Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

Detached Rayo????? No!!! We cannot detach ... cool, we can!! We all have to get involved in this! We all have complaints so we all have to drop all complaints to the authorities all over the world! If not ... then ten years we still are here discussing things going nowhere!

Although some people are doing all the work right now, we all have to do our duty to expose the BKWSU to our community, the world and the media.

All BK teachers who told us all the lies can make up for it now. And let me tell you, it feels good! Any chance you (we) get, to expose this kind of wrongdoing to humanity needs to be reported, it is our duty!

Where are the letters of concern? And it is time we make a plan! Any suggestions??



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

jannisder wrote:It is time we make a plan! Any suggestions??

To support their efforts, maybe get permission from Kerwin/Torch to release certain documents to media, including this latest as a news release, that documents have gone to authorities with allegations?
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

Hi kerwin,

Great to see you here personified as kerwin. I am positive, that your presence here can help countless voluntary victims of the BKWSU to liberate themselves from their jail of BK belief system or at least to have a detached look at the whole BK system.

Thank you for your good wishes. With all my respect for your groups legendary courage and without wanting to hurt you, I must say that I have not believed, since I woke up from my Kumbakarna sleep in the nonsense of the BK's "Cycle" and "Karma" theories, in the goodwill of the spirits coming to the mediums of BKWSU and in the goodwill of the Seniors - of course.

There have been and are such good and elevated human beings radiating good energy to humanity in every period of the history and in every community in front of our eyes. That the BKs should consider what they really get from the abusive, hypnotizing, life sucking energies of Bap and Dada and the Seniors. Pukka BK life is devastating like drug addiction.
kerwin wrote: whilst empathising with us as if we are victims. None of us in this group feel or see ourselves in that light, though we accept that we are allowed (gave permission) to be abused actively or passively.

Reading your post, kerwin, it is obvious that you ALL are accepting yourselves to be voluntary victims. This could be also a choice of life, as long as it is chosen with one's free will. But I have seen and experienced that in the BKWSU, a whole system of deception is perfectly functioning to make the believers into voluntary slaves and to suck their energies in such a degree; that they have no energy left to think beyond the BK paradigm and to free themselves.

Please accept my sincere wishes to each and every contributor of your group to gain your long lost lives back again with great strength and independent intuition.

Sorry, but I am too realistic to see, for me there is no hope for the whole rotten system and decayed beliefs of the BKWSU. I don't think any reforms can be helpful in such a corrupted system.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

kerwin wrote:Hi. we'd sent this as an email to the Admin earlier , but just in case they are away, or not able to post, we are using this user id to post our response. Hope that is OK. This has been also emailed to centers worldwide and some BK individuals.

Hi Kerwin,

First off, I admire your collective faith in the potential of the BK movement to be reformed, and your dedication in working for many years towards that goal. I wish you success in your work. Probably we shared experiences at the ironing table, or in the kitchen, or in the hot Madhuban courtyard with its smells of dust and the cooking fires of the Rajasthani natives.

I am still working on self-awareness. I have decided not to focus on self transformation and world transformation. I am learning I need a full measure of self-embrace. "Think good, speak good and do good, and you will be good." Is that what Gyan teaches, or was that my own shallow interpretation? At any rate, I've officially given up on the external coercion approach to inner transformation, as of 1994. Congratulations to me on my 15th ex-birthday!
Question: Did Sister Nirmala really give up her independent ruling position as head of Asia Pacific etc happily?

Okay, this is the juicy stuff that I want to ask about, having been under her feathery and furry wings at a sufficiently safe distance to be mostly left alone.

Or tell me (or pm me) who I should ask:

What precipitated her departure from Oz? Last I heard, she was the only one capable of guiding "with love and law" the individualistic and outspoken souls of that beer-drinking land. Was there a rebellion, and if so, how did it begin? How did the Oz family express their grievances? What where the skirmishes, and the final battles?

