BK gurus ... another luxury hotel in another impoverished nation

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BK gurus ... another luxury hotel in another impoverished nation

Post27 Aug 2009

Meditation guru in town for lecture.

Excuse me ... Jayanti Kirplani is the guru now???
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Re: BK gurus ... another luxury hotel in another impoverished na

Post28 Aug 2009

Ha! The BKs doing what the BKs do best ... "serving the rich".

Another super 5-Star luxury hotel gig in one of the most impoverish and unequal nations in the world. The Philippines. Jayanti Kirplani previously delivered a lecture on "The Secret Laws of Abundance" November 2008 at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Makati.

44 per cent of Philippinos live on US$2 or less a day. Recent estimates state that almost 27.6 million people live below the Philippines' poverty threshold ... that is 32 per cent of the population. Rooms at the hotel start at around $190 per day. More than 3 months wages for your average local person, who are they targeting and why? Their god is the "Lord of the Poor"? A Lord of the Poor with 5 Star tastes, at someone else's expense it seems.

So who pays for these gigs and why does the BKWSU elite encourage them to throw their money away? Is the End of the World so close that money has no greater purpose? I heard recently that the BKs were demanding followers to pay for First Class air tickets and independent paid for accommodation when their senior go overseas to put on events.
"True silence refines the thinking process by harmonizing the five subtle energies that every person possesses — mind, conscience, heart, attitude and memory,” she said. Kirplani added that a “silent mind” would result in “accurate decision-making and ultimately, personal power and contentment.”

Shame it does not make them honest or humble ...
The luxurious, elegant interiors of the city’s biggest hotel event venue were showcased through a program that intertwined dinner, dance and theatrical entertainment.

Beneath a canopy of custom-crafted crystal chandeliers, cosseted by fabric-padded walls with intricate leaf patterns, guests were treated to lobster and scallop tarts served in the form of mini wedding cakes. Dessert was fittingly called My Sweet Jewelry Box — an edible art piece that one would rather keep than eat.
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simple life and high thinking

Post28 Aug 2009

You must be kidding!

I remember when I first went into a Raja Yoga center, and took the course, it was the simplicity that struck me. I am sure that many BKs also appreciated that.

I did not have the whole picture then and also things have changed. Frills, expenditure, tacky and kitsch taste have become rampant in the BK org. Self-indulgence in privileges is omnipresent and existed since 1000s of years and has a special flavor in Asian and third world countries. Drivers, cell phones, private schools, armed guards protecting their mansions, familiarity with foreign language, air con, piano-bar music in the background, international restaurants hidden inside ***** hotels (the ones that often get bombed), airport VIP waiting lounges, designer clothes. That is the sad but the comfy life of the cooperative souls the BKs are fishing, eligible to become sponsors, mikes or heroes!

After all, you cannot reprimand a corporation for choosing their target clients.

The only question is, what connection does this have with becoming economical and simple, non-dependent or being impressed by facilities? Introvertedness and other principles that were the foundation of the BK Raja Yoga? Have things "evolved" in a direction I cannot appreciate?

Should we believe that all this show off and expenses are an investment in order to involve visible people that will help "spread the message" effortlessly and widely before Destruction?

I lost the thread. Over the years, it seems that those slogans and teaching belong to another era or school. Have they "modernized" themselves and some, possibly lower rank followers, have remained behind and cannot follow it???
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Re: BK gurus ... another luxury hotel in another impoverished na

Post28 Aug 2009

One of my concerns is that there is no overall accounting.

Followers do not know how much money is being spent and for what return. Asking about finances is a taboo subject and brushed aside.

How much have they spent on what?

Obviously, for some of their super-rich sponsors, this money is nothing (which is what they depend on) and the Brahma Kumaris get a lot for free or cheap on the basis of their charm and bullsh** ... but how could all that money be put to better use and who is considering "best value"?

There is another danger. When adherents get into a excited, emotional phase like the Honeymoon Period, they tend to "gush" energy and money in an uncontrolled manner. I argue that the Brahma Kumaris take advantage of this ... the money, property and sponsorship of what are at best vain, pointless and ridiculous events.

My split with the BKWSU 20 odd years ago was on the basis of "why don't we do something useful to society instead of all this pointless (expensive) self-advertising". They have only gotten worse and my position has not changed.

