Spiritual/Psychic attacks

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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post09 Mar 2010

Dear tete,

I am glad the SSRF peaked your interest as I too have found a lot of valuable information on their site. The salt footbath and prayer was one of the methods I found to be useful and effective for myself.

Thanks for the links you posted as well :D
Littlelamb wrote:He (Satan) cannot count.

That's too funny.

By the way, I also get the creeps now if ever a BK attempts to give me drishti. But I look away and ignore them.


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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post09 Mar 2010

Well I drishti right back!!! That works like a mirror and effects them.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post10 Mar 2010

Does sticking out the tongue count as drishti?
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post11 Mar 2010

rayoflight wrote:Does sticking out the tongue count as drishti?

Like the goddess Kali? ;)

Well that ole devil may not be very good at mathematics but I fail on reading! I dug out my copy of 'Raja Yoga - New beginnings' and realised that I got it wrong about the world population at the time of destruction. Not 5 billion, 5.5 billion. Easy mistake to make I guess :D
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post13 Mar 2010

This is where the whole BK thing just amazes. How can their "God" drop such a clear blooper ... or how can the trickster spirit behind it all give such a big clue away ... and yet they all just cruise over it as if it was entirely acceptable.

Are they stupid, blind, brainwashed, entranced ... or what?

Of course, the leadership hides it all and revises away madly to cover up from newcomers, so it takes years for any that are enculted to wake up, but what does it say of those that know about it all?
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post14 Mar 2010

I suppose when you have invested all your time, energy, faith and love in something for many years it's hard to face the fact that you have become part of a big fat lie.

I don't know about the leadership. Maybe they are so engulfed in this and deluded that they tell themselves that this is Baba's way of testing them. Does it ever occur to them that it's a cruel kind of "god" who would trick, lie and deceive? Constantly reminding them for nearly seventy years (!) that the end is near ... that 5 or 5 and a half or is it 6 or 7 billion souls are about to be blasted off the face of the earth. I don't know. Really I don't. I think most BKs are genuine, good people who have been duped just like you and I and many others here.

I wouldn't want to believe that any of the leadership are fully aware that they are conning people and doing so willingly but maybe I am being naive there.

It's very sad that so many young people throw their lives away for this organisation.



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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post15 Mar 2010

I suppose when you have invested all your time, energy, faith and love in something for many years it's hard to face the fact that you have become part of a big fat lie.

It is impossible dear ... do not even try to face it. Just Go Go Go, even if it is a lie ...

If it is a lie ... then what should be the punishment of such a crime of damaging peoples lives ...?
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post15 Mar 2010

nischaybuddi wrote:It is impossible dear ... do not even try to face it. Just Go Go Go, even if it is a lie ... If it is a lie ... then what should be the punishment of such a crime of damaging peoples lives ...?

Unfortunately Nich, there is no punishment ... the crime has been done already, the damaged people are already here and all over the world.

But we joined the cult with free will, we don't have any real means of bringing punishment to the criminals, all we can do is attempt to stop others being lied to and hurt.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post15 Mar 2010

Mr Green wrote:Unfortunately Nich, there is no punishment ... the crime has been done already, the damaged people are already here and all over the world, but we joined the cult with free will, we don't have any real means of bringing punishment to the criminals, all we can do is attempt to stop others being lied to and hurt

Ah ... I read this earlier today but did not have time to respond. But you pretty much said what I would have replied anyway Mr Green.

I am not sure the BKs have actually broken any laws - but morally, oh boy ...
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post16 Mar 2010

Broken laws ... a few dodgy tax returns, a few bogus immigration applications (with some more if you include fake marriages) and some false representation in order to receive funds and services (fraud in short) that is about all. Nothing big enough to get them into trouble with the authorities really.

There is a difference between criminal law and civil law ... I would guess most of the BKs wrongs are civil offences, and as you say moral or ethical. Their distorted morals and ethics should be judge most severely because of the degree of claims they make about themselves and their own supreme and enlightened states.

I am sorry if we have not been able to discuss the issue of spiritual and psychic attack more on this topic, but these have been discussed a few times elsewhere on the forum and are something that individuals have looked at quite seriously. In India and overseas, there are many reported cases of BKs becoming "possessed" and even "spirits being caste out of them" by senior BK Sisters.

I am not saying that is what was happening but that is how the events were reported. A few quite rational and down to earth Westerners, BKs and non-BK partners have also reported similar weird stuff going on, being woken up at 4 am in a common one. Indeed, senior BKs will claim to do so, or their juniors make claims on their behalf that they go about in their 'angelic body' visiting BKs and BK centers.

Again, I am not saying that is what is happening but that is what they say is happening. Will power, as well as the power of suggestion, can be highly manipulative of vulnerable minds.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post16 Mar 2010

Hi ex-l,

Well, I said earlier in this thread that I did not really want to believe that the leadership of the BKs are knowingly conning people but having had the opportunity to read a bit more on this site, and learning how to navigate around it a bit better, I see that there is an awful lot of dodgy dealing going on and on a highly organised scale within the BK; and I had no idea how much wealth they had accrued! And I agree that this is hypocrisy on a monumental scale from an organisation that claims to have God the supreme Father at its head.

Strange behaviour too for a group that claims to believe in the Law of Karma!!

