Pandavas and heaven.

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Pandavas and heaven.

Post13 Oct 2006

Dear BK and PBK Brothers.

Baba says in Murlis that whatever happens in the Confluence Age is remembered in the scriptures symbolically as stories; which means that the events mentioned in the 2 great epics ''Mahabharat'' and ''Ramayan'' are not to be taken in the literal sense but they carry a deep spiritual meaning.

Those who are well versed in Indian mythology, they will recollect that, in the scripture "Mahabharat", when the war between the Kauravas and Pandavas is over, the Pandavas begin their journey to heaven; but on their way, all but one collapse, starting from Draupadi, then Nakul, then Sahadev, then Bhima and then Arjuna; only Yudhister and a dog enter heaven (Yudhister ke saath sirf ek kutta swarg mein gaya); Now my dillemma is why the most lustful of all animals i.e. dog should enter heaven along with Yudhister?? Why, the other Pandavas, did not make it to heaven?? ; and who represents Yudhister (symbolically).
Can anyone please enlighten us on this aspect : What are the scriptures trying to reveal ??

OK Om Shanti.

[editor's note; "Yudhister" is also commonly known as Yudhishthir ]
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button slammer


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Re: Pandavas and heaven.

Post14 Oct 2006

shivsena wrote:Dear BK and PBK Brothers.

Now my dillemma is why the most lustful of all animals i.e. dog should enter heaven along with Yudhister?? Why, the other Pandavas, did not make it to heaven?? ; and who represents Yudhister (symbolically).
Can anyone please enlighten us on this aspect : What are the scriptures trying to reveal ??

OK Om Shanti.

[editor's note; "Yudhister" is also commonly known as Yudhishthir ]

The dog has a quality that you do not care for, faith. As for lust Baba says those that give their true pota mail to the Father have nothing to worry about. It is the egotistical souls that try to prove themselves to be cleverer than the Father who will fail.
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Re: Pandavas and heaven.

Post14 Oct 2006

button slammer wrote:As for lust Baba says those that give their true pota mail to the Father have nothing to worry about. It is the egotistical souls that try to prove themselves to be cleverer than the Father who will fail.

Pota mail? I see reference here. Is that chart or confessional letters? How do PBKs practise this?

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Post14 Oct 2006

ex-l wrote:Pota mail? I see reference here. Is that chart or confessional letters? How do PBKs practise this?

Dear ex-l,

Omshanti. Although you have addressed your question to Button Slammer, I would try to answer it.

In the Sakar Murlis, both 'chart' and 'potamail' have been used very often. Both refer to a record of one's karmic accounts (both good and bad). But sometimes Potamail is used specifically to mean an account of one's life history (especially the mistakes that one has committed) before coming to gyaan. During Brahma Baba's time BKs used to give this potamail to Baba in writing. There are references in the Sakar Murlis that people generally remember the events that have taken place in one's life since the age of 4-5 years. So Potamail is supposed to be submitted to ShivBaba after entering the path of knowledge. Since ShivBaba is not available in corporeal form amongst BKs since 1969 they have stopped this practice or may be they keep the potamail in Baba's room/Baba's hut and later seen by certain senior BKs, which does not appear to be a honest procedure. And I don't think BKs are allowed to submit potamail to Avyakt BapDada. At least I have not seen anyone submitting such potamails. And I have seen Avyakt BapDada remaining in the body of Gulzar Dadi for hours together at a stretch, but never saw him reading any papers during his stay in that body.

As regards PBKs, it is a general procedure to submit potamail to Baba after one undergoes the bhatti. But it is not binding, nor anyone is personally asked to submit potamail. Potamail is generally opened only by Baba and He reads it Himself as far as I know.
Chart is something that is maintained daily.

I am producing three points from the Sakar Murlis published by the BKs, and narrated by Father Shiv through Brahma Baba (translated by PBKs into English):

Potamail (life story) should also be revealed to Father. What is your occupation, what do you earn……what do you possess now? It should be revealed to Father. Not that whatever is yours is mine, but don’t touch my belongings. There are many such clever children. (12-7-73, pg-2)
Baba has explained that if you do not narrate the sins committed even in this birth then it will keep increasing inside. If you narrate the sin (to Baba) then it will not increase. (17-6-72, pg-2)
Father says, “You maintain your register”....Write your chart in the evening everyday…..Also write that I ate that food at that time. Then I ate this, drank this. Then you will know if you were overcome by greed. How many times do we eat in a day? I ate and drank this. One should write everything. Only then will there be any improvement. Father understands that there’s nothing in his fate. He doesn’t maintain a register. They don’t understand that it’s Godly Version. They feel this Dada (Brahma) keeps telling something or the other. Children don’t realize the one who’s speaking. There’s no regard for Him. (In the Murli next to 12-3-78. )

Although one cannot get all the aspects of chart/potamail in any one particular Murli point, one would get a general idea of the same from the above Murli points.

With regards,
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Post16 Oct 2006

I believe this story ends when Bhima says he does not like to go to Heaven without his friends, and something happens and they all appear in Heaven. So it is also good to die first isn’t it? We aim to die whilst alive the soonest the possible, is it not so?

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