Who should I speak to get updates about Oz BKs and ex-BKs I still remember, who were my family and friends for some years ... Martin, Bholonath, Pam, Judy (married?), Maureen Chen? What of the Timmins Brothers? And Michael, the immortal composer of irreverent songs?

I am a sympathetic observer of the Great Mahabharat War, a sometime medic. I leave the fighting to those with the fiery energy of youth.

Blessings to all on both sides

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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

jannisder wrote:Detached Rayo????? NO!!! We cannot detach ... cool, we can!!

I was being facetious jannisder! It was a reference to all the things we are supposed to be according to the BKs.

Of course, I don't think we have to be "detached"!!! That would go against everything I have shared so far! Sorry if you misunderstood or if I was unclear. The last thing I want to do here is to give anybody the impression that I support the extremist teachings of the BKs.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

kerwin wrote:It is necessary to amputate gangrenous limbs if they are going to kill the whole being. That will hopefully allow the cleansing process to begin.

Its insane that it has been allowed to carry on as long as it has. Top marks and keep on the case. You've been incredibly patient and accommodating to them and are equally courageous.

We are talking about "evil" here folks. You may not believe it, some might mock me for using such an unfashionable term, but that is what it is.

Evil is not big, bad and ugly ... it can be insidious, subtle and shadowy. My prediction is that it and they will hold on for as long as they can, like vampires, so don't expect it to go easy or forever. They are cocky as hell, having got away with it for so long, and I expect you will have to continue sticking to your principles and working consistently. I'd love to know what some of those skeletons are ... I'd love to see the whole truth (however it ends) come out.

I, too, would also like to see some of the witness statements or hard evidence. There may be some details on the tax/financial abuse side that you have missed. Most of the work others pass on to me is, here, in the public domain ... except that which is still "work in progress". Send me a private message if you want to supply information which clear indication of what can be made public and what not.

Was anyone else there at January the 18th to put a name on the Madhubanwasi?

Amazing ... a wife and children!
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post26 Mar 2009

I left maybe 6 years ago and I know who it was. In fact, I mentioned about him elsewhere, but as I have no concrete proof I went no further ... but I remember the family thing and some embezzlement was there too ... come on ex-l.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post04 Apr 2009

rayoflight wrote:I was being facetious jannisder!

I know and no hard feelings ... but we must not fal asleep ...

Any news from the torch??


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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post16 Jun 2009

No news, good news????
Today Baba says, "This time is the most valuable. It is now that you have to make effort and fully surrender yourself to the Father". We the Children of God are Checkers and Makers; Today I surrender everything to my Eternal Husband.

"Some feel insecure. However, look how Baba has been looking after His children since the beginning. We need to learn to have faith in Baba. By surrendering you actually escape from all enemies – death and the world of sin - and come to the One who offers all support. However, true surrender means to surrender in such a way that you think body, mind and wealth do not belong to you but to Baba. Samarpan – means nothing is mine – it means that I have not hidden anything away. Some give to Baba but, after some time, want everything back. They do not see what they have taken or what they have eaten. I have to be loyal and honest with Baba in the same way as a husband and wife are loyal to each other. There is great importance in honesty. The Yagya is actually sustained through honesty. To become honest, keep your eyes and your mind fixed on Shiv Baba and follow Brahma Baba. To do this is to be true and honest."

- Beloved Dadi Gulzar Ji

By surrendering, you actually escape from all enemies (your friends, family, children. Why? Because they see the change and wonder what is going on and ask questions about your new behavior. So escape and questions are not asked and the Yagya has full power to manipulate you.

Is the Yagya actually sustained through honesty???? :shock:
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post22 Jun 2009

Hi jannisder,

Thank you for posting that. I think it epitomizes the hypocrisy of the institution.



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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post08 Dec 2009

Dear Brothers & Sisters from the "Torch":

My name is Pablo Munoz. I am from Chile. I was a BK from 1994 to 2005. I visited Madhuban 5 times, lived at Raja Yoga centres and moved for 2 years to Paraguay to start a BK centre there. Nowadays, I am happily married and carry on a personal spiritual life, and keep sharing what I believe to be true of the many beautiful and useful teachings learnt in the BK company. Our journeys are not the same apparently today. Who knows tomorrow.

