BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

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BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post26 Aug 2009

Hi all,

I am not with these BK guys so I cant talk about their stuff. I do like Shivani a lot, as much of her as I have seen on the show. She seems to be great at what she is doing. That’s the extent of my knowledge on them.

However, reading what some of us have written about their experience at BK's centers and their "real" teachings, I can only say that anyone who tries to make you follow the path of wisdom or the path of God through "their" method can NEVER be a genuine person/organisation. Do NOT fall for their tricks. There are tons of such so called organisations existing in India and in the world. You may have heard about the great "Iskcon" craze going around. What the heck?? They are some of the finest con-artists in the world. They are running a business of fooling innocent people by feeding off of their miseries. I guess its pretty much the same with BK and many other groups.

Follow your heart my friends, for the true wisdom lies there! And Conquer your spirits. All those things that we have heard our grandparents and parents tell us are right, we do not need to go out, spend lots of money on memberships to various groups or exclusive clubs to discover the truths. It is within us, to discover them and incorporate them in our life.

On this note, let me share with you some of the finest thoughts I got from "Dale Carnegie"

    1) Our life is what our thoughts make it.

    2) He who conquers his spirit is mightier than he who taketh a city.

    3) It is not outward situations that cause all the suffering, but what we think of
    those situations.

    4) The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven.
If you read his book "How to stop worrying and start living" you will never need to listen to another preacher in the world. I know that because I have experienced it. The book is quite cheap too, just about a 100 rupees or so. And its worth a million dollars, if not more, in the wisdom that it contains. No, I do not sell his books, neither do I get a commision out of the sales :). I am just sharing some thoughts.

Take care all,

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Re: Siddharth: Shivani and BK's real teachings

Post27 Aug 2009

Welcome Siddharth.

Yes, what we give you here is direct access to the BKWSU real teachings. Both the "formal", printed, mediumistic messages that they believe if God talking exclusively to them, and the informal teachings and beliefs that circulate within the movement.

If you look in the Encyclopedia for Murlis. You will find the former and formal ones.

So, folks, who is the confident Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani Verma, BKWSU's rising media star, and the richly dressed, attractively plump and heavily made up Kanupriya, the BK TV interviewer she appears with on Astha Channel? See, Awakening with the Brahma Kumaris ... here.

Apparently Kanupriya is "an accomplished TV anchor and actress. Kanupriya has starred in over 80 TV serials and more than 50 telefilms". Shivani is fairly lightweight by BKWSU standards in that she has only been a BK for 12 years ... but I dare say they claim she is a "second birth" BK ... and is sold as "Shivani Verma Motivational Speaker & TV Presenter" by the BKs, once an engineering student.

Of course, she tows the partyline and sticks to the propaganda version of the BKWSU history and so on. So, file under "business as usual" but, surely, BK Sister Shivani Verma is a rising start to watch within the BK world?

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Re: Siddharth: Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani & BK's real teaching

Post27 Aug 2009

Welcome, Siddharth!

OK, the way they promote their new saleswomen is claiming that, although inexperienced, they are "second birth in Gyan". Sorry, but I did not sense much peace, nor spirituality in this speech, only speed and posing. We are in the age of starlets and celebrities, aren't we?!

Maybe in her first BK birth, she was also speaking this fast and she carried the sanskar with her ... Not very Zen, I would say! Once again, a clear proof of derailment, of going against the original teachings. Yogi souls should speak less, convey soul-consciousness, help others slow down and become introspective and quiet. Here it seems that she's racing against Bolt in the 100 meters!

I know that educated indians and biz men are bilingual ... but how can you lecture in such a schizophrenic way!? I find all these new PR BK, or whatever they have been defined previously on this Forum, are absolutely sickening. Yet they are being put in shops, on stages and pedestals. Which merit do they have? What are they trying to promote, apart from themselves? From the point of view of a wholesome BK, these people are defaming the Father, Bholanath in particular, but never mind, one should not get upset ... it must be accurate in the Drama!

My energy field inevitably and automatically clashes with theirs, I must be allergic or oversensitive. They put me off and I think that no "old BK" would have even taken the 7 days course if these had been the kind of people teaching it. Well, times change and for the worse, before the dawn finally comes.

Even the BKs, apparently, haven't touched the bottom of their Kaliyug yet.

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Re: Siddharth: Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani & BK's real teaching

Post27 Aug 2009

alladin wrote:I know that educated indians and biz men are bilingual ... but how can you lecture in such a schizophrenic way!?

Is not dropping English words into sentances, for Indian Hindus, a bit like a English person using Latin or French?

Is it not meant to show off their intelligence and class? There is more, here. I agree it is quite strange.

