[Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Discussion

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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

joel wrote:Changing direction slightly, I'd like to ask about structure. Many opinions have been given, some replied to, and some left hanging. Should there be a process to summarize at some point, or will we just continue until exhaustion sets in?

This summarization is the kind of work to be done that would be very useful. "Position Papers" to use a real world term. It is what I would have hoped this site evolve towards.

But it is headed 'off topic'. I see no problem with the Code of Ethic as they stand. Obviously they would apply more to those of us that have chosen to stick around and "serve" than newcomers who might not be in the best state of mind when they join.
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

This topic will remain open but, given the lack of strong opposition or constructive alternatives, the deadline to implementation of the 'Code of Ethics' has been brought forward to 7 days.

Examples of a simplified or translated versions, written by other users, will be gratefully received. If these are not forthcoming, the valid idea will be left as 'work in progress' until when resources allow.
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

I don't understand all this but it doesn't seem right, it's a bit weird.
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

I appreciate all the time, effort and money that goes behind running this forum. However, I did not come here to get involved in more political complications. I am beginning to think that there is some kind of hidden agenda now. I don't intend to continue posting here if the new rules are going to implemented as, to be quite honest, I have no time or energy to think, well, is this OK to write or not, will I be punished, will I be banned. It just creates more fear in me and will just add to all the fear and rejection that I am trying to get rid of. For someone who is suffering from depression, things need to be simple as their coping mechanisms are very low as it is.

I agree with you Mr Green and all the others who also don't feel the need for all of this.

I think that if one wishes to reach out to a wider audience, then maybe things need to be simple and to the point. Life is too short to have more complications!! :-?

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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

Admin, may we know the reason for this? Lots of us have real distaste for anything that resembles autocratic decision making?
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

Making a general Code of Ethics explicit is neither of any concern nor will it make any difference to the ordinary or casual ex-BK user. In practice, these are simple, standard and professional, ethical guidelines for those individuals who wish to provide support here, and are designed to protect others receiving it.

Basically, these are the principles that we have used in the running of the forum until now. Previously they existed only in an unwritten form. Now, on the basis of 3 years experience, a few more have been added that would have stopped problems that have otherwise arisen, e.g. respected members being driven off the forum by another using the forum to make an entirely personal point, or BK and PBK followers trolling the forum.

There is no "agenda". Our position was clearly stated in the previous post, here. As our resources in terms of time and money are limited, therefore we are chosing to focus on;
• supporting ex-BKs and individuals exiting the BKWSU
• supporting family members and friends of BKs, and
• acting as a workgroup to research and document the Brahma Kumari movement (that is an attention of "publishing" rather than "chatting" and all the standards that go along with responsible publishing)
• encouraging positive reform within the BK movement

If anyone has skills, commitment or services they can offer and wishes to volunteer resources on a regular basis, then please contact the Admin account. As time allows, we will attempt to publish a "wishlist of volunteer opportunities" to be done.

BKs, PBKs or ex-members retaining an affinity to the BKWSU have two new independent forums in which to freely explore their interests, BK-PBK.Info and BrahmaKumaris.ning.com.
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

Admin wrote:Making a general Code of Ethics explicit is neither of any concern nor will it make any difference to the ordinary or casual ex-BK user. In practice, these are simple, standard and professional, ethical guidelines for those individuals who wish to provide support here, and are designed to protect others receiving it.

Dear Admin

Members are perhaps concerned, that this will in fact be used to chop out those that are not agreeable, i.e. those that don't agree. Are members now only allowed who have a certain point of view, that is agreeable to Admin and ruling members?

Almost like the polar opposite of BKSWU, but still the same tactic of cutting out those not agreeable i.e. those that don't agree with them.

Is Admin able to put any minds to rest that this is not the case?
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009


your posts here are like joel's posts examples of creating mass hysteria, trying to cause without any reason fear and anxiety amongst old and new and younger members. Even a very cool and sensible member like paulkershaw is influenced somehow and seems to be concerned.

The Admin of this forum is not changed, is it right? You have been posting here all of your ideas since you became a member, right? So what is the reason of your distrustful and accusing posts when you are not bringing any alternative to the point for the Code of Ethics draft?

The explanation of the Admin's previous posts and the Code of Ethics draft is enough for me to understand that there is no reason to concern if i continue to post taking into consideration that this is an open forum with only one aim and objective clearly stated before.

I have to think that i should not take other members and silent guests time and space for off topic or journal like posts going too much into private issues. I am understanding, that i should take care of my strong words in my posts thinking that young Kumaris and Kumars from India and young children from BKs may be reading the posts as silent readers.These are some points of my churning for myself after reading carefully the Code of Ethics draft with the help of Babylon lexicon.

