How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

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How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

Post18 Jun 2010

Om Shanti!

We read your letter. RajYoga means raaj=secret+Yoga, the Yoga of secrets. BKs cannot explain this. Only the Parampitha Paramathma can say about this. BKs say Supreme Soul went away. He did not go away. As he is soul he has no voice, he entered into ordinary man and is doing the work now.The BKs are not recognising this. Brahma Baba only entering into the body of Gulzar Dadi. Shiva Baba is there on this earth only.

ShivaBaba is saying the secrets of starting, middle and end of the universe. do not beleive BKs. Supreme Soul will not be with people who deceive others. There is Advanced Knowledge where there is no need to give a penny. Will Supreme Soul needs this physical money invented by man? They will clear all your doubts. There are no guru's, Seniors, Didi's and Dadi's. We have only one Satguru. Try to take Advance Course.Your doubts about rajayoga will be cleared.

I am PBK laxmikalyani matha. I also, just like you, went to BK centre. After some days Murli books came to me, later some days they did not gave me any book. I did not go for some days there. After somedays I joined in Advance Course.Then I understood the real Gyan datha is shivshankar bolenath OR we can say Allah ho akbar.

BK people took out Shankar's photo. But in shastras they say shivshankar not shivbrahma or shivvishnu. In bagvathgeetha, Krishna gives Gyan to arjun. Arjun is gruhasthi. God makes pavithrapravruthi marg (way) understand? Krishna means which Krishna? Which souls are arjun?

BKs say that bagavathgeetha is said by Shiv. But Shiv is bindu. How can a soul say? They say that Supreme Soul entered in Brahma (veda came from Brahma face).The matter in veda basing on shastra,according to bagavathgeetha ShivaBaba makes us understand.

Trimurti is Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar. Brahma= brah=badi(big) + ma=mother. Shiv enters into Brahma and plays the role of mother. Now he entered in Shankar and playing the role of Father.

You will get answers for all your questions. do not worry.You will know all secrets in Advance Course. Supreme Soul did not come for money. You need not give any money or assets. You have a good future and lot of work in Gyan (getting new points to discuss). How many years you be in BK you will not understand the Gyan. Supremesoul Shiv didnot go anywhere. He is here only. He will do kalyan (good) for all souls and take them to Paramdham.

BKs said Destruction in 1976. In 1976, the part changed by Supreme Soul from Brahma to Shankar (BKs didnot understood the words of Supreme Soul, they only thought in hadh (limited) sense. There are 2 types of meanings: 1) hadh (limited). 2) behadh (unlimited)). Again they say Destruction in 2012 but the part again changes. Shiv should pass through all three murthys. They say lord Krishna is coming. From whom Krishna will take birth? Every child have parents.

Om Shanti!


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Re: Lost property, junk & administrative moves

Post19 Jun 2010

Just get a " real" LIFE and forget it all, it is not going to do you any good anyway BK, PBK or any K.

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Re: Lost property, junk & administrative moves

Post19 Jun 2010

Wow, now I am confused ... say what ...


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Re: Lost property, junk & administrative moves

Post19 Jun 2010

What is so confusing to you?

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Re: Lost property, junk & administrative moves

Post20 Jun 2010

What laxmaniyani said. Since when did something so simple become so ...


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Re: Lost property, junk & administrative moves

Post23 Jun 2010

Yes, well, if you realy want to study something, then study how cults work ... how your brain works ... and some basic psychology. That is, if you want to know "the self".

Cults study it ... that is why you are hooked. They know it, and you don't. It is so simple.
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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs and how to recover

Post23 Jun 2010

This is a philosophical answer, I have wondered if the "confusion" aspect of Brahma Kumarism is deliberate and what the teaching is about ... not the half-baked truths and outright lies it is made up of. By that I mean, that people are deliberately put into a spin to shake them up and wake them but ... but that "passing" is realising that and walking away. I could have had relevance for the original Sindi community ... but it REALLY does not for the rest of the world.

Yes, PBKism used the same technique back on BKs. BKs think they are the masters of it ... and then the PBKs come along and they are even GREATER masters of it and they point out all the failures, inconsistencies and controversies. They do to the BKs what the BKs to ordinary Hindus and Westerners ... and the BKs HATE it. They H-A-T-E it so much, they ban, threaten and even abuse individuals with violence ... which suggests that the BKs are not so enlightened after all.

I think that the PBKs are right in that the BKs got and made it all wrong ... but I have no idea why the PBKs remain enslaved to "The Knowledge" and trying to make it fit reality. Like you say Jann, it could just be the hooks of basic psychology tugging at people's pre-programming ... but who or what is the intelligence behind it all?

I know so much about the BKs that not one inch of me can say it is "Godly" any more. Not one inch. It is not a 'divine' intelligence at all.



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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs and how to recover

Post23 Jun 2010

I think so many were confused by reading my forum. Will Supreme Soul knowledge (ocean) will be that easy to understand? This study is not easy as science or social?
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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs and how to recover

Post23 Jun 2010

The god of the BKs or even PBKs ... whatever it may be or not ... is not "God ... Ocean ... Supreme" or anything. It is that simple.

It is simple to understand ... it is a con.

What people learn from this forum is that the entire religion is based on falsehoods. For example, that Lekhraj Kirpalani thought he was god until after 1950 ... that there was no mention of "God Shiva" in 1936 ... that the history is false ... that the Murlis and knowledge have been re-written by human beings ... that the "god of the BKs" and the leaders of the religion have made numerous failed predictions of Destruction (End of the World) from WWII to 1950 to 1976 to mid-1980s and so on.

If you read the forum deeply, you will also find out that Virendra Dev Dixit has done the same.

