BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post29 Aug 2009

Thanks ex-I, for bringing their so called "teachings" out in the open. What in the name of heaven is that? Do you people really succumb to it? Its hard for me to believe someone would actually join BK after this, but I must be wrong since so many people are following them apparently.

The argument about the choice to make between the wife and mother; is really beyond any realm of logic. If they only want money and property, they can just as well start robbing banks for all I care. At least that wont destroy human lives. I am glad you guys have this blog in place, hopefully thousands of others would know the truth now.
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post29 Aug 2009

Siddharth wrote:Their so called "teachings" ... What in the name of heaven is that? Do you people really succumb to it? Its hard for me to believe someone would actually join BK after this, but I must be wrong since so many people are following them apparently.

All good points to make, Sid.

I think a lot of people, especially now, get sucked in gradually through the various BKWSU fronts. The BKs do not deliver the message in full. It is all hidden away - especially from the "interfaith" religious people and Westerners - and people are gradually spoonfed it. They have no idea.

For me, I was a kid interested in Yoga, India and Hinduism. As a foreigner from a fairly non-religious background, I had no real clue about any of it. I was "seeking the master" and wanting to learn "Raja Yoga". I got conned that what the BKs teach was Raja Yoga, just because they use the same name for their practise. Basically, as a foreigner, how the hell would I have known what Hinduism or spiritual path was!?!

I guess the main thing is though, in the early days of one's involvement with the BKWSU, if one is hooked by it, one can go really "high". Its a bit like being on drugs. Plus many of us experienced strong psychic experiences, e.g. having visions, seeing lights, feeling "bodiless" and so on. I cannot deny those experiences happen. They do happen. Often randomly, often very strongly. What I do deny now is that there is any specific mystical or religious value to them. Now, it all appears to me to be some kind of psychic distraction.

In short, I suspect it fitted by illusion of what a spiritual path was closely enough to con me and I got swept along. It was all very exotic ... I suspect you could do a psycho-analysis of me and add more.

If one hits the "high" feeling, one become hooked for a while. They call this 'The Honeymoon Period', and it feels like being in deeply in love. During that period, they suck you in as quickly as they can in every way. They split couples and families up. They make you leave your old friends. They get people to write Wills in their favour leaving them everything. They gradually take over more and more of your life - waking and dreaming - until they ... or at least they will claim, their god spirit ... owns all of your mind and body and has a first call on your wealth.

I suspect that part of us wanted part of this kind of life. We were "seekers" seeking the truth, or a true guru and willing to surrendered. They have a very well polished and attractive package ... at least on the surface. Once you are mentally, emotionally and socially engaged with them, and have no life outside the cult, it becomes increasingly difficult to:

    a) admit you have been sucked up by a weird 'End of the World' cult,
    b) leave the BKs and go back into the "impure" world as you no longer fit or function well.
I actually left 25 years or more ago. I left because I got sick of all the chasing VIPs and self-advertisement - even back then. They really are full of themselves ... how wonderful and superior they are.

I always thought they were one of the better groups but a few years ago though, I started to hear about all the corruption ... the cover up of the child sex abuse cases ... the suicides ... case of mental illness ... but most of all, how "leading" Western BKs and the leadership were turning the spiritual path into a kind of business network to make money. This was entirely against the old rules I thought ... what I later found out was that they had always broken the rules secretly.

In our day, we were all encouraged to give up our educations and starting a business of career because the End of the World was going to happen in the mid-1980s. Now I see Brahmakumari Sister Shivani and Didi Nirmala being asked the same questions about the End of the World in 2012 ...

When I came back ... with my head clear of all the psychic effects ... I started to research the religion properly only to discover that they had falsified their first 20 or more years of history. Literally invented an "incarnation of God" story and tricked us all with it. They had hidden all these failed predictions of the End of the World their god made and so on. And I am sure that there is much more than even I know about.

I knew one of the victims of the child sex abuse which happened at their "holiest of holy lands" ... the only place which was "pure enough for God to come to earth". I also knew one of the symbolic suicide cases, a surrendered Sister called Ranjana who threw herself off a 5 storey building ... because that is what they say falling in love and having a relationship is like.

So I thought I should dedicate myself to documenting them as fully as possible, so that others would not go through what I did.
If they only want money and property, they can just as well start robbing banks for all I care. At least that won't destroy human lives.

