Population growth.

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Population growth.

Post04 Oct 2006

Dear BK and PBK Brothers.

Golden Age Beginning : Population: 9,16,108
Golden Age End : Population: 2 crores
Therefore population growth over 1250 years is 2 crores / 9,16,108 = 22 times

Silver Age Start : Population: 2 crores
Silver Age End : Population: 10 crores
Therefore population growth over 1250 years is 10 / 2 = 5 times.

Why is population growth in Silver Age less, when we have more births in Silver Age compared to Golden Age and the population base is more in Silver Age compared to Golden Age !!!

Where is the fallacy !!!!!!
your views please.

OK Om Shanti
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Re: Population growth.

Post04 Oct 2006

shivsena wrote:Dear BK and PBK Brothers.
Golden Age Beginning : Population: 9,16,108
Golden Age End : Population: 2 crores
Therefore population growth over 1250 years is 2 crores / 9,16,108 = 22 times

Silver Age Start : Population: 2 crores
Silver Age End : Population: 10 crores
Therefore population growth over 1250 years is 10 / 2 = 5 times.

OK, in international English, a crore is 10,000,000 (or 10 Millions), so that means;

916,108 at the start of the Golden Age and 20,000,000 at the end.
200,000 at the start of the Silver Age and 100,000,000 at the end.

(100,000,000 at the start of the Copper Age and 1,100,000,000 at the end of the Iron.)

Is that correct? I cannot remember the 100,000,000 figure and 100,000,000 is actually quite a high figure for, a) converted BK souls and b) the population of India 2,500 years ago.

• Have you ever charted the population rise according to The Knowledge given, e.g. number of souls, age of parents at conception, age at death, generations?

My guess is that no one has sat down to do it ... and it will not match up. But it would have to simple to do. One issue I was raise is the rigid simplicity of the doctrine as given, e.g. deities give birth at 35. So therefore if 450,000 or 900,000 are all born at the same, then each 35 years they would have to be a wave of increase. However, he says they all die at 150. And so if it is that mechanical, two in, two out; there would be no real overall increase in population after the first three generations. The numbers do not stack up and, as usual, elements of The Knowledge are just mental plugs to stop individuals thinking.

• What would the rate of birth have to be to increase 22 times?
• And, you are right, why would it slow down when lives and point of conception become shorter and births increases?

The oldest record of population for Indian I can find is 127,026,000 dated 1700. I suppose BK will say the deities left India and started to spread all over the world?

Science seems to aree with the 2,500 year old population figure, see here, but dare I say the terrible thing, as with the 5 Billion world population, God may not be a great mathematician.


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Post05 Oct 2006

In addition to the population growth, is how it spread. Does anyone understand how humans evolved and moved out from India (since the rest of the world was underwater), and spread all over the continents, and how the colours and features (e.g. eyes, noses, head shapes, hair etc) of Africans, Caucasians, Asian, Latinos, etc came to be in their current form today, within 2500 years since the Copper Age came to begin, i.e. how did you come to be where you are today and how you look like.

I mean Buddha and Mohammed were already amongst a reasonable sized populus at the start of their religions, and seemingly from pictures and scriptures, they have been made to look like humans that are just the same in shape and facial descriptions of human beings in the world today, i.e. thus in 2500 years during Copper and Iron Age, a Buddhist or islamic follower then was not much different physically from that of today, so wouldn't this mean 2500 years before that (i.e at the start of the Golden Age), the dieties were of similar features as humans today, since a short period of 5000 years is not long enough to greatly change the appearance of the body (the soul, of course, is a different issue), i.e. not much has changed in the latter part of The Cycle, so wouldn't expect much change in the first part of The Cycle either.

Did all dieties look like the Lakshmi and Narayan ("Eastern-looking") images we see today, or were there also "Peking Man-looking" dieties, "Caucasion-looking" dieties, "Afro-looking" deities, etc ?