PBKism gives comfort to BKs who have been hurt or disappointed by the BKWSU ... it is "more of the same" and it feeds the superiority myth a little longer. But it too will fail just like the BKWSU has.

Come back in 2036 ... I bet both the BKWSU and the AIVV will have changed Destruction date yet again saying, "oh, we meant 100 from Lekhraj Kirpalani's death in 2036" ... or "we meant 100 years after VDDs death". It will just go on and on for as long as a bunch of old Indian ladies, and their male workers, can make money to live out of it.


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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs and how to recover

Post23 Jun 2010

People have to be confused otherwise manipulating them to study more does not work. Cult leaders want to tell you that you don't understand, and "normal people" completely don't understand and have a stone intellect and that makes a follower feel special. And followers feel special when the leader tells you that "only you Brahmins understand" even if you don't than you are willing to make effort because "all " the others seem to understand, but do they realy?
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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs and how to recover

Post23 Jun 2010

I do not think they understand. I do not think 'The Knowledge' is understandable. It is incoherent and illogical and only become strangely acceptable and addictive by forced repetition. It is part of the BK arrogance that they REALLY believe that non-BK can logically process The Knowledge and see right through it for what it is.

This does not seem utterly rare either ... many folks like telling the same story or watching the same fictional movie again and again and again. Children LOVE hearing their favorite fairy story. How is it The Knowledge that difference? BKs are often encouraged to become like children and keep a child-like state.

So, yes, I agree with you ... it is a clear case of Emperor's Clothes syndrome. If you are stupid enough to believe it ... despite all the falsehood and failed predictions ... you must be special. What can you say to that!?!


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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs and how to recover

Post23 Jun 2010

If one never felt special before and then someone tells you that you are a special soul?

Some feel special, noticed. They join the club being love bombed and realy feel special and noticed, they get love they probably never had before. One is not aware of the falsehood, as BKs are not allowed to tell the whole story. One gets sucked in. The programming starts.

Even saying that leaving will make you ill or something bad will happen to you ... whatever. Fear! How can one leave now? Just pretend that you see the beautiful new clothes of the emperor. Don't tell anyone that you realy don't see it because then you are not special anymore.

So every BK is pretending, but one believes what they say because no one knows that the BK is pretending because he/she is not telling. But pretending is a good thing according to the teachings, as one is told to be an actor in a play.

    Pretend that you love people but really do not have love for this world.
    Pretend you want to save the world but really meditate for Destruction.
    Pretend you like people but realy try to drag them into the club.
    Pretend that you love your lokik family and friends but really only love your BK family.
Lokiks are impure, do not eat their food, do not sit next to impure souls.

Do this and you are an angel, special, one of the family ... and than you believe it is normal and see 'the new clothes of the emperor'.
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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs and how to recover

Post24 Jun 2010

jann wrote:If one never felt special before and then someone tells you that you are a special soul?

Some feel special, noticed. They join the club being love bombed and realy feel special and noticed, they get love they probably never had before. One is not aware of the falsehood, as BKs are not allowed to tell the whole story. One gets sucked in. The programming starts.

You know, I have never thought of this before Jann ... but if you think of the typical Brahma Kumari of the early period and, I am guessing, most of the typical target Brahma Kumaris even of today, I would have to suspect that many of them have poor self images. I am particularly talking of in Indian society, or more traditional Indian societies, where having a girl is a disappointment or burden on the family because of the dowry/marriage system.

I am sure the rich, handsome and apparently powerful Lekhraj Kirpalani telling they were so special, especially when their own fathers were absent for a long time on business etc, was very intoxicating. Of course, now we know that in the early days of the Om Mandli they had no imagination of God Shiva and only thought of God Brahma ... Lekhraj Kirpalani himself.

I cannot say how accurate this stereotype is now though. I am sure some Indian families do love their daughters ... but one often finds the mothers to be quite strict and unloving ... for example, ask Indians about love and affection, touching in families etc. Ditto, we have discussed how some Westerners with dysfunctional backgrounds also become sucked in. Repressive Roman Catholic or tough Protestant backgrounds.
Even saying that leaving will make you ill or something bad will happen to you ... whatever. Fear! How can one leave now?

This is true. I have heard terrible fear base predictions for BKs who leave; illness, failure ... even rape. Honestly, it is like children telling ghost stories to each other to frighten each other. The leaders do not have to do very much at all ... in person ... except encourage the myths along now and again; like Janki Kripalani telling the BKs about her "terrible" husband and marriage etc.

Again myth and fear-based rather than knowledge and reality based, or a preparation in life for reality.

They even "capture" the word knowledge for their mythic anti-knowledge.


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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

Post24 Jun 2010

Give them a bottle of monster spray and it will all go away.

It is sad though to only feel noticed and "loved" by folks that are willing to harm you; trusting them, give everything to them ... your mind body and soul.

They keep you stupid, not to watch TV, not to read papers or books, a nice romantic novel or magazines etc; so you will not notice the "real world" because you might get interested in everything that is out there for you.

To create disinterest in human nature it is not healthy, and that is what will make you sick. If you have a newborn child or animal, feed it but not touch it or give it affection for a week it dies. And that is what BK teachings are all about. Die alive. And if someone touches you, you back of like a scared autistic creature, not only because Baba told you not to touch any impure person (which most people are in your surroundings) but also because it might turn you on, giving you those forbidden feelings of warmth and longing that we all need ... but which you so hard try to block out.

That is not very Godly, is it out.
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Re: How BKs confuse non-BKs, PBKs confuse BKs, & how to recover

Post24 Jun 2010

I think PBKs are ex-bks that haven't managed to accept they were hoodwinked so have invented a new loads of BS to keep their delusion going.

I also had to accept quite a long time ago it wasn't god, or anything like it, to regain some sanity. It's worth the pain of unravelling the arrogance fueled self deception.

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