Money, Money, Money

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Money, Money, Money

Post15 Nov 2009

Can anyone let me know. What are procedures/ways of BK leaders in getting money from their loyal members? Is it mandatory? How many percent of their income is required from them? Do they follow the principle the more you give the more you will be closer to their so called own God, and you will be saved.

I came across one die hard member who used to one of the richest followers of the BKWSU. She was always given VIP treatment whenever she goes to Mt Abu, sitting with all the millionaires and billionaires. Up to now, they thought that she is still rich without knowing that her business has been affected due to the global recession.

Recently, she was asked to purchase a car for the Sisters so they can go here and there spread their cult teachings. She did not want to disappoint them, so she took a big loan from the bank and purchased a van for their leaders. She is struggling so hard to make ends meet and to pay for the huge monthly payment. She sold her luxury cars just to be able to settle the payments on a monthly basis. Now she is using a rental car.

After some time, she was also asked to buy very expensive electronic gadgets, mostly branded/high-end stuff. She bought everything as requested and as per the specifications given to her. One funny thing is, their leaders also demanded to buy them branded perfumes.

Now she is in big trouble business down, big loans, credit cards were exhausted to the maximum, she has been losing weight and looking so miserable. No one to turn to. Whereas their leaders are living in a very comfortable and luxurious life!

Are the BKs taught not to spend for their friends and families? Their monies are only intended for their cult leaders and even depriving their own needs. I came to know also that this fanatic member refused to help or extend money to her parents who are both suffering from serious diastases. She’d rather spend her money for Dadi Janki and other leaders. Horrible !

Is BK and Dadi Janki synonymous to Money, Money, Money ?
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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post15 Nov 2009

Is this in India? Can we identify the victim and abusers?

Does the woman know this website exists? I'd like to hear more details about this.

I wonder why perfumes? Who did that? The crazy thing is ... if you have to cover your own stink, simple essential oils are far nice and cheaper than branded perfumes.


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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post15 Nov 2009

cranuta wrote:What are procedures/ways of BK leaders in getting money from their loyal members? Is it mandatory?

Hi Cranuta!

No, it is not mandatory but there are many ways by which members are influenced to give.

I mentioned recently in an other topic how a BK friend of mine was instructed, by a personal phone call from one of the main Sisters of the region, on how much he had to give at the head quarters in Madhuban and that he had to give it in hand to a specific person. Now, he was free not to do it. He would not have been put to jail, or be beaten up or got his car seized, but he was aware that if he did not it is likely that it would have been known to the originator of the instruction and that could affect his standing within the organization. He did not want that and so he went along with the instruction, although the amount was more than he had originally planned to give.

In the Murlis, that BKs believe to be the words of God, it is clearly stated that one should surrender totally one's "tan, man, dan" (body, mind and wealth). It is also said that the highest karmic return goes to those who give without being asked. Those who give after being asked are second class to that and those who do not give even when asked are ... "don't even ask".

BKs are of a variety of different personalities, from different cultural, religious, social and ideological backgrounds and their reasons to give or not to give, to follow instructions blindly or not, etc, are many. Some dedicated members will not spend a penny of their own without asking to their local Senior or Center-in-charge. Many believe that the heads of the Centers have been chosen by the Seniors who have themselves been personally selected by God and that God is responsible for whatever mistake they make, that God will ultimately put it right and that the elevated karma of the giver is not tainted if the the persons entrusted with the money misuse it. I do not personally believe that the Murlis say that but I can see how it can easily be interpreted that way and how some teachings from the Seniors will support that.

Some Centers have a variety of donation boxes. One is for the upkeep of the Center itself, another one is to collect donations for Madhuban and one or more will be put up from time to time for specific projects like the construction of a new building or the acquisition of a new property. Whether a new box is put up or not there will always be an announcement made requesting donations for those special projects. Special requests are often made to cover the cost of a visit from Dadi Janki and also to collect a big envelope of cash to be proudly presented to Dadi as a donation from the Center towards Madhuban.

Most believe that it is all being used to benefit the world and have no idea about what is really going on behind the scenes. Staunch believers will often try to find a way to justify the useless or excessive expenses if presented with the evidence. The Seniors are believed to be the holiest and anyone else is too impure to understand. Many will not even accept to be presented with the evidence. To them it is all gossip and defamation of God's clan, a big sin, and if it ever comes into their ear, the best is to let it go out immediately and not keep any of that "dirt" inside their mind.
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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post16 Nov 2009

Generally, they will "advise" 10% of income. Often in India, they will ask outright. Even for silver and gold, i.e. jewelry, as they is how the poor keep their wealth. Sometimes they will make direct demands, e.g. in the older days when the center mortgage or bills need paid. Mostly, they will just pressure on their adherents in a subtle manner.

I was told by my center in charge that if I had the thought "my wallet" ... it was a wrong thought and I was doing wrong. I should think "Baba's wallet".