It is always a good thing that souls seek for justice, which is of course a value. Nevertheless the ways in which justice or any value is pursued makes the difference. Sadly, it is difficult to distinguish the difference between the abuses you comment and the abusive language you use to describe them (pedophilia, and words that are definitely not spoken from the soul conciousness you declare to defend). It is a contradiction. And a contradiction many of those that have commented your letters have also committed.

It is essential to be a better example in all ways, than those you intend to correct. To threaten them with certain actions, is most likely, from my humble point of view, shocking and abusive. Certainly I do not share your aproach on these matters, but I definitely respect you and acknowledge the issues you stated, some of which I witnessed. I do not like to get trapped in the past.

I know almost as a fact that the BKWSU will not change in the degree. This is not the first revolution and it will not be the last. They have and will continue to sort them all out. Because that is why they choose their NCO and RCO. For political reasons. This is the same all over the world. This is the reason for many of their actions, towards souls in places of position or money. If you do not understand this, if you do not see this, you are blind and choose to remain blind.

I tried to change th BKWSU myself, until I realized the souls assigned as instruments are where they are, not by mistake, but for political reasons. The BKWSU has a political agenda, and it always has had. The giant contradicition in which you swim everyday (and others have commented it), is that God spoke the Murli and directs personally the BKWSU, then there is no possibility of mistake. Then you are opossing the God you believe in. I understand it is not God who speaks the Murli ... What do you understand??? ... or believe??? Once one realizes something, one has to move on. That is the price we all have to pay for understanding ...

Refering to matters of spiritual knowledge, here are some things I would like to share with you, and I hope they may help clarify your own thoughts. Whatever path you choose to be in, now and in the future, please receive my respect and admiration for making efforts to bring about justice in an institution that you love, in your lives and the world as well. And thank you for sharing your letters and your efforts to this regard.

Churning about Gyan (2006):

First of all, allow me to express my deepest gratitude and admiration for all the lovely seva perform through the BK institution (Yagya), through which I learnt how to rest my mind, become soul aware, God-conscious, and adopt a spiritual way of life, including a life of service. Definitely, I would continue to be long lost if it weren't for the Raya Yoga Experience and Knowledge received through the Yagya. For that I am eternally thankful.

Because of this gratefulness, and the great transformations ocurred in my life after my spiritual birth, I became gradually envolved in the Yagya, and more and more surrendered. Especially my first 4 years were the best, in love with Baba, the Yagya and this life of Seva. Everything aligned. There were efforts, but above all blissfull surrender. I never thought that could change. I had found everything, far more than my wildest dreams.

In those times, whenever there was something I did not understand or did not share, I would leave it aside and focus on the valuable part or the things I certainly shared. And above all, if I could experience God (Baba) through this knowledge, that was enough proof (in the meantime) for the rest of The Knowledge to be true aswell. In this way, I kept my mind free of worries, and free to enjoy. And many answers and understanding (wisdom I may say) came to me by surrendering to the process of being enlightened in the company of the ONE.

Today, things have changed, and according to The Knowledge of the Drama, it is for the better. Thus I cannot enjoy the Murlis as before, nor can I surrender to a Yagya that I do no longer feel close to; that does not represent my most essential beliefs and values (even though we share many others) ...

These lines are a bridge between those 2 dimensions of this one's story: the lovely and sweetest life of an angel in love with Baba and the whole world surrounding Him, and the present, suppossely to be better ... I feel happy and at peace with my history, and salute joyful every decision made in the best of my capacities ... just glancing what is next ...

