Prepared to die for Baba - BKWSU versus Left-Wing activists

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Prepared to die for Baba - BKWSU versus Left-Wing activists

Post19 May 2010

How to make the Naxals join mainstream ... Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kanu Sanyal the Father of Naxalism just before his death observed with great disappointment that the cult of violence and mindless killing of innocent people including elders, women and children being pursued by today's generation of Naxals was never in his scheme of things and it is entirely different from his vision and mission. Kanu Sanyal is no more to bring the Naxals on to the right path who have left miles and miles behind the real Naxal ideology.

Initially the objective of Naxalism in Bastar forests also was to protect and fight for the rights and privileges of the tribals, securing their due, protecting them from exploitation by the administration and government. But in due course of time they found that their mission has not only earned the confidence of the villagers but has also enabled them to collect sufficient money power, arms and ammunition and to run a parallel government. They are now dreaming of State authority and aspiring for political power--not through democracy but through violence and intimidation. They even mockingly claim that arms, & money come to them through police, ordinance depots, other departmental officials and contractors.

As for local support to Naxals many argue that Naxals get local support out of fear for them but not voluntarily or out of any commitment. Day in and day out Naxal leaders demand from the locals one member - a girl or a boy -of the family to strengthen Naxal army in lieu of security provided to them. Considerable number of girls are already in the army duly trained to fight and fire. They are not allowed to flee also. (There was a recent news story of a tribal girl of Jharkhand having been raped by Naxals to teach a lesson for having deserted them) Police instead of providing succour, harrasses them during the day in the name of investigation and interrogation and Naxals threaten them after sunset.

If tribals were ever found daring to support security forces, inform them about Naxal movements and strategy, talk of peace and non-violence, they are meted out with tortuous, barbaric and exemplary punishments publicly that none can muster courage to repeat such folly. Administration and police knowingly turn a nelson's eye. Chhattisgarh Govt's Salwa Judum did much harm rather than doing any good to tribals.

MPs, MLAs and other elected representatives from the area allegedly directly pay ransom to Naxals to win as well as retain their seats. All those engaged in the construction works also do the same thing. The forest officials posted in the area from Ranger and below often encounter Naxal leaders but they cannot inform the police and administration. On the other hand these officials too reportedly share their illegal income with the Naxal leaders and keep them in good humour.

The tribals are totally cut off from the police and administration and political leaders because of their insensitivity, insincerety, lack of dedication and commitment to public service and exploitation of the tribals on one pretext or the other. Tribals are also separated from the mainstream of development activities due to this sad state of affairs. The administration has lost the confidence of the local people. Naxals indulge in the emotional exploitation of this situation in the tribal villages.

Naxal leaders are crazily craving for power, money and authority which they have been enjoying to the optimum since last over a decade and a half. The leaders and the Naxal army are so brainwashed that they do not enter into any peace talks. They are not prepared to lay down arms and stop their violent operations. The mainstream democratic politics does not inspire them. Their slogan is power comes through barrel and exploitation and violence are the pre-requisites.

Senior Naxal leaders reportedly live in posh AC bungalows in cities and travel in AC cars. They mix up with people so naturally and as one amongst them that even the shrewdest of intelligence personnel fails to identify them.

In this scenario the BK Peace messengers visited the forests recently. Time alone will be able to assess the impact of BK Peace Messengers visit to Naxal areas of Chhattisgarh. But, the peace messengers' salute and tributes to the martyred security personnel in the Dantewada forests and sympathies and condolences towards the bereaved families had the desired impact. Perhaps only through such message of brotherhood, compassion and non-violence coupled with peace visits, the Naxals may successfully be inspired to transform themselves to join the mainstream shedding arms and violence. But it is again only an uncertain speculation!

BK media bid to contact Naxals

Truth is always stranger than fiction! These words of wisdom came out true when, accompanied by 35 more Brahmakumaris Media Wing's office-bearers and members as peace messengers, we visited in the last week of April a Gita Pathshala in a remote village Badanja bordering Chintalnar forests in Dantewada in Bastar. (Chintalnar is that tragic site where 76 security personnel were martyred in an ambush by Maoists)

Gita Pathshalas are nurseries where the BK philosophy is taught. Badanja's is one such pathshala. It is a predominantly Halbi (community) populated village. Halbis are an exclusive and rigid community. Inspired by the BK philosophy two teen-aged girls Subhadra and Savitri of this village resolved to become BKs in the face of stiff opposition from their parents, relations and community. They were beaten, chided, ex-communicated, tortured, threatened and sometimes insulted but these two girls did not budge an inch from their determination. They are now fullfledged BKs by their appearance, deeds, words and behaviour.