An open question to native Hindu speakers. The interviewer called Kanupriya, who we presume is a "safe" wannabe BK or BK VIP who likes the BKs but finds the full disciplines too difficult, is full of appeal to your average Indian. That plump beauty, glossy lipstick and those rich clothes shout out "wealth". Short hair makes her look "modern". A "proper" Brahma Kumari would not be allowed to be like that.

What is she? A TV actress. Not a social reformer, nor a true spiritualist, nor a philosopher ... just famous for being on the television.

    So what does the choice of her at the front person say about who the BKWSU is targeting now?
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Re: Siddharth: Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani BK's real teachings

Post27 Aug 2009

I don't understand a word the interviewer or the BK Sister Shivani is saying, which is a good thing. This way I am not distracted and can read the vibration that lies beneath the words.

So here is my two cents: the intervierwer is sweet and feminine and whoever she is, I do not feel threatened by her. However, my heart starting pumping faster when the BK Sister started speaking. Her vibration made me uncomfortable. Maybe she was nervous about being on television. Maybe I am prejudiced. I don't know. I am probably cautious in any case.

Then when she started speaking English the anxiety rose three fold and I started to feel nauseous. So I went in further to understand my response and intuited energy that I can only describe as a bulldozer that doesn't consider what may be in the way of its' objective. In other words, "one-pointedness" that has been completely abused. No doubt I would feel sick. Always listen to your gut instinct people.


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Re: Siddharth: Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani BK's real teachings

Post27 Aug 2009

Unfortunately, I read the comments following the message I wrote yesterday. And I think I can safely say that I didnt get what anyone is trying to say here, nothing you say makes sense! Not even a little bit. What language do you guys speak??? Are you from another planet or simply trying to sound smart? Because if you are, then its not working guys. C'mon, talk like regular people. Oh, well, may be this is totally a wrong site. You guys are way too awkward for me.

Goodbye ... enjoy your "talk".

Thanks for wasting everyone's time,

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Re: Siddharth: Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani BK's real teachings

Post27 Aug 2009

rayoflight wrote:I don't understand a word the interviewer or the BK Sister is saying, which is a good thing. This way I am not distracted and can read the vibration that lies beneath the words.

Because I don't understand Hindi. When we cannot understand a spoken language, we refer to either body language or vibration to understand what the person is communicating. The BKs have a very particular vibration, or energy if you prefer, and that is what I am referring to. Every person "vibrates" depending on the thought patterns they carry in their minds, their past experiences and their personality. You can determine for yourself what a person's vibration is simply by trusting your intuition and gut instincts because they don't lie - they just tell you what is there before the mind interferes with its own ideas and opinions.
Siddharth wrote:I am not with these BK guys, so I cant talk about their stuff.

With all due respect, if you are not able to talk about the BK stuff, perhaps the messages will appear strange and cryptic to you.

I do admit your post and your private message amused me though. I am sincerely sorry that you were offended. It is quite possible that we are from a different planet but I am not able to say which one as I do not know myself. But, the people on this forum have a good grip on reality, and this is why they are here. It takes an acute sense of perception, observation, reflection, interpretation and courage to arrive here and tell the story of our experiences with this cult. The ability to live on this planet is an issue for the BKs who have brainwashed many of us into believing that what they say is information that will help us live our "last lifetime" on this beautiful planet Earth, which they would like to see destroyed.

"One-pointedness" refers to meditation technique. The focus of the mind and concentration on one single point. My point (no pun intended) was that the BKs take it too far. Like a horse with blinders on, all they can see is the finish line, or in their case, the Golden Age, the rosary of gods and goddesses, etc and so neglect to realize that there are people around and real life to contend with. Is this clearer?

BKs take themselves very seriously. Don't fall into the same trap.

And by the way, it is very possible that psychological damage has been done to many of us by having been involved with the BKWSU. So you are quite correct that psychological treatment would be advisable although perhaps you could be nicer about it.

And to answer your question, yes, there is always a vibration in my pants.
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Re: Siddharth: Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani BK's real teachings

Post28 Aug 2009

Ray, you don't need to understand, you have heard it all a 100 times during your time as a BK.
Siddharth wrote:And I think I can safely say that I didnt get what anyone is trying to say here, nothing you say makes sense! Not even a little bit. What language do you guys speak??? Are you from another planet or simply trying to sound smart?


I answered your private message to clarify the use of the Brahma Kumari terms I used. I ask your permission to re-post that reply on the forum. There is nothing complex in what I wrote. A "second-birth BK" means someone, usually a young person, who they believe was been born as a Brahma Kumari follower in their last life. They use this to explain why some followers adopt very quickly and become robot copies of older BKs. Yes, it is probably rubbish and mind control.

