreams in Brahma Kumarism? I know that there is for masturbation ... where anyone is daft enough to admit it to a Senior Sister. I remember one Brother ... who was in truth a bit simple ... being banned from going to Madhuban because he "had an accident" and admitted it shamefully. Of course, the hypocrisy is that they now invite all sorts of rich people, VIP and contact souls to Madhuban ... none of whom are celibate, many having affairs and many (in India) likely even using prostitutes.

Who knows much really goes on?

On what do the celibate ladies of the Brahma Kumaris base their knowledge and understand of (male) sexuality on? How do young men growing up under the Brahma Kumaris cope?

Wet dreams are not entirely a male phenomenon ... women experience them too ... I just wondered how young men growing up within the female celibate religion suffer or experience from this largely natural phenomenon.

If you accept Brahma Kumari "soul" theory, there could also be "spiritualist influence" ... if one wishes to believe in them ... "astral couplings" between sexually suppressed individual or "evil" succubi.

If there is a punishment, I dare say the environment gets most of it ... with loads of sheet, body and clothes washing involved. Do the sexual vibrations stick as much as the body fluids do?
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punishment for Wet Dreams

Post21 Aug 2010

I think the punishment, if there is one, is arbitrary. Depends on the people "in charge" and how they deal with sexuality themselves. I don't think there is some BKSWU policy in this matter. Same as there is no real policy for so many other things like how to deal with strong emotions or depression.
ex-l wrote:I remember one Brother ... who was in truth a bit simple ... being banned from going to Madhuban because he "had an accident" and admitted it shamefully.

I know one Brother who used to live in Madhuban was banned from there because they found a picture of a half naked lady under his bed. The poor guy devoted his life to the BK and had nowhere to go. Still he had to leave the Yagya within one day.

However, it can be the complete other way around!! This month a so called Maharati in Delhi was caught having a sexual affair with a female BK. A newsletter was send by Ratan Mohini to all zone-in-charges in India, informing them that this BK has been retained in Madhuban by the mercy of Dadi Janki. Young and middle aged Sisters are informed to keep away from him.

The fact that he has a sexual affair does not shock me at all. However, the fact there seems to be mercy from Janki in stead of punishment makes me wonder. Shouldn't it be always like this? He is not banned from Madhuban but invited!

But I must say that I do not believe it is mercy. I think it is more likely to be a strategy because he is a BK VIP, far too important for the institute, so they cannot let him go. Any "unimportant" BK would be banned. Hypocrisy seems to be the policy. Punishment or treatment.

Depends on how important you are in the eyes of Janki.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punishment

Post22 Aug 2010

lokila wrote:I know one Brother who used to live in Madhuban was banned from there because they found a picture of a half naked lady under his bed. The poor guy devoted his life to the BK and had nowhere to go. Still he had to leave the Yagya within one day.

Not only "nowhere to go" but presumably no one to go to too.
This month a so called Maharati in Delhi was caught having a sexual affair with a female BK. A newsletter was send by Ratan Mohini to all zone-in-charges in India, informing them that this BK has been retained in Madhuban by the mercy of Dadi Janki.

Young and middle aged Sisters are informed to keep away from him ... But I must say that I do not believe it is mercy.

Let's do a break down and analysis of this.

Madhuban is allegedly the purest place on earth where God descends and the romantic ideal of the perfect place to live for most BKs who aspire to be invite there or saving up to make a pilgrimage to after following strict disciplines of purity. For the poor, it is a once in a lifetime experience, and yet here we have a BK VIP doing the most sinful and evil thing (aka love and sex) ... and then being promoted there.

Let's put aside all the fantasy religion for a moment and consider these two, presumably emotionally crushed, individuals and their feels. There must have been some love and affection there for it to have happened. Perhaps very deep and sincere. One is place "under guard and constant surveillance", it sounds, in Madhuban and, putting aside why it was not the woman who was rewarded with a trip to Madhuban, one has to imagine she too is destroyed as a Brahma Kumari ... "having gutted her Cycle" or destroyed her fortune for eternity.

