A more helpful option?

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A more helpful option?

Post27 Apr 2010

After leaving the BKs I carried on my spiritual searching in Buddhist mindfulness meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Yoga. I imagine that other BKs have done the same thing.

When I went to the BKs I was a student and the only free/cheap way of learning 'meditation' was via the BKs. I imagine that many low income people end up there the same way. I wanted to find out if other ex-BKs who have carried on along their spiritual journeys would like to get together and share what they have learnt - in a system with no hierarchy - so the teachers would be a teacher of Yoga, taoism or whatever it is they teach but no system of gurus or anyone being 'better' - and also not donation/profit driven - any money made going directly to established charites - Unicef, Bharat Welfare Trust, BHF etc.

If we offered the public something like this then genuine seekers would not end up going through the pain of the BKs. Surely there would be enough ex-BKs wanting to provide genuine knowledge to help others on the spiritual path on the BK path. Even if we only taught once every few months it is a start but surely this would help people find a truer path?


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Re: A more helpful option?

Post28 Apr 2010

Cults represent each society's "default values," filling in its missing functions. The cult epidemic is diagnostic of where and how society is failing its citizens.

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Re: A more helpful option?

Post28 Apr 2010

anupatel wrote:If we offered the public something like this then genuine seekers would not end up going through the pain of the BKs. Surely there would be enough ex-BKs wanting to provide genuine knowledge to help others on the spiritual path on the BK path. Even if we only taught once every few months it is a start but surely this would help people find a truer path?

I think this is a good idea and very charitable of you. It seems that a few ex-BK continue with the mediation in small groups or individually, I do not know any who teach it.

Sadly, there is an increasing number who turn it into some kind of paid for business, executive coaching, kid's relaxation classes, counseling, academia and even a few guru types.

I do not think I have anything to offer on that side. Sadly, during my time we were told to give up other studies. I am though happy to help others across the bridge of leaving the BKWSU. The same dynamics also exist for many others leaving many other similar cults.

I would also encourage ex-BKs to train as counselors or therapists to help people leave cults.
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Re: A more helpful option?

Post28 Apr 2010

ex-l wrote:I would also encourage ex-BKs to train as counselors or therapists to help people leave cults.

Never thought of that but what a good and productive way to utilise our knowledge and help others.

I have found alternate ways of meditating that work well for me. If anyone asks me, I teach it. But it is not the BK "Rajayoga." I absolutely never even mention their name either.

There is nothing religious involved. No publicity, no business plan, no money, nothing. I trust that if someone needs me, they will find me, and if I have time, I will help them.

But I tell them I am absolutely not a guru and not to follow me because I hate that. I prefer to teach them to be masters of their own selves. If they are interested, then I share what I know.
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Mr Green


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Re: A more helpful option?

Post30 Apr 2010

I offer a service to young (adult) Kumaris who need that gentle touch, just pm me ;).



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Re: A more helpful option?

Post02 May 2010

Hey Mr. Green,

So .... No Cougarkumari need apply ...


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