SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

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SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post05 Jan 2010

swordofjustice wrote:When we come to BK Raj Yoga, we bring all our baggage with us. Despite the initially wonderful intoxication and spiritual experiences, there is no magic wand and what we bring with us is still there inside.

So that's what I can offer in practical terms. Now to write something that may surprise many readers. Doing the above, I believe that you have in fact actually implemented 50% of the teachings of Raj Yoga. Positive thinking and the attitudes I've outlined are actually core parts of Raj Yoga. Believe it or not. :-)

Hold back your machineguns for a moment.

The machine guns are lowered ... I look forward to your contributions. At least I am grateful that you have started off honestly and with openness. It is good also that you talk about BK Raja Yoga rather than mistake it for the authentic, original or ancient Raja Yoga ... as they PR spiel would have it, ripping off all of HInduism's traditions.

My primary involvement with the BKWSU was, it seems, a decade before yours. At this time, none of that "Positive Thinking" and "Corporate Consulting" stuff existed. In truth, as ridiculous as this may sound, I do not think it is core "BK Raja Yoga". Its source is not "The Baba". I wonder if the SS just allow it to go on because it is good for business ... a layer of sweet icing to attract new adherents to milk, a subterfuge to their real agenda and modus operandi. I certainly remember all the initial resistances from the leadership of anything 'NIIM' (Not Invented in Madhuban) or 'NIBS' (Not Invented by Sindhis). I accept that the old guard of the BKWSUs might be changing for the better ... especially as they die off.

Yes, of course, it is all good enough stuff on its own ... but it has been taken from outside of the BKWSU, form other sources and, in my opinion, used to re-brand the BKWSU. Perhaps not as fundamental in social reform and the upliftment of humanity as providing clean water, clean energy, basic childcare and education or sanitary engineering ... but let us accept it is off some value. It is still used as a mask and, to that extent, I am uncomfortable with it. The intentions are not true.

Let us remember that the intention of the Brahma Kumaris is not "upliftment of humanity" ... 6,000,000,000 of an utterly impure humanity is doomed ... but the few "claiming an inheritance" and claiming a high status.
I also believe that people who become BKs make so many fundamental life mistakes while becoming BKs.

Much thinking that does not stand up to scrutiny is passed around by some practising BKs ... I've heard some ridiculous comments bandied around by so called BKs ... how could a real BK spread negative feelings around then?

Thank you very much for those statements.

Yes, I am interested in hearing what your intentions with the BKWSU are, why you might think of going back in and what you think you can do for them.
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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post05 Jan 2010

Wow. That is a really civilised reply and you're asking some very genuine, heartfelt questions.

So, there was none of that "positive thinking" stuff in the decade before I came in? Yes, I can picture that. Just the raw Murli points and meditation, etc I suspect.

I am getting ready to head off to work right now so have no time. It may take me a few days but I'll post an answer soon, I promise. Thanks for engaging in this way.

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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post06 Jan 2010

swordofjustice wrote:That is a really civilised reply ... So, there was none of that "positive thinking" stuff in the decade before I came in?

Referring to your other post, we only uncock the machines guns if you are dishonest or an idiot ... anyone that tells you otherwise either was either dishonest or treated us like idiots. And even then, we are likely to fire a few warning shots over your head before we take aim properly. :D

Yes, there was no positive thinking during my time. Actually I missed the introduction of all that stuff. There was only "The 7 Day Course" ... which used to be a full seven day retreat but had already been watered down to seven or eight one hour long classes and the Murli. The more 'talented' Western BKs had already started to develop the kind of New Age waffle necessary for "service programmes" but even "service" events mostly revolved around "The Pictures" ... laughably called "art exhibitions" ... and "giving Baba's introduction and so on. In the early-80s, they still had us asking, "Who is the God of the Gita?" and by the mid-1980s they were still teaching "The Trimurti" to utterly bemused and stressed out housewives who had come for "Peace of Mind" courses.

