Hindu Marriage: Jagannath vs Krishna (Brahma Kumari Divorce)

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Hindu Marriage: Jagannath vs Krishna (Brahma Kumari Divorce)

Post18 Apr 2010

The concept of marriage in Hinduism is that it is sacramental. Marriage is an essential sanskara, a woman is incomplete without husband, and a man is incomplete without wife. Once performed, it cannot be dissolved. The modern perspective is that it is a civil contract and can be dissolved.

One case recently made the law books of India and is used as an example of "Actual Desertion". Jagannath vs Krishna - Wife became a Brahma Kumari and refused to perform marital obligations. The case was held up as desertion under Section 13 (1) i. (Actual Desertion). See: Hanumant's Law Journal.

Another family broken by the 'End of the World' chasing Brahma Kumaris.

Of course, there are many such case ... it is only of interest in that it seems to have become a legal precedent.

Divorce is almost totally unheard of in India but not in the Brahma Kumaris some of whom have even known to be divorced twice, such as Dr Hansa Raval of Texas. Once from a lokik husband and once from a Brahma Kumari Brother.
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Re: Hindu Marriage: Jagannath vs Krishna (Brahma Kumari Divorce)

Post18 Apr 2010

All Ex-BKs are divorced too (I do not know what should I call to myself) to BapDada ... Of course they are not on legal papers.

ex-BK, PBK are responsible for breaking Godly family (I include myself). As I am no longer finding courage to mix with the brave BK who have challenged Maya (5 vices) and decided to conquer the world with non-violence. I pay salute to all of them.

I followed the Gyan to my level best. Why I left alone ... and am not able to find courage to be with the BKs I don't know.
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Re: Hindu Marriage: Jagannath vs Krishna (Brahma Kumari Divorce)

Post18 Apr 2010

nischaybuddi wrote:I followed the Gyan to my level best. Why I left alone ... and am not able to find courage to be with the BKs I don't know.

Why ... because, intuitively, you know that is not God and you know that something is going on that is wrong.

Individuals BKs are people with good intentions and can be sweet ... but collectively, and in the hands of their leaders, it is all going wrong.

A quote from the BKs on a similar matter ... Sister Jayanti of BK Blesses the Philippines by Vishnu Hathiramani of the sindhitattler.com.
Another Sister of BK, from New Zealand, Sister BHAVNA SHUKLA [yep a Gujarati], gave us her insights and spoke of some interesting things.

Her tale that when BK was being established in NZ, the Immigration asked her if they perform weddings. Shockingly, she told the Immigration department that they do perform weddings. The audience was confused that how could BK performs marriages. She clarified that BK does SPIRITUAL MARRIAGES. A great joke that gave her the initial approval.

When asked how the divorce rate in these marriages is, she said that it is zero. Once you get hooked on to meditation and realize its value, there is no divorce.

This earned her and BK the signature of the Immigration guy to operate BK in NZ.

Obviously, the the divorce rate is not zero ... so something else simply not true again.

It is OK ... just want away and be free. Find your own way.
On September 3, at the newly renovated Main Ballroom [which cost close to US$ 3 Million to have it refurbished by the Shangri-La Hotel group], more than 1400 persons attended the BK program entitled: “The silence of the Mind”. The program drew many first timers who were attracted by the creative topic. Some prominent people that attended include the Secretary of Education, key officials from the of Justice, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, civil Service Commission, National Nutrition Council, among others.

Indian Ambassador to the Philippines His Excellency Rajeet Mitter and his wife Kavita hosted a welcome get together for the BK guests and special friends on Wednesday, 2nd of September at his residence. Invited were a select crowd from the Indian community, key Filipino government officials and other prominent Filipino nationals. The atmosphere at the reception was one of warmth and friendship. Sister Jayanti shared the various programs that the Brahma Kumaris has been undertaking worldwide.



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Re: Hindu Marriage: Jagannath vs Krishna (Brahma Kumari Divorce)

Post18 Apr 2010

It is OK ... just want away and be free. Find your own way.

It is impossible now, ex-I. Believe me. And excuse me for opening personal griefs. But days are terribly painful for me, I am finding it impossible to mix with the people, normal as well as BKs. The BK events now are not of any purpose. We were feeling happy, after an event. Now, it is not like before.
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Re: Hindu Marriage: Jagannath vs Krishna (Brahma Kumari Divorce)

Post18 Apr 2010

nischaybuddi wrote:...days are terribly painful for me, I am finding it impossible to mix with the people, normal as well as BKs.

Nischaybuddi, I am responding to you because I remember the pain I went through as well and I wanted to reach out to you with some compassion.

For me, understanding that I was like a drug addict detoxing helped me see the light at the end of the painful dark tunnel. I did not question that pain had a purpose in my life, as does joy. Pain is not to be rejected because it hurts, but embraced so it might be able to speak to you and tell you more about itself. Everything is a part of us, even the painful stuff.

I wish you quick healing. I never thought I'd ever exit the BK fog and labyrinth but I have and I am clearer than ever now and most of all, at peace. Peace meaning accepting and not living with a dualistic mindset. God is always present with me because I have understood that the real God doesn't care if I wake up for Amrit Vela or clean toilets. I am His child and I trust that I am already good. That is God. I am more joyous than ever and people can feel it because it is me, not some spirit working through me. And it is enough.

Well, I just really felt your pain and wanted to reach out.