Shiv Baba and Brahma Baba: Knowlwdge of the Drama

One of the most delightful things to experience in the BK life (for me at least) is to listen to the Murli merged in Yoga, like it is really God speaking to you. The Bliss is unlimited. But, as time has gone on, I have encountered many discrepancies with my understanding, that today do not allow me to experience it as God's Knowledge. Even if my wish is to be able to experience it again ... Here, the reasons:

1.- It is said that only the last 5 years of Brahma Baba's life were considered for the main set of Murlis (Sakar), that we listen daily in the BK's Centres. It is said that these were more refined, elevated, because he was more refined and elevated. This means the Murlis from the 28 years before were not as elevated or refined. Thus, Murlis reflect the spiritual progress of a human soul, a great soul, a powerful soul, Brahma Baba (BB)

    FACT: If the last Murlis are better than the first ones, they are human creation. In this case, a creation of Brahma Baba, and even additions by others like the essence, question and answer, atributed to Didi.
2.- Some ideas and language used in the Murlis, cannot, in my understanding be atributed to GOD. Since Shiv Baba is the Father of all, and ever pure and complete, He is unable to see a stain in any soul, and continues to be closest Soul of all for every and each soul, regardless of any difference among them, and regardless of their knowledge, actions, or spiritual stage. But in the Murlis, very often there are terms used that are very human, and not Godly universal. Such as "Traitors" for those who leave the BK spiritual life, oftenly used, in these Murlis that are considered the best of the 33 years of Brahma Baba in front of the Yagya. Or "Criminal Eyes", "Criminal Behaviour", the "pure ones" opposite to the "impure ones". Or that "God loves specially so and so for such reason".

    FACT: Any considered a traitor, would be considered so in relation to Brahma Baba´s spiritual style of life and the community that supported it´s members, not only spiritually, but also physically. These are words from a human beings, never from God. Gos "speaks" of eternal essence, not of various degrees of stages.
3.- The idea that this is said by God, leads to the creation of a BK culture, which I represented and upholded aswell fos a long time, that subtly condemns those who choose another path. The best example of this is that if you are not in Gyan with th BK's, you are under the influence of Maya. Therefore, any other thing different from Gyan, or opposed, is definitely Maya's influence. No other option. This is said in the Murli. There is only one path, one Shrimat. All the rest is parmat and manmat, Maya, Ravan. Light and Darkness. Alternatives are therefore excluded beforehand because there is only one truth. This is too close to fanaticism, the denial of reasoning, based on the "fact" that this is "GOD's word". This culture of condemning the outer cultures is direct creation from the Murli.

    FACT: Again is a Human being separating things, making differences, creating extremes, that represent "his only path", and this way of focusing on life brings upon a culture, a "way of doing and relating". This culture is anti-universal and not appealing to me ...

4.- The aspect that corrections are made to the Murli very often, to update it to the present times, is an issue that at least is very suspicious. When I entered the BK's 14 years ago, I heard that the total number of souls was 5 billion. Ten years later the population of the planet had reached 6 billion, so the figure in the Murlis were updated to such number. Soon we will reach 7 billion, and no doubt the number will be updated. When I taught Raja Yoga, I firmly quote the 5 billion number of souls in existance. I cannote quote a number anymore. Then, who quote's a number in the Murli? And why?

    FACT: It is a human creation, probably intended to stimulate efforts by listening to a number that conveys the feeling that the end is close. Strategy again is a human creation. The One Who Is does not require strategies.
Because of all these aspects (there other facts less important), against my wish, I am oblished to accept by my power of understanding that the Murlis, do not come from GOD, but are Brahma Baba's Creation. Being "alone" now, meaning away from the mainstream of the BKs, having to find my own way instead of following the tracks of someone else, I recognize further more the value and greatness of this soul. But I cannot call him God, nor that it was God speaking through him.

The best explanation so far, is that Angelic Brahma Baba is speaking in God's name, and there is Sakar Brahma Baba also speaking and making efforts. The 2 stages of BB speaking through one voice. In fact, this is what the trance messengers saw in the Subtle Regions. When the Murli refers to God´s words, it is usually preceeded by "Shiv Baba says", "the Father Says", "God says" ... quoted from a third person perspective.

