Dadi Janki and the Janki Foundation

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Dadi Janki and the Janki Foundation

Post21 Jul 2006


I don't know whether to feel sorry for these folks or upset and angry for what they do do to others lives but from ;

Mount Abu: Shantivan MEDIA CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION-2006 : 8th-12th Sept'06 "Media For Promoting Peace & Good Wishes"; Peace and Good Wishes flyer.

Its official ... Dadi Janki is "Enlightened" !!! And mentioned in the same paragraph as Moses, Buddha, Mahavir, Christ and " all those that have experienced revelation of self and Almightly ".

BKWSU wrote:Enlightened Dadi Janki preaches that peace is the treasure of humanity, which is the legacy to be inherited from the Almighty.

Hold on a moment ...
    Doesn't the BKWSU teach that Moses, Buddha, Mahavir and Christ are all hellish Copper Aged souls who never were not in touch God at all and have to come back to the BKWSU for instruction this Confluence Age? Are we sure they have been to the Raja Yoga Centre yet?
I don't get this. As BKs we were meant to practice divine virtues and be so entirely honest to the organization that we had to actually confess our mortal sins to them but yet it is OK for them to tell porkies to what they would call Shudras?

It seems to me to be one sauce for the goose and sauce for the gander.
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Post21 Jul 2006

Man they is digging a deep grave.


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Post22 Jul 2006

In Murlis, it is always said no soul is yet perfect.

Though it may not be DJ who is really aware of the official statement, but just her worshippers (Bhakti).
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Post25 Jul 2006

Given that weakness is illusion, are we not all enlightened? Or is that cutting to the chase for some? Maybe they want to spin the glory hunting thing out a bit longer.

By all acounts, Dadi could have gone with the Advance Party at one point but chose to stay in her body here. It makes you wonder what wonderful things were on offer "there".

Ohh we are awful, but I like us.
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Post26 Jul 2006

Hi Sparkal!

Still walking the path?

sparkal wrote:Given that weakness is illusion, are we not all enlightened? Or is that cutting to the chase for some? Maybe they want to spin the glory hunting thing out a bit longer.

Who gave us that weakness is an illusion? What does enlightened really mean? Not that I want answers; my question is really how can they be "answers" if after hearing them I am still weak and in the dark? Is it even possible for there to be _an_ answer, The Answer? Would it be like a line of people coming into a room through one door walking, and going out the other door dancing? The BKs say, "Yes we have The Answer(tm)."

I _was_ in the ecstasy of finding my true identity and true family at the beginning ... The BKs have examples, "here are our Brothers and Sisters who live in the world and follow purity and live according to the highest code of conduct. You can do the same." For those who can and want to, more power to you. To those who feel bad because they cannot or don't want to, I say don't worry, the map is not the territory. We all must explore for ourselves.

To become cookie-cut out gingerbread BKs is not enlightenment, in my opinion.

There are very together people who don't have the Spiritual Aura(tm) or Special Spiritual Language(tm), that I consider to be deeply aware. It is great to have such people for friends. The are a light for me, yet even so, I make decisions for myself. Not everyone who joins the BKs give up their personal power; I know that I did.
By all acounts, Dadi could have gone with the Advance Party at one point but chose to stay in her body here. It makes you wonder what wonderful things were on offer "there". Oh, we are awful, but I like us.

Gollum wrote:"Oh we is awful, hissss, but we likes us, yessssss, especially when we have our precioussss".
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Post26 Jul 2006

We can deny our own complete natural self if we wish, but it will not change anything. It is not so much a question of being on the / a path, it is what path we are on which matters perhaps. Paths make it easier to get to where you are going. Better if you build your own perhaps, though there is no telling if you are heading for a cliff edge.

I suggest you stay away from strange Indian or other cults in future and find something which DOES work for you. All we have is our own personal experiences, which vary from person to person.

Most "newer" souls have far more virtue than certainly I do. Not something I am going to get hung up on. When I look around me, I see far worse things going on than what the BKs are up to. It is important even in glimpses to get true perspective, which can perhaps cause bitterness. The BKs are / will find that they don't control the game.

And, if we are being honest, for an old woman, Dadi J IS an amazing person. She may not be able to do much about the glory hunters who are after a peice of her action. It is time they found their own action, and let go of the ignorance / religion.

