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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post15 Jan 2009

I am sorry, I did not see this post until just now. I am stunned by how out of control, how far across the line of reasonableness the BKs are stepping.

Dilse, you are being subjected to abuse; willful mental "cursing" that probably has its cultural roots in your own national traditions but is being used by the BKs and your mothers. You should not accept them into your mind nor play along with them.

We have often discussed how the Brahma Kumaris turn any "bad" event, personal or otherwise, into an omen of "The End". It is part of their mania. Likewise, you need to look at the psychology of the person BEFORE they became a BK and add that into the equation. People often blame the Brahma Kumaris for what are actually the personal wrongs of the individuals involved ... and individuals often use the Brahma Kumaris to express parts of their personality, or to achieve the results that they want, that were hidden before. That is to say, it brings out and empowers the worst in them under the guise of being "divine"; selfishness, disrespect, lack of responsibility and duty.

Personally, I think if you are happy, you are happy and you should share that peacefully and in a non-confrontational manner. Use 'truth" to over come
dilse wrote:She will not be scared at all of the legal action as there are BK lawyers and they will do their best. There was a case few years ago when one very successful businessman Aleksandr Ksenzov became BK and gifted to BKWSU his luxury apartment in city centre. After few years he left "knowledge" and naturally asked if he can get his property back because he gave it in totally brainwashed state of mind. There was a huge media campaign against BKWSU on TV and in newspapers but in court he lost his case.

This is amazing turn of events ... not even I thought the Brahma Kumaris could stoop this low.

How can the Brahma-kumaris motivate themselves to hold onto a luxury property that is now so obviously sown with the seeds of bad karma and at the cost or against such bad PR? Do they sit in "their" luxury apartment gloating about their ownership now?

    Does anyone need any further evidence of where the Brahma Kumaris' heads are fixed? This is disgusting, vicious, evil even ... and, thank you, John for providing the Murli quote.
What would interest me to know is how far up The Tree of command did the Russia Brahma Kumaris goes seeking "Shrimat" to carry out this refusal to give back a luxury apartment. Did they ask Janki Kripalani or go to the BKWSU in India? Are these BK lawyers paid by the Brahma Kumaris or are they members of the BKWSU?

It may be worth putting us in contact with Aleksandr Ksenzov as we have new evidence of the BKWSU's historical revisions and cover ups. I am not so sure that the BKs would be so confident and getting involved in another case. case like that damage both parties. Perhaps the BKs are insane enough ... I do not know. I would be very surprise. But, remember, this is a charity investing in times and money in doing so.

Is it possible to get a copy of what ever legal documents the BKWSU have filed ... e.g. what did they tell the government they were doing?

As for your own situation, it is very difficult. It is almost as if you do not want the Brahma Kumaris to win at breaking up your family entirely and that is what they are doing. You know the BK Seniors, what do they say about all this?

Yes, I too have been told the same thing about "crying tears of blood" at the end by my Raja Yoga teachers ... but then she left the Yugya too. It is nothing but fear mongering ... BUT ... the situation you have, or the hold on her mind involved here, is very, very real.

Your English is almost perfect, dilse. No need to apologize.
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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post15 Jan 2009

dilse wrote:After I left BKWSU and looked back, I was horrified by what has happened at those times. That I was so cruel to my only family and caused them so much sorrow. In my heart I asked their forgiveness but is not it too late to do? And don't know if I can forgive myself ever for what I did.

Can I ask you outright, when you say "your Father like alcohol", are you saying he was an alcoholic or just a normal drinker?

If so, your and your mother's primary experience might be that of being "co-dependents". In your mother's case, addicted to cycles of control and abuse and your thrown into the position of being a suffering martyr and having to cope with your mother's bad psychology. There are special groups to help co-dependents and children of alcoholics.

One of the issues that arise often are those relating to "boundaries". Natural healthy boundaries between individuals and others or groups are broken down and the other or group is able to "invade" what is rightfully yours. This is obvious happening here ... the Brahma Kumaris have their tentacles wrapped around your family's property, which means future welfare.

They want to take the life blood out of your family to feed 'their family'.
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Post16 Jan 2009

Hello everyone.

ex-l, I don't have answers for all your questions. I left BKWSU almost 9 years ago so I hardly remember much details about that case with Aleksandr Ksenzov. I put his name in Russian searches but nothing much came up. I have no idea how to find him.