We are speaking English here. What we are doing is attempting to translate Brahma Kumari language and beliefs into plain English. There is also an Encyclopedia which also defines the specific terms. But we are also talking amongst ourselves and, as ex-followers, we know what these concepts mean.

I am sorry if the responses were too cryptic for you but no one is paid to answer your questions and no one want to suck you into a cult. A polite "can you please clarify what xxx means?" will get you quick answers.

It strikes me from your response that you are not ready for the BKWSU, lucky you, and that you would not fit in to the Brahma Kumaris if you are not ready for our explanation of their beliefs and language.

The BK Shivani programmes are set ups. PR jobs to promote the religion. I do not know but I will bet - on past record - that if Kanupriya is not a proper BK dressing up as a "lokik" (or worldly person), then she is at least e.g. the daughter of a BK, a useful ex-BK or a part-time adherent. She is not independent and the programmes are scripted. Sister Shivani might appear smart and "spiritual". She obviously has a good intellect. But her response are mainly "copy and paste" repetitions of standard, BK Senior Sister classes.

For me, Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani comes across as a tired robot repeating what she (and they) have repeated many, many time. In fact, what they have repeated for decades. She looks a little physically "draw" (that is English meaning overtired), as in emptied of something. They are hiding the real teachings of the BKWSU.

Informed viewers will notice that she wears a special Shiv Shakti/Lakshmi and Narayan badge which has a subtle, special meaning within the BKWSU, and denotes a 'high rank' within the BK machine, and that she is very well trusted and favored. The BKs will all be assuming she was a BK in her last life and is going to receive a "high status" in her next life because of her "karma". This is how the BKs drive their followers on. They favor young girls who are unquestioning and like mental photocopying machines to present.

I wonder what her story is? She is fairly young and so she must have surrendered her mind and body to the BKWSU in her teens, or soon after. She has swallowed, and regurgitates, a lot of the Mike George/Brian Bacon style corporate coaching ideas, e.g. "Emotional Intelligence".

Do Indian men find her physically attractive?
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Re: Siddharth: Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani BK's real teachings

Post28 Aug 2009

Here is a wierd quote from one of her talks. It would almost be funny (drown ... sucked in ...) if the logic was not so mentally ill.

What are these people talking about!?! Your wife and mother are drowning ... Sister Shivani says, "Let them sort out their own problems".
Question: I see two persons drowning - my wife and my mother, which one should I save?

Sister Shivani: I can do anything to anyone when I am not sucked into something.

You have a belief that you have to save one. (Typically, in a domestic problem). Let them sort out their own problems. Get both the mother and the wife to sit together to talk. If they are not sitting together, it doesn't get solved. Only speak the truth when both sides are present.

Question: When a person dies, who dies?

Sister Shivani: The body dies. Take a distance from the death.

She says it herself ...
Sister Shivani: : I am the 'programmer' (of my body).

The programmer has the power of the choice of instructions to feed into the computer that runs the robot.

The blog that reported it is aptly called Vacuum state.
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post28 Aug 2009

Oh, MY GOD, what trash!!!! ...

Will you not leave anyone in the BK world!!!

Come on guys, you have lost it.

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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post28 Aug 2009

ex-l wrote:Ray, you don't need to understand, you have heard it all a 100 times during your time as a BK.

I needed to justify myself because siddharth seemed to need an explanation. I could have used the BK tactic and just ignored him, or should I say be detached, but I chose to give an explanation instead because his anger, whatever the reason for it, was just that; anger.

By the way siddharth, your messages don't scare us. We've been through the BK system and have met much more terrifying demons. I am giving you the time of day because the use of speech has the power to enlighten misunderstandings in ways that silence sometimes cannot. This is why we were given a voice. Your use of force crumbles in the face of true power.
yogi108 wrote:Will u not leave anyone in the BK world!!! ...

Unfortunately, we cannot. What is false must come down. We are expressing our point of view and freedom of speech is our right. When the concept of karma is taken too far, people think that talking is bad and stop. The BKWSO over-proselytizes on this concept of silence. Silence is just a moment without inner noise. Its sacredness is meant to help bring clarity to our minds. It is not meant to be abused, and the sign of abuse is when we can no longer speak up without fear of humiliation or guilt. Entering in dialogue with people of opposing beliefs is just an exchange. If you are a serious yogi, then you would find peace in knowing this.

I can assure you that no one here will rest until justice is served. Playing with people's lives is not a game.


