Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

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Mr Green


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post21 Mar 2009

They don't give a **** about anybody.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post21 Mar 2009

What makes us human and differentiates us from animals is empathy. BKWSU strips followers of that very quality with their detachment and karma philosophy. It's such an irony that even bonobos (pygmy chimps) show some empathy.

Here is an example from a renouned primatologist, Frans de Waal:
For a demonstration of primate empathy consider a zoo bonobo named Kuni. When she saw a starling hit the glass of her enclosure, she picked up the stunned bird and climbed to the top of the tallest tree. She carefully unfolded its wings and spread them wide, holding one wing between the fingers of each hand, before sending the bird like a little toy airplane out towards the barrier of her enclosure. But the bird fell short of freedom and landed on the bank of the moat. Kuni climbed down and stood watch over the starling for a long time. By the end of the day, the recovered bird had flown off safely.

Looks like BK leadership is behaving worse than chimps.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post21 Mar 2009

Mr Green wrote:They don't give a **** about anybody.

How do you interperet the likes of this document? It strikes me Janki and her acolytes are just dumbing it all down and grinding the whole thing I way. I mean, honestly, 90 NCO ... all that air travel ... and this is the best she and they can come up with? Its inane.

Its like mummy sitting down with the children teasing out the answers she wants. Nevermind, "Watch with Mother, this is "Watch with Dadi".


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post21 Mar 2009

Janki wrote:5) Instead of thinking: this should happen or that should happen - come close to experienced souls and you will be able to experience care easily.

Which means: do not think of reforming anything, simply follow the leaders ...
9) Attention is required not to ignore others ideas otherwise they become distant.

Ignoring others' ideas is exactly what she is doing when she says not to think about reforming anything.

She is absolutely right: I am becoming distant ...
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post24 Mar 2009

I am back.

It seems to me that no one wants to stand up to Dadi Janki either. It's a usual business story of 'agree' or 'leave'. The world has changed, the leadership within the BKWSU cannot and has not changed.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post24 Mar 2009

They are pathetic, because they long to believe it is true ... it is a big thing to swallow your status and the Golden Age do not exist.

I had the pleasure of standing up to Janki before I left, and Jayanti ... told them straight. Also, I take great pleasure in giving Dadi back all her trinkets she gave me under 'dristi' when I was discussing compensation with her.



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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post24 Mar 2009

Mr Green wrote:I had the pleasure of standing up to Janki before I left and Jayanti ...

That sounds like an interesting story. New topic? I can share one too.

The excerpts below
Janki wrote:1) Instead of thinking: this should happen or that should happen - come close to experienced souls and you will be able to experience care easily ... and ...
2) Attention is required not to ignore others ideas otherwise they become distant.

Is honestly what they do.

    1) Some sweet language, draw you in, give a little attention to the affection starved detached effort makers who has built up the courage to make a small suggestion for change, then
    2) Let them believe their concerns have been heard so they feel important and stay involved. They may even delegate that idea to that person to keep them out of mischief, but it is of little consequence to them. If it develops 'prospects', they'll jump all over it and then make it their own. Sounds like the corporate jungle.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post07 Apr 2010

Moving our Global Functioning Forward
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post08 Apr 2010

Well spotted Jann.
jann wrote:Moving our Global Functioning Forward

I see a lot of familiar faces, some of which were copied in on and involved in discussions about this site, e.g. Waddy, Hodgkinson, Judy Rodgers, Maureen Goodman, Charley Hogg, Robin Ramsay and all the usual senior Indians. Gayatri Naraine, Judy, and Ken O'Donnell seem to be in the driving seat. I know Primal.logic met with Hogg and others.

Unsurprisingly, I don't hear of anyone from this side of the debate being invited nor involved in any further discussions.

Just so others know how these people act, the event was dated.
BKWSU wrote: "18 - 20 October 2007 ... 78 Brahma Kumaris and Kumars from India and abroad convened in Shantivan, Mount Abu, India for an International Get-Together".

That was just 6 weeks after Brahma Kumaris Dr Hansa Raval submitted a complaint to the National Arbitration Forum attempting to shut down this website on September 7, 2007 without permission and in preparation for a personal legal action against it for libel because someone on this site merely quote an article which called her a "kook".

The Brahma Kumari elite, did not stop the legal action. (They were, of course, not paying for it). They let it run until November 19, 2007 when it failed.
BKWSU wrote:Our conversations were filled with love and respect for the Yagya (spiritual family / community).

I, therefore, read with interest ...
BKWSU wrote:How can we engage in processes of reconciliation with old BKs, friends of the BKs and others who may carry disappointment of grievances about their experiences with the BKs?

How can we identify and manage situations that may escalate into serious conflicts or grievances?

Again, strangely, I have not heard of any "official" approach to this website. How can they talk about "reconciliation" whilst at the same time carrying on legal actions against others?