I wish I could listen to the Murli merged in the Bliss of feeling that God is speaking to me ... Today, despite my wish, it is imposible, and I don't see how it could change. Maybe I could write (become instrument) for some alternative (presently I am doing so). But I could never say that it is God speaking through me, or that it is said by God.


I never had much of a problem with the Drama and The Cycle. There are certain issues that are only answered through this knowledge (in my view), such as the existance of pyramids on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, together with similar astronomical knowledge and technologies, that in my undertanding, reflect a common cultural background from a previous global civilization, that later was fragmented (beginning of Copper Age of course). And also the understanding of different quality souls, this is, new and old souls, those coming on stage recently and others from a long time. Different souls with different paths and needs. Very important to understand. The 3 worlds, the 3 aspects of time, the different ages in The Cycle, the eternal predestination or repetititon. All clear, that are well integrated together. That make sense as a whole.

But still there are some blackholes that don't seem to fit quite well in this perfect history and geography of creation (Of course, and in any case, is BB who has the experience of the Drama and The Cycle, and therefore this knowledge. I understand that GOD HAS NO EXPERIENCE OF THE DRAMA).

Today, I saw a science program on TV about the Universe and time. It was said that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old, and that life exists since 3.5 billion years ago. And that this life was mostly unicellular for 2 billion years until animals started developing and evolving. OK, obviously there is a problem here. Time. Measured by present science, it exceeds greatly the 5,000 years of The Cycle. Measured by the decomposition of uranium, which seems to be very accurate. I used to think that if the spiritual energy of the deities is so elevated, it must also affect the vibrations of matter, making it more subtle, with a higher vibration. These would mean that matter at the Golden Age vibrates at a higher level than today, and instead of decaying steadily in time, it has been decaying exponentially. And this could create the great distorsion in time calculation for science. I used to think in this way to harmonize both sources of knowledge.

The problem is that even considering so as a possible explanation, it would still situate all living beings at the same time in history. This is, all the fossils from the animals and people from the Golden or Silver Ages would be dated at the same time, coexisting at the same time.

Unfortunately, science demonstrates that as we go further back in time (analyzing older and older phosils), we come across simpler and simpler living beings. That is, there were no other living beings at that time.

One of the laws on which the Drama is built on is that of cause and effect (also known as karma). This law is also embraced by science. Before logical reasoning and scientific method, spontaneous generation was accepted to refer to the origin of life and species. Scientific observation eliminated this concept, researching for the causes of the effects observed, moving forward in this way. Science that is said to be a means for the creation of the coming Paradise on Earth.

So according to science, and it has been proven vastly enough, life has progressively evolve from simple uniceluler froms into complex living beings, for over billions of years. But even if they were only 5,000 years, the lifeforms would have all the same date of existance. In fact, their coexistance in time would prove The Cycle. But it is not this way ...This is a blackhole of The Cycle explanation of time. And the Dinosaurs, of course, among all these creatures. Scars on Earth surface, on other planets, that happened long before the 5,000 years.

This is a big problem in order to accept The Cycle theory. And how can you accept something you don't understand? is not that Fanaticism, the denial of reasoning? ... The Evolution theory is not better than The Cycle one, but there are blackholes in both. They both have advantages and disadvantages ... What to accept as true? Why? How?

The Yagya: SEVA

When I fell in love with Baba, I fell in love with His seva and the Divine Family, as most of us do probably. Later I saw that the Yagya was not as spiritual as I expected, and then decided to become the example of what I expected for others. I was happy and at peace from that perspective, in Baba's lap. As time went on, I started to think that there were 2 yagyas: the one visible with the centre in charge Sisters, etc, and another one, subtle, invisible, made by the higher vibrations of the true yogi souls in Baba's Yaad.

