What is it that BK has to do to clear their name?

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What is it that BK has to do to clear their name?

Post13 Mar 2010

It seems that when people or organizations admit their mistakes most people are very understanding and accept apologies.

My respect goes out to a Catholic priest, Antoin Bodar (Officiele website, opgezet voor Antoine Bodar). Who is open for discussion, no matter what, he is ashamed about the child abuse that all come in the open these day's, and when everybody else hides, he is there to talk to.

When organizations keep hiding stuff and do not want to be exposed, the hate grows.

What is it that BK has to do to get their name clean?
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Re: What is it that BK has to do to clear their name?

Post13 Mar 2010

tete posted a video on another post that clearly shows that there is a huge difference in the quality of human beings.
The video is about a man with a generous heart which the BK lacks. If we look at sanskars, then there is nothing the BK can really do to redeem themselves because while they speak about doing service, they are really talking about being self-serving in an elitist caste/sect.

I believe in it is possible to show remorse and ask for forgiveness, but you need a crack of humility somewhere to let the light in, which I honestly don't see.
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Re: What is it that BK has to do to clear their name?

Post13 Mar 2010

I think their dilemma is that they cannot clear their name because in doing so they would destroy what little credibility they have established with all the falsehood, pretense and expense to day ... so, instead, they prefer to keep trying to wallpaper over the cracks as they appear.

What should they do? Come clean about everything, tell the world what they really believe, stop deceiving people (and stop making ridiculous claims about their own divinity) and sort out their proper history ... then allow other people and groups to decide what they really think about them for good or for bad.

Of course, what I really think they should do is just stop running their 'religion-business' altogether and allow people to get back to the real world and real lives.

At the very least, they should define for themselves a very clear cut off point at which either their god delivers ... or they call it a day and accept that they were just conned by some trickster spooks.

Really, at the very, very, very end ... this should be 2036. But, in truth, even that is 50 years too late. Being generous, and allowing their 25 years to build Heaven on Earth (ho ... ho ... ho!), let's say, "2012, if Destruction does not happen, let's give all the money away to charity".

Will it happen? No chance. They are rank with subtle greed and subtle lust for power and position. The BKs will do nothing, the best we can do is protect others from ever getting involved.
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Re: What is it that BK has to do to clear their name?

Post13 Mar 2010

Of course, what I really think they should do is just stop running their 'religion-business' altogether and allow people to get back to the real world and real lives.

The biz seems to be successful and expanding, so we can only look at it for what it is and predict its performance according to numbers and not to ethics. Sure, if they get exposed, their "results" will be affected, but I don't see any possible changes in the course they are following due to an internal "mea culpa".

One of the hypocrisies I cannot stand, is the fact that they despise other religions and bhagats, but they leverage very craftily on those devotee sanskars many people have, when it comes to extracting $ and various assets from them. Even a "cooperative" souls, a VIP who has no time to practise Raja Yoga, no interest in altering his bhogi lifestyle, can buy a place in Satyug through donations.

I heard that BB would refuse to accept funds by people that were not practising themselves a BK lifestyle (true or not, I don't know). Even at the start of sewa in the West, we were taught that a center would turn down donations and facilities offered by agyani souls.

It would have made sense if this principle had been followed. Maybe there would be less buildings and properties in the Yagya's name, but more quality souls around. In fact, the whole nature and aims of the organisation would be totally different, so what am I talking about, a fantasy!
Will it happen? No chance. They are rank with subtle greed and subtle lust for power and position. The BKs will do nothing, the best we can do is protect others from ever getting involved.

Eeeeeeeee! Subtle?

As you said else where, one has to be fully brainwashed or entranced not to see what' s laid in front of his eyes. The only consolation is: if you are greedy, clever, deceptive and career-minded enough, you can get a share too, perhaps! It is all about get a piece of the pie and shut up!



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Re: What is it that BK has to do to clear their name?

Post14 Mar 2010

Really, at the very, very, very end ... this should be 2036. But, in truth, even that is 50 years too late. Being generous, and allowing their 25 years to build Heaven on Earth (ho ... ho ... ho!), let's say, "2012, if Destruction does not happen, let's give all the money away to charity".

Will it happen? No chance. They are rank with subtle greed and subtle lust for power and position. The BKs will do nothing, the best we can do is protect others from ever getting involved.

Now they rarely talk about Destruction and End of the World. But they are going further and further... in fact, under the name for service they are trying to whitewash the patches of critisicm of breaking up of familiies, couples etc.


A three day BK International Couples Retreat was held in Gyan Sarovar, Mount Abu from 24th February to 26th February 2010. The theme of the event was Self Respect.

This retreat was co-ordinated by New York and London and participants from 11 countries held workshops on Understanding Self Respect in Family Life.

The intensive programme included wisdom shared by Sister Mohini of USA on the depth of Self Respect, Neville Hodgkinson from London on experiencing respect in family life with inspirational examples, a talk by Dr Satish Gupta on importance of meditation and impact on physical health. Dr Nirmala shared how various titles of self respect can be experienced in the four subjects taught in RajYoga.

Didi Sudesh from Germany explored depths of knowing the Self. The highlight of the event was a surprise sweet meeting with Dadi Jankiji sharing toli and blessings for all.

Do they have any experience of family life? or they are speaking about THEIR spiritual family?

Tomorrow, who knows, they will organise an event for celibate marriages, and whitewash the charge that BKWSU stops youths from getting married.

Wake up Kumars ... wakeup

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