In fighting between groups in Madhuban and other BK centers?

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In fighting between groups in Madhuban and other BK centers?

Post19 Feb 2010

Taken from a mention in another topic, here.
because.parmeshwar wrote:Are you aware of the groupism prevailing in the local centres and in Madhuban?

There, they are personally attacking mentally at each other and making the lives miserable.

Is anyone aware of this factionalism going on in centers and at Madhuban, in the past and present, and would care enough to document and discuss it?

Obviously, there is a history of this going right back to the earliest days with the leaving of "The Golden Triangle", the splitting off of the PBKs and so on, and we hear of rivalry between various Senior BKs and their supporters, but I wondered about more recent events.

Has anyone had experience of it?
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Re: In fighting between groups in Madhuban and other BK centers?

Post19 Feb 2010

Yes, the constant attemps to poach serviceable souls from nearby centres is the classic I remember, and normally just to show Dadi how many pukka souls you've created.

(Many will not know that this is how the teachers talk about you, they will say they created you or you were 'born' through them).


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Re: In fighting between groups in Madhuban and other BK centers?

Post19 Feb 2010

As the title suggests groups in Madhuban AND other BK centres /different groups within Madubhan/ different groups in local BK centres.

I witnessed incidences in our local city.

  • Our subcentre had nothing to do with the main centre. Because our centre in charge had differences with the big Brother of the main centre. She was collecting the seva independently and using as per her own wish, which made the big Brother of main centre unhappy. It resulted in the independent arrangements of function and festivals. We, the students were treated as half-blooded at the main centre while attending any event or festival.
  • I witnessed a big bang between the two, on the railway platform while going to Madhuban. I am not sure, but the dispute was because of the contributions collected. Our Centre-in-charge was unwilling to surrender her collection to big Brother and the big Brother was insisting to do so.
  • Once we opened a sub centre (Gita pathshala) in our area. The BKs from the main centre captured the area and started doing “THEIR” seva of exhibition and preaching people giving introduction of God. Also they rented one another room near to ours, for doing seva.
  • I learned from our centre in charge that once she was intentionally locked by the big Brother in one of the subcentre because of some differences.
  • At the times of festivals like Rakhi, there was the competition between the Sisters to reach the VIPs. Once, our centre in charge had been to one VIP, and after she finished her job, yet another Sister from main centre arrived at the place, making the scene embarrassing.
Occasionally, we had to face the angry looks of Seniors, if we are with some other group while doing seva.

O’ Baba ... I need some power to adjust / digest :|.
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Re: In fighting between groups in Madhuban and other BK centers?

Post20 Feb 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:She was collecting the seva independently and using as per her own wish, which made the big Brother of main centre unhappy.

By, "collecting the seva", do you mean 'taking money from followers'?

Thank you for that list. To be honest, if it was not so serious, it would be funny to read. Especially the two BKs turning up to tie rakhi on the one VIP. I am sure it goes on all over India.

The money aspect is something else that is very murky. Was there not a bit of a struggle between Leicester center and London center in the UK over money as well, because the Leicester center was quite big and took a lot of donations? The legal aspect of it is something else but underneath it is 'Power' ... the power of money.

This is why I say the BKWSU is like a 'guru franchise' business or mafia. To open a branch, you need to make a claim on your (turf) territory and once you have, the business is yours to run as long as the bosses get a cut and the final say.

There have also been more than a few power struggles in Europe with Jayanti Kirpalani, e.g. the closing of one German center and leaving of BK Suman and Surya over the use of the Murli. I also note that the leaders are become more protective and legalistic over their service/businesses

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