"Peace of Mind" and a load of Hindu Bhakti which then the Murlis were supposed to knock out of them.

The 7 Day Course ... the Murli and Maryadas ... and then you were in at the deep end of BK life. Of course, most people did the seven days and did a runner ... which is why, I supposed, they changed it so that the "Baba could bring benefit to more people" and "more people" could bring their wallets to the BKWSU. It seems to me now that many folk spend years in association with the Brahma Kumaris and have not a clue what they are really about. Which is what the Brahma Kumaris want.

It also seems to be that, more and more, the BKWSU has become a bit of a spiritual supermarket selling 'bits of this and bits of that' on the outside ... but with exactly the same agenda on the inside. Outsiders mistake the real agenda for all the external fluff like the corporate consulting stuff.

The real agenda? Well, it all depends on who or what you believe the Holy Spooks are.

I often point out, as an example, that you don't even need to go back in if you want push the religion, you can even go off and make it your religion, like ex-BK Robert Shubow and Sat Yoga, or incorporate it in your business, like Team Bacon O'Donnell at the other.
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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post09 Jan 2010

I will never treat you as an idiot, ex-I. And may I finish my life having treated everyone with as much respect as I am capable of.

Where to begin in answering your questions and posts? You've raised so many things. And perfectly valid things, in my opinion.

Firstly, I accept what you've written about BK Raj Yoga in the 70s and 80s. I can just picture that happening. So I accept that it did happen exactly as you describe. My response? I feel that is a shame and I feel that those times where people would come to BK centres and were given that "spiel" represent wasted opportunities.

The poor, stressed out housewife should have been shown how to sit calmly, how to take time out from a busy day, and maybe be given the lightest points about being a spiritual being in a physical world. Perhaps even told about honouring and nurturing the self, because being a mother and housewife can bankrupt anyone as you expend your energy looking after everyone else. One needs to ensure one balances life responsibilities with doing things that nurture the self. Nothing could be more spiritual than helping another soul with this kind of deep wisdom.

By the way, you might not believe it, but I believe that the understanding of the soul can really support that life wisdom about self sustenance and more. I'll post what I think on that in other threads though.

What you've explained that so called service in the 70s and 80s is just repeating points like a squawking parrot. Sure, it might mean something to someone brought up as a Hindu but it means absolutely nothing to a Western person.

What can we say about this without becoming hateful and losing our adult, rational, calm stage? Certainly it's clumsy, out of touch, not taking stock of the culture you live in, not listening to the people who come before you and what they are looking for. It strikes me as part of living life in a religious straight jacket. I am quite sure you and others are going to confirm that to me with more examples.

So why do I call it a shame instead of just slamming BK Raj Yoga as a worthless cult? Because I like the fundamental truths behind all those clumsy, Hindu styled pictures, because I like what the heart and core of Raj Yoga actually is.

I've been thinking so much about BK Raj Yoga in the last week or so after coming to this forum again. Posting my thoughts is good for me and my journey in life too actually. Doing this helps me too. Even though I was mainly motivated to post seeing people writing about feeling suicidal.

As I've said, my heart goes out to anyone in such a dark place as to contemplate suicide. There is a better way through life and anyone can turn that around, please believe me. I am extremely pleased to be able to post my own experiences here and I will do it in a really honest way. I have nothing to hide. I do not feel ashamed of having dark times in my life. And I will not shrink from any critcism of the BK path or the BK family because I believe some criticism is valid and even warranted.

If posting here helps even one or two people who come to this forum get through a difficult time in their lives then my mission is complete! And even better if I can give some mature food for thought to ex BKs and questioning BKs.

I just hope that I can express myself clearly without getting up on some sort of "soap box" about my own beliefs. I don't care if anyone wants to shoot me down. Go ahead. If you need to have a rant about BK stuff, this is the place to do it. Maybe you need to get it off your chest actually. I suspect there are quite a number of ex-BKs who never had any forum to express how they were really feeling and who weren't finding BK life good. So it's healthy for you to speak up at last.

