Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

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Stay on the Ship ... Please ... as we flee from the hornets

Post22 Jan 2010

Hello nischaybuddi, in an earlier post on this topic button slammer congratulated you on your courage based on his assessment that some of the points in your postings are likely to "stir[red] up a hornets nest". Opinions on that possibility will vary, but you have already (predictably for a BK) sought refuge in
nischaybuddi wrote: ...I hope you understand what i mean to say, as my English is not that good, and my vocabulary is limited so i find myself lacking in putting my opinions ...

I did acknowledge the possibility that words, and their translation, may well be an issue in communication, however i cannot say that my heart bleeds for you. BTW, this website has long been requesting (so far unsuccessfully!!!) that the BKWSU free-up the Murli's for independent scholarly research and translation - but i digress.

nischaybuddi, is it possible for you to standback and ponder on what a fellow BK student of yours - irregardless of status or quality of effort - will most likely make of these words of yours
nischaybuddi wrote: ... P.S: When I say BKs, I mean the ones who are sincere, pure, committed to Gyan as there are so many others you can find in white dress with a badge of Lakshmi Narayan.

After so many years in Gyan you come out with such judgemental codswallop!!!

Would you be referring to any of those same 'many others' who faithfully, dilligently, contribute to the BKWSU financial coffers from whatever little they can afford?! Do you refer to the hunchbacks and the poor mothers as mentioned in the Murli? Do you refer to Sudama and her handful of rice? Do you refer to those same others "you can find in white dress with a badge of Lakshmi Narayan" whose heads the BKWSU counts so as to announce to the world how many thousands attended BapDada's meetings?

Do you refer to those BKs who make genuine effort - the precise effort that they can make Kalpa after Kalpa - irregardless of their status or whether or not the Seniors favour them?! Really, nischaybuddi, you are really taking the ****. Can you see how everything is connected? You denigrate those whose effort you judge to be inferior to whose ... your own? Dadi Janki's?

I side with ex-l on this. It really does seem as if the BK's GOD is not only a different G-O-D from the one held in regard by the other branches of The Tree. Seems like the BK G-O-D may very well breed elitism, ego and usury. Meanwhile, the God of humanity is one that can be prayed to for mercy, for compassion, for deliverance but not for a white dress with a badge of Lakshmi Narayan!! Given all of this one could very well ask how dare the BKs use the universal concept of 'prayer' as if such an act of faith forms any part of their philosophy! It's like when i heard some BK talking about: "when Jesus Christ became Avyakt" - grafting their own unproven, fantastical belief's upon the rest of humanity! It is no wonder that you attempt to justify the $ spent on VIP service!!!

Anyway, I will stop now, however on the topic of staying on the ship some might be entertained by this song:|pe ... aSiZlG1Zmk ... in which the chorus informs us:
Captain this ship is sinking
Captain these seas are rough
We gas tank almost empty
No electricity, we oil pressure reading low
Shall we abandon ship
Or shall we sit on it and perish slow
We doh know, we doh know
Captain you tell we what to do

Take care.



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Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

Post22 Jan 2010

dreadi wrote:How many years did you say you are in Gyan - 60? And yet still you come out with such judgemental codswallop!!! Would you be referring to any of those same 'many others' who faithfully, dilligently, contribute to the BKWSU financial coffers from whatever little they can afford?! Do you refer to the hunchbacks and the poor mothers as mentioned in the Murli? Do you refer to Sudama and her handful of rice? Do you refer to those same others "you can find in white dress with a badge of Lakshmi Narayan" whose heads the BKWSU counts so as to announce to the world how many thousands attended BapDada's meetings? Do you refer to those BKs who make genuine effort - the precise effort that they can make Kalpa after Kalpa - irregardless of their status or whether or not the Seniors favour them?! Really nischaybuddi you are really taking the ****. Can you see how everything is connected? You denigrate those whose effort you judge to be inferior to whose ... your own? Dadi Janki's?

Please don't misinterpret my words Dreadi ... My intention was not at all to hurt feeling of you and anybody. All efforts are of high value and I did not mean to see them inferior. I just wanted to tell that there are so many others who are just for their name sake put on the white dress with a badge of Lakshmi Narayan to pretend themselves as BKs. Excuse me if these words had also troubled any body.

I really salute to all effortmakers who are contributing the Yagya in some or the other way.