Generally what happens to such BKs is that they are not trust and reduced to fairly menial service. No more VIP dinners.

In the case of the BK VIP, I would suggest that a big factor is Janki Kirpalani's equation - and who knows if she or the bureaucracy made the decision - it is not just who they are ... but HOW MUCH THEY KNOW. Specifically, how much dirt they know. One thing that was pointed out to me early on was just this, that much the leadership is held together by such intrigue.

The BKWSU cannot afford to have some high ranking BK "spill the beans" and expose the BKWSU out of retribution. It would seem they have managed such cases very well to date. Perhaps in just this way.

So, firstly, what is the newsletter to all zone-in-charges in India all about?

A ritual shaming to discredit the individual? How terrible if they are currently also experiencing a broken heart or separation from their loved one.

Secondly, what on earth is "all young and middle aged Sisters are informed to keep away from him" all about?

Surely, for being one of the Top 8 spiritual beings on the planet, that demonstrates a complete miscomprehension of what love and relationships are all about. It is another example of the "all men are lusty dogs", or rapists, ready to stick their thing into any hole. There is no comprehension that, just perhaps, he actually loved this woman and vice versa and they were attracted to one another!?!

It is a sort of demonizing worthy of pedophiles ... I mean, why not just brand his forehead?

And, lastly, the ridiculous portrayal of Janki Kirpalani as some benign, merciful medieval Pope empowered to forgive the weak sinners; retained, or rather restrained, not "in Madhuban" at her mercy but ... AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CELIBATE DONORS!!!

Why, if this couple wanted to explore a relationship, could they not just have left the BKWSU for a while and done so, coming back when or if they felt like it? It sounds like the " Maharati" (which means an Elephant rider, aka a most stable and power BK adherent) was already on the BKWSU's payroll during the affair. What do we know about the Sister?

Skipping continents to England, we also read recently of the case of Jaymini Patel, one of Dadi Janki Kirpalani's long-term unpaid handmaidens, likewise "being forgiven" for her indiscretions.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punishment for Sex, Wet dreams, Relationships

Post22 Aug 2010

HA HA HA HA ... At last a topic I can sink my teeth into hahahahaha. I am replying after just reading the title without reading any of the posts, but I will ... hahaha.

I had a wet dream the night before my first meeting with BapDada, in a dormitory in Madubhan!!!! Imagine my guilt and shame. I was riddled with guilt and felt dirty. I told a sort of approachable older Brother about it sitting on the swing in Baba's garden next to the hut, and he told me the same thing had happened to him!

But I must say I must have gone a good six months without ejaculating at all!!!!!!! Then the dreams starting coming :shock: :shock: hahahahahaha. I also confessed once to Jayanti about masturbating and she was very kind if not extremely embarrassed about it. I really couldn't conceive at the time that much worse went on amongst the Seniors!!! Or bottom management Seniors, I should say.

But the guilt!!!!!!!! Gut wrenching and head ++++ing.

I will write more on this, including relationships.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punishment for Sex, Wet dreams, Relationships

Post23 Aug 2010

Mr Green wrote:... coming ... conceive ... bottom management.

Erm, yes, I can see where this is going. Oo-er missus ... it is 'Carry on Brahma Kumaris'! Now, imagine from a BK's point of view ... a meeting with BapDada who can see and knows EVERYTHING in the soul.

This makes me wonder, what percentage of the Brother, or congregation, are we talking about ... and what percentage have been honest about it?

Folks should remember that in Brahma Kumarism, reporting one's "sins" to the senior BKs is said to magically reduce the karma of them by 50%. I am not sure by what mechanism but let's leave that for another topic. Of course, talking about things to another does help ... but does it help in the BKWSU? Is it remembered and held against individuals or are they rewarded for being submissive to the Seniors?

In another topic, I mention one double foreigner Brother, who was a little simple and honest to a Senior Sister, being banned from going to Madhuban just because he could not resist a little wrist action. And here we have a senior BK being rewarded by internment in Madhuban for far worse.

