Thinking of going back

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Re: Thinking of going back

Post17 Mar 2010

Hi, Sakaash!

The lady's name you forgot is Marneta and if you do a search on this site you can read a lot about what she's been up to. BTW, when you describe her as
"heavily involved in Xmas plays"

someone else jumped to my mind: Sister Kaveri, also Indian, short and hyper that used to go around Baba bhawan in London like whirlwind making flower decorations.


She started to run a self esteem course which she successfully exported all over the place. She temporarily turned into a business, but somehow she fell out with the Yagya and she was banned from teaching.

Certain souls are allowed to sell Gyan under some name and form, whilst others aren't. What's the criteria I can only guess, caste? social status? It still puzzles me.

I don't know the details. The Yagya always wants to "be discreet " about nasty or hot things and people leaving. If they were transparent, they would not get accused to be a sect, would they?

ex-l, in some post re Marneta and the Oxford Retreat Centre being made available to her, was using the adjective "nepotism" to suggest why someone who clearly left Baba and is not following Shrimat (bad example :shock:), could be granted privileges and the use of premises or facilities. Rampant unfairness, or perhaps my understanding is limited and Baba still has some secrets to reveal and so do SS? The top of the pyramid must know why and what, we are common mortals and not supposed to ask.

Maybe Kaveri lacked the necessary powerful connections or was "too crazy" , wild and uncontrollable, so they kicked her out before she did too much "disservice"?

Does the BKWSO get a cut from its coaches that sell Gyan expensive to the corp world under some name of convenience (front)? Could that be a requirement for being left in peace and run those murky parallel businesses? They must have agreements and either green or red lights!

To Alanna, I am totally with you and enthusiastic about claiming back our right to having a relationship with God free from the interference of middle men. The realization that the BKWSO doesn't have the monopoly on God, and we should not allow that to happen in our lives, represented a big turning point in my exiting, a truly empowering realization.

Spell broken!

Out of the jail of guilt and loneliness!
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post17 Mar 2010

alladin wrote:The lady's name you forgot is Marneta and if you do a search on this site you can read a lot about what she's been up to.

She advertised to find her "Prince Charming", got married, carried on a full sexual relationship and yet was still allowed the use of the Brahma Kumaris' God's "pure" retreat center and facilities and allowed to live on the premises in a magical little cottage.

I do not know any more updates, e.g. whether she has come back to follow Brahma Kumarism and brought her lover boy with her but it is an extra-ordinary case ... especially given that the whole religion is meant to be a charity for helping the poor etc. She is now a limited company.

Can you imagine any Indians from the villages being allowed such privileges? Perhaps it is she that knows some secrets about the senior BKs and that is why they let her stay, her mother was involved, was she not? She says 5 years ago, her mother gave her £45,000 to buy a flat but instead she turned what was BK service into a business ... here. She has gone full on for the business end of relaxation ... here calling on other ex-BK or demi-BK connections.

So, why go back when you can just take it and turn it into your own business? And still get support from the BKWSU.
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post17 Mar 2010

ex-l wrote:She advertised to find her "Prince Charming", got married, carried on a full sexual relationship and yet was still allowed the use of the Brahma Kumaris' God's "pure" retreat center and facilities and allowed to live on the premises in a magical little cottage.

Oh My GOD! This just gets better and better :shock: . I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the lunacy that is the BKWSO.
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

Hi. I am not particularly interested in knowing what Marnieta is doing with her company, what the Relaxed Kids is all about.

However, I do have a curiosity: in order to run a business like that, doesn't the law require that the person promoting tecniques and spreading teachings - especially in this case, where the recipients are kids - should have some relevant qualification such as teacher, educator, therapist ...?

Unless I browsed through the site too quickly and missed that out, I don't see any info of that sort. So, what guarantee does a parent have, when entrusting a child to Mrs. Marnieta and her CDs?

In case the under age person gets affected negatively, what happens, who's responsible?
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All that glitters is not gold ...

Post19 Mar 2010




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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

In case the under age person gets affected negatively, what happens, who's responsible?

If it is any thing related to BK teachings ... I would like to submit,

In all cases, the underage, the perfect age, the overage person ARE getting affected, no one takes the responsibility. The in-charges (who neutralize their damage by gaining social status) bluntly turn back with the thoughts, "not I, but big Baba is responsible. Go catch him in the Paramdham, he is a point of light ... Yes ... If you want to donate your money, mind, body, labour ..., here I am, God's instrument." :D
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

alladin wrote:Unless I browsed through the site too quickly and missed that out, I don't see any info of that sort. So, what guarantee does a parent have, when entrusting a child to Mrs. Marnieta and her CDs?

In case the under age person gets affected negatively, what happens, who's responsible?

From the back cover of a RelaxKids CD (in very very tiny print) ...

"Relax Kids do not accept responsibility for any consequence that may arise directly or indirectly as a result of the use of this product".

There you have it.