I'll need some time to post what I believe that core of Raj Yoga really is. I will actually do that in addition to what I just wrote, just give me a bit of time. Life just gets away from me. Every week seems to fly past so quickly now between work and living life.


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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post09 Jan 2010

swordofjustice wrote:So why do I call it a shame instead of just slamming BK Raj Yoga as a worthless cult? Because I like the fundamental truths behind all those clumsy, Hindu styled pictures, because I like what the heart and core of Raj Yoga actually is.

I've been thinking so much about BK Raj Yoga in the last week or so after coming to this forum again. Posting my thoughts is good for me and my journey in life too actually. Doing this helps me too.

We have that effect too ... always did. I think it was part of the "problem" with this forum, and xbkchat before it. They went too deep for most and so it was easier to label as "anti-" and attack it. Is "further" anti? I suppose so ... if you are establishing your social status on that stage and stopping others going further.

I don't know ... for me the "fundamental truths" of Brahma Kumari Raja Yoga are:

    a) the spirit entity or entities possessing all the Brahma Kumari mediums is the "God of all religions" and he is making an exclusive visit to earth via the BKWSU.
    b) the endlessly and exactly repeating 5,000 Year Cycle of Time etc
    c) an imminent and desirable death (Destruction) of all humanity
    d) BK Raja Yoga is the path of surrendering everything ... or even just a little ... to that/those spirit entities; mind, body and wealth (... man, tan, dan) and being used by their for their agenda.
Which ones do you like or believe?

And then there are the ethics of individuals being set up to used as transmission mediums for the (alleged) spirit entity without knowing or being told that is what they are being set up to do or be.
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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post10 Jan 2010

OK, I've had to really think on what it is I believe. Why after twenty years, now that my life is more successful, am I still interested in BK Raj Yoga? And what the hell is Raj Yoga anyway? Is it something real that I accept or just a load of bollocks? And along the way, I've thought on whether I should take up another spiritual path. There are plenty out there to choose from.

What do I believe? Let's go back to basics.

    The Soul
    I am a soul, a spirit in the physical world. Yes, I like this. I completely accept it. I have a mind, intellect and personality. To me this just seems so rock solid. Every moment of every day we have thoughts streaming through our minds, don't we? But you cannot touch or taste a thought, can you? While we are so intimately linked with our bodies, these amazing biochemical constructs, our existance is separate. I personally have had a few out of body experiences. So this is something I accept.

    There is a God
    Again, to me it just sits so well inside me. I always believed that even before I found BK Raj Yoga. If you accept the spiritual dimension to life and believe in the soul, it is the smallest step to then accept there is one pure soul who remains away from the world. The trick is what God is like, and the great religions can make mistakes in that. Raj teaches that this universal power is benevolent and loveful. I like that a lot.

    Widely believed in the eastern religious tradition. I cannot tell you how strongly I believe in this and it's easy to accept if you believe that you are a soul. I have had feelings and experiences from my other lives. Some of them quite clear. I even go to a meditation group led by someone who has studied hypnosis for thirty years through his university research. Independantly, people under deep trance told him about other lives. He's gone to other parts of the world to independently verify their stories. Fascinating stuff.

    This is a "biggie" for me personally. It just makes sense and explains so much that's happened in my life.

    The World Goes Through Cycles
    I like this. This part of Raj Yoga's teaching really is about the fact that once the world was much nicer than it is now. If all of us are in a strongly spiritual state, if we are whole inside, deeply soul conscious, what would life be like? If everyone were filled with deep peace and automatically had respect and good will for others, would the world be a better place? Heck yeah. And one could call that heaven on earth. I actually believe this; that as many religions believe, there was a paradise.