For me, I have recieved a peice of the Pure One's action. I now have to work out how best to use it while leaving the worthless stuff behind. No matter how deep my sense of loss. What's for us does not go by us.

Did I misssss something, I haven't turned into a fly eater have I? We cannot assume anything about anyone. Well we can, but it does not mean that it is so. Better watch myself, I will have BKs white nosing me thinking that I am some sort of "mic".
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Dadi Janki

Post11 Oct 2006

I was looking at Amazon today and say Janki Kirpalani's book " Wings of Soul". I am not going to buy one although there are "34 used & new available from $0.01" at the current time.

I must flag up the usual BK spin, as is my sanskar to do so. It says;
About the Author

Disregarding the constraints of social conventions including the caste system, Dadi Janki became one of the few active women spiritual leaders just following India's independence, traveling throughout India, teaching self-reliance and empowering women to become leaders in their communities. Her concern for the well-being of others has always been a driving force in her life. Much of her youth was spent in serving the sick by comforting them with religious stories and humble prayer

Now, I have always rated the BKs for what Lekhraj Kirpalani did for the girls. It trully was revolutionary and could have/could still lead to great things. BUT ... this PR spin ... "Much of her youth was spent in serving the sick by comforting them with religious stories and humble prayer". Are they trying to re-market her as Mother Theresa?

So what are they talking about? 300 or 400 go off on retreat at Lekhraj Kirpalani's expense. Now and then one or two get sick. It was BK Janki's task to help look after the ones in sick bay? That is not really that tough. It is not as though she was out there in the slums pulling maggots out of lepers wounds, is it? And as for humble prayer and "religious stories" . What absolute bullsh**. BKs don't pray. They don't even meditate for others. They don't do Bhakti. They think the religious scriptures are impure. So what does this translate to in reality? She read them some Murli notes ... ?

In my opinion, that fact that after nigh on 70s year of BK Raja Yoga meditation, Murli study and darna she goes along with these lies is condemnation enough of her. What is going on in there!?!

I will leave others to comment on "Her concern for the well-being of others". I always thought she was more interested in pulling the cash in and putting the Brothers down. If truth be know, I am sorry but I cannot say that she ever really inspired me that much and I loathed all the Dadi worship the Sisters used to get up to ...


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Re: Dadi Janki

Post11 Oct 2006

ex-l wrote:Much of her youth was spent in serving the sick by comforting them with religious stories and humble prayer

Dear soul. Om Shanti. Do you indeed now all about Janki's youth. I mean exactly. What was she doing or what she was not doing? How many was sick?

Do you have this full information in order to make negative statements. Or you are doing them because of the habit? What is your true intention? To figure out the truth or to make statements without possessing true information? OK, I know you are expressing your own view, but ask yourself one simple question: is it objective? Objective means that you have all the information and do not want to persuade somebody in something. Objective means truth.

Do you want to tell truth to others and give them an opportunity to make their own choice or you want to persuade them in something? Everyone has his own right to make decisions. If you respect others right you wouldn't persuade, you would give them objective information and right to make their own decision. Truth always goes out. So there is no need to pull it or press it.

Truth has power, persuading has permanent effect. All is needed is to check is this information is truth indeed, if yes - tell it to others if you want, if you don't know then there is no power in your words. All we need to know is information to make decision. All we need to know is objective information and right to make our own decision. So I which you to be objective and embodiment of truth.

With best wishes.
BK Dmitry.
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Post11 Oct 2006

Dear BKDimOk

The problem is, is that I really think you are not being told the whole truth by the BK Org. Actually, I've read a few digs about DJ that have come from people describing their personal experiences with her. I have to say for myself I do not care for her company.

Well you could say, 'OK, she is not perfect yet and will make mistakes', The problem is, is that she is made out to be (almost) perfect by the BK Org ... God's right hand person in some ways ... Which gives her a power (in BK world) to say and do what she wants and have BKs hanging off her every word ...

The myth and the reality I think are different.
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Post11 Oct 2006

Amazon Book Reviewer wrote:Dadi Janki is in fact a horrible women whom I've known well for a number of years. She enjoys hero worship and believes everyone deserves to die a horrid death as a result of their ignorance unless they are a part of her organisation that are enlightened.

This book is just a cynical recruitment drive to get more members for her cult in which you will be stripped of all your worldy possesions (money). Please avoid and dheed the warnings of someone who's life was ruined by these people.

