Essence of Murli

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Re: Essence of Murli

Post20 Mar 2010

EME - 19-03-2010

Essence: Sweet children, you children of the Father are the masters. You have not taken refuge with the Father. A child never takes refuge with his Father.

Question: Which aspect should you constantly churn so that Maya does not cause you distress?

Answer: You have come to the Father. Although He is incorporeal, He is our Father, our Teacher and also our Satguru. It is the incorporeal Father who teaches us incorporeal souls. If you constantly churned this aspect, your degree of happiness would remain high and Maya would not distress you.

Om Shanti.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. The cinema is the way to go to hell', therefore, you must not watch films. You have to become pure through the pilgrimage of remembrance and claim a high status. Do not attach your heart to this old world.

2. Do not cause sorrow for anyone through your thoughts, words or deeds. You have to say sweet things in the ears of everyone. Remind everyone of the Father's remembrance. You must link your intellect's Yoga to the one Father

Blessing: May you be truly loving and constantly experience the company of Father Brahma, the one with a thousand anus.

At present, the part of Father Brahma, the one with a thousand arms, is being enacted. Just as the arms cannot do anything without the soul, in the same way, the children, the arms, also cannot do anything without BapDada. In every task, first of all you have the Father's co­operation. While the part of establishment is still continuing, BapDada is with the children in their every thought and at every second. Therefore, never draw the curtain of separation and become separated from Him. Move along in the waves of the Ocean of Love, sing His praise, but do not become hurt. The practical form of the Father's love is to have love for service.

Slogan: To experience and practise the bodiless stage is the basis of claiming a number ahead.



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Re: Essence of Murli

Post20 Mar 2010

What I hope for all of who is reading this, is that the word from God is definitely not coming from a trance messenger in India.

They claim to be special but they are not. They are not even more special then you are. But yet they want to control you to give themselves an income.

It is in my opinion, the worst abuse anyone can use to make others dependent. And this is a right accusation to the BKWSU. So sue me!
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Re: Essence of Murli

Post20 Mar 2010

Jann wrote:Blessing: May you be truly loving and constantly experience the company of Father Brahma, the one with a thousand anus.

I hope that's a typo or is Baba making ever more preposterous claims? :D
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Re: Essence of Murli

Post20 Mar 2010

Essence: Dear vulnerable and lost people, I am what you want and need, I can fulfill your lack of self esteem and self worth, in reality you are greater than Christ for half of time, everything is coming for you in the future, now is not your time, now is your time for renunciation.

So great is your renunciation that you will be remembered and all Bhakti marg will be a memorial of your devotion, don't worry if you don't have money, there is plenty for you to do, but if you have money then you will be whisked to Dadi Janki for a completely sincere personal meeting, where you will be magically lightened of your burden of impure monies, in fact the money will be purified by putting it through the laundry of tax evasion, that is the sacrificial fire of Rupee, I mean Rudhra.

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Re: Essence of Murli

Post20 Mar 2010

god of the BKs wrote:Blessing: May you be truly loving and constantly experience the company of Father Brahma, the one with a thousand anus.

Ha ha ... very good. It should be arms, I guess. Is that an official typo?

To the tune of Eddie Cantor's "Making Whoopee" ... the BKWSU theme tune.
Another Kumar
Another Kumari
Another crazy
Honeymoon Period;
Another Baba's season,
Another reason
For makin' Rupee.

Busy on service,
A lot of VIPs
Doom makes them nervous
Predictions Destruction thrice.
Whole world killing
Turning them willing
To make Rupee.

Picture a new center
Down where the VIPs cling
Picture that same center
Think how much a year can bring.

Their laundering cashes
Wearing white clothes
There so ambitious
They threat to sue;
But don't forget, bhais
That's what we get, bhais
We're makin' Rupee.


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Re: Essence of Murli

Post06 Apr 2010


Essence: Sweet children, the Father's Shrimat makes you constantly happy. Therefore, renounce the directions of bodily beings, and only follow the elevated directions of the one Father.

Question: Which children's intellects have not yet stopped wandering?

Answer: The intellects of those who don't have faith in the directions of the highest-on-high Father, that is, in the Father's directions, have not yet stopped wandering. Because of not having full faith in the Father, they keep a foot on each side. As well as following the Father's directions, they also continue to perform devotion and bathe in the Ganges etc. What will the state of such children become? It is because they do not follow Shrimat completely that they continue to stumble.

Song: Take us away from this land of sin to a world of rest and comfort.

Om Shanti.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The
spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

1. Renounce all worries of "mine and yours" and serve to make others similar to yourselves. Only listen to the one Father alone. Only remember the one Father. Do not allow your remembrance to become adulterated.

2. In order to benefit yourself, take great precautions about your food and drink. Check: Am I being greedy? Is Maya making me do wrong things?