    There is some truth to all the great religions
    I personally love this. Even when I was a kid, I believed in a God. Yet I never had much interest in the Catholic church or any church. I've always been open minded, I suppose. So I really like this basic Raj Yoga teaching: there is only one God, and there is some of his divine truth branching out into all the great religions, just like a vast tree.
Please don't think I am just parroting the above. Remember: I have been away from Raj Yoga for twenty years. But you might notice the above are actually the basic BK course taught for decades by BKs throughout the world. This is the foundation of Raj Yoga, the core of it. Could anyone dispute that the above is the basic BK course? Even in your day, ex-I, the above is what was taught.

What can I say? I like it, I just do. In a moment, I'll post whether this kind of spirituality and thinking has done anything for me in my actual day to day life. It's all well and good to believe whatever you like, but I believe there should be one litmus test for it: is it helping you at all? Everyone who follows a religion should ask themselves if what they believe is helping them in their life.

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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post10 Jan 2010

OK, so now let me explain whether the above is a bunch of "airy fairy" nonsense with no benefit to my life or something to make my life richer and more fulfilling.

    Thinking I am a soul
    This brings me closer to others. I see them as souls too, with their minds, intellects and personalities. I see that beautiful person staring out at me from the physical house and when I look in their eyes, I see their unique and lovely personality. Each one is so unique and has unique blend of qualities.

    I am no different to you or anyone else. The vision of the soul does not see things that divide us, it sees people in a universal way. I do not care about your skin, your culture, your upbringing.

    I was always like this anyway, I was never rascist, but actively remembering and thinking on the soul makes that acceptance of other people even stronger.

    So this gives me empathy for others. It brings me closer to others and makes it easy to show respect to people. This is a good way to live, don't you think?

    Believing in a loveful supreme being
    Many people believe in God. So the real question is: what is God like?

    Raj Yoga teaches this being is very loveful. When we all forget and lose touch with our spirituality, he remains separate from the world and remains filled with the original peace and wisdom and love. This is a benevolent and hopeful view on life. I find it sustaining. There is a really nice river park near where I work. This is the kind of thing that I think about when I go there to relax by the peaceful waters. It engenders good wishes for myself, the world and others.

    BK Raj Yoga fundamentally teaches that every soul starts its journey through it's births in a pure state, and gradually associates itself too much with physical things and so loses touch with its nature. But every soul is a child of God himself, and therefore is beautiful and nice. We are good deep inside. Even the murderers and wrong doers were once different and not like that. Certainly a positive and hopeful view on life.

    This makes more forgiving really. I try to remember it when someone gives me some hassle in my life. And that happens, believe me. You don't think that you only have conflict inside the BK family, do you? ;-)
That will do for now. I have to get ready for work in a moment. Yes another day working honestly to make a living. It's good. Life is good.

Spirituality, real spirituality that you live and breathe and actually practice in your life, is enriching. The world is missing spirituality. Ex-I, can you really look me in the eye and say that anything I've posted is wrong or off base? I know you're going to bring up some additional points like destruction, etc. I'll try and answer as best I can what I believe about all that too.

In these last twenty years since leaving Raj Yoga, I want whoever reads this to know that I've done everything, man. Fallen in love, been in a number of relationships, had dark and difficult times, then better times. I drank alcohol and became experienced in other vices too (though I stayed vegeterian). And made lots of mistakes, saying and doing things that hurt people in my life, even against my will.

Let me tell you, I feel a lot different inside by following my spiritual interests again. It's sustaining, but the catch is: you have to do it right. With wisdom, maturity, decency. You have to stay in touch with your feelings and be honest with yourself. One of the most important things in taking up a religion or spiritual path is to maintain and protect your emotional well being. Yes, that is where we made many mistakes that caused us to have miserable lives as BKs. We were trying to do the right thing, and I hope my above writings have shown that the spirituality we found is actually a noble path, but we had no freaking brains to live in a mature, stable and healthy way while doing that path.

I will post in separate thread about emotional well being. It's so crucial. It's taken me 43 years of this life to figure that out.



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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post11 Jan 2010

I always wonder why people need some religion or belief system to get their act together. If you need it fine! But there is where it all goes wrong and people like cult leaders take advantage of it.

