"Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post09 Mar 2009

Dadi Janki - Mar 6th 2009 Shantivan

We should not commit any further wrong actions; we should not steal, we should not cheat. We should not get annoyed or angry. To get annoyed is also a type of sin. Are you aware of this?

ARE YOU Dadi Janki?? YOU ARE a hypocrite.
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Mr Green


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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post11 Mar 2009

paulkershaw wrote:Well, Mr Green, looks like you've managed to bring in a word or terms that everyone fully understands ... and its not 'beer' !

Glad to be of help Paul ;).
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post16 Mar 2009

Dadi Janki – Mar 15th 2009 - London (Via phone from Mumbai)

A special secret I will share with you to become one of the special jewels: keep the light of the Father in your eyes and you will be able to show light to everyone.

Shhh ... don't share this with Bharatwasis ;).
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post17 Mar 2009

She's still going on about destruction!!! I hate it!!! I cannot bear the fact that little children are listening to this!!! This is all I heard from under 10 years old and it haunts me even today!!! Please see the bits in red :shock:.
BKWSU wrote:Dadi Janki – 28th February 2009 – Gyan Sarovar

Mamekam – remember only One

Today Baba told us that He explains in such a way there really cannot be questions in anyone’s mind. When we listen to Baba we feel so good ... When Baba explains the things that we had been wondering and asking questions about for so many births, our intellects begin to open. It is the heart that is touched when Baba speaks. When the heart likes what is heard, the mind becomes peaceful.

Today Baba told us that the entire essence of this knowledge is in one word: mamekam – remember One alone. He has told us to remember just Him. This is such a simple aspect which makes everything easy. Go into the depth of this one word and you feel how your problems drop away. You will feel that all problems have left you and that everything is easy. I always feel that it is really just forgetting knowledge that creates obstacles. If you forget what Baba is telling you, you will start looking at people in a different way. You will feel that things are getting complicated and nothing is easy. In fact, all you have to do at that time is this; mamekam – remember One.

If you are sometimes taking instructions from the Creator and sometimes from the creation, what condition will you end up in? Think deeply about this point. Remember that He is the Creator, the Highest on High. He gives knowledge from a different perspective than a human being’s. His knowledge has been ‘up above’ with Him for the whole cycle and it is only at this time that He emerges, He comes down to give that knowledge. No-one can do the same task as the Highest on High, God. Yes, he does have to give that knowledge and do that work through the mouth of a human being - Brahma - but no-one can do the work of God.

Secondly, do you have the firm faith that Destruction is going to happen? Look around you and see – it is going to happen in a short time. However, there should be no sorrow or fear inside me. Do you have any sorrow or fear about this? Bombs will explode; all types of things will happen. People who don’t have Gyan are experiencing fear but no Brahmin should experience fear at the thought or sight of destruction. Why not? Because we know that cleansing has to happen; change has to occur. We know that we have to go up above before coming down into the new world.

Science will create Destruction, cleansing will happen and science will also create the new world. But before this happens, I have to become mamekam, I have to remember One. Before this happens I also have to become the spinner of the discus of self-realisation. I have to keep on looking at and changing myself, and I have to stop looking at and thinking about others. We need to become free of these two things now. This is the work that remains. Even if you see that someone is not behaving well, you have to keep the awareness that they are good.

For this, you have to know how to take from Baba in such a way that you are happy yourself. You have to make yourself ‘personally’ happy. Only then will you be able to stop looking at others and criticising. Think about this deeply; if you are really happy, if you have learnt to take happiness from Baba, you will never look at others in the wrong way. In fact, you will share your happiness with others in a natural way, because you will be full of happiness.

Mama was such that we felt happy on seeing her. Why? Because there were no biased feelings in her. When there are biased feelings – when there is a difference in thoughts and feelings between me and someone else – I need to pay attention on changing that ... Each one of us needs to pay attention to this;: to having good thoughts for everyone. Previously, on the basis of our sanskaras, our thoughts were created. Now, our old sanskaras are changing on the basis of knowledge. We have become Godly children and, on the basis of The Knowledge Baba has given, we are able to spin the discus and thus become aware of our original, deity sanskaras. Baba wants us now to emerge those divine sanskaras.