Blessing: May you have a right to-BapDada's canopy of protection and remain safe from Maya and obstacles.

The long-lost and now-found beloved children of BapDada receive BapDada's canopy of protection as a right and Maya has no power to come under that. Such children become constantly victorious over Maya.: The canopy of protection in the form of remembrance keeps you safe from all obstacles. No type of obstacle can come to those who remain under the canopy of protection. For those who remain under the canopy of protection, even the most difficult thing becomes easy. Things as difficult as a mountain are experienced to be like cotton-wool.

Slogan: In order to be loved by God, by people and by the self, imbibe the virtue of contentment


All this and all Murli, are for the Indian Sisters at the beginning of the Yagya till Lekhraj died. So we don't have to take it personally, we are not the uneducated Indians, so I was told. :-?
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Re: Essence of Murli

Post07 Apr 2010

jann wrote:All this and all Murli, are for the Indian Sisters at the beginning of the Yagya till Lekhraj died. So we don't have to take it personally, we are not the uneducated Indians, so I was told. :-?

Not true at all. The question and answer and essences are all recent additions and everyone is expected to follow them.

It is bullsh** from a half-BK, basically. If they don't follow, they will not be considered full, real BKs.


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Re: Essence of Murli

Post07 Apr 2010

It is bullsh** from a half-BK, basically. If they don't follow, they will not be considered full, real BKs.

Now there is nothing like half-BK or full, real BKs. I am witnessing many people coming to the centres, not following any disciplines, but they are given much honour and respect.

The surrendered ones, not living in the centre but having given every thing to the Yagya, followed celibacy, crossed the age, became old and Destruction did not come, are beating their chest with their own hands ...


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Re: Essence of Murli

Post07 Apr 2010

Interesting, now why would a 10 year BK tell me this? Could it be that maybe someone told him wrong or is it different in the West? Or he is lying to me?

And so, if it is said in Murli, "do not touch or sit next to an impure person", he is not to sit next to anyone who is not a BK like, say, in a restaurant. (That is even worse cause the food is not pure) :D. Said was to follow Maryadas and Shrimat but Shrimat is Murli, is it not :-?.

By the way ... the Maryadas like I read in the uploaded file is different from one I saw some time ago. Where it said to take a bath and change clothes after bowel movements.
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Re: Essence of Murli

Post08 Apr 2010

There are as many Maryadas as there are grains of sand, many centres have their own rules, there are loads of weird rules. I am sure somewhere there was a fun thread where people tried to remember all the quirky ones

... and no-one really checks up to see if you've been following them. Of course you know that you have to follow them all religiously for 6 or 9 months (different versions again) before you can visit the Forest of Honey or the Sacrificial Fire of Rudra ... the magical and spiritual head quarters. There, the serious, guided, self-harm takes place, unless you don't take it seriously ... which is your only weapon against them, to not take them seriously.

Obviously pointless preferential treatment takes place making a mockery of a pure effort making soul and his intense effort making. The referential treatment would happen because supposedly Dadi Janki was a pure instrument for the will of The Almighty Shiva Baba operating through the Father of Humanity, so she would let people go if she liked the look of 'em.

Even if they'd only just joined and were still ******** ... some even got to stand there and present things, tch.


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Re: Essence of Murli

Post10 Apr 2010

- 10-04-2010

Essence: Sweet children, check your stage: Is your heart attached to the one Father alone, or is it attached to karmic relationships?

Question: In order to benefit yourself, in which two aspects should you keep a daily chart?

Answer: Keep a daily chart of your Yoga and your activity. Check to see whether you did disservice. Always ask your heart: How much do I remember the Father? Am I using my time successfully? Am I looking at others? Is my heart attached to anyone's name or form?

Song: See your face in the mirror of your heart.

Om Shanti

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The
spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for Dharna:

1. Do not perform any such action through which the Father of this Yagya would be defamed. Perform good actions with the righteous intellect you have been given by the Father. Never cause sorrow for anyone.

2. Do not ask one another about useless news. Only speak things of knowledge amongst yourselves. Renounce speaking lies, being devilish and breaking up homes. Let only jewels of knowledge emerge from your mouth. Neither listen to nor speak of evil things.

Blessing: May you remain a detached observer and a witness and finish any royal form of body consciousness.

Not to give regard to what others say and to cut them off is also a royal form of body consciousness which makes you insult yourself and others. Those who cut others off have arrogance and those whose words are cut off feel insulted. Therefore, keeping the blessing of being a detached observer and a witness in your awareness, perform every act and create every thought, while using the shield of the drama and staying on the rails of the drama, and finish this royal form of "I". Give regard and love to everyone's ideas and they will constantly co-operate with you.

Slogan: On the basis of the water of God's Shrimat, make the seed of action powerful.


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