When will Destruction happen?

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Re: When will Destruction happen?

Post30 Nov 2008

mrgreen wrote:Sorry if bad feelings have been created for anyone.

There was no need for an apology from your end. The controversy started with my post. So, I am to be blamed for it. Anyways, thanks for your support.

The killer guns have since been silenced. The blame game and introspection has started along with investigation. All evidences (including the terrorist caught alive) point to Pakistan's direct or indirect involvement. But like in the past, the West continues to support Pakistan just as the root-like souls of Islam are allowed to prosper within the Yagya.



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Re: When will Destruction happen?

Post30 Nov 2008

Someone send me this ...
To all Baba' s lucky and lovely Brothers and Sisters of the Brahmin family, who always remain safe under Baba's canopy of protection. We are now are hearing the news of Mumbai. However, for all of Baba' children, it is nothing new, because Baba has been telling us again and again for a long time now that new things will happen suddenly. So, we have been hearing all these new things, but still our Brahmin family are all safe. And no members of the Brahmin family have been harmed.

All of us heard and watched on the TV all the news as detached observers. While seeing and hearing all of that, we all have to make our minds completely still and stable. This is the practice that we have to increase to keep ourselves safe and to also give that help to others. Victory is guaranteed for all of us - this is for certain.

In Baba's sweet Yaad,
Dadi Gulzar
Baba's Instrument

Well, I think that as long all religious leaders think they are the only one with the truth, and no one else, war will continue. They shall all kill each other.
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Re: When will Destruction happen?

Post02 Dec 2008

Omshanti. The recent attack on Mumbai city by the terrorists has found a mention in the latest Avyakt Vani that has been narrated on 30.11.08. bk-tipit has produced the official English version of the same. A relevant extract of the same is reproduced below:
BapDada spoke not wrote:"Speaking to Rameshbhai: Is your health OK? (Rameshbhai gave Baba news of Mumbai): All the centres are safe. Nevertheless, Bombay belongs to the Father. It is the Father's family. However, you definitely have to increase what the Father said: Full stop and tapasya. This is nothing. You will not be able to come out of your homes; you will not be able to open any windows, so what will you do then? A lot worse than this is going to take place."


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Re: When will Destruction happen?

Post03 Dec 2008

The rest of the nonsense is here.
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Re: When will Destruction happen?

Post03 Dec 2008

Doomsday 2012

The Mayan calendar is based on the time our Milky Way takes to make a complete orbit around the Pleiades Cluster, and not on the Earth's movement around the Sun, like the modern-day calendars. It is a mystery as to why they chose this phenomenon for the calendar or how they even knew about it. Earth going under water and life vanishing has been fodder for many books. But none has given as specific a date for it as the Mayans. Going by Mayan prophecy, the world is to come to an end on 21/12/12 — four years, a month and four days from now ...

But an alarming fact is that the magnetic poles swap places every 750,000 years, and currently this phenomenon is 30,000 years overdue ...

On October 21, 1844, thousands of Americans left their homes and went to the hills to wait for the end of the world. The reason: For 12 years, their leader, William Miller, preached that the Big Day was near, and now it had arrived. The next morning they came down from the hills, brokenhearted. The world was still there, and so were they. History books call it the Great Disappointment.

The most recent prediction dated the end of the world to December 1999. Around 41 such predictions were made in the years preceding it, but none came true ...

Till the 19th century, there were 63 predictions for the end of the world ...

In another instance, the Old Believers in Russia had the outlook that the end of the world would occur in 1669. 20 thousand burned themselves to death between 1669 and 1690 to protect themselves from the Antichrist ... What can be done for the Doomsday?


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Re: When will Destruction happen?

Post31 Jul 2009

Dear All,

can please send the web page of the BK/PBK forums :)?


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