Should I join BK?

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Should I join BK?

Post24 Sep 2009


I am writing a book on human behaviour, and came in touch with BKs few years ago. Part of my writing is based on close observation of people from different background. When I first heard the BK's main concept: "When I change the world changes", I became quite skeptical but, after closely observing various BKs lives, I reached to two conclusions about the whole BK-concept:

1) It doesn't matter (or at least I don't care) what do they believe but if it works, that's the bottom line, over a long period of time I observed a remarkable positive change in the lives of especially those who learnt the BK's concepts in one-to-one manner, rather than books or online material.

2) My second conclusion is that it's all about individual's choice. Amongst many successful BKs, I found few BKs who have been only hearing their knowledge but not implementing in their lives, hence no result.

At the end all I want to suggest people is to follow the old saying, "The best way to learn something is to jump into it", i.e. before we reach to a decision about Brahma Kumaris concept, we all must take their basic RajYoga course in person (one-to-one).

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Re: Should I join BK?

Post24 Sep 2009

Can you define "successful BKs" ... or more specifically, give us their names as shining examples?
billy wrote:At the end all I want to suggest people is ... to jump into it, i.e. before we reach to a decision about Brahma Kumaris concept, we all must take their basic RajYoga course in person (one-to-one).

We all did.

Would you advise people to learn about fire by jumping into a burning house too?

The problem with the "basic" so-called RajYoga course is that is it a slow process of indoctrination in which the real purpose and beliefs are hidden until the adherent is sufficiently hooked. How do, and how should, those people behave once they discover they and others have been deceived over decades?

Before I started out on a journey, I would want to know where I was going by reading accounts of people that had been there for real first. In this case, you even have the opportunity to read the accounts of the people that built the roads and infrastructure to get to where the BKs are now.

You need much more than just the "basic" course. You need to study it up to the point where they tell you everything and you start to be given the Murli to read. However, I would not advise that because along with the intellectual part, they subject you to hypnotic meditations (and, if you believe in this way of writing it, psychic or spiritualistic influences) which erode your critical faculties and create an addictive attachment within you.

We have a copy of the teacher manual on this site and many mediumistic messages called the Murlis if you are interested.
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Re: Should I join BK?

Post24 Sep 2009


I am confused. You wrote in your profile that your Brother is a BK and has no more emotions so you don't want him to join. Now you say that you should jump in before making a judgment.

Well, like ex-l said, we all did and this is what we are writing about: what happens once you jump in. I used to be the kind of person who jumped into things headfirst. Some called me brave but, after my experience with the BKWSO, I think there is a fine line between brave and stupid, and I now think before I jump.

One of the greatest wisdoms I received on my spiritual journey was to learn from other people's experiences mainly because I never believed it unless I experienced it myself. So I did and now I am much wiser for it, not because of anything the BKWSO did but because I was smart enough to eventually learn my lessons. It took a few years, but eventually I got it.

Take it or leave it. It's always your choice.




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Re: Should I join BK?

Post06 Oct 2009


Unless and until you drink the liquid or eat the food, you will never realise the taste. It is not as danger as any bad militants. It is just a spiritual journey. And if you feel it is interesting at the begning then you can continue it. Any stream flowing towards 'God and Peace' is not a bad journey at all. Critisms are always welcome because it helps the improvements. But it is injustice to stop it. Let people join and experience it and share it.

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Mr Green


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Re: Should I join BK?

Post06 Oct 2009


At best you will waste your time on this planet, at worst you will lose everything you ever had.

duty bound

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Re: Should I join BK?

Post06 Oct 2009

Take a roll of the dice and join, winner takes all. Just expect nothing and be prepared to never be understood. :D
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Re: Should I join BK?

Post07 Oct 2009

duty bound wrote:Just expect nothing and be prepared to never be understood. :D

BKWSU leadership is not about "understanding". It is about analyzing others as an asset, useful or not, and to what extent. Then keeping them in place.

Welcome perfexone. How many months have you been in the BKWSU?

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