A few questions for 'teachers' of the 7 Day Course

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abrahma kumar

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Were those lines or entire Murlis edited out?

Post13 Aug 2007

BKTi-Pit wrote:What amazes me is that I used to have the Avyakt Murlis booklets for some of those years and I don't remember any of those lines. Is it a lack of attention from my side or were those lines or entire Murlis edited out?

It's called 'the Avyakt revision course Murli' BKTi-Pit. Additions, omissions, revisions and changes.

Like Sister Jayanti said:
Sister Jayanti wrote:Our organisation is constantly changing in response to changing needs and times ...
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Re: Were those lines or entire Murlis edited out?

Post13 Aug 2007

Sister Jayanti wrote:Our organisation is constantly changing in response to changing needs and times ...

"Our organisation is constantly re-writing The Knowledge and predictions in response to their failures and gradually removing the anomalies ".

I don't buy the polished PR spiel anymore.


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Post14 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:I don't buy the polished PR peel anymore.

I don't either. I've never been comfortable with the image building propaganda stuff.

I remember once when we were given news of some big service thing from London or something, I felt so uninterested, distant and even having a sulking like attitude. Difficult to describe. The thing was probably coming from a place of good intentions but it felt like there was such an inter galactic gap between the deciding elite and those who are expected to finance and execute the projects. I could not explain why I felt like that and I went into meditation asking myself and Baba, "What's wrong with me? I should be happy hearing of service news ..." The answer I got was, "Don't worry child, you're alright. Baba will take care of that." He did not say when and I am still waiting patiently ...

The control dynamics and hierarchical power structure have always been there but when I came things were pretty simple and straightforward. Now we have all the glossy paper and professionally designed CDs and literature, a very nice packaging, but there is no power in it. I went to check out the international BK website and our local website. Very pretty design, nice visuals, etc, but nothing inspiring. The Knowledge content has been so diluted that it will really take a direct intervention from God to trigger a life changing experience from that!

I am still inspired to teach the 7 Days Course but I do not participate in any type of promotion of the BKs. It makes me sick. Service should be about helping souls, not about promoting oneself. Now that I live in a big center, I am exposed to so much of this stuff. God is very detached but for me it is not always easy to live in such a world of deceptions. I am seriously considering jumping off and moving forward with my Brahmin life in a small simple place where we can focus on Truth.

Om Shanti!
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abrahma kumar

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Real lives

Post14 Aug 2007

Thanks BKTi-Pit for sharing. That small simple place idea will very much appeal to some of the forum posters.


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Post15 Aug 2007

Don't know if this is the right threat but i have a question about the 7 Day Course. As you know i did The Course and the Advanced Course.

I never went to morning class and never back to the centre after that. Only to see a movie. Now I am invited to come to a class by, let's say, my teacher's teacher. Is that a normal policy?
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Post15 Aug 2007

jannisder wrote:Now I am invited to come to a class by, let's say, my teacher's teacher. Is that a normal policy?

Is it a one on one class? They never did that in my time. They might be wanting to check you out and present a good face. Especially if he has identified you with this site.

Normally you would be told but then invited to evening or weekend classes and meditation until you showed interest. Many folks that do introductory courses are regularly sent email invites to general events. The senior Sisters or center-in-charge are rolled out to give "powerful" dhristi to affect you.


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Post15 Aug 2007

All "students" of the course are invited, so i was told. Maybe four will show up. I am thinking of giving my own lecture about what i know about the organization and see it as a opportunity.

Asked my friend if it was wise for me to go, knowing that he knows how i feel about it. He said it is up to you, i did my job (now its up to Baba?).


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Post17 Aug 2007

Om Shanti, dear soul. First of all please tell Me why you are studying all this knowledge, what is your aim?

Shiv through Shankar


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Post24 Oct 2007

Is a teacher who is teaching at a sub-centre, qualified to receive the Murli batch by his/her email or only get it from the center in charts?

What is the policy?
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Murlis and classes via e-mail

Post24 Oct 2007

As far as I know, and unless the system has been changed, teachers in subcenters and even pukka BKs non teachers who live far from any main center can download Murlis but there's a procedure and password to enable them to do that. So they have to be entitled.

The sending around of Murlis, even season's Avyakt Murli, is strictly forbidden by ordinary e-mail means, whereas faxes are allowed.

neti neti

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Post09 Nov 2007

Instead of what I tell read what I was told:

All No except


re 11 I was advised to make sure I got enough sleep


Re: A few questions for 'teachers' of the 7 Day Course

Post22 May 2008

Om Shanti,

after the seven days course, students should be warned. During the 7 day course, these warnings are irrelevent.

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Teaching the 7 Day Course and Doubts

Post05 Dec 2009

To answer starchild, from the topic called Classes (click for link).
starchild wrote:I joined in the eighties, and I never knew about the 1976 predictions until I read about it here. In fact, I never heard about any date of Destruction predictions. On the contrary, I remember that we were told that, "'Baba' would not give an exact date because then we would be conscious of the date and not concentrating on effort", or something like that.

That is the "party policy", devised by the Seniors to cover themselves and repeated by the parrots in the middle management of the BKWSU ... and we know it is untrue.

See the post above for specific details, here.

It is true to the extent that Lekhraj Kirpalani, BapDada or who ever never said, "4th March 1985". They can tell a 'white lie', or do their usual trick of answering a different question from the one asked. But it is untrue to the extent that "God Brahma", Lekhraj Kirpalani or "ShivBaba" specifically said WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s, mid-1908s to mid-1990s ... and then the senior pushed Year 2000. Now they all seem to be a buzz about 2012. Jayanti Kirpalani's line was always "2 to 3 years".
Were the date predictions official, or was it more of the the speculations of the followers? I remember so much of this bizarre speculation, and so much time taken up asking Seniors to verify (or not) these idiotic ramblings.

This is the other 'party line' the Seniors and middle management spout, "It is not Baba's fault but the followers". Again, this is not true.

We have the original posters they printed now including both the WWII, 1950s and 1976, elsewhere we have quoted the original Murlis regarding the 1976. Of course, none of us knew that the Murlis were being re-written and re-edited by the organization either! Om Radhe writes that the satsangs started in 1932, not the 1936 date used later.
It came to my mind that when I was teaching the course, a lot of people came for the seven days, said "thank you very much", and never came back ... how many of us would have stayed had we been shown video of Dadi Gulzar in a trance in Madubhan? I am trying to remember when that was introduced to me but I think they wait until we are well hooked in before introducing 'God's visits.'

My point is that we may have had to be suitably programmed. When we were, we would accept anything including prediction dates that did not transpire.

Very interesting questions. It makes you wonder how and why they even stuck the course out. In a way, we were abusing their good faith right from the beginning. They came to learn "peace of mind" or meditation, we were programmed to encult them into a bizarre 'End of the World' sect.
I stopped giving the course when I began having doubts. I did notice that many would do all sorts of service but never give The Course. In fact, at GCH at that time, they had great difficulty getting people to teach the course. Which leads me to conclusion that a lot of them had doubts but were completely hooked in to the lifestyle, the Seniors and the 'buzz'.

Change is difficult enough once you have invested so much of your life into anything, e.g. even changing the football team you support. Psychologists, sociologists and cult leaders all know this. They call it the "Stockholm Syndrome".

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