Global Brahma Kumaris

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Global Brahma Kumaris

Post20 Sep 2009

A discussion is going on to form a community with liberal ways of living a lifestyle while practising any aspects of BK knowledge. This would be good for those who want to adopt themselves back to the worldly lifestyle while continuing to use the meditation aspects of BK knowledge.

Please give your views and comments at the Global BK forum at:

Global BK Forum.


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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post20 Sep 2009

Well here we go again ... What is it that we can do to make BK the one world religion?

Any cult, any religion is not by definition wrong, as long as they are based on human nature and family life. If your family all of a sudden becomes the cult family ... you are in trouble. If your friends and family become impure and even devils (Maya), you are in trouble! And, as a result of that, your leader tells you to leave them, and you are willing to do so, you are even more in trouble.

It is quite simple. Do not ever believe anyone who tells you to leave anything you love. If you are willing to do so, you are a target. Simple as that. BK knowledge is a gathering of all teachings ever made. But BK leaders put in some stuff to control you! Well, how spiritual is that? You are a "masters authority" if you can live a good life without being controlled by BK Seniors telling you how to live your life. And how the hell would they know ... they do not know anything about life, like they tell us that we (lokiks) do not know anything.

A religion can never be popular ... if you shut some out! Then you create the opposite and they will fight you. And, of course, your loved ones are the opposite when you get involved in a cult. Just because they love you and see how you have changed ... makes them the devil, then you know you are really seriously in trouble. In most cases, it is to late ... and you spend the best times of your life to a cult.

But you will recover ... with the shame, quilt and sorrow to have wasted the best times of you life. Even then, it is never to late, just step out, just step out, just step out ... then you will be free. Like really free!!!
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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post20 Sep 2009

jannisder wrote:You are a "masters authority" if you can live a good life without being controlled by BK Seniors telling you how to live your life. And how the hell would they know ... they do not know anything about life, like they tell us that we (lokiks) do not know anything.

I have had a quick look and it looks like they have already received some obstruction from orthodox BKs ... which is a good sign. They must be doing something right if the blocked intellects of the BKWSU orthodoxy is looking to put them down. They are also discussing what title to use, "Global BK" being just one.

It is a good sign that individuals are thinking and acting for themselves to free themselves from the mental control placed upon adherents by the Brahma Kumari leadership. I hear what you are saying about the BK tendency to be 'expansive' ... everything has to be HUGE ... global ... unlimited ... etc Jannisder but I welcome these first steps of liberation for these particular BKs.

There is something wrong in the slavery practised by the BKWSU leadership. It is difficult for individuals subject to it to free themselves. Many long-term ex-BKs maintain and affection for the "days of their childhood" in the BKWSU (which I do not share and warn against) but for some, their BKWSU experience is the first exploration of spirituality and spiritualism.

I wish them good luck and hope that these Global BKs will free other BKs and, especially, work to break the BKWSU leadership monopoly on the spiritualist teachings called The Murlis so that every BK can have 'their own' connection with 'their god', if they so wish. As long as they recognise and accept that 'their god' is not 'my' or other people's god.

Any chance of publishing all the Murlis on the internet for anyone to read, pari? And finding the original teachings?
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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post20 Sep 2009

Hi, I checked out the site of Global BKs and noticed that, so far, members are all from Malaysia. So, the tigers want to express themselves in freedom, eh? Tired of some tyrant?

Since they are using this Forum to reach out, I think they could pay us the small token of sharing here what goes on in Malaysian BK centers in particular that inspired them to break away and get together on a different basis.

Thanks in advance, and if you have time, start posting some EASY recipe of delicious Malaysian veg food, pls.! :D. How come we haven't we started such a topic, yet?? We have jokes and things, but no trace of food ... Are we supposed to survive with words?????


Global BK

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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post21 Sep 2009

ex-l wrote:I wish them good luck and hope that these Global BKs will free other BKs and, especially, work to break the BKWSU leadership monopoly on the spiritualist teachings called The Murlis so that every BK can have 'their own' connection with 'their god', if they so wish. As long as they recognise and accept that 'their god' is not 'my' or other people's god.

Any chance of publishing all the Murlis on the internet for anyone to read, pari? And finding the original teachings?

Thanks. Actually, I prefer not to place much importance to the Murlis. BKs and PBKs tend to get attached to the Murlis on the basis that it is God's words. I think this attchment should be broken off and people should be more concerned about their own link to God.

Anyway, God has already said that at the beginning the BKs were not given pure Gyan and that the Murlis were worded in a way that would be aceptable to the people listening to it. So why place so much of importance to the Murlis? The Sindhi-Brahmin Bhakti customs are being practised in the Brahma Kumaris because this too, I think.
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ghost stories

Post21 Sep 2009

I think this attachment should be broken off and people should be more concerned about their own link to God.

