Dissociation and suggestibility

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Dissociation and suggestibility

Post19 Aug 2009

Depersonalization disorder (DSM-IV Codes 300.6[2]) - periods of detachment from self or surrounding which may be experienced as "unreal" (lacking in control of or "outside of" self) while retaining awareness that this is only a feeling and not a reality.

Dissociation can be understood as the separation of mental contents that would ordinarily be processed together. The process of dissociation can be seen as an attempt to preserve some form of control, safety, and identity in the face of overwhelming stress. Dissociative defenses may give the victim a false sense of control and relief from the experience ... The ultimate goal of dissociation is to separate oneself from the full impact of the trauma.

From Suggestibility.org ... an interesting reflection on the nature of cult involvement and psychological disassociation it causes.
"A good cult leader won't give you the whole pitch up front as I did with you. A good cult leader will be deceptive and lure you in with some sort of pitch that is less hard to swallow. "We teach a simple and natural relaxation technique" would be good, for example. They won't ask you to swallow the whole belief system at once. You'll get it in spoonfuls.

[Cults] deceptively exploit the exact same vulnerabilities in normal human psychology in order to recruit and retain their members. And their members incur significant psychological injury in both groups.

Why did our "bullsh** detectors" not work? Just as with the Brahma Kumaris, the author notes that TM sellings "two TMs" ...
There is, indeed, "TM-the-relaxation-technique."
But there is also ""TM-the-dogmatic-spiritual-teaching."

TMers are lying through omission when they tell you that TM is a simple relaxation technique because their hope is that you will become involved in TM-the-dogmatic-spiritual teaching.

In other words, they are pushing both "TMs" at you at once, one overtly and other covertly.

From, Background to Dissociation.
Understanding dissociation and its relationship to trauma is basic to understanding the posttraumatic and dissociative disorders.

Dissociation is the disconnection from full awareness of self, time, and/or external circumstances. It is a complex neuropsychological process.
Dissociation exists along a continuum from normal everyday experiences to disorders that interfere with everyday functioning.

Also like the Brahma Kumari leadership, their guru was aware of the failing of their practises and the problems within their movement ... but unconcerned. From, here.
He was aware, apparently for some time, of the problem, suicide attempts, assaults, homicidal ideation, serious psychotic episodes, depressions, inter alia, but his general attitude was to leave it alone or conceal it because the community would lose faith in the TM movement.

21. Maharishi had a very cavalier, almost elitist, view about very serious injuries and trauma to meditators. His basic attitude towards the concealment of the religious nature of TM was: "When America is ready for Hinduism I will tell them."

You can just hear Dadi Janki or Mohini Panjabi ... "When America is ready for Baba-ism, we will tell them." Until then, it will all be corporate training, "American Greatness", "we are not a religion" ... and all the other twaddle they peddle as fronts for their spiritualist religion.
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Re: Dissociation and suggestibility

Post21 Aug 2009

More from "How to Know God, The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali", translated with a commentary by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood.

These passages don't necessarily represent what I believe, only that I find it interesting that a group like the BKWSO that functions so heavily from the point of view of karma, would behave with such indifference.

"How to Know God, The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali" wrote: In Hindu religious literature, there are numerous stories of men who hated God or an avatar. Kamsa tried to have the infant Krishna murdered, just as Herod tried to murder the baby Jesus. Shishupal fought with Krishna. Ravana fought with Rama. And, in all these instances, these men attained liberation. This may sound strange to a Christian; but the point made here is the spiritual value of intense feeling. It is best to love an avatar, but it is better to hate him passionately than to be indifferent to him. Indifference, as always, is the worst sin. Rajas is spiritually higher than tamas. By way of rajas, we may reach sattwa; by way of hatred we may find love. The ancient Hindus would, therefore, have disagreed with Dante, when he put Judas Iscariot in the lowest circle of Hell.

In my experience, indifference is a passive way of insulting someone. Instead of being direct and telling someone what you think of them, you ignore them and turn it inward.

BKs pride themselves on their detachment by trying to be indifferent to people and situations as we have seen in this forum. But if indifference is indeed a passive insult, and an insult is based in anger, then what is happening is a form of schizophrenia.

If we tell ourselves we are indifferent when indeed we are angry, then we will be lying to ourselves. If we continue and transform this thought into a spiritual belief such as, "I am detached, so I am above the situation and therefore, enlightened", we deepen the lie and create a double personality. There is the real personality hiding inside, whilst the "spiritual" personality is performing for the world.

How can BKs reach liberation like this? It is impossible.

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