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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post28 Aug 2009


I am sorry to the people who write in the blog for my rude words, especially to Ex-I, Rayoflight and Alladin. I am glad they did not get affected by it. What you guys are saying now is making a lot more sense, perhaps because now I am beginning to understand more about BK culture. For the record, I am not a supporter of the BK group, I am actually neutral on this account and perhaps a little lost too.

Anyway, the bottomline is that I liked their show on tv, but if their real face is so different from what they project through media, which I totally take your word for, then, of course, the group is criminal, for it is exploiting people. The good thing is that most of you guys are out of its influence, right? Keep it up, keep living safe and happy, and don't pay attention to people who try to downgrade you. Unfortunately, I tried it too, and I am sincerely sorry about it.

Have a good day everyone,

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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post28 Aug 2009

Thanks, Siddharth. Apology accepted.


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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post28 Aug 2009

Thank you, rayoflight, for being so gracious. A kind response to rudeness is perhaps the best thing. I am reminded of the message of Gandhi, by this little mishap because of me. BTW, who says you guys need BKs or any other group to improve your lives, the fact that none of you was actually rude to me despite my behaviour (you instead tolerated me), simply shows that you have an utter control over your spirits; that in itself is a commendable thing, for it also shows a strong will power. There is hardly anyone I have ever met who has had patience with me. So, thank you indeed :).
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Re: Siddharth: BK Sister Shivani & the BKWSU's real teachings

Post29 Aug 2009

Siddharth wrote:I am sorry to the people who write in the blog for my rude words ... What you guys are saying now is making a lot more sense, perhaps because now I am beginning to understand more about BK culture.

Anyway, the bottomline is that I liked their show on tv, but if their real face is so different from what they project through media, which I totally take your word for, then, of course, the group is criminal, for it is exploiting people.

Personally, Siddharth, I think you made a good point, which is why I did not react.

The cryptic use of language and deception within the BK world IS frustrating and IS used to deceive people. Yes, you were right; we do use that BK language and do not speak plain English. Yes, I think we should attempt to speak plain English to newcomers. I actually think you have a right to become angry or frustrated and it had a positive outcome. You also had a right ... and were right ... to test us too.

Folks here have been through the "Brahma Kumari World Sausage Machine Factory". We have been processed into being "BK Sausages". That is to say, we know the 'pre-processed product' they want to make us into, and we have studied the machine well. Some of us here were even 'BK Sausage Machine Operators', e.g. Brahma Kumari teachers and centers-in-charge. But, hopefully, we have regain our humanity and have grown out of the sausage skin.

Sister Shivani is a wonderfully produced, 'new and improved', attractive packaged 'BK sausage'. One of their best at present. A bright diamond in an expensive golden setting, to use typical BK imagery. But she only looks so good because the setting is so well produced and controlled by the BKWSU. She is not challenged in any way. It is a "party political broadcast" on behalf of the Shiv Shakti Army. Propaganda.

This is one of the problems, and typifying natures, of the BKWSU. On the outside it does look and sound all very nice. It is "positive" ... if not actually very deep. But what lies within? What is the purpose for that niceness? How nice are they real when they are tested?

I am afraid, Siddarth, that is where we have the advantage of experience. For example, this website is a challenge to them not just because we question them but also because we want and try to give 100% of the truth. We provide their Knowledge, their philosophy, notes of all their historical revisions to all and anyone, so that anyone can make up their own mind ... rather than have their minds made up by the BK spoonfeeding.

How do they respond to us? They ignore us. They refuse to answer our questions. They lie about us. They make false accusations. They tried to shut us down and silence us with a legal action and so on.

I mean, come on folks, look at the reality ...
Question: I see two persons drowning - my wife and my mother, which one should I save?

Sister Shivani: I can do anything to anyone when I am not sucked into something ... Let them sort out their own problems.

Perhaps the real answer in BK language would be ... if this reads far fetched, I promise you it is 100% based on the BK's real teachings. Even down to Dadi Janki telling her followers to ignore crimes being carried out (murder I think it was).

With only 12 years involvement (1997) ... Sister Shivani is a lightweight. A pretty parrot. A tool. She has surrendered to the Brahma Kumari leadership, not God or truth. She does not even know the truth about her own religion and she does not question, just as they tell their followers not to. There are people involved here whose experience goes back to the 1970s and we have researched them back to the 1930s.
The god of Sister Shivani says: Both your wife and my mother are just devilish, body-conscious Shudras. Be detached. Do not become karmically involved with them. Forget them and remember only our Baba.

The world is about to end. All must die. Let your wife and mother to drown. Do nothing and save yourself by becoming a BK follower. Give your money and free labor to us only. Do not have a family but leave us your property. This is the only path. All other paths are the paths of ignorance.

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