Who is running the BKWSU??

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Who is running the BKWSU??

Post23 Nov 2009

ex-l wrote:... except it excludes the shady senior Brothers that really run the BKWSU.

:shock: I am eager to know what it's all about? Anyone who can supply us with further information?

ex-I, do you know more about this topic?
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Re: Who is running the BKWSU??

Post23 Nov 2009

Oh, what a sacrilegious question!

Is not it run by the Almighty in person, through some trustees and innocent matajis who offer their bones in service?
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Re: Who is running the BKWSU??

Post24 Nov 2009

Start from Ramesh Shah who established the World Renewal Spiritual Trust, two days before Lekhraj Kirpalani's death, and work your way down. The word from the PBKs is that the news of Ramesh Shah establishing the trust was what finally killed off Lekhraj Kirpalani whose name was not on it.

Why was Lekhraj Kirpalani's name not on the trust? Where are the letters or instructions to establish it and so on? Why did they not give it all over to the Government of India when the 1976 End of the World prediction failed as Lekhraj Kirpalani wrote?

Funnily enough, although the Trust appears to be the first and primary legal organization of the PBIVV/BKWSU, it is now listed as "is a Sister institution" by the Beakies in their usual slippery, illogical manner. See, here.
Academy for a Better World is an Institution of higher learning, built by Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa-Vidyalaya with the full co-operation and participation of World Renewal Spiritual Trust and also Raj Yoga Education and Research Foundation.

World Renewal Spiritual Trust is a Sister institution, and Raj Yoga Education and Research Foundation is a creation of Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa-Vidyalaya.
and here
The co-organisers, World Renewal Spiritual Trust (Regd.) is a Sister organisation of the Brahma Kumaris with similar aims and objects.

The names Prakash, Nirwair, and even Karuna Shitty have come up before ... although I think Karuna is a bit junior and a trumpet blower of his own self importance. There is that other Brother whose name I cannot spell Mryunt ...
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Re: Who is running the BKWSU??

Post24 Nov 2009

Thank you ex-I, for quick reply.

I googled the mentioned Brothers and their photographs and I ask if anyone would buy a used car from this creepy old guys with sinister view. I would definitely not. So why should I buy their "spiritual" lies? Or anyone else? So it makes sense to send fresh and young Kumaris to sell their product. Like drug dealers, "Here you can have it for free, get your sample of spiritual intoxication right NOW! " :shock:

And as soon as you're addicted they come up with all that fear based mind control techniques ... :oops: Disgusting! Don't they consider themselves as angels walking on hell-like earth with their minds already in Paradise? Hmmmm ... heroes and heroines ;).

Perhaps they should merge with the official Hell's Angels, so they don't have to beat up PBKs themselves? (Just kiddin' ...).
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Re: Who is running the BKWSU??

Post24 Nov 2009

Ha. I would not want to disrespect the Hells Angels ...

I am not sure of what the actual relationships are ... if only the walls had ears, I would bet they have more than a few stories to tell. I would wonder if the Brother do not also have a balancing effect on some of the hormonal old Sisters too. I mean, Janki is pretty 'full on' with both fabrications and fear based teachings, and dominates the young Kumaris too.

Perhaps one day someone with write a book, something like, "Ramesh Shah, the Accountant of God". I would have to wonder how many "practical" compromises have been made in the name of their god. But it is for someone else to answer, not me.

I was too stupid, or stupified, to ask such questions when I was inside.
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Re: Who is running the BKWSU??

Post24 Nov 2009

So, quoting these lines from the "Corporate Sponsorship" topic,
Brahma Kumaris openly hold out the begging bowl for corporate sponsorship ... a position entirely against Shrimat (their own religious principles) only a few years ago. They even offer "name and fame" above their front door. The old rules were no money from individuals not following their principles as it was "impure".

Pasting it with what you wrote here ...
I was too stupid, or stupified, to ask such questions when I was inside.

I must confess that, apart from animosity, desire to retaliate and being "anti-Yagya" (of which we are accused), I was first of all disappointed and heart broken ... just like Brahma Baba!

Those ex-Bks and questioning BKs who feel the same as me, can raise their hands.
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Re: Who is running the BKWSU??

Post25 Nov 2009

I raise my hand too!

(And I clap with my other hand ;) ).

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