When suggested that the easiest way to escape the community's humiliation and ex-communication is to desert Brahma Kumaris, Subhadra retorted at once that if Dadis and Baba too had ever thought on these lines what would have happened to Baba's determination of deliverance of Paramatma? All of us were shocked to hear this because even the most devoted BK would not have responded with such determination. Savitri standing by Subhadra also responded in the same spirit. We are prepared to die for Baba, they echoed. When we encountered them about their knowledge of BK philosophy, they explained flawlessly in one go all about body, soul, super soul, corporeal, incorporeal, RajYoga, meditation - the cardinal principles of BKs. Nobody knew how many such Subhadras and Savitris must be serving the society in the remote unapproachable predominantly tribal villages in experiencing GOD and his powers.

This situation in villages in the dense forests prompted us to investigate as to why in such a land where virtual Baba's Angels are around to convey the message of love, peace, brotherhood, purity, a violent and revengeful cult like Naxalism could have its strong roots. As we probed we encountered with hundreds. But none was prepared to share anything about Naxals. Everyone is scared and terrorised. But whatever could be shared under condition of anonymity in truncated versions could be pieced together which gives the first impression that all is not well in Bastar forests and Chhattisgarh Govt. must be ready to face tougher times ahead while dealing with the naxal problem.

Krishna Chander Mouli
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Re: "We are prepared to die for Baba"...

Post19 May 2010

maoists_vs_government_business_BKWSU_in_india.jpg.jpg (20.64 KiB) Viewed 8978 times

Krishna Chander Mouli is a Brahma Kumari adherent. Typically, as with much of the new style of 'elite' BK propaganda, e.g. that involving Tamasin Ramsay in Western academia recently, it is not made clear that Krishna Chander Mouli is a Brahma Kumari adherent. The BKWSU is in the business of benefit from government develop of forest lands.

The Naxals are Indian Maoists critical of the feudal state of India, and the landlordism that rules it. The Brahma Kumaris are neo-, wannabe landlords. A replacement Brahmin Caste or spiritual feudalists and sucking up to the Right and Power in India.

The main issue is actually about ethics ... land rights, land ownership and the fair share of Indian's commonwealth of natural resources. Nothing the BKWSU brains appear to recognise ... except where it leads to land and property gains or the BKWSU.
In Chhattisgarh, a fierce battle is raging along the Indrawati river in Central India. On one side of the river are deployed the para military forces of the Indian state. On the other side, in dense forest, are the Maoist guerrillas.

The Indian militia calls the battle, operation ‘Green Hunt’, which is aimed at flushing out the Maoists from the mineral rich forest land so that Indian and multinational corporations can fatten their bottom line by exploiting iron ore, coal and bauxite. The Maoists are fighting to protect the 40,000 square kilometers of dense forest land known as Dandakaranya from these marauding companies.

The Naxalites, as they are known, are part of a hidden war in central India's mineral-rich tribal belt which the New Delhi government would like hand out to large mining companies to dig out the mineral wealth and is attempting to depopulate the forests in preparation. The Indian government has been accused of violating the Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA) and the Forest Rights Bill for Scheduled Tribes, which only came after decades of struggle. The people are rightfully angry, distrust the government and the Naxals are demanding greater rights for the people living in those areas. Of course, the people are going to be screwed by the government and big business after mining right that are going to, largely, kill their forests and lifestyles. Illegal mining ... license scams ... governmental corruption ... heavy handed police collaboration and so on are common.

Despite India's economic booms, families in the exceptionally poor jungle states of East India, called Scheduled Tribes, are seeing no improvement in their daily lives. Persecuted, they are turning to left wing political support and, where provoked, to violence in order to defend themselves many of their young having left ancestral lands have flocked to the cities to find work leaving them vulnerable. Where the Naxals have interacted with corporations, they have done so 'peaceful' to negotiate higher wages and better working conditions. For example, a slightly more intelligent view is taken here or here.

This is not "journalism". It is cheap one-sided propaganda based on a couple of probably uneducated indoctrinated young girls lead to repeat BK homilies, play out BK archetypes, and it is quite shocking propaganda at that. The BK Media Wing is run by Chief of Multi Media, BK Karuna Shetty ... he that was recently accused by the outspoken BK Pari of being involved in a police pay off following a BK murder. Shetty was also involved giving credibility to Hansa Raval's private legal action against this website, long after she started it, despite revelations to the leadership about her less then squeaky clean past as a center-in-charge.

In India, the Naxals have broad support from civil society groups to environmentalists sympathizing with the concerns of poor and see anti-Naxalism as a witch-hunt by the government who, in the name of fighting terror, can catch people and put them in jail and say that they are Maoists sympathizers.

