Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939? Significances of history revision

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Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939? Significances of history revision

Post18 Jan 2010

warrior wrote:Hope you can view this paper cutting about the age of your Brahma. BKWSU is saying that Dada Lekhraj was 60 in 1936, but, he was only 44 according to Daily Mail. So, was any one there in the beginning that was 60 years old? If so, why are you BKs covering it up?


Thank you Warrior.

44 years old in 1939. But the Murlis say 60 years old. So, was God wrong, or who was 60 years old, when?

For the record, I actually think this is a slight mistake. In "Is this Justice?" and elsewhere, Lekhraj Khubchand Kripalani is listed as being 54. The probable date of that publication being 4 th July 1938. I think we will find more records of this if someone is willing to look. What amazes me is why despite all their millions and 100,000 of followers ... cannot the Brahma Kumaris of the BKWSU do so and provide an accurate history? What are they hiding?

Do you have the complete piece? Is someone now willing to go and do some footwork researching original documents in India? For the record, Liz Hodgkinson would be one person to start talking to as she researched much of the early days, and as a journalist, had newspaper record access. Her BK husband Neville Hodgkinson I feel, steered her away from seeing and publishing the truth in her book "Purity and Peace". Liz is not stupid and no longer a BK.
Daily Mail, 13 March 1939 wrote:Five thousand angry husbands, parents, and guardians yesterday marched on the Sind Government secretariat in protest against the activities of the Om Mandli celibacy cult here.

The cult has aroused fierce indignation by inducing young girls to refuse to marry and wives to leave their husbands.

A clash seemed inevitable as the march had been banned by the Government.

The crowd, led by the crippled Hindu leader Vaswani in a wheel chair, came face to face with a cordon of police.
Then the Minster of Public Works, Mr Vazirani, intervened. He gave a written guarantee that the Government would order the cult to discontinue certain practises. The crowd dispersed.

Driven Out

Founder of the cult is handsome 44-years old Bhai Lekhraj against whom charges of kidnapping are being heard in the magistrate's court. OmRadhe, his pretty daughter-in-law and president of the Om Mandli soceity, is charged with abetting him.

The cult was started two years ago in Hyderabad, but was driven from there by an organised campaign of opposition and murder threats.

What is clear, for sure, was that Lekhraj Kirpalani was not 60 in 1936 as the BKWSU claim in their Adi Dev, websites and elsewhere. So who was ... why do the Murlis say so ... and so on?

But what is all this talk of "orgies"? I spoke to an old Sind who was a neighbour to the Om Mandli. I know the BKWSU version is a fairy tale. But I have never heard of this ... smoke without fire?
Lekhraj Kripalani's age

BKWSU Orgies?



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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post18 Jan 2010

Do you think that news paper check the date of birth of the one of which the news is being made?

Yes, there were certain issues in the beginning, regarding following of celibacy and keeping Kanyas with om mandli, and it was obvious. But Brahama Baba remain unshaken resulting todays huge no. of celibate followers.

What you want to prove ex-I, is beyond my imagination?

When any organisation flourishes, it becomes the natural tendency of people to question them because they find themselves incapable of following the principles they are teaching about. You can find thousands (and waste your time) of such things, which are questionable and put a doubt on the organisation.

I only can say that, practice the teachings of GOD(or what ever in your terms) you will feel ... feel ... feel ... the application of knowledge. People are getting TRANSFORMED internally.

Tell me how frequent you visit a BK centre? How often you meet a senior Brother or Senior Sister, don't you feel their powerful vibration around you?

I request you to again refer to my earlier post containing list of questions and try finding their answers, the physical evidences can be found (or can be created) many ...



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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post18 Jan 2010

nischaybuddi wrote:Do you think that news paper check the date of birth of the one of which the news is being made?

Dear Soul,

With all my respect to you because above all you are my true spiritual Brother.

But my journey of discovery is not for you, it is for me only, I wanted to find out what happened and yes this can only be the work of One ShivBaba because when I was so desperate, wondering around, asking for help suddenly I turned around and this information was in my hand! I decided to share with you guys because so many Brahmins asked me to.

Listen, enough of brain washing about visiting the local BK centre and so on ... now we have few facts, you cannot just say stuff like your statement above.

There is no chance now; BKWSU will need to come clear about who was there in the beginning that was 60 years old! This is the main thing, everything else is of course ones afford like you say and I totally agree with you.

You wait and see I got more stuff like this one ... and look at this ...

Did you know that after I found these materials Sister Jayanti rushed to Sind as an undercover member of NGO trying to see and calm down the situation with her spiritual values?