Parents Beware!!!
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

Also from the CD cover ... "Relax Kids is protected by the Law of Karma"

Who needs professional accountability or CRB clearance (as the rest of us must when let loose on children and vulnerable adults) when you have the Law of Karma?!

Ooh, so much anger here. So many negative vibrations ... :oops: ;).

So, sorry for hijacking your thread Sakaash. I am off for a nice cup of tea now.
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

Hmm. Cowardly of me maybe, but I wish I could edit or delete that previous post. I am angry at myself for being angry with Marneta Viego's success with Relax Kids and feel that I was being a bit unfair on her. Having looked at her website it seems that a great many people have positive things to say about her products.

I have no idea what qualifications she has or doesn't have and she personally is not responsible for all the Brahma Kumaris misdemeanours over the years (and may not even know about them). What was/is the extent of her BK involvement? Anyone know? I have to acknowledge that I feel uneasy about the meditations because I am aware of the BK undertones in them.

Felt guilty for venting in someone else's topic. Now I feel guilty for being a wimp and backtracking. Sigh :oops:


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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

Don't feel guity little lamb - it's cool. I understand only too well the need to vent from time to time! ;)

Anyway, getting back on track with the thread ... I have given it some thought and I will give it another go. I guess when I say it, I mean a relationship with God, I will just have to try to filter out the BK crap!
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

Yes, let's start selling filters!

Or teach people how to ... whatever. Either charging or not :-?.


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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

Filters! :D YES!!! To bad vulnerable people think they need to follow people that control them, people that claim to have a special connection with God. Well, let me tell you, no one needs a guru or anything else to connect with God or the Universe, from your life experience you will learn and the power from with in will show you the way and all pieces fall into place. Just open your eyes, your ears and your heart.
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

littlelamb wrote:Hmm. Cowardly of me maybe, but I wish I could edit or delete that previous post. I am angry at myself for being angry with Marneta Viego's success with Relax Kids and feel that I was being a bit unfair on her.

I don't think you are angry at her, I think you were being quite rightly disgusted by the whole Brahma Kumari system behind it all that robs 1,000s of people from getting on with a normal life and produces such inconsistencies.

It is wrong that they lead 1,000s of people into giving up relationships, believing that they should work for nothing and surrender everything ... and then support one that takes the ideas and "seva", throws out the Maryadas, and turns it into a private business.

I remember one Brother, who to be honest was just a 'simple' soul (as in a bit mentally challenged), being distraught and then punished by not being allowed to go to Madhuban at a time when you could still have one on one meetings with BapDada just because he had had a wet dream or masturbated. And here the same holy Sisters are giving support, accommodation and promoting one their ex-followers who is lying with some body-conscious "Shudra" between her legs at night "drinking the poison of lust". Going to Amrit Vela on the wedding day their guru Lekhraj Kirpalani used to call "going to slaughterhouse" etc.

It is called Inequity and anyone that gave up their live and sincerely followed Brahma Kumarism under their false promises and guidance SHOULD feel angry at it.

What needs to be asked is what did the BKs get from it? My guess is, if you dig deeply, that there is probably money involved. Not just Marneta giving the BKs a "product" they can sell and a rights to a "service device" to reach out to families and children but something else ... does any one know the history?

It is not about the people who have benefited, it is about the unequal system of manipulation behind it all.
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post19 Mar 2010

sakaash wrote:Anyway, getting back on track with the thread ... I have given it some thought and I will give it another go. I guess when I say it, I mean a relationship with God, I will just have to try to filter out the BK crap!

Sakaash, not sure whether you mean you are going to cut out middle men/women and work on your own relationship with God or whether you are returning to BK life and intending to try and do so on your own terms?
ex-l wrote:It is not about the people who have benefited, it is about the unequal system of manipulation behind it all.

Yes, ex-l 'manipulation' is a good word. My sense of unease comes from the concern that behind the apparently innocuous guided meditations about wizards, fairies, princesses, superheroes, and nature etc there might be some kind of subtle (that word again!) mind or soul control going on and that the teachers, parents and therapists enthusing about the wonderful impact of these products don't know as you and I and other BK escapees do that it really is not as simple and uncomplicated as it seems.

Hopefully no child or parent will ever suffer any ill-effects from Relax Kids products and if they do ... well there's just the Law of Karma to fall back on eh? :sad:
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Re: Thinking of going back

Post20 Mar 2010

In context, from what I have heard of the earlier, there is a bit of subtle "seeding" in the children's minds, or "grooming" one might call it, Brahma Kumari beliefs though most is fairy story stuff. I have not listened to more recent commercial stuff though.

I guess it all depends on whether Brahma Kumarism turns out to be at all true ...

The interesting question for me is, say Brahma Kumarism has some truth in it ... what is the influence they are promoting if the persons promoting it are acting entirely contrary to the teachings? is not that "religious hypocrisy"?

Most psychologists, never mind parents, will argue that a child does not learn what they are told but what they see and experience. So what are they teachings? Compromise, hypocrisy and historical and philosophical revision, especially where there is money and power involved, seem to me to be the Brahma Kumaris main "way".

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