I want to stay positive and hopefully my Mum will change her mind. I'll consider writing letters and going legal as my last option. I do keep telling to myself that it is not really her, she is completely brain washed and turned into BK zombie. When ever she hears in the news that there was an earthquake or war or tsunami she will always say look these all are signs that Destruction is close, world is completely tamopradhan etc. I wonder what will BKs be doing if Destruction won't happen in next 20 years? Will they start it themselves just to prove their point?

I was quite for few day as I was reading some materials and topics in this forum. Rewriting history and hiding facts is a big revelation for me. Seems BKWSU also gone through sato rajo and tamo stages as this law works for Confluence Age as well. Wait a minute shouldn't it be opposite? ;)

I found it very interesting to read other people's experiences and I discovered that mine was very similar as well. So let me write my experience from a wee bit different perspective.

BKs came to Russia in around 1989 when there was Perestroika, USSR was about to fall apart. People were extremely confused and unhappy, there was shortage of food and it was rationed. Millions of people lost their jobs and had to change their life styles. Money completely lost its value and people lost all their savings. Criminals were not afraid of the government any more and streets became very unsafe. So you can only imagine what was people's state of mind. At BK lectures, the hall was overcrowded and some listeners were even standing.

Someone asked somewhere in this forum what is it about Russians Avyakt BapDada was mentioning? I am not sure if it was BapDada or some SS saying that Russians, as they had no religious background, are like a clean sheet of white paper and it is easy to write anything on it.

To be continued ...



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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post25 Jan 2009

Hi Dilse

I am encouraged by your new zest for life, and sympathetic to your situation with your mother. I went through a similar thing with my mother a few years ago. She is a devout (greek) Orthodox Christian with only minimal formal education. (I would guess your mother may have a similar heritage?) And by devout Orthodox I mean she is the kind that believes the Pope in Rome is a heretic and a tool of the Antichrist. What I am writing below may be something your mother may comprehend and relate to.

When my parents retired, they moved to a property in the country which was about 13 hectares. For years, on Sundays and other holy days, they would travel a long way to go to church. My mum had a thought that she should build a chapel at the other end of the property. Services could be held by a visiting priest maybe fortnightly or monthly, so that all the believers in the area would not need to travel as far so often. She had an account into which she had saved thousands of dollars over decades that she would use for the construction costs.

I will try to keep this story short - after years of talks with the church administrators and the local council to do things properly, it appeared that things would actually go ahead. The church then turned around and said that the chapel had to be on church land, and so the land should be signed over to them. After this was investigated (e.g. valuations for donation receipts etc) and was again ready to proceed, the church then said that the half of the property that was offered was not acceptable (it was the undeveloped half of the property and would require some expenditure by them to get electricity and other utilities there), they would prefer the half that had utilities already. That is, where my parents lived! Upon further talks, they then suggested that the whole property be donated to them!

Now, although my mum is devout, she is also a country girl with common sense. She believes in her church to the core of her being, but her church is a transcendent thing, and she knows the politics and maneuverings of people. After all, in English at least, the word "Byzantine" is used as an adjective to describe cunning, complicated and underhanded methods. Such goings-on were the "soap opera" gossip and discussion that her generation grew up with.

When it was suggested that the front, no, the WHOLE property should be donated, she withdrew her offer completely, and gave them a few choice words to see them off. What offended her was that they thought she was a fool that could be taken advantage of. (She still goes to church most Sundays).

This may not be direct advice like other replies you have had, but maybe a story like this may help your mum see things a bit more objectively? As people age, their sense of mortality makes them do or believe in things they may have otherwise rejected. Stay strong and clear.

PS, please ignore the tag against my name saying I am a BK supporter, that is not true, there's someone on this forum who has changed it from ex-BK, they seem to have some kind of agenda which I do not fully understand.
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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post26 Jan 2009

Hi again Dilse

Sorry to not have been part of the replies to you recently, along with much else, my hard drive crashed and it's taken a while to get it back up and running. I've now read your posts with interest and one thing comes to mind for me, "it's very difficult to say no to on'e parent/s" but sometimes we just have to. I worked for many years with my own mother before she passed and that was really difficult and I still work with my Father who can be really stubborn and the best thing I've learnt from all of this is to say my say when I need to and say it loud and clear so that everyone understands clearly what's happening and in fact I know that my Father respects me for this.