Throughout history all religions have been fighting, killing children and flying into skyscrapers. All for God and the promise of pie in the sky. Now, who are the peaceful?

All "non-believers" believe in the power of their own nature, their experience and the understanding whatever comes in front of them and learn from that. Those are the rich ones ... as they see religion is for the poor.
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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post11 Jan 2010


That is just all the "blah blah blah" sales pitch ... please get to the point.

5,000 Years ... identical repition ... Destruction of 6 Billion ... is BapDada "God of all religions" and comes 'in person' to speak the BKs exclusively?

    Yes or no?
If you have not read it elsewhere already, one thing we discovered here was that there was no God Shiva in the Brahma Kumaris until after or around 1950. The story in Adi Dev is falsified. There was no 1936 "Shivoham, Shivoham ..." type incarnation. Up until 1950, there was only God Brahma, i.e. Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Conversation cannot progress until you get to the point please.


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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post11 Jan 2010

Sword wrote:I was in Gyan 20 years ago and left after about two years. Now that I am 43 years old, with determination and the help of professional counseling and so much more life experience I, personally, have come very far.

We are concerned with the lives of the people who are misguided initially, and finally felt cheated.

I agree with whatever description you have given about The Knowledge. I, myself, was explaining it to others. But it is only theoretical. For the initial years of Gyan, it seems amazing. One can explore unlimited threads discussing the points of knowledge [although Gyan says, be brief and put a dot (.)]

Try Living a full life of BK. Follow it as these theoretical teachings says ... PRACTICALLY. Transform yourself to angel/deity, of course without any (?). If any (?) come, you are failed and thrown out to “Silver Age”. The questioning authorities are only BIGS.

I am worried if all their teachings (viz. Golden Age; High Status; Krishna's soul; Kalpa's 5,000 Years ... identical repetition ... Destruction of 6 Billion ... BapDada "God of all religions" comes 'in person' to speak the BKs exclusively; imagine yourself as point of light ... forget your body, bodily relatives, etc etc) are PROVED to be false, WHAT THE HORRIBLE STAGE WOULD BE OF THE INNOCENT ONES ...
If you have not read it elsewhere already, one thing we discovered here was that there was no God Shiva in the Brahma Kumaris until after or around 1950. The story in Adi Dev is falsified. There was no 1936 "Shivoham, Shivoham ..." type incarnation. Up until 1950, there was only God Brahma, i.e. Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Where can I get the details ...?
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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post11 Jan 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:Where can I get the details ...?

If you go to the Library, here, you can download the original Tree and Cycle posters and paintings. There are also books from the 30s and 40s. They are discussed in detail in the History forum. It is clear that the top BK all sat down and conspired to make up various stories ... and got them all very, amateurishly, wrong in details.

These were found and publicised by a long-time ex-BK in the British Library without any help from any BKs. There must be more. There is also evidence to prove that even current "middle-management" BKs knew about them and kept them covered up. What it means, for starters, is that the whole Adi Dev, 1936 incarnation of Shiva story was faked at a later date. Some of the fakes have made their way into Murlis.

Excuse me if this sounds like a machine gun going on SwordofJustice ... but the leadership, the so-called Trimurti Dadis, Original Jewels, or "the top 8" souls in the world, all knew about this stuff but conspired to deceive their following about it. They followed Lekhraj Kirpalani as God Brahma until at least 1950 ... through a number of failed 'End of the World' predictions.

Now, these are the "powerful yogis" and embodiment of truth that all BKs (with little hope) aspire to become ... and yet they are liars and deceivers. Can we deceive our way to truth? I do not believe so.

Can we deceive our way to other people's bank accounts and have them work for us for free? All the time ...



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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post11 Jan 2010

Hi SwordofJustice,

I do not wish to either shoot you down or bombard you as I think this type of dialogue is useful and helpful but I would like to make some comments.

Most of us know the information that you posted and most of us liked these theories when we heard them. We liked it enough to decide to give our lives over to these beliefs.

However, to go through some of your points.

The Soul.