I think that this is a very noble aim. The first deception in a RYC is perpetuated declaring that, "we will help you connect directly to 'The Source'" ... One of the main BK brainwashing is about not missing class: it is a mortal sin to miss Murli even for one day. They are against people studying from home. Emancipating oneself from such slavery and the fright connected to that, is an important step in our evolution.

These days, since I am opening myself up to other kinds of spiritual knowledge, self development, etc ..., I cannot fail to notice that on the web one finds lots of articles, videos, conferences, free e-books written by skilled professionals (for the BKs they are all ignorant shudras, I know that, therefore they have no value ...).

This makes me wonder why the BKWSO wants to maintain secrecy about their scripture.

Is it a power trip? Is it because they run the risk of being accused of being an apocalyptic cult invoking Destruction, breaking up families, etc ... ? Many of the things contained in the Sakar Murli in particular, could be hold against them and send them straight in the colorful and international bouquet of sects.

Lately I feel a bit uncomfortable, though when I hear someone quoting as Pari, maybe provocatively did
God has already said that at the beginning

Or even when I catch myself doing it, "Baba said this and that, the BKs do the opposite ..." because, due to the evidence of lies and cover ups the Yagya made up published on this Forum and the increased derailment towards a materialistic direction that I witnessed over the years, I developed skepticism about God being the Founder of the Yagya and the bestower of this Gyan.

I cannot stomach any longer the confusion of all these BapDada, Shiva, Brahma fusion style, the infallibility if the Dadis, etc ..., in one word, I am sick of all these ghost stories!


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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post22 Sep 2009

Lately I feel a bit uncomfortable, though when I hear someone quoting as Pari, maybe provocatively did, "God has already said that at the beginning"

Were you talking about what I had said? Maybe I have made some mistakes, out of habit, in the way I phrased my words. I will try to get them changed.
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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post23 Sep 2009

What has made you take an outside position from the BKWSU, pari?

Do you feel that you have moved on or developed since the 2003/2004?

How do you feel about your state of mind at that time?

I think there is some doubt here, based on the discovery of original BKWSU documents from the 1930s and 40s, and the exposure of decades worth of deceit and corruption, that the spirit entity who speaks through Gulzar is actually God of all religions. I think people accept that there is some spirit involvement but it is not who the Brahma Kumaris claim.


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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post23 Sep 2009

ex-l wrote:Do you feel that you have moved on or developed since the 2003/2004?

2003/2004? What happened at that time?

Since 2001, I have not been closely following the events in the Brahma Kumaris unless someone tells me something like when Dadi passed away.
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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post23 Sep 2009

Oh, it seemed to me that in 2003, 2004 you were active posting on the internet highly orthodox BK-type emails. Jannisder posted one on this forum. I thought it was from you.

I just wondered if your opinions or ideals had changed from that time.


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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post23 Sep 2009

ex-l wrote:Oh, it seemed to me that in 2003, 2004 you were active posting on the internet highly orthodox BK-type emails. Jannisder posted one on this forum. I thought it was from you. I just wondered if your opinions or ideals had changed from that time.

I was trying to locate this letter which you had mentioned but I could not find it. Maybe, you could post it here or give me the link so that I can confirm if it was mine?

Yes, I was posting letters with BK knowledge at that time to journalist etc. I was angry with the Brahma Kumaris and I was sending these journalist, BK information about Destruction etc. At the same time, I was sending letters to all the BK centers, showing them the contents of my letters to these journalist, and I asked the Brahma Kumaris to bring a legal action against me for defamation. :D I was trying to punch them back with their own knowledge.

When the Brahma Kumaris did not take legal action against me, I started sending letters saying that the BKs cannot take any legal action against me because they are being trained to go beyond even if they are defamed. :D Then, I cooled down and began to realise the mistakes which I had made, which was the reasons why the confrontation took place between me and the head of the PJ BK center and the head of the Bangsar center (the main center in Malaysia). Actually, both the centerwasis of the PJ center (Peru Bhai) and the Bangsar center (Letchu Bhai) are very good guys. But the people who were coming to the centers were behaving very badly. Everyone likes these 2 centerwasis but they do not like the people who create trouble there.

In the PJ center, the people doing service would behave so badly but Peru Bhai would look, then go beyond and walk off, leaving us to handle it. For example, one BK was given service to clean the kitchen. When someone else cleaned it, she poured oil all over the kitchen because someone else had cleaned it. Since she had been given the service, no one else was supposed to do it. Once, when I was reading the things put up on the notice board, this girl had angrily come up to me and asked me as to who had removed and changed the things that she had put up on the board. She was in charge of the notice board. I told her, nicely, that I did not know but she started harassing me because she was angry that people were doing such things to her.