When we emerge those sanskaras and stay in that stage, it is through our drishti and attitude that others will receive an invitation to go to the Golden Age. What is in our hearts and minds will be visible through our drishti. People will see where we are going, how we are going there and with whom we are going. We are now sitting on the boat of truth and the Beautiful Boatman is taking us across. Our work is to remain happy and to share happiness. Keep the atmosphere pure and powerful and everyone will take benefit.

Om Shanti
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post17 Mar 2009

Reading this I can say 'Nothing has changed'. Sounds like she's living up the old mantra of "nothing new here'. You're lucky to be out of their space Enlightened.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post17 Mar 2009

enlightened wrote:Today Baba told us that the entire essence of this knowledge is in one word: mamekam – remember One alone.

Aren't they two words: "mam ekam" to mean "only me"?

Looks like Baba did not know any better!! Neither do Janki Kriplani (I guess this is expected of her) :|
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post18 Mar 2009

When I started in BKism I was mightily confused about this "remembrance of one". There seemed to be remembrance of "two". Was there meant to be some balance between remembering B.B. and S.B.? I asked DJ this question in those exact words. She merely shook her head dismissively and the body language said very clearly "you know f@#$ about f@#$ so don't bother". I felt ashamed in front of the group for having asked such a "stupid" question.

If she had answered it to the best of her ability - I wonder what the answer would have been?
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post18 Mar 2009

frisbee wrote:If she had answered it to the best of her ability - I wonder what the answer would have been?

It intersting, two post within hours and you both talking about the same use of humiliation to control.

In Janki's case, the honest answer would have been Lekhraj Kirpalani with whom she was in love with and he her saviour. Bear in mind that from 1932, when he started his satsang, to some date after 1950 ... there was NO Shiva in the teachings. We also don't even know the real date when Janki arrived as she is not listed in the "committee" or membership list in 1937.

Remember too ... it was she that brought all the pictures and big than life, full body "trance light" images of him out to the West and instituted them against the Shrimat of the Murlis. Impregnating all BKs since with his image and returning the religion back to the Bhakti it came out of. "My Baba" to her is Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Yes, even within Gyan, from a Gyani point of view, there would have been a deeper more interesting and relevent answer ... but you did the unforgivable, challenged Janki Kripalani's position and intelligence with a deep question.



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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post18 Mar 2009

frisbee wrote:When I started in BKism I was mightily confused about this "remembrance of one". There seemed to be remembrance of "two". Was there meant to be some balance between remembering B.B. and S.B.? I asked DJ this question in those exact words. She merely shook her head dismissively and the body language said very clearly "you know f@#$ about f@#$ so don't bother".

This reminds of a joke - A Jewish man is run over on a New York street. Lying badly injured, a Catholic priest walking past goes over to administer the last rights. The man mumbles that he is Jewish. The priest sees a chance of a last minute conversion and says, 'Can you believe in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit?". To which the man replies, "I am dying and you're asking me riddles?"
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post19 Mar 2009

Hi, I thought you might find the paragraph in red interesting.

Dadi Janki – 12th March 2009 (pm) – Gyan Sarovar - The stage of an angel

Especially at Amrit Vela we can experience Baba in the Subtle Region. We can have wonderful experiences of the Subtle Region and the land of peace at that time. We are all sitting at the confluence and have the experience of being with Baba at this time. It is only at the confluence that we can establish relationships with the 3 Babas: Sakar Baba, incorporeal Baba and Avyakt Baba. We live with the Highest on High Father at this age.

Baba said in the Murli today that the souls who have gone into the Advance Party had a great deal of love and appreciation for Amrit Vela. Didi had a great deal of love for Amrit Vela and for evening meditation. She would get up at 3.30am, take a shower and go for meditation. When she went for class she would say, "Now I am going to class and taking Baba with me". Sakar Baba used to say to me, "Child, go to class, Baba is bringing Baba with himself to the class".

Each religion realises the importance of dusk: prayer, silence, Bhakti. At that time they feel that angels are there, protecting them. Baba has told us to wear the angelic dress. What does this mean? It means to adopt - to put on - the angelic stage. Angels are loved by all. They are light, white, true, honest and clean. We are those angels. Do you experience yourself to be this? One with the power of truth and who finishes all falsehood is said to have a ‘clean’ stage ... this is the stage of an angel. When we live in the company of such angels; we are coloured by their company. Such souls are coloured by the company of the Father. An angel is satoguni but how does he become that? He has left all falsehood, he never picks up anything which is wasteful.