Many people writing on this site still feel strongly that they are spiritual people so I guess they would still feel that their basic nature is spiritual. When you read their experiences you can hear that most are genuine good people , many who feel a sense of huge spiritual betrayal. The BK's explanation for this is a coverall one. ie. they just were not good enough, (their karma was not right, I would like to come back to that in the karma discussion ). This of course adds to the confusion and loss experienced by the individual. In other words if you do not fit in, or do not want to , you are not the chosen, thus abdicating the organization of all responsibility. If nothing else it is a very cruel way to treat people who, even if they were foolish to invest such an amount of trust, they are certainly encouraged to do so, to the point of surrendering their very bodies and mind. Then they are shunned if it does not work out for them.

Unfortunately, although one of your main points seems to be that individuals are not responding to the teachings in a mature balanced way, the organization certainly does not take into account when they are recruiting whether the aspirants are suitable, as someone else recently pointed out , a "university" tests the suitability of the candidates for the courses they apply for.

Can you separate the organization from the teachings. ?

Also, you believe you say in the truth of what you have been taught, Mind, Intellect , Personality. Its impossible to argue with. I think though that it a typical example of using unarguable truths to hook people in. However, it does not mean that everything they say is the whole truth. Many spiritual paths although recognizing that mind , intellect and personality are components of the individual soul would not agree with BK package. For example their are different opinions of where exactly the soul resides in the body.

Which brings me to the meditation method, based only on the third eye chakra which is widely considered to be imbalanced leading to the spaced out confusion that some experience. The responsibility for the teaching of the method, and the resulting effect on the individual rests squarely on the shoulders of the organization offering the course. Perhaps it is one of the reasons they do not charge initially.

Personally I believe the method is designed to,( yes connect the person to a deep part of themselves, but it is a crash course, which is in itself an irresponsibility, ) but also to give the organization access to the qualities of the individuals for the greater good of the group. There is also the issue of the infantilization of individuals and using them, as ex-l has recently mentioned; as mediums, instruments and so forth WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. In fact part of the teaching is that you should not use your own mind. !!

You point out that seeing individuals as souls is a lovely way to relate, even murderers and racists you can see in their original lovely selves. To be brutally frank, I consider that to be more than naive, and I would like to hear anyone whose child or Sister or any close loved who has been raped or murdered , stand on front of an unrepentant monster and sweetly see their original goodness. I am not saying that it is not possible, but I would only accept that from someone who had experienced it.


Initially the BK's teach that God is a benevolent and all loving being and then you get the rest Can you deny that they also teach Dharm Raj (the ultimate judge). I recall numerous very frightening analogies - ground like mustard seeds, - The soul being compared to an old cloth which Baba is washing, some of the cloths being in such tatters that they cannot be salvaged, traitors and so on. And of course souls are dirty, impure and vicious. If anyone leaves they have divorced the Father and will experience terrible punishment . If they engage in a physical relationship with another human being they might as well jump off a building, which tragically happened, when a young woman in great distress was ostracized by these people who consider themselves to be the highest on high souls. Higher even than the Buddha or Jesus.

These things are taught on a daily basis as knowledge directly from their God.

You say that people should take the points of the Murli that agrees with them and ignore the rest, but the they tell us this is the highest God speaking. What kind of an all loving God would speak like this.

Jannisder speaks about the fact that good people live their lives without a need for God, which is true and perhaps they are the happier people, however, many people in every culture feel a need for spiritual sustenance, and time and again on this site, and through my own experience , we hear of people who felt reasonably happy in their beliefs and relationship with their God, who, following the BK experience, find it difficult to either return to their previous beliefs or find a new path. It is I think part of the nature of feeling spiritually abused and betrayed. A shattered trust is very difficult to overcome.

Reincarnation and Karma.

It is difficult to present a Law of Karma without a theory of reincarnation because it is so obvious that the suffering of small children and innocents cannot be attributed to their actions in this life. It's a big subject and one I would like to get back to, (especially as the BK take) as also I would like to make comments on The Cycle and other aspects, but I also need to go to do some work and shopping and so forth, (karma Yoga).