The famous stand up comedian, Janki Kirpalani had this script written for her ... what a clown. Still, I suppose they are be encouraged ... let us see what fruit it bears. It still does not change the fact that they believe they are god chosen to inspire the Destruction of the world by nuclear weapons, 900,000 chosen ones going to heaven on earth whilst 6,000,000,000 impure human beings have to die.
This Global Functioning process is to provide an opportunity for the BK family to appreciate the incredible subtle bonds that hold us together as one and to review the elevated guiding principles that BapDada (Founder) has given from the beginning of the Yagya (spiritual family/community) to guide our lives and service.

According to the time, we want to assure that we have credible processes in place for applying our principles in the accurate running of the global organization in alignment with the laws and human rights conventions of the 21st century world. It may be that in coming together to review the global Yagya system, we will discover ways in which our guiding principles and formal constitution need to be updated to meet the demands of these changing times and of the expanded family."

(Dadi Janki)

There was the 2nd INTERNATIONAL GET-TOGETHER, 13 - 15 October, 2008 and further meetings on February 8 - 13, 2009: National Coordinating Council Meeting, February 26 - March 12, 2009: Centers Coordinators Council Meeting, November 2009 ... still nothing.

Can anyone see anything more than pretty cartoons and exhortation to "become like Baba"?

With regards to the Netherlands, they go off on a envangelistic tangent plan aiming for the 26% of the Dutch population who call themselves ‘free spiritualists’. As in people who consider themselves as spiritual minded but do not belong to a traditional religion "This group needs to be served in a specific way".

BKs in the UK talk about unfriendliness and isolation within the BKWSU.

The site was registered by Sudarshan Sundar of the Brahma Kumaris WSO in Massachusetts.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post08 Apr 2010

Well, I guess the problem is and always has been that the BKs just don't grasp the process of becoming an ex-BK, or have any idea what it is like to be an ex-BK. Unfortunately, I cannot see this ever changing.

So, no, there is never going to be any of the kind of changes we would like to see - like permission to leave and an exit strategy. They are, for one, in denial and, for two, terrified of everyone leaving if they were given consent to do so.

Like a corporation, they are consumed by their need for success - and this at the expense of their own 'family'.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post08 Apr 2010

primal.logic wrote:Well, I guess the problem is and always has been that the BKs just don't grasp the process of becoming an ex-BK, or have any idea what it is like to be an ex-BK. Unfortunately, I cannot see this ever changing.

To that I would like to add, it is not so much "become an ex-BK", it is "become a free thinking, independent human being making decisions in one's own interest based on a rational and logic approach".

There response to PBKs is worse than to ex-BK (outcasting, hostility and, ultimately physical violence and threats). Whereas I might not agree with all of the PBK's beliefs, their leader's actions, I do consider that they are attempting to make sense of the inconsistencies in the philosophy or channeled spirit messages which they also believe are from "God".

But you are right that what the corporate slave drivers of the BKWSU fear most is the BKWSU ... not individuals ... collapsing and evidence of the value of their irrational and illogical ... not to mention dishonest and manipulative ... faith.

Another strong impression I have is of a massive "vanity". They and only they are the experts on them, organizations, social groups and structures. That individual and collective vanity cannot be challenged or questions by outsiders, especially qualified outsiders.

This is where I respect the Hare Krishnas much more because they involved experienced outsiders in setting up their Ombudsperson service. I could suggest a few experts that they should hire as independents to manage the reform.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post16 Apr 2010

I did look the website mentioned by Jann.

It confirms to me what I have always thought. No significant change is likely to come out from that, however well intentioned some of the people involved in the process may be. Nothing that one could think of as being some kind of a reform.

The only newness I can see is the intention to be careful with the local laws and I am sure that this is only out of fear of legal procedures that could be taken against them.


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post17 Apr 2010

In some countries it is illegal to run a meditation center in a private home.
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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post19 Apr 2010

jann wrote:In some countries it is illegal to run a meditation center in a private home.

Yes, that is something that BK Tamasin Ramsay mentions in her PhD thesis, and BKWSU whitewash, "Custodians of Purity". She goes on to say that is some countries, I guess Middle Eastern and Islamic countries, they cannot use the word "God" for their channeled spirit guide, soul etc and they have to keep secret that it is a religion. I felt that she painted it heroic, or a sin on the part of the regimes; I considered it just more evidence that nothing will stop them to deceive, and that they are good at it.

I contacted the Brahma Kumaris Global Functioning website requesting the reconciliation they are seeking ... two weeks later, I have still not even had a simple acknowledgment.

Funny when Tamasin Ramsay also states that this website had a major role in bringing about the movement to reform ...

I notice the site counter states the number of people to have visited the site is 277. Even if that is BKs alone, it is not very many, is it?


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Re: Official BKWSU internal reform efforts

Post22 Apr 2010

Google it and it is gone!!!!!

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