No need to apologise about the thread veering off topic. It's just the nature of internet forums for that to happen I think. Every contribution is of interest to me and as for BKs floating about in their angelic bodies ... ugh! Lol

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astral travelling

Post17 Mar 2010

Indeed, senior BKs will claim to do so, or their juniors make claims on their behalf that they go about in their 'angelic body' visiting BKs and BK centers.

Yes, SS are leaders in that too, examples. Special service.Real pestering!

I would like to know statistically, how many people have felt "uplifted" by this kind of haunting , and how many have felt persecuted. In decades, I hardly ever heard anybody saying, "I was feeling down or in trouble, and I felt the angelic presence of some SS or the spiritual family helping and protecting me!".

On the other hand I heard of many people who have felt uneasy, guilty, disapproved of, judged and condemned and harassed , practically and subtly. Dharamraj style. Do such perceptions originate from a lack of love and respect for the self or do they come from external sources and attitudes of others?

As usual, the deceptive BK style is that they use specifically coined expressions, in this case including terms like "angelic', so that it makes it look harmless and beneficial, to define what is commonly called "astral traveling" and often reputed as dangerous/crazy.

Of course, BKs despise officially anybody who teaches and performs such a practise. They would lose their credibility. They have put so much effort in gaining some, in disguising themselves, using different fronts in order to be accepted by other religions, governments, and appeal to politicians, professionals, VIPs and the corporate world.

They speak about "subtle service" roughly, they explain how it works, approximately, and encourage their zombies to do it, so that they can invoke and create more zombies, and even call back into the sect those who have left, by disturbing their sleep. The whole BK army is instructed to do that. In fact, more than improving their dharna, behaviour, they are told to create "numbers" in different ways, visible and incognito :shock:, that's what it is. Drawing people to God. Or to the organization and its pockets.

What a nightmare, one really needs the canopy of protection of the Almighty, and a magical blanked to cover up, before going to bed and be safe!

As far as conning people and the dodgy dealings you mention, LittleLamb, it is good that you took time to read on this site. Apart from the large scale, I can also say, and it would probably confirmed by all of us here, that many unexplainable,questionable things happened in our respective centers, against Shrimat, in many areas. I think you were mostly referring to the financial aspects. We all know that sisters-in-charge /inner circles handled funds in ways not at all transparent or logical, often extorted donations through pressure and luring, promises and threats : praise, special treatments and fame if you comply, hostility, rejection and shame if you don't. Doesn't take long to learn how to please the chiefs.

We tried to turn a blind eye, carry on with our spiritual efforts, and not "sulk with Baba", did not we? But I think our distaste and our conscience at some stage prevailed and we had to distance ourselves from inconsistencies and corruption. We are "ancestor souls, deities" so, no wonder we cannot compromise! ;)
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post17 Mar 2010

Whew! The more I stand back from this (and become a detached observer ha ha) the crazier it becomes! How we did we fall for this Sh*t?

I remember being told that I could go to the Subtle Regions for a cuddle if I needed some comfort. Oh how inadequate I felt that I could not travel in angelic form. How glad I am that I am coming to my senses!
alladin wrote:What a nightmare, one really needs the canopy of protection of the Almighty, and a magical blanked to cover up, before going to bed and be safe!

How about a piece of garlic bread and a hard boiled egg on my pillow? Would that frighten 'em off? ;)
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post17 Mar 2010

Hi. Considering the unbroken interest this topic has always aroused, I suggest that we open a parallel one dedicated to sharing different yuktis from various traditions and cultures, on how to ward evil spirits, evil eye off.

Whether it is superstition or real, we can experiment in the lab (as Baba always says), and test the efficiency of different methods. Create a memorial for Copper Age ;) . Should the BKs, their SS and spooks be the only ones to have fun?
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post24 Mar 2010

Well, I am no closer to deciding for sure whether the hold the Brahma Kumaris have over adherents and ex BKs is more of a simple psychological one mixed in with a whole load of hypnosis, or whether there are indeed spooks, spirits, ghosts or entities working through the whole thing. Maybe none of us will ever know for sure.

Rayoflight, I had a look at the SSRF. It did not float my boat I must say. Too many reminders of BK teachings there for me. It helped you and that's great but I don't think I will find my answers there.

Right now, I feel tired, depressed and pig-sick of religion, doctrine, dogma and the whole caboodle.

I don't know whether there are negative energies being directed at me by this "thing" the BKs call BapDada, evil entities sucking the life force out of me like the Dementors in the Harry Potter stories, or whether this weariness is simply the result of so many realisations of just how many years of my life were damaged by BK brainwashing, the sad, nagging feelings of what might have been had my young life not been twisted by this weirdness.

Like so many other posters here I thought I had found God when I entered Gyan. I think until now I have grossly underestimated how devastating it was for me to to find out that "God" was a charlatan.

Is BapDada some earthbound spirit who thinks he is God, or just the manifestation of some delusion in the mind of a little old Indian lady who has lived most of her life cut off from the real world, or the result of some mass hysteria/collective hypnosis with a bit of psychobabble, new-age spirituality, a smattering of extracts from Christian, Hindu and Islamic scripture tossed into the mix?

Who knows? Who knew how deeply this stuff could penetrate into a person's psyche, even when reason has told her what a lot of twaddle it all is.

The BKs never got any money from me. I had none to give. They got a lot of my time and energy in the 'service' I did. I fear they got my soul too. Question is, will I ever get it back?

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