My BK friend is confused

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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post13 Sep 2009

And it will be useful for me to!
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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post13 Sep 2009

cranuta wrote:I want to believe that I have a mission now, at least to enligthen this friend of mine.

I am looking forward to getting your scripts with substantial facts.

What direction do you want to go in first? What do you think might interest your friend?

I would suggest starting with some chosen Murli points, quoted specifically with dates. You can search and read them here: Sakar, Avyakt.


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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post17 Sep 2009

To all those who helped, replied and commented ... thank you very much. This is to let you know that my BK friends has tendered his resignation this morning. I don't have any idea if he found a new job, or leaving this country for good.

I did my level best to save him from their horrible religion but I failed. I guess their satanic power is better than mine. He is completely blinded and hooked. I have used some of the words suggested here, and again their evilness has prevailed.

He, personally, came to my office and said bye. I just said, "all the best to you & take care". Guess what? I saw some tears from his eyes before he turned his back. I don't know what to feel but I am still concern about his well being, after all we have been good friends and colleagues for quite some time.

Hope I can get over this experience. Thanks to all of you friends.
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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post17 Sep 2009

has tendered his resignation

Do you know why? Is he going to live elsewhere to help in service, or have the BKs asked him to get a less demanding job so that he can spare more time and energy for them?

Did he confess that he had much attachment to you, or any other woman in his office, and the BK teachers suggested him to move away in order to avoid complications?
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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post17 Sep 2009

alladin wrote:Did he confess that he had much attachment to you, or any other woman in his office, and the BK teachers suggested him to move away in order to avoid complications?

That would be the same way other such incidents were dealt with.


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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post22 Sep 2009

He told me that their center heads, and even their senior Sisters in Mt. Abu, came to know about our friendship. I guess he was asked to go away and, yes, to avoid further complications. I don't know if he found a less demanding job, or will just be a servant at their center. He is earning a good salary, more than enough to provide his mandatory contributions.

What I know is that, he is doing whatever he is asked to do, just simply to follow their rules, but it is against his own will. By the way, he left one small gift for me at our reception with a message ... "you mean so much to me and I hope you will understand me".

I just have to pray for him that someday he will be awaken.

Thanks again.
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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post22 Sep 2009

Yes, pray for him, cranuta. But most importantly, take care of your own peace of mind. There are many people in this world to love. BKs know nothing about love. They think they are the experts when, in fact, they suffer from serious fear of love and have deep intimacy issues. If we did a study of the histories, I can bet we would find all kinds of background to support this.

Look around. There are many people who would appreciate the love you have to offer. Loving a Brahmin is a sure way of being rejected. So we need to ask ourselves why we want to be rejected.


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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post26 Sep 2009

Perhaps what he felt for me was just a false love so he would be able to encult me. I never wish to be rejected and humiliated. Got someone who truly loves me.

He is totally hooked and will never listen to anyone who will try to say something against their evil cult and Gods.

I really do not know where is he now. May he find happiness with his chosen path. I do not think his case has a remedy or can still be converted. Poor guy, he is fighting with his own feelings/will against the horrible BK teachings.
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zombie's secret agendas

Post26 Sep 2009

Hi, Cranuta. Think it this way: God saved you. Like Ray said, if we were to prepare a case study of BKs and same would apply to all sect members and religion fanatics, we would find out that most are unbalanced individuals and the range can include extreme "nut cases".

As soon as I read your post, a memory re-emerged in my mind about something which I found curious and true when I read it in some Al-Anon book, or heard at some of the meetings I was attending (the groups exist in order to support relative and friends of alcoholics).

Alcoholics can be very charismatic ... at times. They can talk, laugh, fun to be with. That's the stage prior to disaster. Most of them do not throw up and collapse on the round, or shout insults at people and hit them in the initial phase. The same could be said about addicts, especially people with co-dependent personalities and saviors, are vulnerable to their charms.

For decades, psychologists have been writing and published books about women who are sub-consciously and repeatedly attracted to "bad guys", or the "wrong type of man" for them, because something weird or harmful resonates with our past and we go for that thrill, rather than the safety and sanity a normal man could give us ... :sad:. We can sense danger and, instead of running away, we are attracted by it, getting involved in something destructive and beyond our control.

I apology for the analogy but, you know, BKs are specifically trained for attracting others magnetically through vibrations and drishti. Actually, the teaching is that through your lifestyle and pure vibes, you should inspire others to get closer to God, you should be a humble "trustee", a go-between. But we know humans easily "derail" and misuse power and misinterpret teachings.

So, don't be too surprised if you were lured into some kind of relationship. As you can read in Jannisder's story, and many others, the BK friend is a bundle of mixed feelings, lots of them connected with guilt and delusions of grandeur, mythomania, fantasies, giving out mixed messages and having not only a hidden agenda but a "zombie's agenda" because they are brainwashed and not in control of their mind/lives. This increases enormously the degree of unpredictability in their behaviours, moodiness, etc ...

Can you picture the hell that one can create for herself by becoming entangled emotionally with someone who believes in the BK dogmas and lifestyle which includes even tenderness and cuddling being ruled out?

Cherry on the cake, the "spiritual family" and the spooks interfering every minute, worse than an ex-wife or mother-in-law breaking your balls!! Either you leave, go insane, or end up attacking them with a machete and go to jail for attempted murder! What a scenario!

Be grateful to the Almighty that you've been spared a lot of trouble!!


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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post27 Sep 2009

alladin wrote:"the BK friend is a bundle of mixed feelings, lots of them connected with guilt and delusions of grandeur, mythomania, fantasies, giving out mixed messages and having not only a hidden agenda but a "zombie's agenda" because they are brainwashed and not in control of their mind/lives. This increases enormously the degree of unpredictability in their behaviours, moodiness, etc"

Hi Alladin,

This is absolutely correct! I have proven this kind of behaviors from my BK friend; fickle minded, no sense of direction, strange moods, unpredictable actions, using absurd words.

His statements keep on changing, whatever he said last week is contrary to what he is putting across today.

How I really wish I could help and save him. I may not be able to continue my friendship with him but my concern will always be there for him. I will always remember the time that he took care of me when I was confined at the hospital. All I can do now is just to pray for him.

Thanks again, your words of wisdom gave me so much impact and I am moving on now with my own life. I am grateful to all the people here who support, guide and help anyone who needs to know the truth about this evil cult.
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Re: My BK friend is confused

Post27 Sep 2009

Alladin, your descriptions and explanations are acute and accurate to my experience as well. You have described the BK prototype quite well!

I am also familiar with Al-Anon/Alcoholics Anonymous and find similar characteristics with the AA addict/Brahmin and the Al-Anon friend/Brahmin savior friend.

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