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[Tech] General IT Support Requests & Advice

Post08 Aug 2006


I know this may be to simple for some of you but I found it very helpful in speeding up one's Windows computer for better seva.


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I know this may be quite cheeky (more souls and computers)

Post05 May 2009


I am at my wits end. Trying to get my computer working properly, I have been trying all sorts of sites and have not been able to correct it so I thought why not turn to my family for help? I have tried to defragment my hard drive but I keep coming up with the message "connection to the defragmenter engine has been lost". Can you please help?

I am sure there are Brothers and Sisters out there who know far more than I do. Sometimes I find myself willing the computer to work thinking that my thought patterns should make a difference to the machine!!!

Ah, well, one can live in hope ;).
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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky

Post06 May 2009

bindi wrote:Sometimes I find myself willing the computer to work thinking that my thought patterns should make a difference to the machine!!!

Well, you see, the computer represents a part of yourself that are you not in touch with, that part which feels congested and fragmented. It is 'externally' manifesting 'internal' problems that you are experiencing but not fully acknowledging. Perhaps a part of your being that you have been neglected.

    Before we can help you, perhaps you could help us first ...
The sort of questions you might like to ask yourself are; what happened to make you look at this aspect of yourself, if you have been neglecting to maintain yourself properly or neglecting yourself, and whether your current way of thinking (... your operating system) is outmoded and needs updating or changing entirely.

I'd try booting up in safe mode and trying to defrag from there ... or buying an Apple Mac the next time.
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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky

Post06 May 2009

your computer is directly reflecting your subconscious

the only way to de-frag your mind is to go to the pub and drink a lot of beer, you have to be very thorough, and leave no brain cell un-affected


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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky



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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky

Post07 May 2009

Interesting analogies to consciousness are computers. Some people look to move to the new Operating System as soon as possible, others are determined to make what has worked before keep working, even though it no longer serves them well or the current demands of life (applications) ...

Sometimes the latest versions are still the same old versions in different skins (whether Godly versions or OS versions).

If Belief Systems are like Operating Systems, it's always worth remembering that real life is actually analogue, not digital. Who serves who, what serves what?
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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky

Post07 May 2009

Following on from which, I suppose we could say ... religions as an OS, are just the same old BS with a new wrapper.
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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky

Post11 May 2009

WOW!!! I did not expect this. I did not realise such a little blip would open up such a dialogue. I am really pleased that all who have replied have opened up such avenues. They are well worth pondering over.


why have you sent the links? I would really only appreciate helpful ones, those sort I can find anytime.


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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky

Post11 May 2009

Well ... just for others to ... ehhhhh ... "picture" ... things????? Don't take it all to hard. It was good to have some fun, just knowing we all know this kind of problems, and how we solve them ... that even I don't know. Just keep pressing all the buttons, something shall happen in the end.

That goes for everything really! :D

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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky

Post12 May 2009

Thanks ex-l,

I went in to safe mode and defragmented and it worked. So thank you again. So now that it works, what do you think it says about about my state of being? All others thanks for all your inputs

I must admit I am now glad something like this happened, it has given me a chance to compare knowledge to the complications of science and vice versa.

Sometimes pressing buttons is quite destructive, especially when those on household path know only too well. With having all the tools [Gyan], to be able to rise above things is really hard.

May be others will add to this topic their thoughts.
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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky

Post13 May 2009

bindi wrote:I went in to safe mode and defragmented and it worked. So thank you again. So now that it works, what do you think it says about about my state of being?

This forum is "Safe Mode" for BKs.

All the additional complications, the mental hooks, the yuktis that trap us and hold us back, the little mental 'scripts' that are running round and round in our mind, put there by God knows who and causing us to crash and lose data, are stripped away.

All we are left with is a minimal 'Soul OS' (Operating System) that we are then able to scan, de-frag, de-bug, strip of viruses that others have injected into the code and fix getting back into real life again.



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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky (more souls and computers)

Post13 May 2009


I know that the videos of the people freaking out on their computers were not what Bindi were looking for but they made me laugh so much, and laughter is such good medicine for the soul.

Thank you.


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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky (more souls and computers)

Post13 May 2009

And that was all I wanted you to do!
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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky (more souls and computers)

Post19 May 2009

I am not against having a laugh but I needed the sensitive touch at that point and I felt that this family of mine would be understanding of that :sad:.

Another thing is that there are funny videos that are not so destructive.
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Re: I know this may be quite cheeky (more souls and computers)

Post20 May 2009

No offence intended, but I am not sure we are your "family" ... unless you mean to extend that to emcompass the whole of humanity.

I am sorry to pick up on this but there was a comment made a long time ago, approximately along the lines that the BKs calls you "family" when they wants something from you but have a whole heap of others names when it comes to them giving something to you.

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but you can do for your country" - JFK

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