One day, I told Peru Bhai that he was very stupid and that this was why he could not deal with what was happening in the PJ center. I think I had also sent a letter to the Seniors saying that he was stupid and incapable of handling these troublesome BKs. At around that time I was in legal practice and I was the head of the legal/litigation department. I suppose I was quite competent because I was offered partnership in the legal firm which I was working in. So, maybe, I could not tolerate the fact that Peru Bhai was not doing anything. He would just look, go beyond, and walk off. But you know, he is quite a great guy because despite what I had said and done, he would advise me to come more often now, since I am not going there frequently. I really don’t know how he is able to tell me to come more often despite what I had done to him.

OK, about my confrontation with Letchu Bhai. I had no problems with him because I was just minding my own business. But there were BKs, who were doing service there, who were behaving badly and he would penalize them by not making them centerwasis etc. They had such desires for status but he was trying to keep them down. I could not watch it anymore and so I angrily questioned him as to how he could treat people in that way. When he got up and walked off into his room, I kicked his door (playfully) and pretending to be angry had said, “Come out. I’m not finished with you”. The other Brothers came and caught hold of my hand and dragged me off. Everything continued as normal after that like as if the scene had not happened.

I had even sent a letter to the Seniors complaining about Letchu Bhai. One day, just before starting the Murli, he had looked at me and said that Meera Bhen had questioned him and he dared not look into her eyes and he gave me a look like as if he was putting on a drama of showing me his anger. I was feeling very bad that I had put him in that situation and seeing the look on my face, he started laughing. I couldn’t believe it that he was laughing despite what I had done.

Anyway, I don’t want any more trouble with the Brahma Kumaris, so I don’t go there often.
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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post23 Sep 2009

Anyway, I don’t want any more trouble with the Brahma Kumaris, so I don’t go there often.


In hindsight, it seems unbelievable, that we were caught up in these crazy BK centers' dramas! Not healthy at all, and what a waste of energy! The "spiritual family" can really suck you in!
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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post23 Sep 2009

pari wrote:I was trying to locate this letter which you had mentioned but I could not find it. Maybe, you could post it here or give me the link so that I can confirm if it was mine?

Well, I am glad you came back to explain everything and put things in their place in a tidy fashion. It all makes sense now.

Of course, from a Sakar Murli/Lekhraj Kirpalani point of view, you were doing precisely what Lekhraj Kirpalani or "Baba" would have wanted you to do. Your "Gyan" is accurate. You are underlining a number of the strange contradictions between what the Brahma Kumaris say and do ... you sounds like a really great character to have around!

Here is one. There is a better one here (click link). They are both up on the internet in more than one place now.
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 09:04:26 +0800
From: Brahma Kumari Pari
Subject: Turning Delhi / Agra into an entertaining area while Creating Heavenin Bharath
To: "Mailto:Mbranparker (AT) Yahoo (DOT) Com (E-mail)"

Sweetest President, Vice-President, Prime Minister, Ministers, other members of the Indian government, Sirs / Madams of the Media in India, etc,

My name is Brahma Kumari Pari. My subtle abilities can make people do what is required of them. However, it will be beneficial for yourself if you co-operated on your own. Through your own co-operation you will benefit through the Law of Karma.

You should help to turn Delhi / Agra into an entertaining area. This will help to attract tourists there and it will also help with the re-creation of Heaven in Bharath. It should also, as far as possible, be turned into a computerised area where atomic energy is used instead of electrical energy.

You could help to create 'entertainment parks' in this area. These parks should have various kinds of swings that are run on electricity or, if possible, on atomic energy. Various kinds of swings, which are run on electricity, can be found in the amusement parks in various countries. For example in the Dry World in Sunway Lagoon in Malaysia, they have swings one of which is called the Flying Carpet or something like that.

When I was trying it out, many years ago before I joined the Brahma Kumaris, I thought that it was very lovely to be swung on it until the swing started going around in circles to satisfy Man's tamopradhan nature for trill and dangerous activity. Initially, these swings swing forward and backward like normal swings but they are more entertaining than normal swings where we have to swing ourselves. Instead of inserting dangerous ideas, one could use entertaining ideas like allowing those sitting on the swings to see something when they reach a certain height (when the swings have swung forward or backwards).

