France declares war on Sect influence in the United Nation

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France declares war on Sect influence in the United Nation

Post26 May 2009

Michael Cosgrove wrote: France declares war on Sect influence in the United Nation by Michael Cosgrove

A French Government report on sect deviance has denounced what it calls excessive sect activity in international institutions. Scientology and other groups are in its sights, and these groups are putting up fierce resistance. The report is downloadable, here.

France has a government agency called the Miviludes, unique in Western countries, whose job it is to track and counter those religious and other groups it considers as being sects. Miviludes is an acronym of the French phrase ‘Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires, i.e. Interministerial Mission for Monitoring and Combating Cultic Deviancy. A sect is defined here as being any religious organisation which can be characterised as employing any of the following methods;

    Mental destabilisation,
    exorbitant financial demands,
    a rupture with members' original environment,
    power in the hands of one person,
    the invasion of a person's physical integrity,
    the recruitment of children,
    antisocial preaching and troubling public order,
    activities which lead it to be tried in a court of law,
    using parallel economic structures,
    attempts to infiltrate the workplace, schools, and public powers.
There are around fifty religions or groups which are being tracked, the most commonly known of which are; Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, Mormons, The Universal Church, Raelians and The Unification Church ... presenting themselves as being ‘Associated with the UN Department of Public Information.’

Criticism of the Miviludes is fierce, and, since the organisation began extending its activities to organisations outside of France, it has also been attacked by foreign government agencies such as the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, which has in the past been highly sceptical about the motives of the Miviludes.

Yesterday saw the release of their 199-page Annual Report, of which ten pages are consecrated to a stinging criticism of the activity of sects and their supporters in the UN and the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.) The OSCE is the biggest security-oriented intergovernmental organisation on the planet. Its job is to surveille and uphold principles such as fair elections, press freedom and human rights.

The report notably singles out NGO's (Non-governmental organizations) which it says are attempting to legitimise sect activities under cover of the principles of religious freedom. They are said to be acting in concert to limit the influence of the Miviludes within the UN, using tactics such as official complaints and smear tactics.

France is a fiercely secular country hence the existence of an organisation as unique and with as much influence as the Miviludes. It has been involved in long-running battles with various religious organisations, or sects as they call them.



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Re: France declares war on Sect influence in the United Nation

Post01 Apr 2010

Well, sure, let France declare war on dangerous sects, what does it have to do with the Brahma Kumaris?
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Re: France declares war on Sect influence in the United Nation

Post02 Apr 2010

Erm ... the Brahma Kumaris are a cult whose spirit guide tells them that they will inspire a Nuclear Holocaust which will kill off the rest of 6,000,000,000 human beings not killed off by civil wars. The actually quote is "give courage to scientists" to use the bombs and, "the bombs are made, they will be used" is another one often used. From a secular point of view, they might be concerning.

Actually, the Brahma Kumaris and the law have already tangled in France when at least one of their adherents were taken by police for using a school for children to push their religious beliefs. Again, France is a secular society. You cannot do that.

At the bottomline, the Brahma Kumaris are a deceptive cult who use hypnotic-like suggestion, spiritualism and a number of dubious mentally coercive technique, such as numerous false predication of the End of the World (WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s, Year 2000 etc), to control their followers and exploit them for money and free labor on the promise of a high status in the forthcoming Golden Age on Earth.

Such techniques are not acceptable in a modern, ethical society. We have documented here many cases of financial, emotional and sexual abuse, tax and immigration crimes (albeit unpunished ones), and suicides. Many BKs and ex-BKs can relate such incidents in detail. The leadership know all this act without any democratic control.
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something to hide?

Post02 Apr 2010

Dear Bhagwat, you can read on this forum a post published on august 17 2007 , topic BKWSO France


this will inform you a bit about what has already happened in France and explain why BKs have to be very careful there, and warned to be "incognito" and they've always been compared to, for example the UK, where adepts have always walked around clad in white, wrapped in shawls, westerners wearing white sarees and sandals in winter and other eccentric attention drawing looks.

The very fact that whenever the BKWSO incurs these kind of troubles, top ranks order that the case should not be openly discussed in the "spiritual family" and instead should be covered up as much as possible and at the most become object of rumors, suggests that SS fear that BK members might have their eyes opened by these "unjust" attacks from the Shudra world.

If some authority starts accusing the BKs to be a sect, something damaging and dangerous, similar to other ignominious cults, day may break in the zombies' consciousness, a seed gets planted, a doubt or a possibility arises ... inspiration ...

The impossible becomes possible, an obedient BK might turn into a questioning traitor or rebel!

I always found this attitude of "covering up", hiding the dirty laundry, deeply disturbing, unjustified and alarming. I wondered why, if we are so innocent cool and clean, cannot we talk freely , in fact have to endure censorship about taboo topics????

What do you think?

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