I am afraid that you are radiating anxiety without reading the Draft and Admin's explanations carefully.
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

tom wrote:I am afraid that you are radiating anxiety without reading the Draft and Admin's explanations carefully.

I am afraid it's just not me radiating anxiety, as you put. I would say concern because really I am not getting anxious.

Many are now coming forward (those that are left) and voicing similar concerns, can you not see that? Only you, ex-l and a few others seem to be OK with what is happening.
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

tom wrote:your posts here are like joel's posts examples of creating mass hysteria, trying to cause without any reason fear and anxiety amongst old and new and younger members.

Well said, tom. I am glad you did instead of me. john is also echoing exactly what john morgan said ... and no one is even discussing "ethics" any more.

Perhaps I could put the boot on the other foot and say the unwillingness to adopt a Code of Ethics is exactly the same as the Brahma Kumaris?

Surely, all it is saying is "be sensible, do good", and all that folks have to do is make themselves useful instead of causing a burden?
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

ex-l wrote:Well said, tom. I am glad you did instead of me. john is also echoing exactly what john morgan said

And paul kershaw and joel and frisbee and mr green and bansy and enlightened.

Pretty much the group of main posters on the forum prior to the changes.
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

john wrote:Many are now coming forward (those that are left) and voicing similar concerns, can you not see that? Only you, ex-l and a few others seem to be OK with what is happening.

Why should I care what the ones who left are voicing, they should have previously concerns for their own posts, before they left, in this forum, not to cause any problems. So it seems they have adopted the habit to cause negativity instead of creativity.
john wrote:And PaulKershaw and Joel and frisbee and Mr green and Bansy and enlightened. Pretty much the group of main posters on the forum prior to the changes.

You are counting names but not looking into the points of the Draft and not taking some useful guidance for yourself for the future. This tells me, no offence, that you are counting votes for your own creation of mass hysteria, in which case the reason and logic flies away and only groundless fear and panic grows.

I can only say, folks, please read the Draft carefully again, with logic and reason and with a new perception. You will see that it is only to protect the forum's stability in the future, and you will understand that your concerns are coming from not reading carefully.
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

John, do you think we should have a Code of Ethics, or not? If we do, what should it include and exclude? Do you have an alternative?

If you are not addressing those points, you are really just fear mongering. Why? What ... or more to the point ... which clause are you specifically concerned about?
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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

tom wrote:The Admin of this forum is not changed, is it right?

I am so sorry to interrupt your post in response to John here. I've been waiting for someone to bring this up and I've been waiting because I did not want to say something I've only been 'feeling', but it has certainly been reflected in my earlier posts and not answered. With you bringing it up now, it means I am not the only one sensing this so here goes, for all to answer and see if what I have to say is valid or not:

I do feel that "Admin' is not the same person/s as before ... and if this is so, then the emerging 'new direction' of this forum is obvious. I have no way of proving this and I have no inclination or agenda to do so, but we all know that 'things' have changed and sometimes not for the better. Especially in terms of what we shold be offering those newly arrived ex-BKWSU members needing some help. They've been met with a barrage of negativity ever since they've logged on, and that sure is not right, in my book. (I read that one of the ideas behind said Codes of Ethics is for it to protect those newcomers as well? - How will it do that I wonder when personalities will always be apparent).

The forum has always had people coming on board that brought some of these aspects into play and they were countered where and when neccessary. Most left if memory and a name search serves well.

As a forum, we've already lost the BK/PBK people (and I am not saying that that was all a bad idea and was perhaps neccessary in terms of the contributions of members at the time). But this Code of Ethics seems to leave an energy in my body that something doesn't ring true.

I do wish to say that have no objection whatsoever to a "Code of Ethics" being published, as I believe this could add a valuable process to the forum, but I am most concerned with it's 'intention'. Some of its wordings, and most of all with its sudden appearance at a time when some of our members are having a 'go' at each other, as well as saying that some of their posts 'aspects' and 'wordings' are also appearing in the Draft Code, making me again 'feel' a hidden intention which may or may not be be at play here.

I'd really appreciate being proven wrong though. I'll wait for any such responses.



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Re: [Policy] Brahma Kumari Info: Code of Ethics - Draft

Post02 Apr 2009

Re-reading the "code" in the first post - most points appear reasonable, and that will be why there is support for them, but some sound peculiar and out of place (giving me a gut feeling, like paul, that something is not being said). Some don't make sense (yes, English is my native tongue and I have handled legal documents for myself).

If the wish is to reduce the workload, well, be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

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