Science greed will always cause panic

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Science greed will always cause panic

Post16 Feb 2010

Science greed will always cause panic

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Re: Science greed will always cause panic

Post17 Feb 2010

It is more about industrial capitalism than "science", is not it? I know the stuff the BKWSU teaches about "Science Proud Yadavas" (meaning Westerners), but "science" serves whoever its masters are ... and Indians are actually very good at it too.

I am glad it was a BK who posted that and not an ex-BK. You do understand what that video is about, do you Nischaybuddhi?

Someone has taken a clip from an Adolf Hitler movie and made it into a joke against those scientists and politicians who believe that the world is suffering from climate change because of humanity's level of pollution by putting on false English subtitles. They are in essence saying that the environmentalists are Nazis.

As an Indian, I suspect you do not realise how bad Nazidom became, or is seen by people. It is a type of taboo now, one of the worst (and immature) things to say about someone, and Hitler is portrayed as the "most evil" man. (Of course, the truth is always more complex than that)

It is also used as the worst or cheapest kind of argument, "Reductio ad Hitlerum" or "playing the Nazi card". The basic technique is to make something "bad" be relating to something the Nazis did or believed in. For example, the Nazis liked nature and told people what to do ... the environmentalists liked nature and want to tell people what to do ... therefore the environmentalists are Nazis or "the Brahma Kumaris use a Swastika, the Nazis used a swastika, therefore the Brahma Kumaris are Nazis.

It is a kind of logical fallacy, often used within the BKWSU, which presents an argument that may appear valid in some way, but does not address the issue in question and comes up with an irrelevant conclusion (ignoratio elenchi).

There is a sort of Right Wing movement amongst Americans mainly, often financed by big business, who are against environmentalist and any scientists who question big businesses right to pollution. It is a defence of their financial interests.
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Re: Science greed will always cause panic

Post22 Feb 2010

Dear Nischaybuddhi,

it seems to be a quite not-yogyukt and impure post you left here. As I remember, it was you who told everybody to "stay on the ship". Hitler and Facism as a tool on this ship to bring Gyan to "weak" souls? Weird, I assume.

But I see definitely the connection between BKism and Fascism. Fear based techniques, deception and lies ...

What are your intentions?
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Mr Green


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Re: Science greed will always cause panic

Post23 Feb 2010

gumbowumbo wrote:Hitler and Fascism as a tool on this ship to bring Gyan to "weak" souls? Weird, I assume. But I see definitely the connection between BKism and Facism. Fear based techniques, deception and lies ... What are your intentions?

His intentions are seva.
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Re: Science greed will always cause panic

Post23 Feb 2010

Mr Green wrote:His intentions are seva

Of course, it is. "Creating subjects", and so on ... I remember. ;)
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Re: Science greed will always cause panic

Post24 Feb 2010

Is "Science" a BK code word for Westerners? As in the "Wild science-proud Christian cats" from the original BKWSU literature. Lekhraj Kirpalani also called them Yadavas, did he not ... an extremely strangely use of the term from a Vedic point of view.

It is very strange that Nischaybuddhi posts Adolf Hitler in one post inferring that Westerners are 'bad'; and then in the next breath post how 'good' the BKWSU VIP contact called "the Missile Man of India" (ex-President APJ Abdul Kalam), is.

The god spirit of the BKs says, "Truly, the Yadavas invented the missiles. They destroyed their own clan". Is APJ Abdul Kalam not the developer of India's nuclear war missiles? So who are the Yadavas? (BTW, it is worth mention that Abdul Kalam did not 'invent' missiles, he just back engineered and ripped off old Russian technology!).

Honestly, if anyone knew the tiniest anything about the Vedas, they would realise how scrambled up and insane Lekhraj Kirpalani's derivations were. If he has been picking names out of a hat and adding his own definitions, he could not have chosen a more random selection.
Lekhraj Kirpalani spoke not wrote:Sakar Murli 2008/08/16 Revised

This is the plan of the Pandavas. First there are the Yadavas, the people of Europe, then the Kauravas, and then there are these Pandavas. The Mahabharat War definitely took place after which there were cries of victory. This Raja Yoga is for the new world of heaven. There were cries of victory for the Pandavas and everyone else was destroyed.
There are truly the Yadavas and Kauravas and the great war is also just ahead ... There will be the establishment of the one religion and the Destruction of innumerable religions.
O people of Bharat, Kauravas, and Pandavas, what are you doing? Truly, the Yadavas invented the missiles. They destroyed their own clan. All of them are enemies of one another.

Day by day, there is a lot of conflict among them. All of them are Christians, but there is a lot of conflict among them. Whilst sitting at home, they would kill one another ... the old world definitely has to be cleansed for the kingdom.
A lot of punishment will have to be experienced. So the time of Destruction is now. The Yadavas and Kauravas have an intellect without love. Pandavas who were victorious had a loving intellect.
There are the Yadava and Kaurava clans. There are innumerable religions in the Yadava clan.
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Re: Science greed will always cause panic

Post23 Apr 2010

The return of Hitler- The troubling resurgence of his ideas and manifesto, ‘Mein Kampf’

Jonathan Solomon, a lawyer in Mumbai, says the same revelation struck him when he was browsing for books. “I was shocked to see that Mein Kampf is available in Indian bookstores, even in the prestigious bookstores. It was not 10 years ago.”

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