Other ideas which includes games can also be used so that those who are playing on those swings will have a good time. If you are going to have restaurants etc within these entertainment parks, then try to bring in scientific gadgets. For example, there is a gadget in the market now where one just has to put the whole fruit into it and the gadget will squeeze it until all the juice within the fruit is extracted from it. In the heavenly world, people will not labour and so you should introduce gadgets which allows one to have an easy life-style. God has told us that some of the fruits in Heaven will be grown for the juice whereas others will be grown for eating. You could work on this too. God has told us that the fruits which are grown for the juice will just be squeezed and the people who live in Heaven will drink the juice.

You should look for ways of generating an income from these programs so that you can continue improving/expanding the facilities, entertainment parks etc. It would not be difficult to get an income through entertainment parks. So, maybe, you should start with entertainment parks first so that the income that comes from it can be used for continual improvement and expansion.

You should also have a Wet World in Delhi/Agra. However, instead of just using plain water as is normally used, you could add something to the water so that the corporeal bodies get cleansed etc while the people play in the man-made rivers, water slides, waterfalls etc. For example, the first man-made river can have water with the benefits of the Neem tree leaves etc so that the bodies are cleansed by it.

Other man-made rivers can have a little milk and / or oils which are beneficial to the bodies. The last man-made river can have water with rose petals etc in it. Through all this the people are actually bathing etc and not just having a good time. You could grow plants around there which will give benefit to the water but the water will have to be clean like mineral water. Good natural filter systems can be used for this. Try to have a system where Man do not have to do much to get the water cleaned. It will be better to have man-made rivers than ponds which are stagnant.

I know that there are bird parks etc in the Delhi area but it would be nice to have parks where the birds and animals are put in a natural garden like environment which has tall trees etc. You may have to put fences and a very high roof now so that trees can be grown within them. Later, when the animals get transformed into their satopradhan state, the fences will be removed but the animals will not move or fly away from there because of their satopradhan nature. The birds and animals should be able to survive on whatever is growing there. So, this has to looked into from now onwards. You can have trains within the bird and animal parks so that the people will not have to walk and get tired while observing the birds and animals.

In the heavenly world, the word 'train' would only be associated to 'entertainment' and not to "transport". Thus, you will have to make sure that there is entertainment / something to see all along the train journey. Now, the trains can be completely covered and air-conditioned so that the animals do not jump into the trains and harm the people. However, in the heavenly world there will be no need to have the trains completely covered up because the animals there are in their satopradhan state.

For more information and co-operation on this please contact me or the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University :

Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Post Box No.2, Mount Abu, 307501 Rajasthan, India ; Tel: 91-2974-38261 to 68; Fax: 91-2974-38952 /38883;

Brahma Kumaris, Abu Road, India ; E-mail : shantivan (AT) vsnl (DOT) com ; Tel: 91-2974-28101 to 06 (6 lines)
Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu, India ; E-mail : aaf (AT) nda (DOT) ; Tel: 91-2974-38788-91
Internet Office Shantivan, India ; E-mail : shantivan (AT) bkindia (DOT) com ;
Brahma Kumaris, New Delhi, India ; E-mail : Brahma (AT) nda (DOT) ; Tel: 91-11-355-0355/4410/526-961
Brahma Kumaris, New Delhi, India ; E-mail : purity (AT) ndb (DOT) ; Tel: 91-11-752-8516 / 777-0463
Persatuan Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Malaysia, Bangsar, Malaysia; E-mail: bkswum (AT) tm (DOT) ; Tel : 03-2282-6396 / 2282-2310
Brahma Kumaris, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia ; E-mail : bksumpj (AT) tm (DOT) ; Tel : 03-7876-4482
Brahma Kumari Pari, No.30, Jalan PJS 9/30, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Tel: 03-56359037 or 03-56362419 ; E-mail:
bkry (AT) streamyx (DOT) com; Web site: .
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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post23 Sep 2009

Dear Pari,

It would be great fun to be with you together in one BK center :D . After your explanations, as I read your letters again, this time I laughed and laughed. You are a real free spirit who can not be restrained. Good for you and for everybody around you!

Just to freshen up our memories. Most of the center-in-charges made the educated and active BKs mad with their apathic behaviour, like your beloved ex-center-in-charge's, closing their eyes to the big wrong doings of some BKs, walking away as if nothing happened, and letting others alone sort things and mistakes of those ones out ... Because they were following the dictates of DJ, not to get involved into the karma of others!!! So they were causing others big karma with problems and waste thoughts and making their lives into hell!!!

Welcome Pari, it is a pleasure to meet you.


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Re: Global Brahma Kumaris

Post24 Sep 2009

Oh boy! Sometimes, I can get really carried away. I read the 2 letters. Ya. They are mine.

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