I would argue that society really does not respect the Brahma Kumaris. Those that are attracted to it now seem to be attracted by the trappings of wealth, and the guru glamour or guru power they own. Are they attracted because they want some of it and to become one? The indenti-kit BK guru factory?

BK Sister Shivani, discussed elsewhere, did a similar event at the luxury Peninsula.Excelsior Hotel in Singapore in April. I'd appreciate if any recent ex-BKs could tell us how these events are financed and how the business is discussed. It obviously appears to be their "business model" now.

No more grubby community halls ...
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Post28 Aug 2009

There's an aura of mystery about financial issues in the BKs. Centers have to provide accurate and precise figures about donations they receive, income of niwassis, and expenses. These are pennies, compared to the big expenses and projects. So, soldiers have to obey the law of transparency and sacrifice their savings but, higher up in the hierarchy, what happens?

As I wrote elsewhere, the dogmas taught at an early stage to followers, the programming is very strong and focussed on "don't ask any question", " don't criticize", etc which means, "surrender body, mind and finances, and shut up". Lokiks would just use the expression of "none of your business" but, in the BKorg, there's no need to be this straightforward and rough, since mental conditioning acts as an efficient form of prevention. You refrain from asking and convince yourself that you should just trust the SS; there's benefit in Drama, "Baba will fix whatever went wrong" ... and similar amusing dictates that we know by heart and worked in silenting us as well, at least for some time!

People give donations, miracles happen and "Baba gave the touching" ... perhaps to some manager of ***** hotels or airline, to get conference halls and first class seats for free.

In any case, Brother, by asking too many questions, you will lose your place in paradise. So, concentrate on your efforts, do not look at what others do and carry on with your mind and eyes shut.

Don't lose your peace over such trivial matters and irrelevant details!!

These, in essence, are the instructions and philosophy of our beloved sect.


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Re: BK gurus ... another luxury hotel in another impoverished na

Post31 Aug 2009

ex-l wrote:My split with the BKWSU 20 odd years ago was on the basis of "why don't we do something useful to society instead of all this pointless (expensive) self-advertising". They have only gotten worse and my position has not changed.

It has always bugged me too and has gotten so bad that I could not tolerate it anymore. It is the main reason why I finally decided to follow my instincts and distance myself from the BKorg.
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Re: BK gurus ... another luxury hotel in another impoverished na

Post31 Aug 2009

If I understand you right, you folks are raising criticism against the BKWSO in this topic because you find it immoral to squander money that, BTW, has been donated for higher purposes, and it is also inconsistent with the Raja Yoga teachings of simple life and high thinking.

A parallel mined ground is: why the BKs have, from the start, been marginally or not at all involved in social projects?

Well, they learnt that for marketing/PR purpose it is better to do something and, as any firm, they seem now to be "environment conscious". Who is not, these days? Even the biggest polluters claim to be environmentalists!

Before their coaches and biz consultant convinced them to invest some energy on this front (anyway, everything is based on donations and volunteers' labour, so it is not really an expense!), so that they are not left behind. They used to justify themselves saying that already many people were involved in bringing physical relief to those in needs and that, "we are spiritual social workers".

Frankly, I believe that it is very important to be active on a thought level, spreading peace, love, light, power and the rest. Possibly, this kind of service is even more important, and incognito.

None of us can tell how many people, BKs or not, are actually contributing to the creation of a New Age ... or are sending out soothing and healing vibrations which are very much needed in this suffering world. Probably there's quite a number of incognito BKs who are authentically meditating and leading a pure lifestyle, not interested at all in recognition from others, position, fame ...

The ones whose priority is being visible, raising funds, doing proselytism and impressing their communities with new projects, buildings and mega programs have made their choice and they are not keen in remaining invisible World Benefactors. They are a different kind of souls.

Being overactive, competitive, ambitious, "results conscious", restless and tense, is incompatible with subtle service through one's stage.
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Re: BK gurus ... another luxury hotel in another impoverished na

Post31 Aug 2009

First there was "whitewash" now there is "greenwash" ...

What is environmental, e.g. about flying 6 Brahma Kumaris out to the Middle East First Class to do a gig in a luxury hotel ... chasing some super rich IP/VIP types who probably made all their money out of oil or some other big business?