Ha! You said it. Try asking Sister Shivani what happens to BKs that have mental breakdowns, why BKs commit suicide or any of these other questions.
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post29 Aug 2009

Ha! You said it. Try asking Sister Shivani what happens to BKs that have mental breakdowns, why BKs commit suicide or any of these other questions.

Try and ask any question to them! They will give no straight answer. Depends who's asking. If you are useless to them, they will dismiss it and just ignore you, or scold you and make you feel disobedient, guilty and stupid for asking. Otherwise they will spit out some dogma or something murky.

To the relevant questions, any "programmed BK" (who has followed the principles for some time, attended class regularly, been to the ashram, Madhuban, etc), no need or it to be a lecturer or a SS, will give similar answers. We were turned into parrots.

Easy to predict, as they seem to have a whole data bank of ready-made answers ... "Those cases were exceptions and it was, "their karma ...". I remember one year in Madhuban, they had a weird competition. A questionnaire was distributed with questions about Gyan, and all had to fill it in. Who scored the highest? If I recall, it was Charlie from Australia, one of the first Westerners to come in Gyan in the 70ties, plenty of time to become indoctrinated. He knew all the answers. And got a prize from the Dadis.

This doesn't mean the soul is really implementing the teachings, in the same way as wearing a spotless well ironed white sari doesn't mean you are pure and elevated. But dear Sid, in this organization, the thing which counts the most is appearance, and how well you can pretend. So, sincere and genuine people, at some point develop loathing, realize such an incompatibility that they have to leave, in spite of the benefit, truth and wisdom contained in some of the teachings :sad:.
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post29 Aug 2009

alladin wrote:So, sincere and genuine people, at some point develop loathing, realize such an incompatibility that they have to leave, in spite of the benefit, truth and wisdom contained in some of the teachings

Well said alladin.

Sid, there are people to whom I would say, go ahead, become a BK, so they could understand what we are talking about. But it seems like you don't need to put yourself through this which you should be grateful about. At times, humility is simply the ability to say, "I can learn from your experience or from your mistakes without having to go through them myself."

The loathing alladin speaks about is in some way a feeling of having realized that somewhere inside us there was a bit of a masochist who wanted to go through the experience. The BKs are spiritual sadists in the sense that they dehumanise you and justify it with Godly wisdom. It is not healthy but lots of people step onto this path willingly, blindly and, might I add, stupidly as well.

We human beings do not only need to develop our spirituality, but also our common sense. If you believe that "ignorance is bliss" then becoming a BK is perfect for you because it is truly that.

People don't spend time on forums like these because they have nothing better to do. It is not to be petty nor to get even with anybody. It is meant to bring clarity to those who get caught up in the psychic/psychotic web called the BKWSO. For people who seek spirituality and find themselves feeling more confused than ever. And for people who have been there and can find support from others who understand the destruction that the BKSWO leaves behind.


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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post29 Aug 2009

I know about the kind of experiences you have referred to, Ex-I, as they are quite possible to achieve with sheer mental belief of being in a larger than life event. When you were under their influence, there is no doubt that you took their word for it and started believing. Wow! That actually does sound that a concentration camp run by Nazis. I am not surprised that they have these stupid contents running to check on their students as to how much of their "Gyan" they do remember. It only makes their work easier.

I am not sure what we can really do to stop this cancer from growing. For one thing, they are strong and now that they have tons of money, thanks to the brainwashing of people, they are resourceful too. Except for spreading the awareness and stopping more people from getting into it, I do not suppose there is much that can be done about it. It is really sad.

I am ashamed of the fact that this big racket started and flourished right through India, my own country. I am ashamed that my own countrymen have stooped to this level, that they have become so vicious and malignant and greedy, that they would go around the world extorting people in such a way. It's a heinous crime, nothing short of a genocide, in my opinion. As an Indian, I am sorry to every foreigner who came to my country with hopes and dreams but had to suffer so much because of these sick bastards. I really am very, very sorry.
rayoflight wrote:We human beings do not only need to develop our spirituality, but also our common sense. If you believe that "ignorance is bliss" then becoming a BK is perfect for you because it is truly that ... People don't spend time on forums like these because they have nothing better to do. It is not to be petty nor to get even with anybody. It is meant to bring clarity to those who get caught up in the psychic/psychotic web called the BKWSO.