This was a comforting thought and image, under which I could find shelter and offer shelter to others, beaten by the clash of sanskaras within the gathering. In the last years of my spiritual carreer in the BK's, I found a lot of opposition from the centre in charge souls in Chile and Argentina. I used to think that they were not representative of the true Yagya, because they did not respect the value of the souls that they were intended to serve from their positions (in my view). I am not giving names, because it's not important. I also met one Dadi in Madhuban (yes, the same one), and told her about my story, coming into Gyan in 1994, leaving celibacy in 1998, coming gradually back to spiritual life and BK disciplines from 2001, and moving to Paraguay in 2003 to start a centre there.

I told her I was so blissfull, and those days Baba had been saying in the Murlis that we are great souls and great tapaswi souls. I shared my bliss with her. Jayanti Bhen was translating. Dadi became upset and told I was not a great soul nor a tapaswi soul. She denied Baba's words. I accepted her words without placing them in my heart, I blessed her because it is my nature to bless, and next day Jayanti bhen cheked on me to see if I was OK, acknowledging my courage (an apology I felt).

I started to understand that some or many of those souls who are directing centres, are doing so not only because of spiritual skills, but also, and sometimes, mainly, because of political reasons. I was very surprised when a Sister in charge told me that BK's have a political agenda with world governments. That was something I was never told about and definitely not interested to be part of. I understood that that Sister and many others were (are) representing well BK's interests, and those are not only spiritual but also political.

Many souls, including me, used to think that they were there by mistake, that in time the Yagya would change them, but that never happened, because they were not a mistake. They are functional to their purpose, and the BK's are well represented by such souls. Therefore, such institution does not represent me. I do not feel close to such way of leading, that goes back to Brahma Baba's example, often shown to scorn other souls (described in the biography of some who lived with him), and who would use words as "traitors". Probably there is no perfect human organization ... but this cannot be GOD's institution. There are some who are very holy too. These happens in other institutions too.

I feel it is OK with this for now. Excuse me if it was too much. I was eager to share.

Please comment on my thoughts, and add others if you wish. You may disagree with everything I've said. It would be interesting to listen to your arguments, from a scientific background and your spiritual experience.

Blessings from the Heart, Merged in the Light that Brings us together, Pablo.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post08 Dec 2009

Pablo wrote:... they choose their NCO and RCO. For political reasons. This is the same all over the world. This is the reason for many of their actions, towards souls in places of position or money. If you do not understand this, if you do not see this, you are blind and choose to remain blind. I tried to change the BKWSU myself, until I realized the souls assigned as instruments are where they are, not by mistake, but for political reasons. The BKWSU has a political agenda, and it always has had.

... I started to understand that some or many of those souls who are directing centres, are doing so not only because of spiritual skills, but also, and sometimes, mainly, because of political reasons. I was very surprised when a Sister in charge told me that BK's have a political agenda with world governments. That was something I was never told about and definitely not interested to be part of. I understood that that Sister and many others were (are) representing well BK's interests, and those are not only spiritual but also political.

Thank you for your impressive first post ... an instant "Classic Post", in my opinion.

Can you tell us more about the political aims and activities of the Brahma Kumaris?
To threaten them with certain actions, is most likely, from my humble point of view, shocking and abusive.

I am not so sure about this bit though.

It strikes me that some of the Brahma Kumaris mental and social conditioning is designed to silence and 'disempower' the individual. We have often discussed the mafia-like "Omertà" BKs practise (do not question, do not tell) and the fear-based nature of the many of the leader's teachings.

How would you have handled the situation and what would you have done?

I think what they did was quite correct. I am sure they all tried in as many humble "yogi" ways, at all levels first, before deciding on what action to take. They gave the leadership a chance to put their house in order. It was ignored ... as we all expected. Then they carried out their promise. Personally, I find the arrogance of the BKs and the BKWSU's leadership stunning at time. They really do see themselves as "above the law". Honesty and "truth" have entirely 'flexible' meanings to them. It seems to be that they think if they remember Baba and do the dirty deed, they will receive no karma!