All people test the boundaries of how far (and who!) they can push in order to get what they want, and whatever they're wanting is generally in accordance with their own belief systems anyway, right or wrong, they want what they beleive in, and sometimes a parent will say no to their children when they can see they something is not right for their child, and sometimes they will let their child learn the hard way by not cautioning them at a particular time. Why can the child not do similar with their parent/s I say?

I do understand that it many cultures it is considered improper or wrong to speak back to one's elders or parents but there are also ways of saying 'NO' that can leave an impact and without causing "emotional" damage. Sure, my Father may not sometimes not speak to me for a few days (who's the child eh? :| ) but I consider this to be his own choice and I let it be until he's managed to process whatever he needs to and then he'll try again, but this time in a more respectful and less 'demanding' manner. Good outcome - for me - and him too.

I'd like to suggest here - if I may - that you may need to consider standing up for yourself and say things straight from the heart but without over-reacting and learn to say 'NO' - and that's that - but at the same time, give your mother the opportunity to make her own decisions and then let her stand by them. You don't have to agree at all with her and nor her with you, despite the fact that together, in the past, you've both stood together and thats what's probably also difficult for you to accept. There's often an element of feelings of 'betrayal' at most and 'lack of sensitive support' shown in our BK/ex BK life-stories on this forum.

I'd say though (and I've never been proven wrong) that essentially "blood is thicker than water" and time will tell where her true feelings lie. It'll be a hard time toughing this one out though in this instance and considering 'her spiritual practice' I am sure. But I'd also like to say that you have a Gyani training and you more than enough ammunition to answer not only your mom's but also the big Didi who you may feel a little threatened by! Give back what you get is my motto, but in a way that puts you high above them ...

A thought here, is there any way you can get a professional person to manage this situation and mediate it for you, so that it makes things a little less personal for you to try handle (by yourself!) A personal 'case manager' can do wonders with this kind of situation, yes - it costs money - but perhaps your mom will come to be more agreeable when its going to cost her too ... ;).

At any rate, I am just giving my opinion and sharing my own experience and even though the situations are quite different, please understand that what I am saying here is that if I am not happy with a situation or a person then it is I that has to change my approach and open my mouth or alter the way I do things or perceive things. By the way, here is my 'spiritual saying' for the day: it may help you too~!~
*Intuit & Do It * - “If doubt is challenging you and you do not act, doubts will grow. Challenge the doubts with action and you will grow. Doubt and action are incompatible. -(John Kanary)

So at the end of the day, any action you come into will ultimately bring the situation into a clearer light for you. Much luck to you! Take care and hope to be able to share more soon.
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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post29 Jan 2009

Welcome to the forum Dilse,

Dilse means "from your heart" ... Let me tell you of the Yuktis which could play a good solution for you.

Alternative 1.

Tell your mom that you are willing to meet with the BKs to settle the issue of the appartment once in for all.

Meet them in a common-place. Didi, or probably Ramesh-accountant from India, will come to the meeting. If possible record all conversations ... Put them in a fix with those recorded conversations that way you have proof that they are actually trying to get your mom's property. Now I do not know if this is possible from your limited bandwith but you can try.

Alternative 2.

You can keep your share of the property and tell your mom to keep the money in the bank and use the money as and when the Yagya needs it. In the sense she would not give everything away but then keep the Yagya salivating thinking that it will become theirs once she leaves the body.

Now this is equal to what the elderly people in India do to write a will only effective on their death, which means that the sons will take care of them till they die!!!

My two cents dilse ...

Let me know if you are willing to play alternative 1 which could become an eye opener to all people with similar conditions.

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Post30 Jan 2009

Hello Terry and Paulkershaw, and thank you both for sharing your thoughts and experiences with me. I find them very helpful. Since I shared my experience in this forum, I feel much better now. I know that I am not alone in this situation anymore and so many nice people are supporting me now. Thank you.

Hello Yogi108,

Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I am not sure yet how to settle this problem down. But if there will be a possibility I will go for the 1st alternative. I strongly believe that only solid evidence can help in revealing the truth about BKWSU.

Yeah, my nick here means, "from heart". Your nick is nice too. Best of luck in getting into 108.