BK Krishna Chander Mouli wrote:Another unique way of giving a practical shape to the resolutions could be instituting an annual award (cash or memento for whom there will be no dearth of sponsorers [sister in charge] too) in the memory of Dadi Prakashmani to be given away to a person, group or institution, media unit which takes the theme of promoting spirituality for peace and developmenmt to its heart and puts into real practice rather than just vocal support. Networking of value and spiritualism based media activities with Brahmakumaris Media Wing at Abu headquarters, the Society of Media Initiative for Values and the Global Forum for Public Relations and (GFPR) strengthening and empowering them in this area of activity was another landmark suggestion that was debated upon. The golden triangle of ethics,professionalism and spirituality the GFPR’s slogan also came in handy to deliberate on these lines.
non-BK Journalist wrote:In most cases Maoists soon gain a lot of popularity. They become a major power network there, running people’s courts, collecting taxes, levies on local contractors and traders.
Bangalore, Feb 20 - The Karnataka government today decided to allow mining in 14 blocks, subject to certain conditions.

Mining in these blocks would be allowed if it is for value addition and creation of jobs, and if it is approved by the forest and environment departments, central government and high-level committee of the state ... The government also gave the green signal to four charitable organisations to acquire agricultural land as per powers vested in it by the exemptions in the Karnataka Land Reforms Act.

These include more than six acres for Brahmakumaris, who are setting up a university in Belgaum district.

BKWSU wrote:The tribals are totally cut off ... because of their insensitivity, insincerety [sister in charge], lack of dedication and commitment to public service and exploitation of the tribals ... separated from the mainstream of development activities. ... Naxals indulge in the emotional exploitation of this situation in the tribal villages ... [their] leaders are crazily craving for power, money and authority ... The leaders and the Naxal army are so brainwashed ...

I see no mention of the poverty under which most Indians in marginal lands live, nor what practical solutions the BKWSU are offering. I am remembering comments someone here wrote about the Brahma Kumaris being a political organization and this is more evidence of that ... essentially nationalist, establishmentarian and Right-ist in India and appealing in their rhetoric to nationalist, establishmentarian and the Right in India.

Naxalism is a class war and the Brahma Kumaris have taken sides with the establishment... subdue resistance from within and co-opt local power via the women. Interestingly, the Gandhi Peace Foundation have taken sides with the Naxals and are organizing their own peace campaigns WITH worker and land rights for the tribals.
Prof. Yash Pal, chairman of the Committee to advise on Rennovation and Rejuvenation of Higher Education in India wrote:
In the name of development, we are mining for minerals which we export to China, Japan and other countries. We dig land, we dig forest, we uproot people living in this land for the so-called development and progress ... Having uprooted the adivasis, we set up highly polluting industries and destroy the most-beautiful and green forest land of our country. We are destroying the soil of India, we are destroying the people of India.

This flags up another Brahma Kumari front, or perhaps we could say 'feudal kingdom', called Society of Media Initiative for Values who rules are here. Vegetarianism, I can understand but, strangely membership is limited to Indians. Gallery, here.

Do not worry, as the Brahma Kumaris teach, Destruction for everyone is coming soon.
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Re: Prepared to die for Baba - BKWSU versus Left-Wing activists

Post20 May 2010

Another more indepth appraisal of the war against the Adivasi (first people), as many as 1,000,000 of will ultimately be displaced by the coporations assault on their tribal homelands.
Gravest displacement, Bravest resistance: The struggle of adivasis of Bastar, Chhattisgarh against imperialist corporate landgrab - June 1, 2009
"We shall give up our lives but not land". The slogan is overwhelming across the state of Jharkhand against displacement induced by the development projects. It is not only a slogan for the Adivasis but it is also their determination, pledge and hope to ensure their ownership rights over the natural resources i.e. land, forest and water

Needless to say, the big corporations that the Brahma Kumaris suck up to are hiring violent goons to assault and intimidate villagers. The corporations are cutting down 10,000s of trees in the virgin forests which are their homelands. Villagers displaced by them are having to fight for decades to get compensation. And in a number of cases, high profile social activists and trade unionists, such as Sankar Guha Niyogi, have been murdered by the capitalists.

Usually, in such incidents, the India police take the side of money against workers rights often picking up labourers at random, beating them up and occupying union offices. Villagers have been shot at random, including women and children.
Why are the Maoists popular among the ordinary folks?

For one, their entry ... has ended the reign of contractors who loot and cheat, and policemen who abuse. Today tribal women can walk in the forests alone. Starvation deaths do not take place in Maoist areas. Prostitution is passe; so are human sacrifices. The Maoists have helped tribals construct dams to store rain water; set up mango, guava and lime orchards; rice mills in several villages where grain can be husked at nominal rates.

Tribals are provided basic education, and medicines that they have never got from the government.

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