A holy swan has very good judgement and discrimination power. He will never pick up anything which is not useful to himself or others. He definitely has the power to tolerate and adjust but his real speciality is that he will not even look at stones, let alone pick them up. This is how he becomes a holy swan. Swans are really beautiful; their ‘whiteness’ is stunning. They also know how to fly. The method to become a holy swan is to remember Baba. Why? Because Baba loves the soul. He loves me more than I love Him. How can we say this? Because each one is His child. Baba definitely remembers us more than we remember Him! However, He has great love for souls who only remember Him. Such souls are in Baba’s heart and He is in their heart. The method to become a holy swan is to remember Baba from your heart.

It is Baba who can purify the heart and thus purify the feelings. This happens when the soul keeps only Baba in the heart. The feelings of such a soul become very beautiful. Baba is the only one who can give true comfort to the heart. We are married to the One who gives comfort to my heart. It is this relationship that brings true peace and happiness to the soul. Ask yourself; is there really anything else I need? It is this relationship and this experience that brings true happiness to the soul. We had been searching for this experience. Experience this now and it will stay with you throughout The Cycle. I always advise people to ‘get married’ to the Comforter of Hearts. Baba tells us to remain happy but to continue to remember Him. Why? Forget Him and the true happiness which you were experiencing will disappear and you will become dependent

Baba doesn’t only speak to us, He gives us experiences. Baba has told us that the life of Sangamyug is very valuable and during this short time the soul has to become worthy of worship. We have to make effort now. This is the only time. Mama and Baba made a lot of effort and they will become Lakshmi and Narayan. Someone asked me if Mama got extra help from Baba. No, in fact Baba was official with Mama but she was able to catch the inspiration from Sakar Baba and she remained honest, obedient and faithful. She remained as a child of Baba and it was all her qualities that made her worthy to become Lakshmi. Baba has told us to check whether we have become worthy to marry Lakshmi: do I have all the necessary qualities and virtues?

Baba told us that a pukka Brahmin’s wealth would be used to buy food for BKs. If someone was not pukka, his wealth would be used for other service. In Karachi, Brahma Baba’s money was used to buy food but when we moved from Karachi, it was what was put by others in Baba’s bhandara that was used. Previously we didn’t used to offer Bhog but, when we moved, we started the system of offering the food to Baba before using it. There is a subtle significance in this. Brahma Baba himself often used to cook and arrange the offering of Bhog. He would buy special fruit for Shiv Baba. Baba used to tell us that Shiv Baba was feeding us. The food that is offered to Baba is purified and becomes strength for Brahmin souls. Mama’s mother used to offer Bhog and go into trance.

When Mama and Baba conducted meditation, we experienced a great deal of power. We used to ask Mama whether she felt she was Lakshmi and Baba Narayan when he gave her drishti.

When we asked this question Mama became very serious. She said, "How can you ask such a question? It is now that I am the child of Baba and in the future Golden Age, the degree will be less than it is now at the confluence. Why should I think I am sitting in front of Narayan? I am sitting in front of Shiv Baba, getting the deep experience of perfection. Why should I then come down to the stage of Lakshmi?" Thus, I am telling all of you – do not get caught in anything other than the experience of God, the Highest on High and the perfection of the completely pure soul at the Confluence Age.

There are two things that happen to souls: some things cause the soul fear, while others cause confusion. Waste thoughts are like ants and make the soul feel dizzy. This is why we have to stop allowing waste thoughts to come in the mind. Maya can come in the form of defaming others or gossiping about them. So what do we have to do? We have to do nothing; we simply have to sit with Baba. Sit with Baba and ants will not come. No other noise will come in your mind. We have to become the conquerors of all types of Maya right now. Become the conqueror of Maya and you will automatically do service through your thoughts, words and actions because all 3 will be elevated.