So thus is Raja Yoga just the story of 84 births of Bharat only, or how much does it include the rest of the world ?
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Post06 Oct 2006

Satyug Beginning------ Population: 9,16,108
Satyug End --------------Population: 2 crores
Therefore population growth over 1250 years is 2crores/9,16,108 = 22 times
Treta Start ------Population: 2 crores
Treta End -------Population: 10 crores
Therefore population growth over 1250 years is 10/2 = 5 times.
Why is population growth in treta less, when we have more births in Tretayug compared to Satyug and the population base is more in Tretayug compared to Satyug?

Answer: There is only one royal family in the Golden Age. Rest are the subjects. In the royal family there is only one male and one female child. As for the subjects, the number of children increases numberwise. That is why the number of subjects (praja) increases more in the Golden Age. Had it not been so, then how would the population have increased, it would have remained static at 9 lakhs.
In the Silver Age there are many kings, but all of them are under the control of one King. Because the royal family is more, the rate of increase of population is lesser there.

Satyug Aadi may jansankhya: 9,16,108
Satyug Ant may jansankhya: 2 crores
Atah 1250 varsh may jansankhya vriddhi hai 2crores/9,16,108 = 22 guna

Treta Aadi may jansankhya: 2 crores
Treta Ant may jansankhya: 10 crores
Atah 1250 varsh may jansankhya vriddhi hai 10/2 = 5 times.

Jab Satyug ki tulana may Treta may janmon ki sankhya adhik hai toh Satyug ki tulana may Treta may jansankhya vriddhi adhik kyun hai?

Uttar: Satyug may ek hi raj family hoti hai . baaki sab praja hoti hai . Raj family may sirf ek bachha , ek bachhi hoti hai . baaki praja varg me numberwaar paidaish badhti jati hai . Isiliye satya yug may praja ki sankhya jyada badhti hai . agar aisey na hota to abadi badhti nehi hoti , 9 lakh hi rah jaati .
Tretya yug may anek raja hotay hain , lekin sab ek raja kay control may hotay hain. Rajfamily jyada honay kay kaaran wahan population kam badhti hai.
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Post06 Oct 2006


That was a quick answer, especially compared to still unanswered question in the Q&A section from many months ago.
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Post07 Oct 2006

Dear John Bhai,
Omshanti. The reply was quick because the issue was already raised on another forum by Shivsena Bhai for which a reply was sought from Baba by the PBKs. Since the answer was available readymade, it was posted immediately.
With regards,
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Post07 Oct 2006

OK, understood, thanks ArjunBhai.



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Post07 Oct 2006

Dear arjun Bhai.

You mean to say that there is one royal family and more subjects in Satyug and that is why rate of growth is more; and there is more royal family and less subjects in Silver Age and that is why the rate is slow; it just does not make any sense to me ; i thought it was the other way around; more the divinity the less the rate of fall in Satyug; and less the divinity the more the rate of fall in Silver Age; and i thought that divinity depends on the royal family; "yath raja thatha praja" (as the king so the praja); this is what the Murli point says.

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Post08 Oct 2006

Dear Shivsena Bhai,
Omshanti. We have heard what Baba (Shiv through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit acc. to us and Dada Lekhraj's soul acc. to you) had to say about the matter raised by you. Now let us hear what reasons you have got to offer for the faster rate of population growth in the Golden Age when compared to the Silver Age.
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Post08 Oct 2006

arjun wrote:Omshanti. We have heard what Baba (Shiv through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit acc. to us and Dada Lekhraj's soul acc. to you) had to say about the matter raised by you. Now let us hear what reasons you have got to offer for the faster rate of population growth in the Golden Age when compared to the Silver Age.

Dear arjun Bhai.

To tell you frankly, i too do not have any explanation for the discrepancy in the growth rates in Satyug and Tretayug; and just to tell you that this was not my observation but an email was sent to me by one PBK Brother who pointed out this discrepancy; and since i did not have any answer for it i decided to put it on the forum.

If i find a convincing explanation, then i would readily share it with my Brothers.

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Post08 Oct 2006

Dear Brother,
What i understand is that royal families have less children. In Satyug there is only one royal familly and in Tretayug there are many. It's an explanation.