Hi Ray,

Of course, I meant that people would believe them if only they thought they were telling the truth. But no one realizes that initially and as you and Ex-I have rightly put, there is something about us that wants to experiment or try something that seems promising or adventurous. But as I said it is simply criminal what BK group is doing, because looking at the age group of people joining them, this is certainly child abuse, even if people join them in their late teens or even 20's. No one is supposed to know all the right from wrong so early in life.

I appreciate that you can share your experience with tons of others and stopping hopefully all of them from making the same mistake.
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post30 Aug 2009

I do not "believe" ... I know that there is "real magic" going on in India ... but that is all it is.

By "magic", I mean all this weird, spiritualistic, psychic stuff that is beyond the understanding of science. I do not understand it and I do not doubt it.

What I do doubt is the value of any of it. The real wonder of the India takes place amongst the social reformers, the scientists and engineers who are attempting to build a modern, civil society.

What is the point of being able to manifest a golden orb (as per Sai Baba) or surround yourself with 10,000s of young princesses (as per the now deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani) if all it adds up to at the end are children being abused or commit suicide ... and, in both cases, I am talking about sexually not mentally abused. Who are you to kid yourself you are a god? And what is the point of being a god when you are surrounded by such poverty and injustice. If you can do all that and attract that kind of wealth ... why not just fix a few hare lips, manifest a water spring or two and build some ordinary schools?

I always said, "what India needs most is not godmen but sanitary engineers". The real angels in India are the one manually clearing the ****, digging the water holes and laying the pipes to provide clean water and sanitation. Not ones sitting in white saris pretending to the Emperors of the Golden Age. It strikes me that even when these cults do finally hit the gold mines of their adherents' and the public's wallet ... they cant even get it together to do the most simple, practical things.

May be India will get to grips with these people eventually. India has a fine tradition of scientists, materialists and sceptics ... but I do not think simple denial or refutation of these spiritualists is enough. And you are right ... they do the power money can buy and people are attracted to that.

There is a strange game being played out and I do not know where it is going. I do not sense it is good though. We have too much evidence to the contrary.
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post30 Aug 2009

ex-l wrote:By "magic", I mean all this weird, spiritualistic, psychic stuff that is beyond the understanding of science. I do not understand it and I do not doubt it. What I do doubt is the value of any of it.

I really like this entry, ex-l. It feels right to acknowledge that India has called in all kinds of gods that have created this "magic" that we have experienced. But the bottom line is, what's the point? Does it really serve humanity?

Playing with spirits is a dangerous game and is nothing new to anyone here. I just don't understand why anyone has to join a cult to be spiritual, and I still stand by the sad reality that people who get swept away by the BKWSO are vulnerable and lost souls who are really just looking for themselves, not spooks.

India not only has cults and spiritualists who exploit innocent people, but also fine scientists and engineers as well as decent people who don't fall for hokey spiritualism.


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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post30 Aug 2009

You have hit the nail right on the head with that. India has lots of kinds of people. We also have lots of religions, and the bad part is that the attitude some people have towards them causes many conflicts. Each one wishes to have their own religion to get the highest pedestal and create a monopoly of a kind. Religion doesn't demand that, neither does it call for a fight for influence.

In the name of "god", a business is being run. In the name of "spirituality", several generations are being fooled. We have dumb stooges proclaiming themselves gods or messengers of god. And a lot of people, being too ignorant, actually fall for this and end up losing their resources, and their identity. Worse still, the damage it causes emotionally is inexcusable. People from outside India are even more vulnerable to it because they aren't even aware of this form of fraud in existence and there is no one to warn them against it.

We are stepping into a technological age, ready to embrace a new chapter of progress in the human history, and yet we still have the demons of the past hovering over our heads trying to make us surrender to their spells. For some mysterious reason, we are not able to let this crap go. There is NO magic, NO spiritualism here, NO promises of an afterlife. For it is all an illusion that must be washed clean as soon as possible. What we have is a plain and simple mixture of people from all walks of life, trying hard to find happiness and manage survival among the evident problems that India has. Unfortunately, their vulnerability and lack of right information makes them an easy prey to these cults.

It must be emphasized that before trusting anyone, you should test them, make sure they are not cheating you or giving you false promises of happiness or a better life.