Here it is: http://www.cpcs.org.pk/home/

    Civil Society Fo
    Event 01:

    Global Peace for a Better World

    Keynote Speaker: Sister Jayanti (NGO Representative to the United Nations, Geneva)
    Venue: Sindhi Language Authority, Qasimabad, Hyderabad Time and Date: 04:00 pm and December 22, 2009 (Tuesday)
Om Shanti


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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post18 Jan 2010

where did this come from and how did you find it?

ex-l, I found this there - in the Land of the Pure Heart!

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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post18 Jan 2010

Do you think that news paper check the date of birth of the one of which the news is being made? Yes, there were certain issues in the beginning, regarding following of celibacy and keeping Kanyas with om mandli, and it was obvious. But Brahama Baba remain unshaked resulting todays huge no. of celibate followers.

Newspapers check times, dates, and other details. The article is based on the fact that a wealthy millionaire has attracted numerous women to his establishment. If Lekraj was of a retirement age the report would be less sensational. "Handsome 44-year old Bhai Lekraj". He is refered to as' Bhai' not 'Dada'. The title 'Dada' comes with age and respect.

Bhai Lekraj was adept at organising Satsang/spiritual gathering. Its now approx 2yrs down the line since his visions first began. Has he continued down the road of maximum publicity? ''I am the God of the Gita, come to my Satsang and have visions of Heaven!!" 100% intoxication of his visions coupled with a vast fortune at his disposal to carry out any scheme, a heady cocktail.

Hints in the Murli point to several personalities present at the foundation of the Yagya. To what extent was Bhai Lekraj working with them, or had he become a loose canon? Murli says, "the seed was laid in an incognito way". Here we have Bhai Lekraj taking the community by storm!! Is this the personality of the 'shrewd buisenessman' refered to in the Murlis? Something has not quite gone according to plan. Seems like someone has lost the plot. Perhaps by this time Bhai Lekraj had already experienced the fierce form of Rudra and had been shown the door to the Suravanshi group?

Om Mandali was a complex of several personalities and groups distributed through out many buildings and places. Bhai Lekraj and his seances were the first splinter group. Bhakti is more attractive and outwardly visible. Hence his group/gatherings got all the attention and ultimately became the BKWSU.

What is disturbing though, is the mention of 'opposition and murder threats.' Who was opposing who? Who was threatening who with murder? Did anyone get murdered? Whatever happened to Sevak Ram? Details anyone?

BTW, Warrior has busy schedule. I can vouch the newspaper cutting were located at a secure government faculty in Karachi. Copies have been made of those, and other related legal documentation relating to Om Mandali.

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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post18 Jan 2010

Reminds of the tagline from movie "Michael Clayton"

    "The Truth Can Be Adjusted"
button slammer wrote:Did you know that after I found these materials Sister Jayanti rushed to Sind as an undercover member of NGO trying to see and calm down the situation with her spiritual values?

Jayanti seems to a "fixer" :D.
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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post19 Jan 2010

What I noticed was

    a) they are STILL exaggerating their UN connection to advertise themselves. That is in bad faith.
    b) as warrior says, they had to hide that Jayanti Kripalani is from the Brahma Kumaris.

I know you don't really care about accurate knowledge, but the other evidence about Lekhraj Kirpalani's age comes from legal papers, legal documents and a book published in the 30s by the Brahma Kumaris themselves ... whilst Lekhraj Kirpalani was with them. It is called "Is this Justice?" and you can download it from the Library.

Of course, it was been hidden away by the BKWSU leadership for 70 years ... why? Why do they hide so much stuff away? What do you think about people that hide the truth away all the time?


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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post20 Jan 2010

"Awakening with Brahmakumaris", dated 19.01.2010.

Sister Shivani told in media that...
Nirakar ShivBaba entered in Brahmababa in 1936 when he was 60.

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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post20 Jan 2010

Shivani is a pretty empty vessel ... a pretty parrot ... a perfect BK robot. "Repeat what you are told without questioning".

    When did she come into Gyan?
That whole scene is made up and it is proof that the leadership, despite knowing all about the truth and all about us and the PBKs discussing it, believe they can snowplow their false reality into existence just by repeating it time and time again, like Stalin or the Nazis did.

I'd love to do an interview with her ...


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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post20 Jan 2010

Please do. ex-I

We will do bone service to publicize the interview :D.
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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post20 Jan 2010

It is a very good example of how the purity and sincerity of such young women is exploited by the shady leadership of the BKWSU who all know perfectly well that it is untrue.

Shivani probably utterly does believe it is true repeating verbatim what she has read in the comic books the BKWSU publishes. But, morally and ethically, it is wrong and she is party to that wrong.

Why cannot the BKWSU be honest and accurate.