I'll leave you with a reconnecting meditation called "Disidentification" and a quote by Carl Jung that I really like:
Carl Jung wrote:I'd rather be whole than good.

Disidentification Exercise

1. Close your eyes and become conscious of your physical sensations, the sounds you hear, your breathing, sensations of hot and cold, tension and relaxation. Notice that these sensations come and go in your awareness. Then ask yourself, “Who is aware? Who am I who remains among this change, who is somehow distinct-but-not-separate from this change, who can be present to each changing sensation as it arises?” The idea here is not to find the answer in an intellectual way but merely to pose the question and let go of it, allowing your own direct experience to respond.

2. Then become conscious of your feelings. How do you feel right now? Calm? Excited? Irritated? Sad? Happy? Notice the feelings can change continually in quality and intensity, coming and going in your awareness. Again, ask yourself, “Who is aware? Who am I who remains among this change, who is somehow distinct-but-not-separate from this change, who can be present to each feeling as it arises?

3. Next, become conscious of your thoughts. Notice how thoughts and images come and go in awareness in a constant flow. Your mind can think of this, then that, then be reminded of that, then conjure up images of what was and what may be. No once again ask, “Who is aware of this constant flow? Who am I who remains among this change, who is somehow distinct-but-not-separate from this change, who can be present to each thought and image arising?”

4. Last, choose to become as conscious as you can of your right foot. Concentrate your awareness on your right foot, noticing as carefully as you can its position, the sensations of sock and shoe, whether and how it meets the floor, the bend of your toes, the feel of your instep and any cool or warm sensations.
Then move your consciousness again and become aware of your left knee. Notice if there is clothing around it, if you feel pressure at various points, at what angle it is bending, or if it is comfortable or uncomfortable. Take some time to become fully aware of your knee.

Then move your awareness once again to become conscious of your right hand. Concentrate your attention on how your right hand feels right now, whether relaxed or clenched, hot or cold, touching and being touched, and how your fingers are being held.

Now ask yourself, “How did I just move my awareness from my right foot to my left knee to my right hand? What is this ability I have to place my awareness where I want it?” Again, let your experience respond. You might explore this further by moving your awareness at will. Focus inwardly, perhaps, on things such as your breathing and bodily sensation, or focus outwardly, on different objects in your environment. Practice moving your consciousness wherever you choose. How do you do that?

This ability you have to direct your consciousness, to place it where you wish, is what Assagioli calls will.

(Roberto Assagioli (Venice, February 27, 1888 - Capolona d'Arezzo, August 23, 1974) was an Italian psychologist, humanist, and visionary. Assagioli founded the psychological movement known as psychosynthesis, which is still being developed today by therapists, and psychologists, who practice his technique. His work in the field of psychology concentrated on spiritual needs, pertaining to the will and Ego.)

Psychosynthesis and Education Trust (92-94 Tooley Street, London SE1 2TH)

The Trust's main purpose is to gain recognition for the central role of soul and Self in psychology and to renew the soul in the everyday life of individuals, the family, groups, organisations and society.
Our vocation is to address the needs of humanity in a way that is pragmatic as well as spiritual and relevant to everyday life. We acknowledge both pain and potential in the human experience.


p.s. if this is too off-topic, perhaps it can be added to another thread or begin a new one.
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Re: Hindu Marriage: Jagannath vs Krishna (Brahma Kumari Divorce)

Post19 Apr 2010

India again, from i-diva website ... Question & Answer
Q: Sir, I am (35) married for 5 yrs now and have a 3yr son. My wife started Brahmakumaris spirituality course 2 your ago. She's so deep into it that she's following whatever is said & followed in their Ashram. She has started following 'Pavitrate (virginity)' from 1yr, stopped eating food made by others, no garlic & onions in food etc. Tried to convince in vain. I do not know how will spend my rest of life. Please advice what to do? - Prashant 13 Apr 10

A:You need to go to a counselor because sex is a part of married life and if you’re deprived of it, it’s not right. So, negotiate and find out what the best alternative is.

-Answered Apr 13,2010

Little does the expert sexologist know how futile his advice is.

Nischay, can you take some time off my yourself and go up to the hills or beech to just let go and relax? Not pushing yourself to mediated but just walk amongst nature, be by yourself for a while ... sleep a lot? Something like that.

I do not know you. Obviously we share many BK experiences. But there is also a chance that perhaps your problems are lokik at their source, not spiritual e.g. relating to health and nutrition, even biochemistry (e.g. deep depression). Perhaps you also ought to consider seeing a doctor and speaking to someone outside of the BK world.

I appreciate that counsellors and therapists etc are difficult to find ... but the BKWSU is not a one stop cure for all problems that it claims to be. It is often just a sticking plaster stuck on top of problems it cannot fix. "More Yoga" does not cure everything. Often what we think is "Maya" is actually something quite simple, something quite practical, something physical and can be fixed physically.

Even Western BK know this and are looking beyond "More Yoga" for fixes for their problems. Especially as a male in the BKWSU, you have been starved of many things in life living within the BKWSU world. Can you afford a 'health spa' type holiday? Have you tried some simple "bodywork" type therapy, that is non-sexual massage and body therapy. Often BKs need to be reminded to look after their body and live in it too, e.g. lose some weight, do some physical Yoga, move or even dance. Anything outside of the 24/7/365 BK grind.

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