Happiness cannot be found in a place or with a special group, whether it’s BKWSO, or ISKCON, or any other of this mumbo-jumbo. Happiness is to be found in ourselves. The peace of mind can be achieved even amidst the darkest of times, even the most turbulent times. It is all right here inside US, not out there somewhere.
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post30 Aug 2009

Hi, Sid, I totally agree. The problem is that these groups promise to help you find the right path, they offer to guide you to find peace within, God, etc ...

The peculiarity of the BKWSO, is that it advertises itself as a university where you study, where there's no guru nor a hierarchy and, especially, no one in between you and God. Something unique, not lucrative and harmless. They have a brazen face, and I am tempted to suggest that you should check them out, as an incognito reporter/detective, at your own risk!

They promise to teach you a method to connect yourself (Yoga) DIRECTLY with God, as if they generously offered you a facility and then you'd be left free to DIY. You believe it for a while, it sounds good and ... you are done!! This is just one of their lies and, IMO, a very big one!!! And they call themselves the co-creators of Satyug, the age of truth, the helpers of the Satguru, Shiva!! :shock:

The BKWSO takes the student over totally, as they shame people who do not get involved fully (I just realized, this is a very important point!!) from the start, through the time of practising and even for years after one leaves (if lucky to leave). They certainly are not a discreet non-interfering, altruistic, angelic presence; they are psychic vampires, and are also after your wallet.
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post31 Aug 2009

Siddharth wrote:Happiness is to be found in ourselves. The peace of mind can be achieved even amidst the darkest of times, even the most turbulent times. It is all right here inside US, not out there somewhere.

To which the BKs will say, "yes ... yes ... yes ... that is what we teach ... what we believe ... come and learn and then you will be free to go if you want". The siren's voice ...

You are interested in God? "Yes ... yes ... yes ... that is what we teach ... what we believe ... come and learn and then you will be free to go if you want".

You have no money? "Yes ... yes ... yes ... all our course are free (but you can leave a donation over there in the box) ... come and learn and then you will be free to go if you want".

You already have a religion? "Yes ... yes ... yes ... we not are not a religion ... come and learn and then you will be free to go if you want".

You are not interested in religion? "Yes ... yes ... yes ... we not are not a religion, we are a university ... come and learn and then you will be free to go if you want".

Whatever door they need to suck you in. Just step inside our shop and have a cup of tea, it is free ... and you will be free to go if you want".

Cutting it to the bottomline, what do they really believe? Their holy ghost is the one and only god of all religions. They are the really thing, all other religions are "The Path of Ignorance" and "stumbling around in darkness". Those are direct quotes from "God".

It is not that "all paths lead to One" as they like to present (taken as it is from the pluralist Hinduism) ... it is that for the Brahma Kumaris, all other paths are false and must fail ... indeed they are only imperfect memories of the BK path from the last Great Cycle of Time (Kalpa) and their leaders, including Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed were failed BKs ... individuals who came to the BKWSU in the last Great Cycle of Time but did not pass all the test, succeed or earn a high status. Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed are all less than 50% as "spiritual" as the lowliest cremator in the Brahma Kumari's Golden Age.

This will all be pretty far out stuff for you Sid, but it is what the BK really teach you as they slowly cook your brains.

All other relationships, all other beliefs and faiths are destroyed and EVERYTHING is focused on their possessing spirit who they believe to be the god of all religions. And what, in practise, do you get? A god of all religions that over the decades of ruling the BKWSU ... did not know how many human beings there were on earth (he used to say 5 Billion only), does not know when the End of the World is (he used to say WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s and so on ...), did not even know about Judaism when he first came to Earth and possessed Lekhraj Kirpalani!!!

And what do you get in Lekhraj Kirpalani, their Christ figure? The "First and Perfect Human Being" ... who for the first 20 years of his "enlightenment" thought he was God and the "inventor of the Gita" or Gita Sermonizer - he and they honestly thought and taught he was Krishna, Brahma, Vishnu and so on - and then someone 20 years later introduced another God in his head called Shiva. And then went out of their way to hide all the historical revisions.

If you can follow all of that, use it to decide whether these standards match up to your own standards, never mind your own impressions of what God's would be.
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post31 Aug 2009

but it is what the BK really teach you as they slowly cook your brains.

Love you for this expression, ex-l!! :D This is exactly how I felt!

I am still cooling off, hoping of no permanent damage ;).


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