Any place for fringe folks?

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BK contact soul

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Any place for fringe folks?

Post04 Jul 2010

Well now ... would say am on the fringes ... long time BK but not with a centre, or Murli access (So thanks kindly for your Sakar Murlis!) So do not really fit into the discussion groups of BKs, as am not a fan of the Dadi Janki centrist organisation its now become. And yet still feel very much linked to Baba and knowledge ... minus the organised family! Sad to see that BK discussion on here seems to have died a death several yrs ago. Is there a place for BKs who arn't fans of the hierarchy! ? :D

BTW ... the fact you have all the Murlis on here, does make a joke of the massive security placed on Murli access when anyone can access them on here!
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Re: Any place for fringe folks?

Post04 Jul 2010

Vianne wrote:Well now ... would say am on the fringes ... do not really fit into the discussion groups of BKs, as am not a fan of the Dadi Janki centrist organisation its now become.

BTW ... the fact you have all the Murlis on here, does make a joke of the massive security placed on Murli access when anyone can access them on here!

We wont eat you ... unless you become a blockheaded or a pain in the ass ... which I think you have proven yourself already NOT to be by asking nicely!

Yes, we make a joke of the massive security placed on the revised Murlis by the BKWSU (many of ours are earlier versions too, and then there is the historical stuff they had covered up for 60 years or more ...). Actually, the democratisation of "The Knowledge" has bee one of our main campaigns. In doing so, we also point out the blockheaded stupidity and denial of much of the Dadi Janki Junkies. Of course, we make jokes out of many of our BK experiences and consider it healthy.

Yes, sadly, the whole "ecumenical" approach bring together BKs, PBKs, ex-BKs et al did not work out.

There was too much conflict between the PBK and BKs, and none of the BKs wanted to support the project ... Then Dr Hansa Raval of Texas used the BKWSO to try and sue us into submission for personal gain because a user here quoted a website which said her ideas were "kooky" and in doing so outed herself for, a) not having official support to do so, and b) a whole lot of dubious activities including dodgy immigration applications, a secret marriage within Gyan and more.

Ditto we found that some ex-BKs coming out of the BKWSU were in a pretty sensitive state and it did not help having them clubbed on the head with a "Baba says in the Murli ...".

Sadly, although many big name BKs really liked and admired the site ... few to none came forward to support it. And those that did join had agendas.

Since this site broke the rigid BKWSU control mold ... there are now at least 5 other sites you might visit: ... for the more esoteric discussion on Advanced Knowledge ... for a lighter, more free and open both pro and con of the BKWSU experience ... for a less strict but still BK environment (also, old posts here:, and ...

So, if you want to ask honest questions, document some of the problems you had or ways in which you overcame them ... then this is a good place. To romantically "churn The Knowledge" and remanisce,
maybe xbkchat or globalbk would be good.

Good luck ...


BK contact soul

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Re: Any place for fringe folks?

Post04 Jul 2010

Thank you ex-l! I appreciate the links. I'll probably looking between here and the bk-pbk site, the globalbk one doesn't look very active! I would also rather avoid folks who spout the Murli and don't speak from experience. The BKs aren't very good when it comes to dealing with emotions. Its something I had to learn myself separately. Simply saying, "be soul conscious" to someone going through' depression or pain is totally pointless and counter productive.

It would be interesting to see the original Sakar Murlis, and also, when in Madhubhan last (3 yrs or so ago), they had a lot of original Hindi audio Sakar Murlis on CD, but only one is translated into English (Sister Manda is translating). It would be interesting to have more of those translated.
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Mr Green


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Re: Any place for fringe folks?

Post06 Jul 2010


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