There is no need to speak much; sit with Baba and your dharna will become good. You will feel ‘clear’ and your path in life will also appear clearly in front of you. Some make the mistake of taking side paths. They then feel that it is difficult to reach the destination. Even to move along on a side path is more difficult than walking on the main path. This is why Baba tells us not to allow the mind to go off somewhere. We have to teach our own minds to have patience and love. Only then can the soul become Gyani and yogi. If you lack patience, you cannot become yogi and thus cannot accumulate power. The fruit of patience is sweet. There should be no desire to eat the limited fruit of service. No, whatever service Baba is doing, I should do with truth, honesty and love. I have to move and live with my companions with truth and love.

There should be the awareness of living in Baba’s home. In fact, the awareness to keep for the whole life is: I am Baba’s and Baba is mine. Leave thoughts of being alone, because no Brahmin is alone. Feel you are alone and emptiness will come along. If you feel poor in any way you will worry about the future. Thus, keep the awareness ‘I am Baba’s and He is mine’. There is no need to have desire for facilities: all of those things are temporary. They may give you temporary happiness but they can never be for all time. Thus, remember the word ‘sadda’... always… Sadda Shiv ... this is His name… He is always the Benefactor… Have such beautiful conversations with Baba in your mind, in words. Don’t leave Him alone! It is your right to have wonder-filled experiences with Baba. He is the Bestower of Happiness and He enables us to become this too. He is giving fortune in this age. He is showing us how to make our mind, intellect and actions elevated. Do this and you will show Baba in this world. Don’t have any subtle thought to glorify yourself. Glorify Baba and He will definitely glorify you.

We have to now leave all burdens and yet we also need to know when it is necessary to do something. We cannot give up action; when something needs doing, an accurate soul will do it. An accurate soul will not give excuses for anything. Baba has been telling us recently to finish carelessness and laziness. I am asking you now whether you feel you still have traces of these within and if so, to finish it now. Finish them now, before it is too late. These are the things that have to be left behind now. If you are remembering anyone else then also finish that now. Let past be past. Don’t allow these things to continue coming into your mind and your life. I have to become completely pure here and now. None of us want to be punished for the old things that are left inside; for the wrong actions that we have continued to perform after hearing Baba’s knowledge. When you go outside, don’t allow yourself to become careless or lazy. Allow these things to happen and you will definitely experience loss.
Om Shanti
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post19 Mar 2009

Snippit from a class
Dadi Gulzar – 3rd March 2009 (pm) – Gyan Sarovar

God’s love cannot be forgotten

What needs to be kept in mind is the contrast between the lokik love and God’s love. Having experienced God’s love, it is not possible to forget it. God’s love is such that it gives strength to the mind and allows the mind to remain stable. Secondly, during the Confluence Age we are all very lucky. Out of billions of souls, look and see how many have reached Madhuban. Baba loves each and every Brahmin child very, very much.

Even if you have come at the end, you are one out of billions to recognize Baba through your third eye and this is a great speciality. Recognise your luck – you have reached here before Destruction. The conditions of the world are getting worse and Baba says that the ‘late’ board is already up but that the ‘too late’ board isn’t yet. You may be late but you can make up the time and so you are very lucky.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post19 Mar 2009

Please don't forget the majority of DJ stuff is made up on the spot, lying is no problem for her.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post19 Mar 2009

frisbee wrote:If she had answered it to the best of her ability - I wonder what the answer would have been?

I think that was the best of her ability.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post19 Mar 2009

Dadi Janki wrote:Baba told us that a pukka Brahmin’s wealth would be used to buy food for BKs. If someone was not pukka, his wealth would be used for other service. In Karachi, Brahma Baba’s money was used to buy food but when we moved from Karachi, it was what was put by others in Baba’s bhandara that was used. Previously we didn’t used to offer Bhog but, when we moved, we started the system of offering the food to Baba before using it.

There is a subtle significance in this. Brahma Baba himself often used to cook and arrange the offering of Bhog. He would buy special fruit for Shiv Baba. Baba used to tell us that Shiv Baba was feeding us.

Its a lie. bullsh**. There was no Shiva Baba in Karachi. Only Prajapati God Brahma.

I will check back and see if the habit of offering goes back further.



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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post22 Mar 2009

Hey, I don't understand this last post ex-l. in the quote it says what you said, that they started offering after they moved from karachi
Dadi Janki wrote: but when we moved from Karachi it was what was put by others in Baba’s bhandara that was used. Previously we didn’t used to offer Bhog but, when we moved, we started the system of offering the food to Baba before using it.

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