Seems I am not the only one who doesn't care for her company ...
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Post11 Oct 2006

John wrote: I've read a few digs about DJ that have come from people describing there personal experiences with her. I have to say for myself I do not care for her company.

I found her arrogant and unpleasant to deal with - far from the paragon of spiritual virtue that the BKs paint her as. When with the BKs I met a good number of other BKs who had had problems with her behaviour. I did not encounter such behaviour from many other BKs.
she is made out to be (almost) perfect by the BK Org ... Gods right hand person in some ways ... Which gives her a power (in BK world) to say and do what she wants and have BKs hanging off her every word ... The myth and the reality I think are different.

This is very well put - when dealing with her, the story of the Emperor's Clothes (alluded to elsewhere on this forum) came to mind - what the BKs see is not what is actually there.


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Post11 Oct 2006

Dear souls. Om Shanti. As for me I'll better find an opportunity to meet someone several times to get direct information about him by my own eyes and ears, than spend my time for reading an articles with someone's opinion. One may think one another may think another it's their opinion. For me the most truthful information about person is from organs I've mentioned above.

Different people have different experiences and deferent intensions when they are describing someone in an article. This information is not objective ( I don't know exactly what are their purposes and their experience). I don't want to know someones experience and do things according to that. I want to have my own experience and have my own opinion according to that experience. So I wish you to relay only on your own experience, because it is the most objective for you.

With best wishes.
BK Dmitry.
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Post11 Oct 2006

Dear BKDimOk

I think you will find it is a lot of UK ex-BKs/BKs who will have a gripe because that is where DJ is stationed and the experiences are personal. As to other countries I don't know. Imagine it is like being in an army and the propaganda will only talk of the great things the general has done ... yet some of the soldiers, captains etc in the barracks know different.

It is said in Avyakt Vani or Murli, not to disregard others because in the future they will disregard you ... I think this shows here.
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Post11 Oct 2006

My experience is that Dadi Janki has avoided me for many years. I suspect out of fear than anything else. cannot think why. Probably in case I ask something awkward. It doesn't bother me any more, I don't go to her gigs. We are all different, she knows who to chase, and who to hug. Some of us simply should not be in there but may feel obliged to hang around. Some have roles to play outwith the organisation. But the sanskar is there, not to mention the conditioning, and following guilt at not being part of it.

It is not a religion. It is about re-charging. Once we have taken according to our capacity, we can go, there is no point hanging around. That is not to say, run away at the first sign of Maya. Perhaps Dadi feels/knows that she is no greater than I and has nothing to teach.

As for the repulsive worship of this soul, it is time for people to snap out of it, and fast. It is embarrassing for them, and her. As far as I know, She does not like being worshipped. So why are people doing this bizarre devotion? I did it myself to some degree, so it is all about going through the process, the process of change.


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Post11 Oct 2006

My experience is that Dadi Janki has avoided me for many years.

It could be the other way round.

I have met DJ several times, one on one. I've no problems, nor any of the Dadis. They are strict and need to be. One needs to be in their position to understand what they do, you need to be inside, rather than outside looking in.

The way to obtain respect from the Seniors is to respect them as equals. When you see them as Dadis, you are not seeing them as souls. You've allowed yourself to be in a position of worshipping them. Once you've overcome your self respect, then you will be able to hear what they are teaching you. They have a lot of experience, you need to listen carefully. They are not perfect but years of practice does count, especially starting from a young age. When you can see their imperfections, you can even joke with them, they'll definitely spot your weak points too.

I seperate the actions of Seniors and Dadis individually from the BKWSU. One is a spiritual person, and the other is a spiritual university. The souls move on, but the university either stays or gets destroyed. This is why the studying and Gyan is important, the university is here for you during this time and it is up to you to take it, do your own research, find out about yourself, make your own relationships. Remembrance is one way to aid your study, but if you don't take knowledge from the university (or whichever university you wish to follow), then that is entirely up to you. (This is why I am persistent about the consistency of the Murlis....we may all have different feelings about God, but we all study the same Murlis, or so it seems)

Anyway, I will not say no more on Seniors or Dadis because they are also seeking to be with God, like most of us. So I leave their space to themselves. I am more concerned with what the unversity can do for me at any one time. In the lokik world, did anyone here graduate from the University of ABC or did they graduate from Professor XYZ ?

I've given my general experience with DJ, I hope other members could share a few words with their experiences, good or bad.

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