I am sorry but I do not buy their greenwash at all. I am sure a few young BKs were genuine who, if they were not sucked up into the BKWSU, would be doing much more in this aspect. Personally, I reckon if they had not gotten the German and Indian government to PAY for all the environmental energy projects which they are using as a foundation for this particular service some ... AND ... if it had not worked all worked out cheaper for the BKWSU accountants, it would never have happened.

They really don't give a damn for the environment. And why should they? It is all 100% impure and has all been going to be destroyed for the last 50 years. Bear in mind that the original BKs were all women who only ever saw the insides of their husband's homes and had contracts in their marriage agreements such as "to only walk on carpets", "to always have drivers to drive them to their parent homes etc" and grew up wearing a new dress to school everyday as a kid.

Also bear in mind that for this kind of caste, manual, hands in the mud work is all about low caste and nothing about communing with nature (unlike, say, for the upper class Brits and Europeans who loved gardening, drawing and painting, botany etc).

For the Sindi women, the world was the home compound, sewer-like streets and dirty markets, then the jungle. Please correct me if I am wrong. Why should they care if it was all to be destroyed? It did not even exist for them.
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Re: BK gurus ... another luxury hotel in another impoverished na

Post31 Aug 2009

The consultants said :"If you want to reach different targets and increase your sales, you have to offer a variety of products ...!" and the SS obeyed. Not only. Baba's children have to be kept busy and away from mischief. In our days, the only thing you could teach was The 7 days course, as soon as you knew it by heart, in some cases even before you finished it, you were pushed to repeat it parrot-like to the next person. Spread the disease!

Then the first versions of the Positive Thinking Course appeared to appeal to westerners, stressed and not really interested in mystic things, who reacted to words such as God, soul and karma. Then the big projects of Million Minute Peace Appeal and Global Cooperation were launched, they were all baits!

Then SML & co for managers. Then the Living Values and so on ...

I think these days if a BK cannot find space in doing some kind of service, he can always quickly learn about a suitable item and start selling that. If you are clever, you can carve out a role for yourself, hoping that you will be respected, or at least left alone (get the breath of SS off your back). Be judged for the results of your sales and not for punctuality at Murli class or the whiteness of your saree.

It will counter boredom and, if the salesman/woman is good, he/she will get the chance to travel the world, expenses paid, have his picture put on some magazine or be interviewed by the press, especially if the BKs have good contacts in that area; socialize and have an excuse to see again in a relatively free environment, his beloved service companion with whom arrangements had been previously made in the Madhuban headquarters. That's what mainly the supposed to be ashram Madhuban is for these days: service meetings and VIP/professionals programs, correct me if I am wrong.

There is special food and treatment, more comfortable accommodation, even special seasons allocated for the purpose when the weather is friendly, not too hot or cold or rainy, suitable for conference time and big shots.

Low ranks and yogis can endure hardship, you know ... yah, man! There's discrimination even in that, let me seh! Those who attend are very proud to be part of such an elite.

This is all true and I suppose not very encouraging for someone who wants to learn meditation. It takes a while to actually understand what's really happening, and in the meantime, your brain will be half cooked and therefore half functioning.

These things I am saying are the plain truth, under the eyes of any BK. All they can do is turn a blind eye on it, try to get a piece of the pie, if it makes them feel better but they cannot deny what's going on.
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Re: BK gurus ... another luxury hotel in another impoverished na

Post31 Aug 2009

I can imagine they tell themselves, 5 Star Hotels, First Class air travel and one's own personal servant ... those are surely the hardest tests; not sleeping in army tents with 3 other families or traveling third class across India. Imagine the temptation of Maya they face ... only the strongest of Brahma Kumaris could venture into such a lion's den of danger! :shock:

    So who actually gets to fly first class? Is it only the old Sindis, and who pays?
    I heard the local centers do.
    When was it first introduced and under what excuse?
    Can they write it off against taxes, or something?
Please allow me to borrow from the great US President Lincoln and propose ... "The Madhuban Address".
An imaginary Brahma Kumaris spoke not wrote:It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion, that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this religion under our god shall have a new birth of freedom ...

    ... and that government of the BKWSU, by the Sindis, for the Sindis, shall not perish from the earth.

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