Strange, is not it? The splitting up of relationships is quite common. Any individuals feel or showing attachment used to be moved apart geographically and banned from contact for months. I do not know if it has changed these days. Australia was always a little bit radical when it came to Brothers and Sisters sharing centers.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punishment for Sex, Wet dreams, Relationships

Post27 Aug 2010

A little touch of enlightenment from the BrahmaKumaris site. Anyone interested in checking the references?

Either not everyone gets punished or Madhuban is becoming quite the spiritual brothel the PBKs accuse it of being. The Brahma Kumari Sisters are very keen on Brothers as Chauffeurs, I know that to be true too.

As to "Wife should be pregnant before season starts", this is not complete unique either. Another crack in the BK facade. I remember another BK supporter telling me of Indian BKs would would claim to be "in Gyan" for 18 years but have a 8, 10 and 12 year old children. To be honest, the actually ages are approximate. I remember the story but not the finer details. What the Indian BK claimed, verbatim, was that "Baba 'touched him' to make another child".

In BK Speak, "Baba's touchings" are claimed to be psychic influences direct from God upon an BK adherent.
Posted by user BK Nayan.

[To] go to Madhuban and meet BapDada, you should have the following shrimats set by young Sisters:-

1. Donate money in huge amounts for last six months.
2. Have a [Bajaj] Pulsar [motor]bike, [Suzuki] Wagon R etc to give the young Sisters a ride.
3. Married before 25 yrs of age, handsome guys wanted
4. Wife should be pregnant before season starts.
5. Should shower gifts to Sisters.
6. Should be romantic and give time to Sisters between 7.30pm to 9.30pm

If you do not believe all these, how can BK Vinod from Sualkuchi branch under Rupnagar, Guwahati-Assam get to meet BapDada during this year's Holi turn.

Centre no is 9435018558, contact BK Dipanjali, BK Sharada
BK Nayan on March 9, 2010 at 3:14am
Om Shanti
Shall I say it?The centre are becoming a hell and thrown in the molten cauldron are "innocent" in search of peace. The centre i/c are manipulators, flirts,cunning cheats.These instrument teachers are sadistically waiting to catch the hapless victim in search of peace.Once the job of getting or looting their money,they simply dumb the poor fellows in the name of drama,hisab kitab etc etcHow long will people suffer ?WHEN IS D REVOLUTION COMING in the brahmakumaris?God knows how many sacrifices of innocent hapless victims will open HIS Third Eye,the eye of destruction of brahmakumaris......
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Punishment

Post06 Sep 2010

ex-l wrote: it is not just who they are ... but HOW MUCH THEY KNOW. Specifically, how much dirt they know. One thing that was pointed out to me early on was just this, that much the leadership is held together by such intrigue.

I think you have a good point here. A guy so high on the list of VIP's within the BKWSU - I believe he is hanging around for half a century already - surely must know all the ins and outs of the institute.
ex-l wrote:There is no comprehension that, just perhaps, he actually loved this woman and vice versa and they were attracted to one another!?!

On the other hand, I think when such a person who is spreading the word of the BKWSU for so many decades all over the world; someone who worked hard to reach a status of mr-holy-probably-one-of-the-8, it is quite strange to be caught whilst having an affair. In a way I feel sorry but in another way I have mixed feelings because it looks more like a proof that the ones who are masters in keeping up appearances within the BK seem to be human beings after all. They are just not able to admit this to the outside world because too much depends about their self made glory of holiness! And this for reasons I can only speculate about.

Maybe because their life is really good, they have a high status and a lot of devotees, they have enough money, food is cooked for them every day and everything else is fixed in their lives? Just one thing is lacking ... sincere warm, human love and friendship. An irresistible experience as many people at this forum know. But when you are so entangled in the web, when you were a big part of even creating this web of holiness, telling everyone this is enlightenment, it seems really foolish to be caught in an affair.

So I applaud for him showing his humane side, but I keep a doses of skeptic. Unless ... this BK stands up and tells the world the true and honest story of his own experience, post it on his blog AND is brave enough to speak up and protect the lady involved. But I guess this will never happen. It is of course karma, drama and Maya and the only remedy will be a never ending bhatti.

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