For example, Hansa Raval, the BK that started legal action to crush this website because someone posted a copy of a news report that called her medical claims "kooky", also filed immigration applications for highly-paid, male, Indian BKs claiming that they were "full-time priests" as well. A joke when you remember how many times the BKs also claim they are "not a religion". We all know the BKWSU has no "priests". Why does a non-religion have "priests"? And we can all guess what it was all really about ... the money they would surrender to Baba. Or her center.

In this day of global terrorism, the fact is the Brahma Kumaris' crimes and wrongdoings ... as real as they are ... are probably seen as too small and too hard to prove. And ... I know this from governmental sources SPECIFICALLY about the Brahma Kumaris ... some official departments are afraid of being accused of being racist because the BKs are, at face value, Indian and can play the "race card", i.e. claim they are the victim of racial or religious prejudice (spiritual bad jokes, really, to discover the teachers of "soul consciousness" hiding behind "body-consciousness" as a defence and a non-religion is claiming religious rights!!!).

But a) it will all go on record and, b) the leaders, and especially their "fall guy" middle management, will be made to think twice about what they are doing.

This is also what this site is about. Up until know, the leaders of the BKWSU have had such control over their mental slaves that they have not had to fear exposure. Victims of abuse had no where to come together and document the real truth.

Now there is a growing record of the truth ... good and bad.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post09 Dec 2009

ex-l wrote:Now there is a growing record of the truth ... good and bad.

And the ugly - suicides, abuse :shock:.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post11 Dec 2009

Pablo wrote:It is essential to be a better example in all ways, than those you intend to correct.

I hope you come back to pick up on some of this Pablo, in particular to discussions of the political aims of the BKWSU, but I would like to pick up on this point too.

"A better example in all ways" appears to me to be unrealistic to ask. Too much of a "Brahma Kumarism". I think all that is required in ordinary humanness, and a bit of public concern is a good thing. I think the Brahma Kumari leaders put their adherents in a state of far too high a demand of perfection ... especially given the level of their own collective integrity.

For me, it translates as "keep staring cross-eyed at your own reflection ... don't question for a moment at what we are up to ... never dare challenge us ... and never, never spill the beans to the outside world".

Pedophilia within the BKWSU ranks was what the leadership kept covered up and denied. If there is such a thing as "soul-consciousness", I am sure that 'objectivity' is part of it.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris Raise Issue of Abuse with BKWSU Leadership

Post30 Dec 2009

Pablo, though I understand and relate to your words wholeheartedly, there are things that happened that perhaps you being a male did not witness.

At the end of my 10 years, I saw how things and consciousness within the BKs, even at Madhuban, had degraded. I witnessed how a Madhubaniwasi invited a young pre-teen from Spain to his room. The mother was horrified, as was I, but I justified it thinking it was just a bad apple. However, in my last visit there, I also saw how Madhubaniwasis 'flirted' with me indiscriminately, which at the time confused me endlessly. One of the things that I most enjoyed about the BKs was the purity. It was beautiful to live a life without sex and the sexual tension between man and woman, though I saw it present at times. I was innocent enough to think that all who were there were as 'pure' and dedicated as I. Not so.

I also remember when you told me about how Dadi Janki reacted to your 'impurity' and return to the BKs. She said you were not an angel. Those were harsh words that confirmed to me that neither was she. It was a few months later at Peace Village that my internal turmoil reached a peak with her presence there. That was the beginning of my end with the BKs. I think, unlike you, the letting go has been much more difficult. I loved God and now don't know how to love Him.

There is a great danger that many of us ex-BKs may use The Knowledge, and what we learned, to consider ourselves mini-gurus. I don't dare fall into that trap. I am just remembering that my purpose is to give, to love, to understand, and not want or need that in return. I saw how 'ego' took possession of so many BKs in the name of seva. It was a game I was not willing to play, though I must admit it did pull me in at times, which led to disasters. I have no need to shine in the light of others, only in my own self and to my own God.

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