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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post30 Jan 2009

Hi Dilse,

Will you do more episodes of your story or is that it for now? The first part was really good.
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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post22 Jan 2010

Hello everyone. :D

I’m back to this forum after one year.

I know I should have posted something earlier but I was always postponing. First of all, I would like to update the situation with my BK Mum and our flat.

Last year I’ve been to Russia twice. First time, it was very tough because mother told me that if I don’t agree at least to a flat swap to the area near to BK Centre Lighthouse she would stop all contact with me forever. It was a bit of a shock. So I had no choice but to agree to the swap. I didn’t go to Sister-in-charge Didi Santosh. I just felt that if I do, it will just make things between me and mother even more complicated. After few months I went to Russia again and this time we sold our flat and bought the same type of flat in the area mother wanted. So far, I lost nothing.

As I was visiting Russia after 3 years gap, I noticed changes in my mother’s life. During all my stay at home, she never meditated or woke up for Amrit Vela. She would watch TV when ever she was at home and not even news but movies and soap. She was going to morning classes and doing her service duties after the class and she still wouldn’t accept any food I cooked, though she would buy and eat processed food from shops. All this is really confusing. For a moment, I had a happy thought that she might be slowly leaving BKWSU. I tried to tell her few facts I learned about BKWSU on this forum and she would get really angry with me. She even said that those who gave all their money and remortgaged their houses and then had no pension are fools. She felt no compassion for them at all.

I don’t know what to think now. I’m so confused. :-? So this is all my news so far.

Thank you all for your support and good wishes.

P.S. Next week I’ll post the rest of my BK life story I promise. :D
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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post22 Jan 2010

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Post23 Jan 2010

Hi, Dilse! Welcome back!

Please consider the possibility that you are not the one who's confused, your mother sounds like she is! I am not surprised, though! BKs would not admit it, of course, but they tend to create/encourage, Bhakti behaviours in their adepts. They don't really want yogi souls who can sustain themselves , have a free spirit and be strong.

Understanding and following disciplines like that of eating sattwic food cooked in an elevated consciousness and avoiding food cooked by people whose state of mind is negative, vicious, weak ???? Whatever, can make one really strong, independent and unshakable? Yet, the Yagya prefers followers who derail, in many ways, but to compensate for their 'sins" by giving their $ or facilities, donations, or their bones in service.

This is how the army of zombies is created and maintained: not thinking, and work work work for free!
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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post24 Jan 2010

Hello Mr Green.

Hi alladin. Thank you.

I think the word zombie is very appropriate. I have a feeling that they are empty inside. No personal opinion, no personal decisions or views.

Another new thing I've noticed is that BK Sisters are encouraged to colour grey hair and even to wear make up. Especially those who teach or work at exhibitions and at reception. I guess after another 10 years, plastic surgery will be OK too.
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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post25 Jan 2010

dilse wrote:Another new thing I've noticed is that BK Sisters are encouraged to colour grey hair and even to wear make up. Especially those who teach or work at exhibitions and at reception. I guess after another 10 years, plastic surgery will be OK too.

Now that is the sort of trend that interest me! :D

It is true, we had mention of it from elsewhere. Whether it was senior Sisters shaving off their beards and mustaches or demands being made for gifts of perfume from followers, somewhere down the line, someone decided the Brahma Kumaris needed a makeover.

Who was it, when did it happen, how did the consensus spread throughout the following ... and is it not just a little "body-conscious"? Were we not supposed to be attracting souls to "The Baba" by our vibrations, not to ourselves by our looks or talents?
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Re: Hello everyone. I am new to this forum.

Post25 Jan 2010

Hello ex-l.

Those are very good questions. I am sure BKs already have a good reason and perfect explanation for all that.

I remember when I was in Gyan Sarovar in 1999 one Indian BK Sister from Baba's Dispensary advised me to shape my eyebrows and she admitted that she always does her's. At that time I thought she was under Maya's influence because, in our centre, make-up was allowed only for those who were participating in dramas or dances on stage.

My theory is that white BKs, after doing a lots of service and due to lack of sleep and probably poor diet, look quite pale and unhealthy. At least I remember Kumaris and some mothers in St. Petersburg Centre looking that way. So make up is a perfect solution so that newcomers wouldn't feel sorry for these Sisters.

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