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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post20 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:Do you have the complete piece?

Yes, a picture with the whole page and one half page of the newspaper edition of 13th March 1939 here:


AKK is the Brother that made this possible, so thanks to him for providing this evidence in full.

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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post21 Jan 2010

I am an ordinary guy, Burning down the house!

Congrats on researching the original newspaper articles, no easy task. Here's a little tune to get in the party mood ... "Burning down the house". Funny how the lyrics come suddenly clear

Watch out you might get what you're after
Cool babies strange but not a stranger
I am an ordinary guy
Burning down the house

Hold tight wait till the party's over
Hold tight We're in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house

Here's your ticket pack your bag: time for jumpin' overboard
The transportation is here
Close enough but not too far, Maybe you know where you are
Fightin' fire with fire

All wet hey you might need a raincoat
Shakedown dreams walking in broad daylight
Three hun-dred six-ty five de-grees
Burning down the house

It was once upon a place sometimes I listen to myself
Gonna come in first place
People on their way to work baby what did you except
Gonna burst into flame

My house S'out of the ordinary
That's might Don't want to hurt nobody
Some things sure can sweep me off my feet
Burning down the house

No visible means of support and you have not seen nuthin' yet
Everything's stuck together
I don't know what you expect starring into the TV set
Fighting fire with fire



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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post31 Jan 2010

I really like to see the original versions of those articles confirmed by the titles 'yes, these are the articles from our archives'. In today's world with today's technique anybody knowing a bit about computers can produce this kind of things. Unfortunatelly the stamp on the second article showing the date cannot be seen well.

We all know how journalists work - they are like hungry hunters chasing a scandal. These two articles are as suspicious as the articles that defamed Virendra Dev Dixit in 1998/99 presenting him as a person who seduces and rapes young girls. At that time BKs eagerly collected pieces from newspapers and magazines published for the money of those who wanted journalists to publish lies and presented them to all connected with both sides - BKs and PBKs.

Will the same be done now by the other side? Do those who have presented these documents have unbroken proofs that these are original documents based on the true and verified data? Do they have unshakable proofs that this is the TRUTH not a little scandal or selfishness of the author who wanted to create a piece of hot news? After all, these two articles shows that not only BKs lie, but PBKs also lie about Dada Lekhraj and make up facts.

It was declared in the advanced knowledge that In 1987 the second Brahma was 100 years old. This is one of the key facts taught in the advanced knowledge on which the entire advanced knowledge is based. If Dada was 44 in 39, he was 52/3 in 47, then how could Shiva enter him? Shiva enters in vanaprastha avastha - when the medium is after 60 years old. This is also one of the key points, a point from the Sakar Murlis delivered through Brahma Baba/Dada Lekhraj.

So, based on the information given above in the quoted articles, it is impossible that Shiva entered Dada in 47 and it is impossible that in 87 Dada Lekhraj, the soul of Krishna, the secondary Brahma was 100 years old. Who lies then, humans or God, no matter through which Chariot he speaks? Whether someone is BK or PBK or whoever ... May he think for his own benefit and verify carefully what has been presented as facts before he makes the final judgement. Do these information reveal the Truth or are they the information that prove that ALL are telling lies?

All this creates a lot of confusion and hits both in BKs and PBKs. I do ask the person /people who found these articles, please, do present also the proofs that it is/was the truth. There are also classes in which Shiva clarifies through his present medium that Brahma Baba was almost 90 when he died. If he was 44 in 1939, he could be only 73/74 when he dies at the begining of 1969. Quite a difference, guys! So, where is the truth?
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Re: Lekhraj Kirpalani 44 years old in 1939 ...? (was Stay on the

Post01 Feb 2010

There is no need to cast doubt on the cuttings. The cuttings are genuine. The information in them might not be 100% accurate but they are careful to reported on "alleged" activities rather than actual activities.

Yes, they add to the general weight of evidence against the BKWSU and, yes, Virendra Dev Dixit is just as often as wobbly and slippery on the historical facts as the BKWSU. The official history of the BKWSU has been demolished as a fake up.

The BKWSU have it in their power to fix but instead they continue to invest their millions into reinforcing lies. For example, Dadi Lachu in the December 2009 World Renewal claiming "God Shiva's" Murlis were buried when they left Karachi. Yet, no God Shiva had been mentioned in the Yugya until after 1950 ... until after they left Karachi.

So, what this shows is that despite all their self-claimed divinity and godliness, 70 years is not enough to make them honest.

This is what we are seeing, nischaybuddi. Feelings are worth nothing. So what if these individuals "feel" powerful. What is the worth ... what is the nature of their power ... if they still capable of dishonesty and deception?

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