The BKWSU's environmental initiative

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The BKWSU's environmental initiative

Post14 Aug 2009

Well said alladin!
alladin wrote:you are so busy in service and trying to keep up with all the disciplines ( including washing your self several times a day, changing the white clothes constantly, doing the laundry, cooking, offering the food ...)

I always wondered why people who were so concerned about the welfare of the planet did not realize how much water they were wasting. The average person showers once a day. The disciplines seemed more like neuroses and the amount of unnecessary waste of water was yet another sign of wasting money as well.


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Re: The BKWSU's environmental initiative

Post15 Aug 2009

Well, it seems BK is aware of that now ... BK environment initiative.
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Re: The BKWSU's environmental initiative

Post15 Aug 2009

jannisder wrote:Well, it seems BK is aware of that now ... BK environment initiative.

Aware ... or aware of its publicity value? How much is real and how much is shop window dressing to make it look good? What sort of schizophrenia is "saving the planet" when you believe and teach others that the planet must be destroyed by a nuclear holocaust before it can be "made pure"?

How deep does it go? Is Abu and the environment the beneficiary of environmental consciousness when 10,000s descend upon from all around the world during "Baba's seasons"?

What sort of hypocrisy is an 'End of the World Cult' who worships Destruction, selling itself as a 'Save the Planet' movement!?! Presumably it is all targeted at the United Nations etc, and being used for 'saving face' there?
rayoflight wrote:I always wondered why people who were so concerned about the welfare of the planet did not realize how much water they were wasting. The average person showers once a day. The disciplines seemed more like neuroses and the amount of unnecessary waste of water was yet another sign of wasting money as well.

Of you are right ... we should make them all go back to cold water bucket baths like in the old days. Only one bucket of water for each BK. :shock:

Although what you say might seem a very minor issue to a new reader, really what you are pointing your finger at is the real prevalent values present in at least the Western BKWSU.

The Brahma Kumaris like to promote themselves on the basis of wonderful "spiritual values", most of which translate to "doing nothing" in my book, i.e. "being humble" by sitting telling one's self "I am the master ocean of humility ... I am the master ocean of humility", but quickly jettisoned when it comes to any real situation where real humility is required, e.g. admitting all the idiocy of their past or telling the truth.

It is not what we think of ourselves, or say of ourselves, but how we act that speaks of our real values and, in my opinion, the slide of the last few decades has been towards strangely materialistic values and Western middle class comforts. I say "strangely materialistic values" because, to the Western mind, "materialism" is generally seen as being opposite to "spiritual values" and, if applied sincerely, "spiritual values" almost always question and doubt materialistic comforts and acquisition. Its not that the same is not true of sincerely Indian spiritualists ... its just that for a lower class of individual, contradictory hypocrisy is common fare. Its normal.

Having said all that, I am sure that for the vast majority of Brahma Kumaris, especially the Kumaris, in India, they do not enjoy such luxuries at all and their lives are still very basic.


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Re: The BKWSU's environmental initiative

Post15 Aug 2009

MY GOD you are so good.
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Re: The BKWSU's environmental initiative

Post15 Aug 2009

jannisder wrote:MY GOD you are so good

Don't worry Jannis, according to the Brahma Kumaris philosophy, as I have "taken The Knowledge" I am assured of being reborn in Heaven on Earth next Cycle ... even if only at the tail end of it because of all my sins "defaming Baba" now.

Therefore, you will be able to worship me as a Hindu deity for 2,500 years ... starting from approximately AD 4,500 (or 2,500 years from now). :shock:

For anyone else reading this:

    a) yes, that sounds ABSOLUTELY insane.
    b) no, I do NOT believe it
    c) yes, that is PRECISELY what the Brahma Kumaris really believe, what their God teaches them, and what they teach their followers to accept.
The Brahma Kumaris believe that the Brahma Kumaris are the highest human beings of all time ... who are becoming the ruling deities in a Heaven on Earth for 2,500 years ... who will them will be worshipped, in some form or another, by Hindus in the next Cycle of Time. Repeated for all eternity.

Their God tell them this. They believe that they are the real Gods and Goddess of Hinduism and that anyone who "takes" their Knowledge will become a greater or less god according to their efforts.

The Brahma Kumaris believe the world is about to be destroyed by a Nuclear Holocaust and all the continents except India sink below the oceans. In my opinion, whilst many individual BKs no doubt have a love of nature, the portrayal of the BKWSU as "environmentalist" is another callous and well-practised hypocrisy on behalf of the leadership who are desperate for the world to end as it is their only escape out of the cult.
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Re: The BKWSU's environmental initiative

Post15 Aug 2009

What a sick joke this ... green spiritual footprint? What utter hogwash, it's just more sickening PR and sucking up to the UN using, the dishonest connections they have gained, using lies and exploitation of certain members

When you think they cannot get more slimey, they get more slimey ... they may as well just declare themselves a business instead of a 'charity' and just make money openly.

At least they are adopting the name of the true guru at last.
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Re: The BKWSU's environmental initiative

Post15 Aug 2009

ex-l wrote:In my opinion, whilst many individual BKs no doubt have a love of nature, the portrayal of the BKWSU as "environmentalist" is another callous and well-practised hypocrisy on behalf of the leadership who are desperate for the world to end as it is their only escape out of the cult.

I am just wondering, what do you think some practical ways of ending a cult would be?

Mr Green wrote:they may as well just declare themselves a business instead of a 'charity' and just make money openly.

It would be more honest but first they need to learn what honesty is and churn it for at least 5000 years.
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Re: The BKWSU's environmental initiative

Post16 Aug 2009

rayoflight wrote:I am just wondering, what do you think some practical ways of ending a cult would be?

Looking at the social trajectory of other 'End of the World' religions, like the Jehovah Witnesses etc, there is not much hope. Despite numerous End of the World failures, and the same old ridiculous beliefs about a limited, numberwise chosen few, the Jehovah Witnesses somehow continues to appeal to a certain sort of individual in a certain frame of mind. I almost wrote individuals at a certain "level of spiritual evolution" but I decided I don't believe in that anymore.

I can see the Brahma Kumaris becoming the Jehovah Witness of India. I cant see them becoming any as worthy as, say, the Quakers of India or a neo Jain, Sufi or Theosophical Society-like minority religion. The BKs are not that evolved, and are too dishonest. Frankly, under Dadi Janki, they have a history of anti-intellectualism and anti-culture. At the very lowest, they will always appeal to bossy, snobby, overweight, middle-caste women who want to escape their husbands and control other people's sex lives. Ha!

There seems to be a trend of a quick rise to a peak, than an almost equally quick decline and than a long, stretched out existence. The question is ... can the BKs make it to become a mainstream religion? But because of the 'End of the World' stuff, I think not.

They would have to chuck it ... and their 'End of the World God' ... out in order to turn all their assets and wealth to good use and survive.

The best self-defense the rest of society has is immunity through education, awareness and discussion ... so keep publishing your experiences as much as you can.

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