For the moment I would like to say that the BK organization does not tolerate open questions or discussion on these subject , in fact there are group dynamics to ostracize those who try, so tell me, where is the all loving, just God in all this?? There is plenty going on to inspire doubt, but surely a perfect God would know that it is natural and healthy to question and doubt and the response would not be to silence and get rid of questioners.

Regards Starchild.


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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post11 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:They followed Lekhraj Kirpalani as God Brahma until at least 1950 ... If you go to the Library, here, you can download the original Tree and Cycle posters and paintings.

Yes ... gone through the old picture of Kalpa cycle, where it is clearly stated as.


Several questions arise ex-l, it would be really appreciable if you throw some light on following queries.

1. What is the authenticity of the picture?

2. If until 1950, there was only God Brahma, i.e. Lekhraj Kirpalani then ...

    a) What about the 14 years long Tapasya by the adherents at that time? What was the form of
    Tapasya and whom they were meditating to? Where Dada Lekhraj himself meditating to?

    b) What was the process of reading out Murli to the adherents? From where the Murli points
    emerging? Wasn’t the voice of Dada Lekhraj changing?

    c) How the people getting attached simply to Dada Lekhraj(leaving every thing behind)?

    d) How the Yagya spread so fast in India and abroad?

    e) As they say it took 33 years to Dada Lekhraj to reach the complete state but, then, actually it is only 19 years. How he was so fast? Even after marriage, producing children, being the follower of 12 gurus, Involving himself in business, shouldering responsibility of Yagya? When did he find time to reach the complete state?
3 How adherents get intoxicated during the early years of Gyan and how the intoxication disappears with time? What makes adherents sit in utter silence in daily classes?

4 How adherents experience that their doubts are answered through Murlis?

5 Who is coming in DG's body presently?


Sorry to bother you ex-l, but I believe that you have researched the bk-knowledge thoroughly. As I take the privilege to represent myself to ask you the above questions, which I’m sure, are the uncleared doubts of many ...

Thank you


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Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post11 Jan 2010

Hi swordofjustice!

I can relate to what you say because it was pretty much the same for me. I picked up and choose whatever made sense for me and was useful for my own betterment. The truth is however that BK Raja Yoga is not limited to what you or I like and find useful. All the other stuff that is being brought up on this Forum is also included in it.

You would agree that God Shiva being the one who has been speaking the Murlis through Brahma since 1936 is a core belief of BK Raja Yoga. I really liked that but it has now being proven to be false. We also know that who ever is speaking the Murlis has made numerous mistakes in the prophecies of an imminent destruction. We know that it has all being covered up by the BK Raj Yoga leaders, along with many other things, and that the Murlis are constantly being edited to suit the latest update of BK Raja Yoga.

Yes I had wonderful experiences and I transformed for the better through my BK Raj Yoga beliefs and practice but I have also witnessed so many being badly damaged by it whilst on the other hand others have wonderful experiences and take benefit from other beliefs and practices.

I must say that the bottom line for me goes along with:

ex-l wrote:Can we deceive our way to truth? I do not believe so.

Can we deceive our way to other people's bank accounts and have them work for us for free? All the time ...


Independent, free thinking BK

  • Posts: 509
  • Joined: 14 Jun 2007

Re: SwordofJustice ... what is 'BK Raja Yoga'?

Post11 Jan 2010

starchild wrote:You point out that seeing individuals as souls is a lovely way to relate, even murderers and racists you can see in their original lovely selves. To be brutally frank, I consider that to be more than naive, and I would like to hear anyone whose child or Sister or any close loved who has been raped or murdered , stand on front of an unrepentant monster and sweetly see their original goodness. I am not saying that it is not possible, but I would only accept that from someone who had experienced it.

I know of a couple in my country who lost their son that way (raped and murdered) and publicly forgave the murderer, visited him in jail and treated him like their own son. They were not BKs.

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