I think you see where that would lead. As you say, it is not just money but cars, property, airtickets. In my opinion, they exploit ordinary Hindus who have the Bhakti faith that giving to a temple is good karma. The Brahma Kumaris have expanded their business to become the local temple.

My 'informed' speculation is that a lot of cash-cash (paper money) is given to them, i.e. money that tax has not paid on and for sure, in the past, it has not been properly accounted for by BKWSU representatives.

Centers-in-charge have most certainly requested cash rather than credit card or direct bank transfers ... although they will take it all.

I have never heard of a set of "Global Accounts" being publicised by the BKWSU, nor even a center where the accounts are made fully open to the sponsors, aka "students".


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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post16 Nov 2009

I have seen Indian mothers here in the West being asked for gold and jewelry for it to be given to Dadi Janki. I thought it was because Indian mothers do not have much to offer in terms of cash.

I used to hold the accounts for a small Center here. I did suggest to make our accounts openly accessible to anyone coming at the Center. The suggestion was met by a wall ...


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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post16 Nov 2009

Thanks for your replies. I forgot to mention that she provides air tickets for the leaders and Sisters too. However, she refused to acknowledge that a big chunk of her wealth goes to BK cult. I was told that if the Seniors give you a frame with their pictures you need to give cash in return. Oh, yes, sorry to say they stink that's why they want to use branded perfumes (expensive ones). They are still in the process of recruiting more members across the globe. They are targeting those who can really be used as their channel in spreading their cult teachings. :shock:

I have to told to a friend of this die hard member to mention about this site. The fanatic simply blasted her that this site is corrupted and aims to destroy BK. Furthermore, the active members/administrators here used to be loyal members of BK, they did not get/achieve the highest recognitions from the Senior leaders; hence they do rebellious activities, such as facilitating this website. In short, according to her ... they are simply frustrated ex-BK members, as they were not awarded to be with their millionaire Gods, or given a supreme positons. I know this is a big lie, as you do not have any vested interest.

But, for me, I fully understand the objective of this site ... awareness to non-BKs and a wake up call to the fanatics!

To all the initiators of this site ... well done! You are all doing a great job by helping each and every individual understands more about the BK cult. I have been getting a lot of substantial facts here and it has been very helpful indeed! :
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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post16 Nov 2009

cranuta wrote:The fanatic simply blasted her that this site is corrupted and aims to destroy BK.

And so interesting that a cult that which has spent years destroying families and couples, and talking about destroying the world, should complain of others wanting to destroy them.

It's like the teapot calling the kettle black. And the ultimate sign of self-centeredness:

    I can do this to you, but you cannot do the same to me.
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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post16 Nov 2009

cranuta wrote:... this site is corrupted and aims to destroy BK. Furthermore, the active members/administrators here used to be loyal members of BK, they did not get/achieve the highest recognitions from the Senior leaders; hence they do rebellious activities, such as facilitating this website.

But, for me, I fully understand the objective of this site ... awareness to non-BKs and a wake up call to the fanatics!

You understand it entirely, cranuta. You got it in one. The BK will Destroy, or rather "Transform", itself.

If there is any statements that prove how idiotically stupid and objectionable ... certain BKs are, it is the kind of stuff that you quote above. We have heard it from all over the world. I do not know who in the BKWSU leadership is spreading what to think about this but they are certainly doing so. Most BKs do not think for themselves. They are not allowed to by Shrimat. Most have never read this. Yet they all chant the same mantra "... defamation, defamation, defamation".

is not it strange that the most important thing in anyone's life was to get recognition from them! I can never understand why they would be upset at 'The Truth'. I discovered things here that I never knew in 20 odd years of contact with BKs. I know others BKs did not know about them either.
bkti-pit wrote:I have seen Indian mothers here in the West being asked for gold and jewelry for it to be given to Dadi Janki. I thought it was because Indian mothers do not have much to offer in terms of cash. I used to hold the accounts for a small Center here. I did suggest to make our accounts openly accessible to anyone coming at the Center. The suggestion was met by a wall ...

A "wall" in which you found a door ... the one marked "EXIT".

It is crazy. That is what I would do and be proud of it ... By "mother", do we presume then that "kids" went short?

We had another Indian mother in America being told to get cash when her husband had given her a credit card to go shopping ... specifically because he was sick of money going to the BKs. The jewelry is likely to her wedding presents or part of her dowry (leaving home gifts). We had another Indian mother in America using her husband's house to make a credit card application on behalf of the one of the Indian sisters-in-charge. Arjun reported many local BKs being asked for the jewelry to give as gifts to IPs and VIPs.
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Re: Money, Money, Money

Post17 Nov 2009

Well, we should all get rid of those burdens and golden chains that tie us to the material plan and stop us from flying high ...
Arjun reported many local BKs being asked for the jewelry to give as gifts to IPs and VIPs.

Did I hear well or am I dreaming? :shock: Where would that be, in the USA? Have they also started some pawnshop, money lending or auction activity that we are not aware of yet?

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