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Post08 Oct 2006

Andrey wrote:What I understand is that royal families have less children. In Satyug there is only one royal familly and in Tretayug there are many. It's an explanation.

Dear andrey Bhai.

In Satyug there is one royal family and one praja and in Tretayug there are more royal families and more praja; so it is not an explanation but becomes a contra-diction.

What rule applies in Satyug the same rule should apply to Tretayug.

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Post09 Oct 2006

Where do you see contradiction? Take for example; 1 king and 10 subjects couples in Golden Age. In one birth from one royal couple, one king couple emerges and from 10 subject couples, roughly 16 subjects emerge. We can trace how this grow in 8 births. In Silver Age, for example, we have 10 kings and 40 subjects (my own imagination) but one can see the ratio here is ¼ whereas in Golden Age 1/10, so if you trace in births what will you receive? Smaller growth ratio in comparison to Golden Age.

I don’t find a logical explanation, but I know there is initial enthusiasm that decreases in time. So probably in the beginning of Golden Age the population growth is more rapid (if this enthusiasm counts in this too) than at the end of the Golden Age. The same way in the beginning of the Silver Age the growth will be more rapid in comparison to the end of Silver Age. When an end of something comes near then things slow down, become more complex and difficult like stepping in mud. In the beginning everything is easy and light. From another point of view it is said that each beginning is difficult e.g., when we start a new job, first we have to make effort to learn and it is hard, then with time when we get used things run more smoothly. So both counts. However it is not to put the topick away. If you don’t find Baba’s answer credible or the above calculations logical, then maybe some “blaha, blah, blah” will at least make some sense. Otherwise, please, advise.

However, if you don’t believe, what do you believe in? I have tried in my life to develop the habit to speak to elders politely, that means to not oppose them but respect them. So, from one side you accept The Knowledge from another you don’t. This is a contradiction. I would better listen attentively and if I believe will stay if I don’t I’ll quietly go. However life proves that the dog that barks doesn’t bite. Means you have so many doubts it is also not bad. You may be as firm as no one else.

However, why would you give your Brothers' answers from your Brothers and why would you not like to engage them with Baba’s replies etc. rather then your own churnings or churnings of someone else? And why are you not happy when you don’t receive straightforward answers? This way one can think and churn. Otherwise?

For example, I have once raised a question of my interest that has been mentioned in the Murli that Baba in the Murli it is said this and this, so ... that. He said no. In the Murli it is not said like this, it is said like that. So should I have to find the Murli to prove? Although I’m 100 sure the Murli says exactly what I have mentioned it becomes obvious Baba has another point to say.
What rule applies in Satyug the same rule should apply to Tretayug.

Then where is the difference between Golden and Silver Age? Except the level of soul consciousness and dynasty?



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Post15 Oct 2006

shivsena wrote:To tell you frankly, I too do not have any explanation for the discrepancy in the growth rates in Satyug and Tretayug; and just to tell you that this was not my observation but an email was sent to me by one PBK Brother who pointed out this discrepancy; and since I did not have any answer for it I decided to put it on the forum.
If I find a convincing explanation, then I would readily share it with my Brothers.

Dear shivsena:

I think I have an explanation. Cocks-and-bulls stories are not supposed to be based on reason, logic or common sense. Do not look for these mundane things in Murlis unless you want to completely destroy your chances of becoming a devata.
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Post15 Oct 2006

freefall wrote:I think I have an explanation.

Cocks-and-bulls stories are not supposed to be based on reason, logic or common sense. Do not look for these mundane things in Murlis unless you want to completely destroy your chances of becoming a devata.

Lots of laughs Freefall, welcome to the forum. I recognise the smell of an authentic ex-BK. You know what they say, "Hell hath no fury like a BK Brahmin scorned". So please, start a new thread and tell us your story!

How and when did you come into Gyan? What was your experience of the BKWSU? Why did you bail out and how was that experience? What do you make of it all now?

Thank you.

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