Thankyou, :|


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Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

Post22 Jan 2010

dreadi wrote:How many years did you say you are in Gyan - 60?
No problem nischaybuddi. I also stand corrected on orignally mis-stating the number of years for which you have been Baba's child - 40 years is commendable indeed. Om Shanti.
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Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

Post22 Jan 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:Two years back, we purchased one house for the centre's purpose only. At that time we were quite unaware of what the procedure of setting up of a new centre was. We were believing (blindly?) in our centre-in-charge only ... and accepted what ever she suggested to do.

After few days we learned that one more BK Brother was interested in buying a house adjacent to ours ... Subsequently, we learned that the second house was owned in the joint names of centre-in-charge and the BK Brother. Gradually, the two houses were joined together and now they appear as one house ... I also learned that this deal was not informed to the main centre, and not even in Madhuban. Both of them are ... staying together at night also.

Well, nischaybuddi, here you are ... another dodgy BK property deal. If I were you, as an earnest 40 year BK with accounting skills, I would step in and resolve this issue.

So, because.pareshwar, are you say that the center-in-charge put the property into her own name?

One has to ask why the unequal relationship ... one donor keeping half the property but taking benefit from both; and one donor being taken for all of their property but taken no benefit at all.

    So who owns what now?
Now that you have left, I would take courage and ask for it back. Tell them you were fooled ... you were, we can prove that ... and without any more problems you would like your property back. Tell them you have spoken to us here and read that others have had their property, or money, given back when the abuse was found out.

I do not know Indian law but I would be surprised if someone can just receive a whole property without paying taxes on it ... perhaps nischybuddhi can advise us?

On this subject, I am remembering the BK Brother in Panipat who committed suicide. He too had been taken for a share of a property. Or the family in the Caribbean. Or the young man in England. Or the wealthy businessman in Russia. Or all the expansive building work done by BKs for free on property Dr Hansa Raval's personally owns in the USA ... and now we read about Dilse in another topic. Where does it all stop? I am sure MUCH more goes on in India than we hear about here.

God? Pure? Lord of the Poor ... ? Ha. Do you see what we are talking about yet, nischaybuddi? I am not say, "It is bad". I am asking, "what can we do to stop this abuse and nonsense?".



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Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

Post22 Jan 2010

... and I will be the happiest of all ... if it is proved, that all The Knowledge given in this Gyan is nothing but myths, like

    status, position, kingdom, number of births, rebirths, tribunal, punishments, cremator
All we need is GOD and GOD's love.
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Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

Post22 Jan 2010

Strange response, nischaybuddi but I appreciate your sentiments. That which we searched for, simple love, has been burdened by all the trappings required to trap the young girls and Sindi merchants 70 years ago. Who cares about "status, position, kingdom, the number of diamonds ...", who even believes that there could be cremators in a Heaven on Earth? How could you have dead body smoke in heaven? You want God but instead you were sold BapDada.

But ... we are discussing a potential fraud and embezzlement, subjects which you must know something about.

Because.parmeshwar, who has the property in their name now? The Sister or the BKWSU?

I am sure that in your mind, you were giving it to the trust or registered charity. Not the individual. If it turns out that the center-in-charge has put it into her name (to give herself position and financial security within the organization), then I am fairly sure that is fraud from you (false representation) and embezzlement from the charity. Something perhaps the police could deal with.

I wonder how many other times such a transaction has occurred in India ... and if it is communicated amongst the Brahma Kumaris, e.g. "become a BK and grab a property, become independent, Madhuban will turn a blind eye as long as you give them a little commission now and again".

You might not like the idea, you might not need the money or property back, but I think it would be right to go back and sort it out. If you do not want it, you can always give it to a genuine charity, e.g. one for orphan street children or saving young prostitutes.


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Re: Stay on the Ship ... Please ...

Post23 Jan 2010

Because.parmeshwar, who has the property in their name now? The Sister or the BKWSU?

As mentioned there are two different houses joined by a common wall

    House 1 : Ours (registered by my name)
    House 2 : Registered by center incharge’s and one another BK Brother’s name (Jointly)
Now, the common wall is modified by making a door in between

The two houses are now functioning as one center.

The two houses (functioning as centre) are not informed to the zone in charge and nor to Madhuban. The centre in charge and the BK Brother are using it. The BK Brother is also doing job outside and stay at the centre only at night and I wonder nobody is questioning them?

Since we have stopped going there, we have asked them to return it to us.

So far this much has happened, I will keep you informing the updates.

Thank you

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